removed reddit link, against reddit rules

I'm talking about Rockin Android, the publishers of the recently released Acceleration of Suguri on steam.

They promised on greenlight to give previous purchasers steam keys, and now they are not honoring that promise and deleting whatever is written against them, banning all who talk about it.

Promise 1:

Promise 2 which specifically talks about indie royal purchasers:

Confronting them on greenlight:

Then they deleted my post with out replaying:

This is not just the case with me, this thread for example has all replied deleted and its now locked:

To create confusion and and make promises seem out of context, they edited their first promise (which is deleted along with the proof of it not being out of context):

Why I was banned: why others got banned: and

Update: this isn't the first time they've done this, with their game " Bunny must die ", they specifically promised keys to users. Everything is removed/deleted now, Some of it still remains on greenlight page:

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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I got the full Suguri Collection from Groupees Build a Doujin 2 Bundle. Yeah, what lousy devs :rolleyes:

10 years ago

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quick fix the devs that promise to do one thing and never do it should be baned from steam,desura and any other publisher then lets see how they release their shity game.

10 years ago

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Read this guys posts carefully, no one promised them what this guy is getting all frothy about.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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+1 for +1

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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2 * +1. Would be most accurate?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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ohh c'mon! where's the usual drama? my popcorn is getting cold! ;p

10 years ago

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Well a dev for the game did a recommended review. I asked if devs should be allowed to review their own games. My mssg got deleted..

10 years ago

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Well I hope this gets active on twitter, its active on reddit.

10 years ago

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As usual, nothing surprising or new.

10 years ago

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good job.. this game must be banned from steam just because of those shi*y lying dev's. :)

10 years ago

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Instead, I got my thread in community discussion deleted ._.
Steam has some horrible moderation, I want to start new thread there but it will probably get deleted, Valve really needs to increase the quality of moderation.

Edit: Yes my thread was deleted from the general discussion, but that turned out to be something else completely and unrelated to this.

10 years ago

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You do realize that steam/Valve has devs moderate their own game forums right?

10 years ago

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Not always. Anyway, Steam's volunteer mods are all over the Community forums, including specific game forums.

10 years ago

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Instead, share it around Reddit, Twitter, or even Facebook. Nobody will delete your posts there.

10 years ago

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Valve has nothing to do with that.

10 years ago

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The developer is the one deleting those.

10 years ago

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What kind of unknown game is this? And the developer looks like a 16 year old punk.

10 years ago

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..and probably IS a 16 year old punk

10 years ago

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I know little of the subject, but until you give a source that they promised ALL buyers, I think we should stop the whole witch hunt.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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We did pay for the game and we do own it. They made a choice selling it at that price. However, as no Steam key was ever promised, it's up to their good will. (Which seems to be non-existent at the moment.)

10 years ago

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They said "previous buyers", what does that mean? besides this:
Talks specifically about Indie Royal.

10 years ago

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This doesn't talk about Steam keys though, even though that's what most people would expect as a "reward".

10 years ago

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wait, I haven't checked my groupees yet and definitely the subforum or reddit yet, so are they not giving keys for indie royale users or what?

10 years ago

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Yup, not giving users keys for indie royal or even desura. Don't bother with the subforum, everything is deleted and everyone is banned.

10 years ago

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They only give keys for Groupees users

10 years ago

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and groupees has already got their keys as well which gives you both acceleration and the original game

10 years ago

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Because "Groupees - Build a Doujin Bundle 2" was including Suguri Collection and it's the only place where they ever promised to give keys once Greenlit. I remember that even for the Groupees bundle it was unclear at some point if they would give out Steam keys if greenlit and the Groupees admin cleared that out with them at some point while the bundle was active. People assume that any game in a bundle being on Greenlight means you get a key but it's not a fact unless it's literally implied somewhere.

10 years ago

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If the bundle site uses the Greenlight logo on the bundle page, it usually means that Steam keys will be provided if greenlit (within a reasonable amount of time, of course. My year old Indie Gala game did not, but after a year I don't mind.)
If the receipt of the Steam key is a determining factor of buying the bundle, I have contacted the bundle site reps, and all but one confirmed Steam keys would be given. The other removed the Greenlight symbol from the bundle page.

