For me, I'm cheating a little because I don't exactly hate it, I just didn't enjoy it and am baffled by how many people love it.


It just felt so weak and boring.... and Sandra Bullock screaming is annoying as hell.

I also just remembered another:

Zero Dark Thirty

I had to stop halfway through. Boring dialogue, boring everything.

Another one has been remembered. This one I did NOT hate, but find HEAVILY overrated:

The Avengers

It was very mediocre to me.

Also, this thread is for people to express their opinion on whether they like a movie or not, don't get butthurt, be civilised, and don't blacklist based on the fact that someone has a differing opinion.

8 years ago*

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u like gravi-tea?

View Results
Yeah m8
Nah, im rite

high rated and most hated: Cloud Atlas
literally an insult for intelligent human life - 0/10

& not so much hate but a shit movie to me The Wolf of Wallstreet
(obvious point, awful humor, overdrawn and unlikeable everything) - 3/10

8 years ago

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Can you tell me just what you disliked about Cloud Atlas? Why the score? Just curious.
That's my favourite film you're talking about :o

8 years ago

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i could ... but its been years i've watched that, had written a rant about it once in german -
you could pretty much pick any of the more detailed "hated it" from IMDB user reviews or the
lowest from critic reviews from Metacritic to know precisely why people hated it

8 years ago*

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Second Cloud Atlas.
But then again, I do have a bias against artsy films, and Cloud Atlas gave me those vibes.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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I agree with "The Avengers", and I'd say that "The Revenant" was a little bit disappointing for me. Maybe it's just because I enjoy more a good story (which I don't think it has), but I found it way too long. I don't hate the film, it has its good things, but I think that it's not that good.

8 years ago

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I'm still waiting to see it, but I've set my expectations a bit lower so I can enjoy it for what it is.

8 years ago

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Isn't The Revenant, like, all story?

8 years ago

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Nope. Half of the film (and it's a long one) is just DiCaprio agonizing. His acting is great, and you can almost feel his suffering, but the story itself is way too simple (in my oppinion).

8 years ago

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Sometimes a simple story is a good story. But I can see where you are coming from. It's definitely a film I won't be seeing again.

8 years ago

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The Revenant would have been nicer as a 2-part movie.
I loved it but it did feel like some parts were rushed to stomp all of the story into 1 movie, making it too long yet too short.

8 years ago

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Lost in Translation, I get it, I know what they were going for... and I hated it lol

8 years ago

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Fight Club .... not that great

8 years ago

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Never understood the appeal either. :o/

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm glad someone mentioned this before I did. Movie with such lazy and lousy end-at-beginning retrospection can't be great.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

8 years ago

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Interstellar for reals.
Then if you hate it, everyone says you don't understand it. But I do, and the whole reasoning of the story and why they do certain things are stupid.

8 years ago

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I don't really hate these movies, I just don't like them as much as other people do. There are movies I hate but you probably would hate them too.

Million Dollar Baby : too much drama, too slow, nothing really new, I'm not a big fan of Eastwood movies.
Avatar : It's enjoyable but the story is so clichΓ©.
The Avengers : Like Avatar, good special effects but bland story. My favorite superhero movies are Watchmen, Kickass, The Dark Knight, X-men 2, the Crow and probably Darkman so pretty dark movies. I guess I wasn't made for Avengers.
The Lord of the ring (and the hobbit movies) : I only saw the first one and I fell asleep (I like robots and explosions). I was probably tired that day. I'd like to give them another try but I always find an excuse to watch something else.
Interstellar : I really liked Gravity, it was stupid but really enjoyable, I was expecting something as enjoyable but it's too damn metaphoric, too much nonsense to me. McConaughey is great but I don't understand why people are so crazy about this movie.

I apologize if I did hurt you, that's not the point.

8 years ago

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I definitively agree on the 2 first one, gravity is full of so called meaningful scene with shitty dialogues and boring characters. Some scenes are fine, space is beautiful but that's all.
Zero Dark Thirty is the worst, I'm sick of that terrorist hunt stuff, sooooo "America FUCKyay" Get bored in the middle too

Personally I really hate :
The Hangover trilogy ... Really I don't get it, it's not funny at all, I was bored most of the time, deplorable...seriously, not funny or good.

