Will you use it?
I can think of no practical reason to remove a game from my account permanently when I can simply hide it. There may be those who might choose to remove a game from their account for some moral reason (adult themes, violence, drug use in the game) but I am not so easily offended.
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Maybe they thought Saints Row is a Christian friendly version of GTA =D
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Valve should add escrow feature for that not for trading :|
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+1 That would be way better. I don't even see a reason to delete games from your library. You can just make a category called "garbage" or something. Who knows, you might someday feel the need to play it, how unlikely it might sound.
EDIT: You can also just hide them
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But escrow is a tool for valve, not for us.
They implemented it to hinder trading and thus get more people into using their market and buying from them not anywhere else.
It was never meant to be a tool for us users or for security.
That is the reason escrow will never be useful for you, and because every "hacker" will get around the escrow feature if he really wants to manipulate your account.
I am interested, is there anyone currently using the escrow feature and trading on a regular basis?
How often do you have to type in this stupid code? The latest feature said something about on every new browser, escrow now wants me to type in the code every login. This sounds highly inconvenient.
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So, what are we talking about, here?
What is an login attempt? Do i stay logged in or do i have to get the code every single time i go to steamcommunity, for instance?
Is it every visit, after i closed the tab or every day i visit the website again?
It is not about trade offers, i am more concerned about log ins, since this sounds horrible, if you use multiple computers to use the steamcommunity website from and you would have to pull out your phone every farting time you want to log in/visit it.
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Smaller? Don't kid yourself: the only gaming platform that has more exclusives than Steam is Big Fish. And I'm not even sure about that. There are magnitudes more Steamworks-only games than Origin-only or Uplay-only or itch.io only put together.
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Steam has very few exclusives. Most games you can buy in retail, too.
Here is a list of games exclusive to origin, not complete though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_(digital_distribution_software)#Origin-enabled_games
I might be wrong, but i highly doubt that steam has more exclusive games than origin or uplay.
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Retail Steam games still give you a Steam key, tell you that you need a Steam account, and even disc versions just skip the download process, but refuse to start until you open Steam.
Just to give you a slight feeling on this issue, two random games from the past like 3 weeks that are Steam-exclusive and all retail keys needing a Steam registration: Fallout 4 and Just Cause 3. (Also, the entire Just Cause series and Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim from the same series or developer.)
Edit: Okay, here is the list of games that require Steam to run. You cannot start them, at all, legally, without a Steam account, no matter where and how you bought them:
Almost four hundred.
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Well, you are right. But still steam was a lot more likable to me than origin with the stuff they did. Also, Steam is not driven by a greedy multinational company that was long before known for their restrictive and user unfriendly behavior.
I still think that supporting EA is a bad thing as long as they do not change their behavior towards the gamers and their needs/concerns.
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I guess it's a cache or something like that
I'm using it and I have to put the code only if I remove the "remember me" (on the client)
the browser still stays logged without problem.
Anyway I know, it's not for us.
even if it was... for 3 days items traded are locked umh ? that would be useful if valve support can reply in 3 day.
sometimes you have to wait weeks... it's totally a joke
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"Remember me" uses a very weak protection, unless they finally changed it. Somewhere I read it is easier to just steal the stored client password than install a keylogger on your PC.
Could be wrong, of course, but I couldn't find a service that stores auto-login passwords in a safe manner. Heck, even password-protection clients and programs strongly dissuade anyone from doing that out of convenience.
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So, what are we talking about, here?
What is an login attempt? Do i stay logged in or do i have to get the code every single time i go to steamcommunity, for instance?
Is it every visit, after i closed the tab or every day i visit the website again?
It is not about trade offers, i am more concerned about log ins, since this sounds horrible, if you use multiple computers to use the steamcommunity website from and you would have to pull out your phone every farting time you want to log in/visit it.
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No. It was not and it is now. Since i am not forced todo this right now.
I only have to authorize every browser/computer once and then this works.
I am using 3 computers with 3 browsers and 2 clients. This means i would have to pull out my phone every time i want to launch steam on one of those 2 computers and every time i go to steamcommunity with one of those 3 just to be able to use their service.
I am not going to do that. I will disable this usability nightmare.