10 years ago

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it usually means that Steam keys will be provided ?? That's only your assumption .. using the Greenlight logo (unless the logo states that you will get the game) means nothing more than the game is on Greenlight. Because other Devs did give out keys once they were Greenlit doesn't mean every dev has to do the same.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This was a really bad PR move from their side. The reputation is everything for indie devs. Indie devs usually don't have money for big advertising, instead relying on friend-to-friend recommendations, so they should act like good guys.

10 years ago

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They should have known after the BMD PR fiasco.

10 years ago

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Indie devs usually don't have money

Yeah so lets screw them out of £4.50 over a comment that was taken out of context. I read the text in the screenshot. It said keys for people who purchased the groupees bundle, not indie royale. The second proof doesn't even mention anything about keys, just something about rewarding old customers which could mean anything.

You people are cheap and the worst type of fans/customers.

10 years ago

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You're not really "screwing them out of $4.50" for a few reasons.

  • These people already have the game on another platform and it's highly unlikely they will re-buy it.
  • These were your loyal early customers who already bought the game. You want them to fork over another $4.50?
  • This is a bundle game now and is not worth $4.50 to most, especially people who already bought it in a bundle.

Saying that every bundle key screws the dev out of money means you assume that bundle buyers would have actually spent that much in the first place. This is not often the case, bundle buyers are usually looking for cheap games, not full price games. The game was only ever worth 50 cents to 99% of the people who bought the bundle.

10 years ago

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It does screw them out of sales when most people resell their keys because they already have it.

10 years ago

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Most people want their games on Steam though, rather than Desura or whatever. I assume most people asking for their Steam keys want to add it to their own library rather but I could be wrong.

10 years ago

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  • These people already have the game on another platform and it's highly unlikely they will re-buy it.

Nonsense, lots of people buy games on multiple platforms. A good example is GTA series, but there are many more for example minecraft.

  • These were your loyal early customers who already bought the game. You want them to fork over another $4.50?

They don't have to fork over anything. They still have the original game from the bundle they purchased. If they want the convenience of it being on steam then yes, buy the game. Lets remind ourselves that on that bundle page was no indication that a free steam key would be handed out. That was later extrapolated from a comment taken out of context.

  • This is a bundle game now and is not worth $4.50 to most, especially people who already bought it in a bundle.

I agree. I wouldn't even install this game if it was free. It looks tacky and terrible. Just another reason why this entire event is laughable.

  • Saying that every bundle key screws the dev out of money means you assume that bundle buyers would have actually spent that much in the first place. This is not often the case, bundle buyers are usually looking for cheap games, not full price games. The game was only ever worth 50 cents to 99% of the people who bought the bundle.

This doesn't really make a lot of sense.

10 years ago

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How does it not make sense? Saying that every key given out is "screwing the dev out of $4.50" means you assume that every bundle buyer will/would've bought it for full price otherwise.

This is not reality. It's like when record labels say that piracy costs them $250 Billion per year, it assumes that every pirated copy is a lost sale. This is the same as what you're claiming by saying every bundle key they give out is a "lost sale" (never-mind the fact that these are not pirates but rather customers who purchased cheaper and just want the game on their preferred platform.)

10 years ago

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Not only a lost sale, but at full price. Highly unlikely anyone buys this crappy looking game for anywhere close to full price.

10 years ago

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I like how you just skipped my other points and addressed the part where you didn't make sense. Nice...

10 years ago

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Sorry, but I don't bother with nitpicking an entire paragraph apart to make a counter-point. I kept my reply to the topic at hand, which was you claiming that previous customers of a product are "screwing over" devs by asking for some basic customer service.

Though I like how you skipped over my entire post and addressed nothing with your reply. Nice...

10 years ago

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I didn't say anything about the comment. Even if it didn't exist, it is still the right thing to give out the keys to existing customers even if you're not legally obliged to do it.

Yes, it's £4.50 for us, but it costs literally nothing for devs to generate any amount of keys. Also if this sum is so insugnificant for you, feel free to buy me a copy.

10 years ago

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I smell a ban a coming

10 years ago

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"rewarding old customers" cannot really mean anything else.

10 years ago

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Scumbags gonna scumbag.

