All explained here:
More, here:

To me it looks like okay, i mean, i drunkenly buy 3 years of monthly in 2018, looks like a bargain if you check the plans. (edit: alright, maybe not exactly, but they sure do want us to stay subscribed with that classic thing)

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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and so it begins

4 years ago

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I knew it was coming....

4 years ago

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To me it looks like its going to be a Pick-and-Mix Monthly Bundle.

4 years ago

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Looks pretty good and they offer smart incentive to remain an active subscriber, as it seems that the "classic" plan only remains an option while you remain an active subscriber. Pause a month and you'll have to pay more for less games. At least that's my interpretation.

4 years ago

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From their FAQ:
How do I lose access to the Classic plan?

You will lose access to your Classic plan and benefits if you choose to cancel your subscription at any point after or prior to the release of Humble Choice. Pausing your subscription is fine, and you will not cause you to lose access to Classic for doing so.

4 years ago

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Neat, thanks.

4 years ago

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Hmmm... as long as I can still pause, that's not too bad... I guess.

4 years ago

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Everything's very confusing about this. One thing that I don't see is when the monthly charge takes place.
If the monthly charge takes place at the same time the 10 games are revealed, will the ability to pause still remain after Choice launches or will we have to pause based on no reveals?

4 years ago

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Oh. Didn't think of that. O_o

4 years ago

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Also what happens with your choice if you just keep the monthly running?

4 years ago

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If you keep it running, then there's no choice, and you get all 10 games.

4 years ago

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It makes sense to be similar as now - instead of 3 early unlocks you see all ten games. Then the charge happens when you choose your 3/9/10 and request the keys.

4 years ago

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If it's like it is now minus all "early" unlocks, we'd pre-pay for the month before anything is shown and then the selection occurs afterward. I hope this won't be the case because that would really suck, but their page isn't particularly clear about this.

If we can choose to pause the current selection after they are shown, that's better. Then we essentially have the weekly game bundle that they used to have turning into a monthly game bundle.

4 years ago

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My understanding is that it would be the other way around, the games are shown first and then you chose to buy in. But, as you said, it's not exactly clear.

4 years ago

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From what I understand with the FAQ, you pay the previous month for the next month, exactly like right now. Aka paying in October for the November monthly. Except that there will be no early reveal, they will announce what will be inside the bundle beforehand. Following this logic and the fact you have the whole month to pay the next one, I guess you can pause after the reveal.

4 years ago

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That's how I understand it too. You get to see the list of 10 games, and then you get to chose to buy the bundle of 3/9/10 games.

4 years ago

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Or hit pause, see the reveal, and then unpause if you like, if that is still an option. I paused last month, but then changed my mind and got the bundle after all (but it was just the early reveal not the whole bundle)

4 years ago

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Because pause has been so reliable in the past. 🙄

4 years ago

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Yeah, I've read a few complaints here.
But I thought HB would refund people if they contacted support about it, provided that no keys had been revealed.

4 years ago

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IGN: puts gun on my head You don't want to pay more for less games, right?
Me: heavy sweating Alright... I stay subscribed.
IGN: Good.

4 years ago

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probably too many left, so they try to bind you more heavily

4 years ago

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Oh, i thought you could NOT renew the classic sub once there was no more months left past that point (so i proceed to check if i could prepaid a bunch but option greyed out...)
If that's stay the same and i will get charged for a year in, a long time, only to keep a nicer plan that's fine to me.

4 years ago

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You can renew and stay on the Classic plan, you just can't unsubscribe and then re-subscribe. As long as you maintain an active subscription, you'll stay on the Classic plan.

4 years ago

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I think the thing that gets me is that classic plan shouldn't be an off the table forever option.They could do more to keep it still in the hands of the consumers.

4 years ago

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View attached image.
4 years ago

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looks like they want people to stay subscribed, as the classic Plan is way better then all the others
That way they probably hope that many stay subscribed for longer times, as people don't want to lose anything

4 years ago

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Did I misunderstand something or are they just forcing you to keep your subscription? Classic is 12$/mo, and the cheapest one of """"""""""""""Choice"""""""""""""""" is 14$, and you get 3 (THREE) games out of all 10. I fail to see the benefits here.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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They're not forcing you to maintain your subscription. But they are making it very enticing to maintain your subscription.

