Thoughts on Origin Access?
I honestly don't see the appeal of this offer yet. Might be worthwhile for some people in the future if the list grows but I doubt that I'll ever take part in this.
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Unless they drastically expand that list, after a few months you've paid a lot more than if you bought the games and you lose access to them as soon as you stop your subscription.
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Depends. If you take into consideration that one game's price is more than 1 month of everything - like finishing Dragon Age and This War of Mine (and not counting gameplay time with any other) would save ~ 10€ while paying only 5€. Not to mention that if one doesn't really plans to return to older games, losing subscription is absolutely not an issue - at least not in a lot of case. It surely depends on the case by case scenario and user preferences, but if I wouldn't have Dead Space then 5€ for paying the trilogy once (I very, very likely wouldn't do it again) is kind of a great thing. Similarly, playing and finishing Dragon Age while having access to others - is not a bad thing. Plus noone said that one should pay immediately for n+1 months, and of course free time, yada-yada, etc :) If one lacks even only just a single player games and not into "collecting" but rather playing and experiencing, it's a great opportunity to do so. Not everyone has backlogs like us, or even aware of the bundle scene - I think they can actually profit from the offered variety when it comes for the single-player games, and they are finishable during 1 month. For the multiplayer content obviously not the best thing :)
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Fair point, I actually had that in mind as an appropriate counter-example :) though I think videos were more popular as rentals because of the social aspect (just like going to the cinema as opposed to watching at home, for example). Also Blockbuster thrived mainly before and as the Internet grew, now services like Netflix (and compare Spotify etc.) succesfully took over because they deliver instant and updated access to any new titles, which counters the effort you have to spend to obtain stuff illegitimately. If a gaming service wanted similar success it'd have to also A. grant access to almost every official gaming title published (at least in the Western world to begin with) and B. grant you access to the newest releases almost as soon as they came out. At the market's current state this would be almost impossible as it's so much more costly to obtain and distribute rights etc. but I guess in theory if someone figured out something close to this it would stand a chance.
This sounds like something on a microscopic scale in comparison, though.
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To be honest all I wanted with the post that finally an offer from EA that doesn't totally lowballs the whole industry, and can be actually a bloody good alternative for people who doesn't know what do they like yet, want to try games before buying, etc. I expected something way worse from EA. :)
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To my knowledge, the current trend is that there are so many games that people rarely even finish them, let alone considering replaying anything. Of course making everything cinematic and linear or so huge with open world and endless collection side quests just fuels it even more. So "losing" the game after a while may be even beneficial for many, as these titles wouldn't just sit indefinitely in their library, never used again.
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Shame a lot of them have been given for free or bundled...
Meaning most of the games i already have..
And i would never pay 4.99 a month for BF 4 or NeedForSpeed Rivals..
And even at that...4.99 a month not bad if your some teen or tight with money and can play most of those games but even if i was to think about that,in a years time i could buy Fifa 15&Dragon Age Inquisition
So really imo unless your a huge fan of EA shooters...and missed most of the freebies or bundles this is not a good deal at all
This must be doing well on the console for them to even think about it on the pc,though i hope this is not the new norm i will quit gaming if it comes to renting my games for a fee each month,unless it like so much for the whole steam library a month
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A Gameservice like Netflix/Spotify with the whole Steam-Libary.... I would pay that!
I don't need to "own" most of the games.
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As nice as that sounds i doubt any time that would work....other then the Publisher themselves doing it..
Netflix is a bit different,they have other means and ways to make money like selling to theaters,digital sales,dvd/blu-ray...and so on
Where games only have one outlet to make money and that is through direct one time sale.So i do not see it being cost effective for have like a steam library as a true subscription service as whole anyhow.Though i could see if this things takes off with EA others joining for extra cash flow,and t hen maybe moving to Steam per publisher not all of Steam's catalog of games.
So as lovely as this sounds,if this for some reason really taking off,well i hope it does not as i would never be a part of it.Though i am for both being an option either pay so much to play fav games from publisher per month or buy it outright then i would be okay with that.
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I don't need to "own" most of the games.
That's fortunate, because you don't "own" any of them on Steam.
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This was my thought as well, the library list are all games that were on the house or bundles or fair cheap or I never bothered with. A few is interesting but I feel a lot of people won't bother getting this because the library list is so meh, and because of that Origin thinks theres no audience and never bothers expanding (both in library and countries involved) and we essentially lose complete traction.
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Could someone please make a screenshot of the offer on origin since I cannot see it because it's not available for me?
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Thanks. Having a 10% store discount on top of sale prices is a nice addition. Can you gift Origin titles? Meaning can someone else buy a game with a discount to trade?
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As far as I know Origin have never had any gifting system, I always assumed they didn't want people using it to get around regional pricing and restrictions. I had a quick look through the FAQ, etc and can't see anything that suggests anything has changed.
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unless you bought both the origin bundles, then yes, you're right
otherwise, no, we can go through and look at the games' all-time-low prices and I think this would still be worth it.
Obviously though, the selection is a tad bare right now, once they add in some more games, get it up to 30-40, I think it may start showing some great value
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Depends. If you can play through 2-3 a month, then it will beat any sales price. And if you don't plan to replay them or hang around the MP portions for long, it could be a lot cheaper. Especially if you can just make one-month purchases without commitment.