10 years ago

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i got in doujin bundle 2 and i got my key as soon as it was released on steam. or is this just another case of dev sending keys and sites didnt putting them up fast enough? that happened with always remember me and it wasnt devs fault
EDIT: i see they are saying that keys were promised only to those that bought it on groupees. IF they said it, wasnt that consumers fault that they didnt read? of course, its a dick move, but if they said it upfront, you should had started complainign then, not now. Im trying to get whole picture so sorry if im missing something

10 years ago

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I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Rockin Android's previous Steam key fiasco with Bunny Must Die - perhaps negative PR isn't such a big deal, if people will forget it so easily. :/

The situation here is slightly different in that yes, the game and the IR bundle containing it did come before Greenlight was a thing, and they did give keys for Groupees buyers. However, I think most devs/publishers would still do what they can to support all existing customers, regardless of the situation and whether they made any promise or not - for example, Crimsonland recently sent out Steam keys to people like me who bought their game 10 years ago!

To me it seems like Rockin' Android has a few staff with conflicting views. There are some who want to keep existing customers happy and make a strong community for their games, then there are others who don't care about all that and just want to think they're making a few extra sales. Unfortunately, the latter seem to be in charge. So many of their posts responding to this issue seem to read like "sorry, we're not giving you a key because we think you're stupid enough to buy it again."

10 years ago

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These are the Orange Juice guys? echomateria seems to do promotions for them. You can ask him about what stick is up their asses this time.

10 years ago

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You know that echomateria is from Fruitbat Factory, and the guys behind the Suguri western release are from Rockin' Android, right?

10 years ago

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And...they both work for Orange Juice, except fruitbat is friendlier and more steamgift-centric. He can actually, you know, contact either of them directly/indirectly.

10 years ago

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Contacting Orange Juice isn't going to do anything, Rockin' Android is the publisher and the ones who handles the keys as far I know.

I agreed with you on Fruitbat tho. My experience with them have been great. Rockin' Android... eh... not so much.

10 years ago

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Orange Juice is just Japanese developer. I think both of these games have been bought from them for English translation/release. So they don't have anything to do with these versions...

10 years ago

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Life is brutal, everyone is lying, promise means nothing this days, but still everyone who bought game in bundle have to get his stuff or get moneys back by the law

10 years ago

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Who cares? I don't buy shitty games.

10 years ago

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Well I never seen this before, and this is BS.

10 years ago

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How big of a thrash do you need to be to do something like this ? Like it's not even 1 guy, it's a whole studio . I wouldn't be able to do such a douche thing .

10 years ago

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indie devs worshipping EA

EA master race!!!

10 years ago

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At least EA is trying to fix their image, removing online passes and giving free Origin games almost monthly.

10 years ago

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its a trap!

10 years ago

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Were IndieRoyale buyers promised Steam keys at the time the bundle was running? Or do they just feel like they should have gotten the keys because the game was published on Steam? If no explicit promises were made, the devs are not obliged to provide Steam keys, even if some other devs did similar things in the past.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Even though RA handled it poorly, Sleepy does have a point. Just because someone else did it, doesn't mean they have to. Bad wording that could suggest IR customers will get the keys is still a problem, but I don't know enough about the issue to judge.

10 years ago

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One of those screen shots contains a user asking specifically about IR, and someone on the developer side said yes. Not sure if this should be construed as a developer backtracking, or employees in the developer company not being aligned before responding. Tough to say, but they're not doing themselves any favors by not clarifying.

10 years ago

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The dev answered that people will get some kind of reward. No Steam keys mentioned at all. Could be misread.


10 years ago

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The developer can hide behind legalese, but I think it's pretty obvious what he was saying, especially when taken as a response to a very direct question.

10 years ago

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I don't know, it could go the way of Whispered World and be a discount.

10 years ago

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Exactly! No one owe you anything if you have bought a game before it has even had the idea of going on Steam Greenlight.
It's like buying a physical version of the game with a CD and asking later on when it gets on Steam to be able to activate it. In this case its digital but does whats the difference except you download it from their site?

Same if one have it on Desura. Really the devs owe a key for Steam too? It's two separate platforms. Just like 2 separate retailers... So many people join on the hate train with things out of context and take that if you own a game outside Steam you are obliged to be able to redeem it.

10 years ago

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So all this because of one vague comment by the dev?

As far as we know, this "reward" they were planning could have been this 33% off offer that they're doing now.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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Oh so THIS is vote gaming.

How much of your life will be spent protesting a game you didn't get that you wanted?
A game that you ... already have ...

10 years ago

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Protesting when browsing internet casually.

...don't think it'll take a long time off my day.

It's just adding more to public pressure to the Developers - and that's all people needed.

10 years ago

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