4 years ago

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Well if you want that price you have been used to for a few years now then it could be construed as trying to strong-arm people. There is a significant difference between $12 a month for the classic plan and and $20 a month for the premium plan (one less game). Depends on one's point of view.

4 years ago*

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True. But they're not forcing you to subscribe - they're not holding your games hostage, or anything. What they're doing, basically, is telling you that the price is going to go up going forward and that by staying subscribed you're going to stay at a much lower price point.

It's pretty different to, say, cell phone companies, which have a similar system but aggressively push you to switch to a new plan so that you can pay much more than your old "grandfathered" plan.

4 years ago

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While you're right that you are technically not being forced into subscribing (what expenditures are you every truly forced into other than things like basic needs?), at the same time some people will feel like they are being forced into having to make a distasteful choice so I can understand the sentiment. Anyway I think taking the mystery out of it was a positive thing and I would have even been okay with a more marginal price increase if necessary and keeping things as is otherwise without introducing new plans, but as far as this classic plan thing and strong-arming people into staying subscribed goes it just feels messy and kind of shady. I don't know it just seems like there could have been better ways to incentivize loyalty. It also begs the question how is this going to affect new subscription signups moving forward... as well as whether people will completely write off Humble if their 'classic' status should lapse for any reason......

edit: It also occurs to me this change could actually spur increased levels of resale on the grey market

4 years ago*

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I don't see how it's strong-arming you. It's giving you the new set prices up front, and offering you a way to get in at a lower price before the new prices take effect. I guess it's a matter of perception.

Why do you think this would lead to increased resale levels?

4 years ago

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I don't see how it's strong-arming you. It's giving you the new set prices up front, and offering you a way to get in at a lower price before the new prices take effect. I guess it's a matter of perception.

What if one day your cable television provider or your auto insurance carrier told you that in order to avoid a sizeable price hike you have to remain a subscriber forever, and if you ever cancelled or your policy lapsed for any reason then you could never get a preferred rate ever again? Can you see how that would rub someone the wrong way? Or how it may be perceived as trying to strong-arm someone? Okay so that's not something that you can choose to buy a la carte from month to month like this so I'm not sure what a more perfect analogy would be, but you get the point. Perhaps you see transparency on their part. I as a learned cynic through life's experiences (and especially distrustful of corporate entities in general) potentially see something a bit more insidious beneath the surface and honestly my main criticism of it lies with the whole losing 'classic status' aspect of it. Yeah, it's fair to say it's a matter of perspective.

Oh, and if they should ever remove the ability to pause this will become a next-level shitstorm.

Why do you think this would lead to increased resale levels?

I think it potentially could because people who are left on the 'outside' for whatever reason may take one look at the $20 price tag for premium and then say to themselves why should I pay that when I can go buy the games a la carte from some reseller who got them from the classic plan at the much lower rate?

4 years ago*

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or you could say that they make it very easy to leave without looking back if you loose your classic. ^_^

before: entincing to renew, a (re)new was 132$ + 20$ cashback in HB credit store or a AAA title

now: menacing of the ban hammer; "if you don't renew, you'll loose classic forever and you'll have to pay $179" to get the premium plan

IMHO nothing good for us here; just curious to see if that's going to backfire at them XD

4 years ago

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Well, if you lose your Classic status, yeah, it's very easy to leave. But if you already have your Classic status... I feel it makes for a pretty compelling argument to stick with it and never let it lapse.

4 years ago

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the cheapest one of "Choice" is 14$, and you get 3 (THREE) games out of all 10. I fail to see the benefits here.

100% agree. Way, WAY too expensive.

4 years ago

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I just re-upped a 6 month so I get to keep that. But we shall see how and where this goes. How many AAA games get sold out REAL fast due to it.

4 years ago

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How hilarious is it that keys which are intangible get sold out.

They literally can print money here. Never understood that. Hey AAA company we sold out the block of 20,000 games. Can we have some more keys?

Only stupid companies say no...

Oh wait we were talking about AAA companies... they have the wisest business practices always...

4 years ago

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How hilarious is it that keys which are intangible get sold out.

That's because publishers have decided that only a certain number of keys are to be sold at a very cheap price.
If you've missed the deal, your only choice is to wait for another deep sale or get it for more money somewhere else, bringing the publisher more money in turn.