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Meh. I own Dead Space (1-3, the shame is real) and I'm not really interested in the others, but I might give it a try in a month or two if they add some games. Dragon's Dogma releases too soon for me to trust I'll have time, and I head back to school in a week and a half, so I'll pass on a timed subscription, especially for these limited offerings, right now. The price is right though, $5 is tempting.
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I can't understand how the poll is so negative. I personally think that is a very neat idea. For $5, I'd have time to play through and finish most of these games, plus try the newer multiplayer games and stuff. I won't do it, but I personally think that this is a very good idea and at a very fair price.
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Voted no because I hate renting games. I like to play games when I feel like it. Knowing there's a timer counting down adds a lot of pressure to play the games for me. That takes away the fun.
Besides that, I'm not interested in the games offered. Already have DA:I.
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Well, assuming I'd want to play two or more of these games. I usually play the games I buy as soon as possible (one month is more than enough), so for $5, I'd be able to play games I know I probably won't play more than once (or that I can wait until the prices drop). I personally don't think I'll ever "sub" to this service, but I still think that it's a good thing.
Of course, if you're one of those people who buy games and only play them months later (RIP backlog), it's understandable that it would be a bit pointless. But the thing is that you'd have to only "rent" the games when you're ready to play them. :P
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Sometimes I like to play a game as soon as I get it, then I get sidetracked with some other games or things and pick it up and play it months or years later. Doesn't mean I don't like the game, just that I don't want to play it right now. That's how I work :)
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i often do that. started playing Portal 2 when it was new. finished it 2 years later. same with Bioshock Infinite. i stopped playing for some reason at 50-60%, then finished it a year later. that's how i roll, baby! xD
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Well, not too innovative. OnLive and Gaikai were doing this as a cloud gaming service since 2010. The largest difference was that it needed broadband internet because it was streaming you the video feed, not downloading the entire game to the local computer.
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Steam did in the regard of building a market strictly for online distribution, completely cutting off the physical media and the store chains associated with them. This is why for a time they were a lot cheaper than buying a disc. They were far from being the first one with this idea– the indie scene has been doing that since at least 2001 with sites such as Big Fish Games, Gamehouse, and Reflexive Arcade (now amazon games), and a couple more–, but they were the first ones to do that with AAA content of several publishers.
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think we're getting away from the point I was trying to make - if people are going to complain about steam and their support and how they don't like how careless Steam is, etc. then you need to speak with your dollars and not spend them on steam. Obviously this EA Origin Access thing, just came out, so it's still new and it will take time to grow. Having said that though, I'm for any competition in the PC Gaming market, I think Steam has become too comfortable with its' share in the market. Hopefully ideas like this and other innovations in the future will change the landscape of the PC Gaming market.
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Well, a little bit. Steam's position led to market dominance, and this leads to your point, where a competition is sorely needed. GOG does its best, and it is a superior service, but their own goals of supporting old games and independent ones, limits them a lot.
As to completely go back to track, I agree. Origin has to come up. It is not a bad service. Its client, IMO, is a lot better now than Steam ever was. Their problem was the limit of products (after all, they are still just EA's own platform) and the lack of competitive prices. This subscription model is a good step towards trying to work on the latter.
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Not that bad. And with this war of mine there is not only EA-Games in it...
But I own nearly all the games from that list so I'll wait and hope they will add a bit more games.
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That's actually looking quite decent - too bad it's not in my region though...
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No way that would be to easy to abuse...that would mean for 4.99 you could get all those games,you would not stay in business long doing that lol
The fee would allow access to those games as long as you pay once you stop then you can no longer play them.
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It does not work the same..
But for some reason this feels like a troll lol
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It works for Humble Monthly because you're paying more and you get don't get as many games. Plus a lot of the games in Humble Monthly are tiny indie games with one or two popular games thrown in to get people to pay. These are all pretty good games and they plan on adding more. I have a large chunk of the games being offered so there isn't really any point for me, but if I didn't have any of them they're a pretty good deal. As long as they keep adding more games the deal will get better. You can pay $20 and get a solid amount of fun and if you're someone who doesn't return to old games then that's even better.
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Agreed. Honestly thought I'm someone who'll play a game once through and most likely not play it again. If they add more games to it I might pick it up for a month or two to play through a few of the games there and then unsub until they add some more stuff. It's some easy money for EA since people weren't going to buy those games anytime soon and if they play the game a little they might buy it on the spot or later down the line when it's on sale, so they get double the money.
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Well you actually do not own the games you get on Steam now,so that part would not change..
What would is at least with them on Steam they are there forever ....with this once you stop paying the fee you would not have access to them anymore.This would imo be good for sports games or for those who maybe play the games offered and that about it....but if you play and buy a lot games now..this is a really bad deal..
Also most of these have either been bundled or given away free.
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Id pay the 4.99 to play DA: Inquisition and BF4 for a month.
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I paid $4.99 to own BF4 permanently. sells Origin keys at that price during their sales periods
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Its a nice idea, but a lot of these games are games many people have either played or already have, and the regions are far too limited right now.
If I ever wanted to play Battlefield 3 I would try it out, but as far as I'm concerned Battlefield ended with 2.
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I wouldn't use Origin if they were paying me 4.99 USD/month.
You're just intolerant.
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$4.99/£3.99 a month will get you access to play a list of games in the "vault". More games will be added to the vault as time goes on, similar to EA Access on XBox One.
The games currently included are:
Currently only available in the US, UK, Canada and Germany.
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