Feel bad for you :c Scummy people are just scummy people, they'll always exist, can't help that.
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True, but to be honest it's a lot of work to doing investigation on a person's profile, and in a lot of cases you will have indicative suspicion but you can never be 100% sure unless you wait 7+ days and see the gift still not activated. I don't want to wait 7 days, and if you don't wait 7 days you have no proof that he didn't simply GA some other key/gift for the same game, and therefore you have no right to stall the gift. Best thing of course is to report suspicious behaviour, but even if you do that, you still have to send the gift while the admins investigate.
EDIT: Okay, disregard that, I forgot you can simply check if he waited 7+ days to activate someone else's gift. My bad. Then it's fairly simple to check. :)
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It already exists : http://www.sgtools.tk/activation
Be aware that it sometimes gives false positive, so you will need to manually check the user's library for the game that appears to be not activated to this script.
Of course, it the user's Steam profile is private, this script will not work.
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When people do that they tend to make hesitant decisions, for example if I just won a GA and few hours later I gift the same game, you think I'm a regifter but actually I'm just gifting spare key/gift that I don't need anymore. Then you could check my Steam profile of course, but some people might not have activated the won gift immediately. Since you do have 7 days to do so. So basically I could have won a GA, not activated the game yet, made another GA with a spare key I had, and people would think I am regifter even though I'm not and you don't have proof either. So no matter how bad it looks, only the admins should be allowed to punish people (they can check if it's actually the same key/gift). If you suspect something, report (and maybe stall your gift) but you can't reroll without proof of misconduct.
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No, even if the game is marked received, the winner has 7 days to activate it.
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I personally Activate the game first before saying it's received. Making sure that when I mark it as received it's already in my library. However if the game doesn't work (hasn't happened yet) then I'll instantly mark it as not received and report.
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I do that to, I was just pointing out that an user that marks a giveaway received without activating the game will not get suspended if the giveaway ended less than 7 days ago.
If you get a key that doesn't work, you can't instantly mark it not received, it's not possible to click the not received button before 7 days have passed since the giveaway ended.
Instead, you should contact the giveaway creator (either by leaving a comment on their giveaway or adding them on Steam) to explain them the issue. It could very well be a mistake. If you still don't get a working key, mark it not received after the 7 days have passed. There is not need to submit an user report though, marking the giveaway not received is enough.
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You can still remove the received feedback if it turns out the key isn't working (although I personally think that it's better to activate the game first)
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I've caught a few level 4's ... one guy I caught multiple times. Not sure if he's been banned/suspended yet though.
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are you sure it regift, since , do a GA of a game that you just win is not something too uncommon
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Yeah, but my point is how you check for regifting. If you can see that it's been a month and he didn't even activate the games, then it's obvious. But if he simply made GAs for same game after winning, but did activate, then it's different. You should make clear which facts you observed.
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Unfortunately there are some shitty people out there.
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The promotional ones really irk me. So many people must have those games by now e.g. Rush Delta, Overture, yet the number of entrants never seem to go down!
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Yeah, I still haven't won Faeverse Alchemy ffs :D
I'm also sad that I didn't win any of the Parcel mass GAs a while ago, was really interested in this one
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Fair point. Didn't know there were so many members! :) Still too many regifters entering those promotions though.
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While not necessarily regifting, I find those who contact devs and end up with free keys in exchange for promoting their games here just as bad. There's at least 2-3 people I've seen here who keep giving away keys for the same game over and over in giveaways of 1-2 keys at a time (the devs are also giving away the keys for free but in giveaways of a couple hundred at a time). And all they have to do is promote the game in those giveaways. They get free games, they get free CV to gain levels and as long as this is allowed, they keep doing it. I'm not sure why those giveaways aren't listed as bundles because at this point, I can't imagine anyone is buying the games when the devs have been giving away thousands of keys over the last month+ all over the internet, not just here.
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Yeah I noticed the same and gave him a nice place on my blacklist.
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i feel a little uncomfortable when people are reduced to their nationality and their contribution level and judged based on those
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This thread is probably going to be closed when a mod sees it anyway, since these users can easily be found on OP's profile
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Yes, no one is going to get suspended for calling out, but threads like this one still get closed, because even if there's no direct calling out, it still allows users to go on a witch hunt
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That's not true. They will get deleted eventually, but we have restrictions placed on deletion powers.
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Thats sad.
I wonder how many people that joins the giveaways and don't win would do that in the case they win.