4 years ago

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Better this way than to seeing early preview and pausing subscription bi-monthly. Good for us, good for them.

4 years ago

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Edit: To be clear, the topic I'm covering here is "Is this actually 'Good for us'?"

Well, if we're trying to make a comparison at the most similar price points, then we're comparing $14.99/mo for 3 fully revealed games against $12.00/mo for roughly 8 games, of which 2 - 4 were normally revealed early to begin with. For anyone who considers that better for the consumer base, well- it's not something I can see the appeal of, in any case.

Of course, assuming the premium tier doesn't push Monthly out of an individual's budget, then one could certainly argue in favor of the $19.99/mo for 9 games option being preferrable to $12/mo for 10 games, but all we'd really doing there is paying more for more information. For high profile bundles where $12 was a bargain for the early reveals, it's unlikely that this will be as good a deal as previous bundles (though it'll certainly be less risky). But I guess we'll have to see, on that.

Well, maybe we'll get some Monthly subscription promotions (as before) that'll help make premium more enticing.

If you're just talking from the perspective of existing long-term subscribers, however, then it does seem like a rather solid upgrade for them. Same price, a guaranteed number of games exceeding the usual number in the past, and presumably all of them revealed each month. Which really raises the question- why are they structuring it in a manner which so heavily alienates new subscribers? Do they think locking in long-term subscribers will make up for it, despite the fact that pausing is still going to be a thing?

4 years ago*

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I'm guessing they want to keep subscribers like me who used to cancel every month (TBH, I was hoping for one of those "stay subscribed and we'll give you X for free" deals). It is certainly easy to forget to pause, and maybe they are gambling on that.
Lite is not worth the money. Premium is worth less than the Classic, for significantly more money.

Maybe they also hope if they can raise the price they can get better games in people's hands?

For existing subscribers, I hope the ability to pause after reveal occurs, so you can see if you want any of the 10 games. Or else that they start leaking news about it. Otherwise, I for one am not happy about gambling that I'll like the monthly, when I often purchase the monthly every 3 months based on the reveals.
(Take this month as an example--this month's early reveals have 0 interest for me, but all of the others might be interesting. It certainly has happened where I could not justify purchasing the monthly based on the early reveals, and then the others are games I would pay for.
If I could see everything and then decide whether or not to pay, I'd be happier with this change.)

Maybe it's time to shell out for a year in order to get a lower price locked in for those 10 games.

I wonder if this move was pushed by the NEW CEO, if the old ones wanted it, or if IGN pushed it and the founders left in a huff so they got a new CEO who would back this move.

4 years ago

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My understanding is that they'll reveal all the games first, and then you can chose to get that month's bundle of games. So you get to see the games ahead of time, but the cost of that is the higher price ($19.99 for Premium vs $12 that it is now).

Unless, of course, you subscribe now and stay subscribed, in which case it stays $12 - which is what I'm sure they're count on people to do.

4 years ago

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It is certainly easy to forget to pause, and maybe they are gambling on that.

We all have smartphones. Just set recurring schedule to remind you several times before the due time. In this case it's people's neglect.

4 years ago

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We all have smartphones. Just set recurring schedule to remind you

Yeah, do you guys not have phones? ;D

4 years ago

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Is This An Out Of Season April Fool's Joke?

4 years ago

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I think they want to keep current subscribers, and want to entice new subscribers to get in now while the getting is good and be grandfathered in.

4 years ago

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The $14 - 3 game option could be better depending on the games. I am staying subscribed but if a person is only playing a few of the games in the bundle each month. They might end up with 3 pretty solid games compared to 2 solid games and 6 unwanted games in the previous system. It all depends on the quality of the games. Their premium product having a $20 price tag along with a $14 / 3 game option hints that the quality of the games will be better, at least for 3 of them. Humble aren't going to sell many $14 bundles unless the 3 games that people can pick are worth more than it would cost to buy the games on special individually.

4 years ago

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Yes, this seems to be the perfect opportunity for them to remove the option of pausing altogether. One wonders why they didn't.

4 years ago

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I think they will close 132$/yr subscription at some point of time, because for Premium they ask 180$/yr. So I assume after Classic subscription will end (currently subscribed) users will be able to subscribe only to Premium plan that cost +50$ higher.

