They will probably fix this before other triple A games come out.
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Well i wonder how many will actually make it on windows store,i think that is the bigger question.From what i gather Microsoft wanted this game to be windows 10 only game,i took that as window store only,no steam and so forth.
I am not sure the pc needs another platform to deal with on top of steam and orgin,uplay,ubi.So unless they sell them at prices like GMG tends to do at like 20-25% off or is a lot cheaper like in this case,i see not many people buying it.
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This is tempting,but damn Windows 10 store,i wonder how good the service is,at least it has no online,so no worries there.If your not into chevos on Steam this is a damn nice deal.To bad my extra funds are on paypal
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It may be due to the region not having paypal so they just exclude it,while others have paypal and can use it.That would be my guess.
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Anyone have an idea what the heck is wrong with my Win? it gives the 0x080073cf9 error when i try to download this (or any) game to other drives than C, and 0x080073d0b if i try to move an app from C.
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are you sure about that error message? it has 9 digits, while it should have 8.
it's probably 0x80073d0b. search for that error code.
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Absolutely, that is. And i've seen some ideas but mostly months old, maybe that is why they didn't help. I hope someone run into it recently and solved it.
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Do you've the .NET frameworks installed? Try to reinstall, and update to last build (4.5.2). Also check if you've the 3.5 (this release include versions 1.0 to 3.5).
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Thanks for the tip! Unfortunatelly it didn't help.
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I would assume it will only work on C:/ i know some steam games still will only work on that drive.It might have to do with it being tied into windows 10 app,but really i am just guessing but it is a good question,as i like to have my drives on a different drive in case windows goes to hell.
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I'm just curious as to what games you've run into that only work on the C: drive. Since Windows 95 I've kept my games and important programs and files on a separate partition or drive, and in all that time I've only run into one game that wouldn't work. It's been so long that I don't even remember what game it was now. I just remember that it was an old DOS game and it would crash if you moved it from the C: drive. I later discovered that it would work if you moved it, but it was hard coded to read and write save data to C:\GAMENAME. So you could move the game anywhere you wanted as long as you left the C:\GAMENAME there for it to read and write to.
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There are are/where some from Steam that will only work when on C:/,do i know the reason no,do i care not really since it is only a few games its not a major deal,it may because of how it saves,i have no clue,
Just because you done it for years without issues does not mean it is not a problem or does not exist.This is most likely something to do with Steam and not the game itself that should be kind of obvious.I have not used windows store for games,so i can only guess on what issue he might be having,it was just a guess and why i asked if anyone else could confirm it.
Also some games on steam still use a registry,and that may be the problem with some games only working on C:/,most games can be moved freely now because they are not tied to registry keys.Again this is just another guess since i have not really dug into why some only worked on C:/ also some have been patched since then,to work on other drives.
In any case i just know i seen people post in steam forums about games not running an anther hard drive,because they would only run on C:/ and no i do not remember the games.I did find most of the time people discovered it when they swapped there hd for ssd,and wanted to put most of there games on a mechanical hd and use ssd for os and couple most played games,but when they moved a game to anything other then C:/ it would fail to work.
Now that i think of it though,it may be due to some games saving the game to the game folder and by default looks for it in the C;/,alright i am done guessing or trying to care if they still exist
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Square enix -> will go on sale for 10€ in a couple of months hopefully
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I really doubt it,even if the game bombed after all JC 3 did not sell at least not what i would say is well,which is a bit over 500,000 unites
So far Tomb Raider has sold : 229,804,of course it was just released and JC 3 has been out for a bit,still even with decent discounts for JC3 they failed to push even a million units,yet Cities Skyline has sold over a million lol,I think this one will sell decent,though i laugh at them using denuvo as drm,yet it still has not sold very well so i guess they can not blame piracy on bad sales.
Nice to dream and hope though :)
P.S. this is one reason i think at times we get bad ports,they see it as maybe selling 500,000 units that would make about 25 million before cost and valves cut at 59.99,so they invest as little as they can to make it work.
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Gaben thanks you for that,he relies on people like you so he can keep swimming in money,also applies to the guy above you.
Though i do see why you might not want it in the windows store,i still do not get this i only buy if it is on Steam thinking,i usually get it where it is cheapest i do not much care about platform,i am here to play games,but i do not blame you for not trusting windows,but i so wish more games where on GOG,i would ditch this BS turd called Steam.
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bought it ,its only 10$ for brand new game. even if its not steam,its a steal.
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"Installation Install this game on up to ten Windows 10 devices."
Do you think this is talking about simultaneous devices or a GFWL style install limit?
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Thanks, I may have to try it out, I've been neglecting my Xbox Gamerscore with so much Steam xD
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If you change the region to Russia, it says 159 Rub, which is $2 O.o
Sorry 1,159 >_< lol
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Doesn't activate on steam and seems to be only for Windows 10.
Just go to "Region & language settings" and change the country or region to Ukraine. (Start typing "region" on the start menu to get there)
Then go here
You need a credit card to buy from Ukraine region (doesn't have to be from Ukraine). From comments I've seen you can put your own address and only leave the region as Ukraine, so no need to put an address from Ukraine.
Haven't purchased it myself as I don't have a credit card and there seems to be no option to use paypal. But everything seems to work as normal, you can change your region back after purchasing the game.
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