Because that happening in 4 of your giveaways is not a coincidence at all, its a pattern to be watched carefully. Just consider how many people join each of them.
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Mine's the Scout by far, but my favourite weapon is the Pyro's flare gun.
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That's terrible. Did the winner at least mark the gift as "received"?
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Good catch :) I misread at first and thought he regifted the game you gave. Glad you managed to avoid that.
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only happened once. and the great support rerolled it in hours.
btw, i'm blacklisted. wonder why. doesn't actually matter ;)
thanks for the GAs
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Hm, I wonder about the same, what's the reason for me? And yes, thanks for the GAs.
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do what ever you want. but i have a lot of private ones of trains.
and some public completely with no lvl. you want to judge? enjoy :)
won't BL you, cause see no reason to.
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Thanks for help. I accidentally marked the GA as invite only.
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I took the habit to check gift activation of every winner of my GAs, which is very easy to do now with the useful SGtools script. I made 30 private GAs recently (advertised in forum) I had to reroll 2 people for not activating previous gifts, one was level 2 and the other level 3. 28 winners on 30 were not rule breakers, that's not so bad :)
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Well, it's true that it shows often false positives, so one has to check manually user's library. Sadly nothing can be done with private profile, they can do whatever they want without being spotted...
By the way, some games are tricky to check because they are considered DLC (old Sega games for example).
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If you get a winner with a private profile, create a ticket for a new winner request and ask support to check for activation
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Sadly nothing can be done with private profile, they can do whatever they want without being spotted
You can create a ticket for reroll and ask support to check if they have their wins activated, that's what I do.
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Maybe its sad that 4lv people regift, but also its sad that you sometimes missjudge people :P Some time ago I was suspended because of you because two reasons:
Maybe my example will give you a little faith in people ;)
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I accidentally won a game I had once. Because 'total collection' in the title was not being synced with the games individually for some reason. I asked the guy whose GA to seek a new winner and returned the gift. It isn't hard. If one has region locked gift return it and ask a re-roll for a new winner. How hard was that?
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It wasn't hard, but I was a new user here (yeah my profil says that my acc is 2 years old but it not means that i use it so long). When I contacted with support they told me what to do and thats why they removed game from won list and suspension.
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You only have yourself to blame, not OP...
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And you don't consider it rude to blame OP for mistakes you have made ?
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Were I blame OP? :D Support reacted for report -> its ok. Support also helped me to solve case. Point of my story* is that sometimes people missjudge other people. I understand why I was reported, thats why I dont have bad feelings for agniswarm. I considerd this topic to good chance to explain myself to him, and show that not everyone are so bad. Also I'm a bit glad that people who respect rules so much that they verify all winers exists. It's a reason why i started to contribute here XD
*Maybe my english sux and my communication skill failed :/
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I was suspended because of you
I guess I just took this too literally.
Anyway, how do you even know OP's the one that reported you ?
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I dont know if i understand your question :D
"I was suspended because of you" -> its about agniswarm, its a response to author of this topic (he is not OP I think?). How I know? Because my suspension was after i won a game from him :D There was reroll, so it's easy puzzle to solve XD.
Agniswarm sorry that I'm talking about you this way, not bad feelings to you. As i said before I'm glad that people like you exist and you do great job. I'm just example of person who unintentionally made some mistakes and fix them also because of you :)
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OP = original poster, so agniswarm
What I meant is that when you said that, it kinda sounded like you were blaming him for your suspension
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When you are having trouble with a gift, whether because you ended up with a copy you did not want or cannot activate a win, please contact Support. Our job is to help the users of this site so that things can run as smoothly as possible. At the very least, we will be aware of your circumstances and protect you from false accusations.
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I highly recommend this:
It adds links on each user profile to access the sg tools faster. They are by far not perfect (thanks steam api) but they're very helpfull And if you're using them regularly you start to recognize the ones that are shown as false positives. I do it with every winner of my giveaways nowadays, no matter of group, invite or public ones.
Gladly I had only one person winning, that I had to report because of a not activated game.
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Wow, thanks! I knew about the tool by itself but somehow missed SilenGuy script.
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This make me feel bad being a LVL 4, I thought it was like a pretty decent or standard level for SG user who follow the rules.
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1,026 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by GraVe23
My giveaway ended and the winners have regifted the games they won. I can't even believe the level 4 winner went on regifting and leveling up. The sync account should be improved to check a game or two from the users on a monthly basis.
Thank you very much support for going on rerolling. I am really unlucky to have so many bad winners.
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