4 years ago*

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If you are already subscribed you will remain subscribed under the Classic plan so long as you don't cancel. New subscribers will only have access to the other 3 plans.

4 years ago

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If they do that then they will lose a lot of clients which will ultimately will mess with their cost prices. HB would be getting a discount because they have a lot of monthly subscribers. Decrease that amount and their cost price goes up.

4 years ago

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I don't think so, I think the threat of having to re-subscribe at the $180 price point will instead keep current subscribers subscribed - which is exactly what they're counting on.

4 years ago

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"Once you are converted to a Classic plan it will be yours to keep forever (see the above criteria on how to make sure you lock in the Classic plan). This means that as long as you don't cancel your subscription after the launch of Humble Choice you will retain the Classic plan indefinitely! "

4 years ago

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To be fair this wouldn't be the first time that they randomly go back on their word at some point in time and then eventually change the rules after a shitstorm arises...

4 years ago

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I wouldn't know, but it's not like companies are really to be trusted. I just dislike assumptions and misinformation. Afterall it says indefinitely, so it can end at any time as the time it'll end is "unknown" and "uncertain"

4 years ago

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does it means that humble monthly classic will disappear?
I don't appreciate prices for lite/basic/premium plans

4 years ago

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I think Classic plan will be valid if you resubscribe before end of current subscription plan.

How do I regain access to the Classic plan once it is lost?
Unfortunately, there is no going back to a Classic plan once Humble Choice has launched. If you choose to unsubscribe you will receive a prompt informing you that your Classic plan will not be available going forward if you decide to resubscribe. You will lose your Classic status, and upon resubscribing will have to choose between the Lite, Basic, and Premium plans.

4 years ago

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Classic is available for everyone who subscribes before Choice launches, and will stay available as long as you maintain a subscription. You're basically grandfathered in so long as you don't cancel your subscription.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Pretty smart scummy.


4 years ago

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Yep. I already have November's bundle but I'm not a subscriber, and haven't been in a while (Got a 1-month gift subscription).

Unclear to me how I could resubscribe now if I wanted to, hmmm.

And whether I want to depends a lot on if we can pause after reveal, or must pause before ...

4 years ago

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Just yesterday (hours before this announcement) I decided to subscribe for a single month for Spyro and Crash, with the intention of canceling in a few days, just enough to get all stiff I may like from the Trove, but right now I see that my next billing date is November 29th - would it mean that I get access even to the next bundle before paying again? Since they already discounted $2 for this one-month subscription, I wouldn't be surprised if they offered one extra month as an incentive to try and rope me in now that this big change is coming.

4 years ago

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The next billing date is end of November, the next bundle will be revealed in beginning of December and you'll only get access to it if you stay subscribed and pay. Maybe this is what causes the confusion: You got the early unlocks of the November bundle already, and the rest of the bundle will be revealed on the first Friday of November. It's not the next bundle, it's the reveal of the rest of the current bundle.

4 years ago

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Thanks, now it's clearer. At least, I can wait till mid-november to cancel, to see what they are going to add to the Trove by then.

4 years ago

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I'm in the same boat, subscribed freshly this month because of the good early unlocks, and waiting to either cancel, or more probably pause before the next billing date.

I think they should let people who cancel keep access to the trove until the next billing date, so people are not forced to artificially cancel at that date "by hand". BTW do you keep access to the trove while you're paused?

4 years ago

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I honestly don't know, being a complete first-timer.

4 years ago

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You don't get any of the perks when you pause, since you didn't pay. Which sucks, because it gets terminated as soon as you pause/cancel, even though you paid for the WHOLE ENTIRE month! (it just irked me to no end when I re-subscribed a while ago and didn't get access until they got the money, and 2 weeks later I paused and it was like I wasn't subscribed)

4 years ago

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They "hope" to launch it during 2019.
So they're keeping all options open.

4 years ago

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"Later this year". Yeah, right ... it's basically November, there's not a whole lot of "later" left.

4 years ago

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So what happens if you decide to skip? Do they downgrade the classic plan? What if the month they introduce the Premium "Choice" was the month where they gave 10 Bad Rats? I'm gonna have to suck it up and sub anyways? Too many variables to decide if this is good or not, although from the surface it looks bad to me at least.