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There may be people that have to be on some other place because of their job or what they are doing through the day? Did you ever consider that?
Also i have a workstation at home, where i work and play certain games and another one in my living room, where i enjoy couch coop games and movies and stuff. And if i am not at home or am at my office, i might want to check it, too. And what about using it on a tablet, while you are on a trip or something like that? huh?
Steam is not meant to be used on only 1 computer. One proof would be the In-Home Streaming feature, or that you can share your library or log in from multiple machines simultaneously.
I do not know about your mobile app settings, but i did not have to authenticate every single time, while not using the authenticator feature. I just authorized every machine/client/browser once and i was done. Plus the email verification on trades.
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I do not get this whole conspiracy of Valve wanting to kill trading lol,They could kill it if they wanted by removing it so if they wanted to do that they would have by now.The fact is they make more money with trading then without,as they make money off said things bought like keys,tod and so on for trading,then they also get a cut from the game sold.Then if keys are then resold on market they get even another cut.
I do know every browser login you have to enter a code,i have not traded but i know you have to use a code for every trade if you have it enabled and they have ti enabled if one of the two do not then you have to wait said time.The good news is if you have been a friend for a year it is only one day.Though i hang out in TG chat and from what i gather a lot seem to me not even using escrow and a few regular traders already mentioned having several trades on hold.
The problem i see is escrow is only going to work good if everyone or most are using it,If left an option it will just fragment trading even more then before and that why i can see this doing more harm then good.To be honest the only reason i have escrow is for trading dupe holiday cards lol other wise it has been a long time since i did any other trading i use Steam less and less thanks to sites like GMG and bundles.
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You shouldn't, as long as the game licence is removed from the account, you can't idle for card, and that means you can't receive a booster either.
Keep in mind you can use the "Hide game from your library" function while managing categories. You won't be seeing the game, but you'll keep the licence and Booster pack aviability. Of course people around the world will be able to see you have the game...
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You're sure? Because my eligible booster pack list still includes DARK and Metro Last Light, even though they got revoked.
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Quickest way is: Select game from library and click Support on right side. Or go to http://help.steampowered.com/ and search by game.
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Can you please put this^ into title for future reference? Also feel free to correct me but AFAIK if you buy a Steam game, you get 1 license for a Steam sub. If it is only game, sub consists of 1 game. If it is bundle/pack/goty, sub contains game and all DLCs yet still 1 license.
Reddit taught me that asking removal of even 1 DLC from a bundle/pack/goty is equal to asking for removal of whole Steam sub since they came as single license. So what do you think if anyone tries to do so with the new system? Thanks for awesome share :).
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It's even easier than that, if a dev sets the price for their game to free it will be removed from your library like it or not.
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Actually, the license remains associated with your account; for example, after people use beta keys, the license remains associated whether or not you can still play the game. Same thing with free to plays; technically, when you delete them and don't own any DLC for the game, they disappear from your library, but the license activation still displays on your account for the purposes of "X Friend play this game" counts and stuff.
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played it, so I can write a review, but auto-removed from my library by steam so I can wishlist it;
bad enough when it happens with purely free games which just makes them hard to find, but it can happen with commercial games too if the dev temporarily makes their game free
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Cry of Fear has always been a free game/mod. That's not related to what SquireZed was talking about.
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it's exactly related, if something becomes free, even for a while, that delete from library behavior is invoked
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looking closer at one of the threads your claim seems supported that it is the devs fault when such an occurrence occurs.
it would be awesome if someone with dev access could post a screenshot highlighting where steam gives devs the option of burning their previous customers though because in other instances when something like this has happened the dev blames steam and it would be useful to have a relavent "it's not steams fault" pic handy if it happens again.
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You don't seem to be following. Cry of Fear has always been free, it was never a paid game.
BTW that link to ProtoGalaxy is wrong.
I have it in my library and have never once played it.
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Not the license, the statistics. The "x friend played this game" pulls the stats, and even 0.0 hours is registered as "play time". The license is the actual thing they remove from your account, and they use to even say in the support message that if you ever change your mind, you must get a new license for the same game.
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That's true if you use the new feature. However, if a dev merely sets something to free, it doesn't remove the license. For example, I bought Protogalaxy four years ago, and it's free now, and the license activation is still on my account. See, that's the thing, I was responding to OP, not the new feature, so if you had read what I was responding to instead of just tearing into someone on the internet you probably could have saved your time commenting.
