I would say you best bet is to ask him haha.
Maybe he's that person just waiting and watching you from outside your window. The one you know is there, but through your 199 glances back, you've never been able to even catch a glimpse of him.
Thanks btw :)
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Well unfortunately for him I don't have a copy to give him (and I'm not planning to buy him a copy since it's an illegitimate entry). Didn't want to delete the giveaway and lose a slot if it was going to end with 0 entries, but somehow he entered 2 hours before it ended...
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Didn't Todd Atkin say something along the lines of, "If it's a legitimate illegitimate entry, the giveaway has ways to try to shut that whole thing down." ?
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Why so slotty? ;)
I mean, I have a lot more slots that I'll ever use in one time, that lately I've been rather reckless in making GAs.
Mess up the end time? Eh, delete. Mess up the groups/public/private? Eh, delete. Mess up the level? Eh, delete.
I imagine you have... something around two, three hundred? Not slot-shaming you or anything...
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I mean, if it was going to end with 0 entries anyways why bother deleting?
I actually extremely dislike deleting giveaways. My profile was deletion free until I made my first mistake with a dupe key a couple of months ago and the game was too expensive to buy again for the winner. Before that, I always managed to find an extra copy to give to the winner.
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Well, maybe jatan likes making trains and getting railed. There was that super long train he had where the 100 giveaways/24hrs limit was discovered. He needs all of those slots open for all of those entries ;) He enjoys it, for his pleasure
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+1 to what kukeemon said - I know I've stumbled into some random GAs trying to solve some of these puzzles
So...say we stumble into a private - we should just close it and pretend it wasn't there? I mean, in this case if there were 0 entries before me, I would at least leave a comment and ask the person if I can enter, but if there were other entries already....
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That is very odd indeed. Best bet is to add him and see what he says.
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No, playing board games tonight, not sure when I'll be back to make the giveaway so I put it up early in case.
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I agree with Kukeemon, It's mecorx's fault, sometimes we enter the wrong letter and it ends up being something else.
Constructed in Czechoslovakia, with parts and plans left over from Luftwaffe aircraft production, the aircraft had numerous problems and was generally unpopular with its pilots. Czechoslovak pilots nicknamed it Mezek ("Mule"), while in Israel it was officially known as the Sakeen ("knife" in Hebrew). In practice, the aircraft was more often called Messerschmitt or Messer (which also means "knife", in German and Yiddish).
Kinda Ironic that the Israeli air force used Luftwaffe planes and equipment to secure their existence. I suggest watching Above and beyond if you have Netflix. It's a really interesting documentary.
Avia continued building Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6s after the war under the Avia S-99 name, at two aircraft factories in Czechoslovakia: one of them officially called závod Avia (Avia Plant) (1946–48) and závod Avia-Jiřího Dimitrova (Avia-George Dimitroff-Plant, 1948–49) in Čakovice near Prague, as a post-war corporative part of the Automobilové závody, n.p. [Automotive Works, National Corp.], and the other one called závod Vysočany (Vysočany Plant, 1948–49) in Prague, as a corporative part of Letecké závody, n.p. [Aviation Works, National Corp.] but soon ran out of the 109's Daimler-Benz DB 605 engine after many were destroyed during an explosion at a warehouse in Krásné Březno.
The S-199 continued to use the Bf 109G airframe but, with none of the original engines available, an alternative engine had to be used. It was decided that as a replacement for the original engine, the aircraft would use the same engine (Junkers Jumo 211 F) and propeller as the Heinkel He 111 bomber. The resulting combination of parts was an aircraft with extremely poor handling qualities. The substitute engine with the propeller lacked the responsiveness of the Daimler-Benz unit and the torque created by the massive paddle-bladed propeller made control very difficult. This, in combination with the 109's narrow-track undercarriage, made landings and take-offs extremely hazardous.
The Daimler-Benz DB 605 engine allowed for a central cannon mount (Motorkanone in German) that fired through the propeller spinner. This was not possible with the Junkers Jumo 211, and so the S-199 used a version of the Luftwaffe's Rüstsatz VI modification kit, which consisted of a pair of MG 151 cannon, one each in a gun pod, one beneath each wing. This further impinged on the aircraft's performance. A final hidden danger lay in the gun synchronizer for the cowl-mounted MG 131 machine guns, which did not work as it was meant to, leading a few Israeli aircraft to shoot off their own propellers.
Around 550 S-199s were built, including a number of conversion trainers designated CS-199 (armed) and C-210 (unarmed). The first flight took place in March 1947, and production ended in 1949. The last examples were withdrawn from Czechoslovak service (with their National Security Guard) in 1957.