*Edit - saw the FAQ about the skip. Still doesn't explain the rest.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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On a side note, anyone know how many times you can skip? Eg - Can you do 4 times in a row?

4 years ago

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Unlimited. But you can't unskip for a month you already skipped if you change your mind.

4 years ago*

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No? I've never tried, but I thought you could.

4 years ago

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I was mistaken - you can unpause (as long as you do so before the rest of the games are revealed)

4 years ago*

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Thanks, good to know. Looks like this scheme is geared towards retention but are really bad for new customers. Weird strategy to implement.

4 years ago

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Well, it encourages people to subscribe right now, and get in under the old rates. From that sense, it's great to encourage new people to subscribe.

4 years ago

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View attached image.
4 years ago

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yeah, no, im gonna pause every month now

4 years ago

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I really hope they don't get rid of the pause-feature one day.
It's the only thing that saves us from having to buy non-steam monthlies now :O

View attached image.
4 years ago

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they don't get rid of the pause-feature

really hope that i'm wrong, but that's first thing i've thought, reading it.... (tho... kinda tempting deal, imho)

edit: nevermind...

If you want to get the Classic plan you will need to ensure that you are currently an active subscriber of Humble Monthly prior to the launch of Humble Choice. If your subscription is paused when Humble Choice has launched you will still be converted over to the Classic plan.

4 years ago*

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Yeah, so far pausing will still be possible :)
But who knows how they will react to it, if a lot of people pause all the time :3

4 years ago

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if you pause 3 times in a row you go to jail

4 years ago

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that's a mood

4 years ago

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Just means humble monthly is dead to me, I wont be buying it anymore.

4 years ago

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The price is so scam...

4 years ago

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Only for new subscribers. For existing people you can stay subscribed, pause when you want and get the new monthly for the same price.

4 years ago

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There it is, finally... price increase.. less game

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Yeah, that is right! Higher price, same amount (or lower) of games. But maybe quality is better!

4 years ago

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The full knowledge of what games you can pick from means people can make an informed choice (vs the price they pay) each time, so even if there are bad months, we can simply opt out entirely. It's no different than just another rotating pick-and-mix bundle, though hopefully given the price they're asking vs the number of titles retained, the quality will need to be higher or they'll just lose a ton of interest/customers.

4 years ago

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They're trying to make you pay more for less.

4 years ago

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Quantity isn't everything. The bundle on GOG a year or so ago for Kingdom Come, Battlechasers and Shadow Tactics for £20 was far more compelling and better value for money in general, than if I had paid £10 for fifty shovelware titles with little to no entertainment value that I wouldn't actually redeem or play.

Fact of the matter is, if you retain a monthly subscription and its current $12 pricepoint, you're actually getting more games, up from the usual 6-7 (including the small humble original / debut things), to 10 titles per month. If their whole goal was to make us pay more for less, they wouldn't be giving us that offer, applying it to new subscribers, and allowing us to pause indefinitely on that legacy pricepoint.

4 years ago

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I don´t agree with that. Quality is very important. I dont want 10 trash games for 12$. Lite, basic and premium offer is ridiculous. Classic is the only fair one. And you will lose it, if you dont want to be permanent subscriber

4 years ago

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It seems you misread my sentiment.

4 years ago

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I don't think they even read your comment, lol.

4 years ago

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Are people still happy about seeing early reveals?

4 years ago

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Sometimes yes, most of the times it's just "meh"

4 years ago

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I don't think you understand my comment so let me explain. As I mentioned on previous monthly threads, early reveals aren't a good thing at all as it means the bundle isn't selling well. I'm sure some will remember my previous comments about that as well as what I feared was going to happen to the HB monthly.. and it did.

4 years ago

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So, this change is that good or not for you?
Plus, it might boost a bit the trading community if you have to choose. Idk how to feel about this, wait and see.

4 years ago

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I have mixed feelings about things. I'm a consumer and I'm also friends as well as kool with a decent amount of people in the gaming industry so I try to look at things from both standpoints as best I can. Ultimately I really wanted things to stay the way they were but I am glad marketing decided to let people still have the classic plan. If you are someone that used to get the HB monthly and end up having to pay $5 more and only select 9 out of 10 games you will probably not exactly feel happy about this and it's definitely understandable.