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technically, when you delete them and don't own any DLC for the game, they disappear from your library, but the license activation still displays on your account
Well, if you are in a nitpicking mood…
No, that was not what you wrote there. It very much states "when you delete them". You may have referred to uninstallation, but that is not the same thing.
If we are into tearing into other's things. :)
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"It's even easier than that, if a dev sets the price for their game to free it will be removed from your library like it or not."
That was the original quote, to which I responded. Also, this new process in no way is better associated with deletion than uninstallation. Permanent removal of the game from the account is different from "Delete local content", which is the exact term Steam uses to describe uninstalling a game from the library list. Yes, the new tool does remove the license, but it's not the same as the case the OP discusses, because in that case the license still remains. You are responding to something entirely different and, for trying to nitpick, you're doing a very bad job of catching the details. Nothing about the case either I or the OP were discussing is reflected in your response.
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They should require you to have an authenticator on your account to do this. It's a scary feature to exist for unprotected accounts.
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I think it's just a reaction to all the scam tickets they receive. Even though their official stance is to not to help, they feel obligated to do something on the matter. It's not so much about protecting users as reducing tickets and addressing the elephant in the room. I can imagine that if someone got their account stolen and all the games deleted, that would be a huge incentive to get an authenticator on their account finally. Maybe they are going with the tough love approach :P
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I think I will because I've tried some crappy free2play games that, when I look at my games list, pollute the space and make me think "wait, what's that one again?" and check out the store page, then wander away in disgust (I'm looking at you here...).
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Free 2 Play games always seem to remove from my list automatically when I delete local content :( I wish it didn't, because I get tired of having to go to the store and search for Planetside 2 when I wanna reinstall. A few I have noticed stay listed in my library, though I think those are ones that I have made digital purchases on? Not sure though.
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F2P games have always been removable through the Licenses page.
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TF2 was not always F2P. If you have it since before 2011 or through the Orange Box package, then it was registered to your account as permanent (paid) license.
Or chances are you have made some in-game microtransactions. Games with microtransactions (or DLCs) are also permanent licensed.
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Better to have super secure protection measurements for cosmetics trading. Removing games from gaming account? Nah, no protection required.
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You're missing a point. Some so called "cosmetics" are worth hundred of dollars, while removing a game from an account gives nothing.
Imagine a thief coming to your house just to destroy it instead of robbing it. It doesn't make sense, unless the thief hates you so much that he just wants to set your house on fire instead of gaining anything from it.
Not to mention that trades weren't secured either in early days, and we can see additional protection to come with time.
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The whole post was stated with sarcasm in mind. I would define most of the cosmetics to be worth next to nothing (cents) while many games cost easily hundreds times more. You are likely correct in that majority of account hackings are aimed for stealing any valuable items there might be. But it is very naive to think that no one would use this to destroy someone's "house", if given the possibilty. This is internet, certain behavior patterns are not related to the real life activities.
I merely find it odd how keen Valve is to add additional restictions to trading while skipping this one. They already have the methods available anyway.
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i was wondering if i missed that function in "basic" steam so i googled that, and it seems that i added a skin on steam exactly at the time they put that in place haha, i always thought it was the skin doing to put categories and hide game etc^^
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I'm giving you and example that happened to me. I activated (a long time) Hitman: Sniper Challenge which later became locket to China and since I'm from Bulgaria I couldn't play it and I had another ROW key that I couldn't activate since I owned it already, so I wrote to Steam Support and waited for weeks for response and later they removed it and I activated the ROW key. And if that option was available then I could remove it with 2-3 clicks.
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Well that would the only situation I'd do the same. But I wouldn't still give the possibility to the user, too risky. Asking the support to remove game(s) would be better and safer. Safer as in 'just read the Steam forums and count how many guys have got their account hacked / scammed in trade".
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That would be a good reason to remove a game, but they don't region lock game that have already been activated anymore (luckily for me, since I activated a Russian copy of Valiant Hearts right before they got region locked).
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I wasn't doubting you, just pointing out that that situation shouldn't come up with the current system.