2001 Space Odyssey
I love Kubrick, I saw all is filmography, even the shitty one (yeah, eyes wide shut, I'm talking to you) but 2001... just no. The base idea was great, but the movie himself is super long and boring, with some really WTF scene totally free and not really meaningful for the plot. Watch Orange Mechanic instead, SO MUCH BETTER !

Nicholas Sparks adaptation, so soppy sickly, I literally want to die anytime I see a trailer. It's the same movie EVERYTIME with almost the same sentimental plot twist, even the posters look EXACTLY THE SAME ! Shitty as Hell

8 years ago

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Have you read the novel of 2001 (and its sequels) by Arthur Clarke? If you enjoyed its premise, you'll have a good read with them. Some of his short stories are quite fabulous too, worth hitting the library for.

8 years ago

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There's a movie that I really really reaaaallyyyyy hate, but everyone else seems to like. This movie is Inglourious Basterds. It's like Hollywood wants to destroy history. They destroy mythology all the time too, but in this movie, they wanted to destroy history. I really dislike when Hollywood decides to write its own version of history. A party of macho men, like "The Bear Jew" for example, showing how badasses they are, doing horrific things to prisoners, justifying in a way the acts of the nazi soldiers. This was like seeing Kill Bill in the '40's (instead of sword fights, there are badass fights with guns). And the storyline seemed illogical. They fully destroyed mythology, so they decided to destroy history too. Meehhh then. :/

8 years ago

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By the way, I also didn't like The Avengers. I never understood why they mix all these super heroes, from different places and timelines, add some good graphics and badass fights, and ta-dah, pay for the movie ticket. -_- Shouldn't they make a good storyline too? I don't like when they mix a lot of heroes. :/

8 years ago

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Sad that someone has to use that disclaimer. Lots of 'shoving my opinion down your throat' in this thread instead of respecting oppinions

8 years ago*

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It's my opinion, isn't it? And I had to explain why I had it. Where exactly did I say that people should agree with it? Or maybe you think that I shouldn't have this opinion? Hmmm, maybe I misunderstood your comment? I'm not a fluent english speaker/writer.

8 years ago

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You misunderstood my comment (:
I'm talking about those who claim their opinions is the right one, when in this case, in movie tastes, there is no right or wrong, they are not facts

8 years ago

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When I saw your comment, I saw it by 2 different sides. The negative one (It's sad that you're denying that you're not trying to shove your opinion to other people, because that's what you're doing in your comment) and the positive one (It's sad that you have to say that it's just your opinion, because everyone here is trying to make everyone agree with their opinion). So, I firstly thought it was the negative one. :P And true, there's no right or wrong. And you don't have to understand the other guy's opinion. It's just his opinion, a fact that he believes in. And just because you can't understand something, it doesn't mean it's wrong.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Yeah, it was the positive way ^^

8 years ago

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Just embrace the blacklists that will come your way for saying you dislike a movie.

8 years ago

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That's just sad x)

8 years ago

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I get where you're coming from. I personally like that movie but I have to admit that's 99% thanks to Hans Landa since I'm a sucker for Christoph Waltz. :p

8 years ago

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True, he's a good actor. But my main interest is the plot. And I don't like seeing Hollywood destroying history, mythology, etc.

8 years ago

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Me neither for the most part, but... sometimes I have irrational weaknesses, haha!

8 years ago

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Every hero movies

8 years ago

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New Mad Max... seriously I don't get it, no plot just explosions and driving for 2 hours, it could work as a youtube movie

8 years ago

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I liked it. But even if you don't like it, you have to at least admit it's better than Beyond Thunderdome, right?

8 years ago

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Beyond Thunderdome I saw like 10 years ago, so it's hard to tell :D I really have to refresh Mad Max series

8 years ago

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Beyond Thunderdome is the one with the Lost Boys rippoff, who thought Max was basically Peter Pan.