One of the biggest pluses is that more developers will want to be part of bundles since they will get a bigger cut for someone that chooses the Premium or Basic Plans.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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I've updated my comment with a little bit of insight on why I have mixed feelings about things. There's a lot more I could probably tear into but I won't lol.. at least for now.

4 years ago

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To answer then "glad marketing decided to keep the classic plan around" it's not just that, it's 10 guaranteed games to keep when before it wasn't the case + choice between some (i have no clues on how much) + a better store discount.

That's really better as long as you stay here (but things can change and be subject to interpretation)

4 years ago

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But being able to see all of the games up front is much better. Don't like the games then pause. At the moment, you have to try and decide whether the bundle is worth it based on a couple of reveals which is tougher. Personally I only buy if the reveals are worth the price.

4 years ago

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Have they said whether buying Basic will give you 3 games from the currently-revealed list or the to-be-announced list?
They imply the former with "No more mystery", but it isn't completely clear.

4 years ago

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It's really weird, yeah. "No more mystery" implies that you see what you get before you decide to pay. Then why a subscription model? Banking on that people will forget to pause, or be too lazy to pause? Probably ...

I haven't been a subscriber in a long time now, just been gifting the odd single month Monthly to myself if I did want one, which is rare nowadays. (No money, too big backlog, generally just don't like Humble anymore for various reasons). Now I'm unsure what to do because of that Classic thing ...

4 years ago

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I hope so, but the move seems strange all the way around. If they show after charging, that sucks. If they show before the charge, basically it's just a regular (expensive) bundle. We'll just have to see how it plays out.

4 years ago

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The page says that you get to pick the 3 games from the 10.

"You choose the ones you want to keep forever."

4 years ago

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Right, but do they show the ten before or after we've been charged?

4 years ago

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From what I have read, they show them before you have been charged. You can then decide if you want to pause or not.

4 years ago

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Hoping so. We'll see.

4 years ago

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I can't see how it wouldn't be. In the email to me they said "You get 10 games per month. All revealed upfront.". Why would they say reveal if it was only after you paid.

4 years ago

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Probably just the cynic in me.

4 years ago

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Seeing everything upfront is a big plus.

4 years ago

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But will the option to pause for the month expire the same second that the games are revealed? I fear this might be the case. In this case, as I have to justify paying the money for the monthly based on games that are of interest to me, and not the total revealed value, this would be bad.

4 years ago

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My guessing is that the games are revealed after the payment of that month. But we'll see how it plays out. From their FAQ though: "Pausing your subscription is fine, and you will not cause you to lose access to Classic for doing so." I like that this is not going away.

4 years ago

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Happy Cakeday! :)

4 years ago

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From my understanding all 10 games will be revealed before you decide to make any purchase.

4 years ago

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I'm always happy about seeing early reveals, as that determines whether or not I buy the bundle. If I don't like the early reveals - if they're not worth the cost of the bundle for me - then I skip. So for me it's all about the early reveals, and everything else is just bonus.

4 years ago

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It will depend on the games to pick but for now i don't see anything worse.
And i buy more and more games from their store, so the 20% discount seems nice.
Wait and see, i guess.

4 years ago

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Looks like a mess, but 'ol muggins here will probably stay subscribed

4 years ago

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Higher price = less games? (if i got it?) Hell yeah am interested!
lite / classic / basic / cancer ... really? Dont u wanna add loot boxes?

I basically left classic bundles coz 99% of them is boring, now basically killing also monthly, good job IGN, good job. Not gonna pay $20 instead $12 LOL
i maybe still didnt got something coz this looks like trash change

4 years ago*

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Idk i feel a great sense of pride and accomplishment already by staying subbed.
Jokes aside the FAQ say you can still pause. Hell, pause every month but stay subscribed so you still have a better deal.

4 years ago

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I have no idea why they still trying force us to be subscribed by some ways like this.
Release quality monthly bundles like this one with CoD and u get ur subscribers automatically, isnt needed to make stupid changes like this. I simply wanna pay $12 for monthly when i want or not. I dont wanna get basic, classic, lite plans..