Israeli agents negotiated the purchase of Avia S-199s from the Czechoslovak government in defiance of an arms embargo that Israel faced at the time. Twenty five aircraft were obtained and all but two were eventually delivered. The price for a fully equipped plane was $190,000. The first examples arrived on May 20, 1948, six days after Israel's declaration of independence and five days after the commencement of hostilities by Egypt. Forming Israel's first fighter squadron, they were assembled and sent into combat for the first time on May 29, attacking the Egyptian army between Isdud and the Ad Halom bridge, south of Tel Aviv. A few days later, on June 3, the type scored the Israeli Air Force's first aerial victories when Modi Alon shot down a pair of Royal Egyptian Air Force C-47s which had just bombed Tel Aviv.
The type proved unreliable and performed poorly in combat. One Avia pilot remarked "she tried to kill us on every take off and landing." Furthermore, maintenance problems meant that no more than five were typically airworthy at any one time. However the Israelis at this time had virtually very little training in the type, either in flight, tactics, or maintenance, and airfield conditions were far from ideal. These factors, coupled with the extreme desperateness of the combat conditions at the time certainly contributed to the loss and serviceability rate. The type, however as being the only fighter available to the Israelis at the time, was effective in ground attack and scored victories over its opponents, including the Spitfire. The Avias were mostly withheld from service by the end of October, at which time only six remained operational. The S-199 continued making sporadic sorties through mid-December; American pilot Wayne Peake flipped one on its back on December 15.
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I'm saddened that this is what I'm known for. It's better than my emo poetry, but I wish I hadn't stopped posting Top Gear vids so I could be known for that.
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I saw you started posting top gear vids recently. Never knew you used to do it loads. Also i've never seen any of your poetry I don't think.
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Most of my poetry is on Yirg's threads and a couple other poetry threads. I used to add top Gear videos to my forum posts and as a response to other threads and giveaways, but then I stopped for some reason, and now I'm starting back up.
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cg fixed that already - and it was because the person posted the giveaway in plain text on some other website. Google just managed to index the giveaway page instead of the place where it was posted.
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Yeah, mecorx just linked me to a screenshot of someone's brute forcing program to solve her puzzles...
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writing a little script to iterate through a hundred or so possibilities once you've narrowed the characters down to a very small set, sure, but I can't believe it's feasible to write a bot to walk the entire site...it would take forever (EDIT: or take massive computing power and bring the site to it's knees to run in a useful timeframe - over 900 million possibilities to test on an ongoing basis, even if you pull out the ones that have already been used as you find them, forget it)
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You just need to be lucky occasionally with the script!
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Bruteforcing some puzzle is possible (I do it all the time). But bruteforcing a whole site? It's a 916132831 combinations, and checking not instant because of network delays.. If you check 1 GA per second it would be about 29 years to check them all...
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Speaking of puzzles... any plans on making another giant group puzzle? (The one you did hooked me to this site's puzzles section)
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I thought some private giveaways had shown up on Google searches before?
Will do some further research...
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Yup. The right search string yields a number of private giveaways. Only a few, but perhaps that's what happened?
I'd never dream of entering [gatecrashing] a giveaway I'd uncovered in this way, but perhaps that's not the case for everyone...?
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If i recall correctly this is your 200th thread, right? If so, happy 200 threads!
As it was correctly mentioned above, i would firstly ask the guy how he found the link and if i couldn't get a decent reply, i would ask cg. I can't imagine anyone having a better answer than him among this community.
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Mecorx has not active puzzles. I suppose it is this puzzle http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/rUlzX/lv-5 (borrowed mecorx's idea)
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Jatan just want to add some information.
The same guy found the link of a giveaway I made for a few friends exactly a month ago, that means I didn't post the link here. But it was part of a puzzle train I made only for them, so he solved every puzzle and entered even more giveaways.
So, don't believe when he says it was a coincidence. This is probably something he does full time.
When he said someone blacklisted him for finding a giveaway, I thought he was talking about me. Now I'm not that sure of that, probably there are more with the same issue.
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After reading this, that guy came to my mind. So, I checked his Steam profile and saw that Jatan left him a message asking for an explanation.
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Just had a private giveaway end with 1 entry. I didn't give the link for this giveaway out to anyone, but somehow this random person got into it. Anyone have any idea how he found the giveaway? I'm guessing he must have been trying random combinations for giveaway links or something....
Edit: I asked him and it turns out he was bruteforcing combinations for a puzzle. I'm guessing one of Mecorx's.
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