8 years ago

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I agree should have been atleast 3hours

8 years ago

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I hate that movie. At one point of the movie (halfway) i told to myself "One more stupid sceen and im out of this damn cinema". But to be honest this movie have nice practical effects.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I have to admit scenography and effects made good impressions, but for me it's not enough :p

8 years ago

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The reason I didn't watch it. Everyone talked about how cool it looked but the hype dissipated quickly after (in my circles). For me that's a good signal of a film I'm not gonna be too interested in.

8 years ago

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yeah, 'hyped movies' are also not my category :P

8 years ago

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Donnie Darko. Vastly overrated.

8 years ago

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

8 years ago

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I'd say Pulp Fiction is quite overrated. At least by what I remember, which isn't much, because it was just so boring and unmemorable.

8 years ago

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I HATE Frozen.

8 years ago

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Well, this thread has been up for 2 hours and I've already received one blacklist. I'm sorry for having a differing opinion to you, I'll make sure to blindly follow your favourite movies next time.

It was Avengers wasn't it? I knew I went too far to attack Marvel....

8 years ago

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Gravity felt kinda dull, yeah. But what I truly hate and many people love is anything Guy Ritchie made.

8 years ago

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Expected to find some of my Favorites here, was not disappointed. I guess for me it would be Natural Born Killers. Everyone I know LOVES that movie but idk... I just don't get it.

8 years ago

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I think some of you should calm the fuck down.
Hating something you love shouldnt prevent you from enjoying a movie, everyone has different tastes.
There is no right or wrong, has there are multiple reasons to liking/disliking a movie, you might not even enjoy a mo ie for not identifing with it or from past experiences. I dont see why some people feel the need to defend a movie to the point of insulting others

8 years ago

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It is getting pretty heated, but it's almost amusing in a way.

8 years ago

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Whole Nolan's Batman trilogy.
First two movies were simply dull and showy, but watching Dark Knight Rises was a torture!

8 years ago

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Godzilla and Jurassic World. Two examples of why Hollywood should stop rebooting old classics. I can only hope Ghostbusters will be better (my hopes are low).

8 years ago

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Ghostbusters will die a painful death.

8 years ago

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It already did, with the 2nd animated series. Now it's being sucked into a ghost trap.

8 years ago

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Blade Runner
Fargo (movie)
Shutter Island
Donnie Darko
The Departed

some of these were said, but I'm just agreeing with it

8 years ago*

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Why Blade Runner tho? Was it just not your thing or was there something specific that turned you off? I found it to be an OK film. Concepts were interesting, story was somewhat forgettable/not too interesting imo.

8 years ago

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I think it may be because I was younger, but I was bored to death. I use to love slow movies but that one almost put me to sleep and left a really bad impression. I should give it another shot though because that was 6 years ago

8 years ago

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I see. Yeah, it's not very fast paced, although the "sci-fi hitman" premise may point towards that idea for some >_>

8 years ago

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Where to begin...please dont hate me.
Bicentennial Man
Catfish (2010)
Chronicle (2012)
Cold Mountain
The Da Vinci Code
Das Experiment
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Mr. Brooks
The Others (2001)
Antichrist - both love and hate it at the same time
Forrest Gump
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Slumdog Millionaire
Zero Dark Thirty
Black Swan

2 movies i like from my perspective but can't enjoy from others point of view

Requiem for a dream
The Big Lebowski

I like some of these directors, doesnt mean i have to enjoy everithing they put up

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thats my issue, i dont think its a portrayal of drug addicts and if people are correct, its an highly inaccurate depiction

I find its not so much trying to show adiction or convice you that "drugs are bad". This where people who had already given up on life and ultimatly would have met a similar fate, drugs was the way to end it all.
Edit: sorry if i cant express this correctly at 5am

8 years ago*

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This is the first time I see someone say they disliked Das Experiment! May I ask why?

8 years ago

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Its an exploitation movie in disguise
The movie takes a lot of liberties with the subject matter in hands, most events depicted did not happen. It lacks subtlety

8 years ago

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lost in translation

False, speculating and unbelievable boring.

8 years ago

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