They just trying to keep us subbed even they show shitty bundle like Battletech one (maybe loads of users paused?)
Aim to quality of bundles and do not force users to sub at any costs. $20 for 9 games? What a joke. From 8 games for $12 to 9 for $20? LOL

Let us pick by our choice, thats what was just released isnt our choice.
i still think as i dont get something on this feature

Stay subed for every month = all is ok and same
Pay only if u want/like bundle = u will pay alot more?
thats it?

4 years ago*

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You can stay subbed at $12 and pause every month if you don't like the contents of the bundle. When you see a bundle that you like then you don't pause that month. It's the same effect.

My guess is that HB want to say to the game makers that they have X active subscribers to get better deals.

4 years ago

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Am not native person so maybe i only still missing something.
i dont get how it is when i buying month by month, not long time terms sub. I will pay $20 for month? If i decide to buy only bundles i like?
i dont have 3/6/12 months sub

4 years ago

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I am the owner of a paused month-by-month sub, I think I will stay a "classic" member, even if I pause every month until the end of time.

4 years ago

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If you subscribe now on the month by month option. You can pause for any month that you don't like the games. It's "like" not being subscribed because you aren't paying anything unless you want that month's games. Your credit card won't be charged if you pause and you will keep the $12 price but you need to have an active subscripion by the cut off date. You will have to actively pause each month otherwise you will be charged. If you cancel the subscription then you will be off the $12 plan.

4 years ago

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In other words, they're counting on folks forgetting to hit pause. And what's with those glitches when subs miraculously unpaused at some point, does that still happen? The whole thing seems very shady, to be blunt.

4 years ago

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I think it's partly that they are hoping that some people will forget to pause but it probably also has to do with negotiating with the game makers. If they say that they have 1 million subscribers then they can probably get a better deal even if some of those people pause a lot.

It happens here all the time. People get grandfathered into a price for some service and new subscribers pay a higher price. The HB option is much better because you can pause any month that you want. Most of the grandfather options here are lost the moment you cancel or pause.

4 years ago

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Let's be realistic, the whole thing looks like a burn-off to me. They burning off the Monthly's positive reputation for one last big push, hoping to drive folks into a long term subscription, blackmailing them with the loss of Classic status. The difference between Classic and any of the new plans is so drastically in favor of Classic that I can only conclude, that game quality won't improve. I suspect those games will include more non-Steam keys, possibly even Epic Store products in future.

Sure, we can pause, but one day we'll forget to pause, or we're getting unpaused by a glitch in the system, or we're just tired of it after a year or so. I don't like this ... at all.

4 years ago

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I think they're actually aiming at the people who buy a monthly once-twice a year, when something excellent comes out. And cancel immediately after.
Do these people are non-suscribers. And Humble is trying to make them subscribers (even if monthly ones, or pushed ones).
Because monthly can only work with large quantities of subscribers, not with one-off purchasers.
I really don't think the aim is to get you to forget to pause or mysteriously unpause for you. Their aim is millions of monthly subscribers, not millions of alienated users.

If I'm correct, I predict we will see an increase in monthly quality in the coming months (even if Humble loses money on it) for the purpose of convincing as many potential customers as possible to get the "classic" tier before "the prices rise!".

4 years ago

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Seems alright to me. I get it every month anyway, and it's always good for giveaways, at the very least.

4 years ago

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Can I sub now and pause for this month?

4 years ago

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Yes, yes you can. At least for next 6 days...

4 years ago

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I don't understand this. You subscribe for this month and you pause this month so, what about the revealed games for this month?

4 years ago

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You don't have to buy this month.

4 years ago

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Are you absolutely certain of this? As far as I know, being not subscribed and subscribing now, would automatically reveal the three early unlocks and lock me into the current bundle. I definitely don't want those unlocks, so it's really important to be sure about this.

4 years ago

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i just resubscribed, there was an option to pay now, which i didn't, and i paused my subscription. i didn't get charged anything

4 years ago

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this new "feature" is utter shit

4 years ago

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I guess, this month's weirdly great pre-bonus makes an awful lot of sense now. They wanted an influx of subs, and now they want to keep them.

4 years ago

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What's the pre-bonus?

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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Ah, thanks. I was wondering if it was something special that I'd missed.

4 years ago

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May I presume you're not very hyped about those unlocks either, when saying "supposedly good" ? ;-)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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I thought that too

4 years ago

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