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Nah, never. The more choice the better as far as I'm concerned and I can't predict my future moods.
Maybe I'll want to play some bad games for a laugh. Maybe I'll read or hear someone talking about a specific game one day in the future that I'd initially dismissed that could make me want to try it. Maybe I wake up one day wiht the urge to play a game that features otters.
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Just curious how you can know that though if you didn't do it? It looks very much like the same steps I went through for a couple of refunds and those were not instant and required the support staff to do their thing on their end.
If it really is though then it is definitely something that needs to be locked down with more security (as opposed to the trading escrow nonsense).
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ooop you changed your post on me :)
I don't know, it'd be nice if they provide proof they actually played said game
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Well I thought about it some more, and even if they submitted proof/documentation to the staff it still creates the problem of an unactivated game in the system because you can't just delete the giveaway. The only way around this that I can think of is for SG to create some sort of 'dummy account' for itself that you would tie any anomalies like this too. Basically you would change the winner of the giveaway to the dummy account. This way the original giveaway creator still gets credit for their giveaway, while the game no longer shows as won on the SG account of the person who removed it from their Steam library. Make sense?
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Yep. I agree -- can of worms. My point was that I don't believe it would okay to remove a SG game with a simple "Well because I don't want it anymore."
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I thought about that, too. But I guess there would have to be a rule on how much a gifter could take influence on this.
Case: someone wins a game and wants the removal after a month. The GA creator might be upset, that the guy already deleted the game, as he thought the game would have found a better place in someonelses library and does not agree with this "dummy account"-transition.
Ofc, a giver can't take influence on what a winner actually does with a win in his/her library, but just deleting the gift would upset some people.
just hypothetically. I just thought I could throw in some thoughts here :)
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Uhm did you reply to me on purpose? Or was it a mistake?
jip people shouldn't do that, but some may have forgotten that they've won a certain game here. they won it, they played it, they enjoyed it, but now it`s just sitting in their library and they think "hey, i can just delete that game so I have a sorted library, what great thing!" and .....
swoop : unactivated win
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it's just that I don't think anyone in a right state of mind would remove a game they've played through much less if they've enjoyed it, unless it's a terrible one from a non-SG giveaway. I don't think it would make any sense to delete a game in order to sort a library...
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Well, I wouldn't delete a game from my library for sure, but i don't know if there isn't a valid reason for someone to do so.
At least a sorted library seems to be a goal, as this was stated as a reason from people to delete games with the help of Steam Support.
I was pointing out, that people who use that service, should double-check the games they are going to delete, as a removed won game wouldn't be conform with the current site rules.
PS: I actually found a reason for me to delete games from my account: replacing cut games with their ROW versions.
Doesn't apply to any of the games I've won here, but jeah
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I can't play it anyway. I doubt that you need one more noob in dota.
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It was possible since release.
You only needed to find the game in your buying list and then delete it from your games.
That was possible with every free2play game.
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Well, reason one would be they are tired of support tickets to remove games.
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Yes, if I earn back the key for usage, I will use it for sure ^^ But this won't happen
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Finally! I had to wait for support when I found some utterly terrible game and I wanted it gone forever.
And for those who are afraid of abuse: Steam support account is not connected to your Steam account and should have a separate password. And you shouldn't really log to the support account frequently enough to get that password hacked…
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Just a quick "for instance" -- several months ago, multiple twitch streamers had their accounts hacked because there was an exploit using their username, which showed on stream whenever they opened Steam on stream.
Outside of that, not everyone is all that bright and will click links to keyloggers, sites that ask you to login using your Steam name/password, all sorts of things. Check the Steam forums ... there are plenty of those kind of people there. ;)
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Linking to Steam is fine. They'll send you off to Steam to log in and then connect you to their site (kinda like you can login at many sites using Facebook now). As long as you check the URL before you log in, you're golden. Make sure you're not being sent off to a fake log-in site.
It's sites that ask you to log in with your Steam credentials without making you do it through Steam's API that are always bad news.
Obviously, abstaining from linking/connecting at all is safest, because you won't risk forgetting to check the URL. ;)
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Yet another reason to not get yourself hacked.
Edit: Despite word "permanently" it seems to be possible to restore (at least for limited time).
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