looks very interesting, but seems not to work for me :(
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Wow. That's really weird.
Anything unusual on the console? CTRL SHIFT K
What version of greasemonkey are you using?
Edit: Try to change steam store language to english and tell me if it works. (I'll fix it, but this may be a workaround for some people)
Edit2: Updated it. Now works with all store languages. Try it.
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i´m using greasemonkey 3.7 and it still dosnt works (even if i change the steam store language to english).
SG Ratings: Data loaded SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: Loaded ratings for http://store.steampowered.com/app/434800/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: Loaded ratings for http://store.steampowered.com/app/398620/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: Loaded ratings for http://store.steampowered.com/app/431330/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
btw: thanks for helping^^
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there is only one other and its disabled xD
shouldnt the script load more steam pages?
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no, it shows nothing
btw: now it loaded the first 4 games.
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/w69OK/train-of-afterlife is the last game wich get loaded and
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/wYjwt/warhammer-40000-dawn-of-war-master-collection let it stop. probably cause its not just a single game but a bundle?
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Turns out the script wasn't working with German store page. Fixed it now. But this probably wasn't your problem since you have changed it to english to test. But it's worth a try, who knows? Anyway I'll keep trying to find what might be causing the problem that you are having.
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its the newest version, so dont know where the problem is^^
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I just read it, and... Well well, what do we have here.
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined - www.steamgifts.com/:151"
There's an error for every game that it checks. xD
So after all it's not about loading times, it seems. :(
Maybe it has something to do with other scripts, by the way!
Hope this helps! ^^
Fast edit: just deactivated all the scripts but this one, same kind of error!
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Working on chrome using the tampermonkey extension, thanks
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It works fine with those scripts. :)
A user said that it stopped working after updating to the last Tampermonkey version.
I tested here and it worked. Trying to understand why it isn't working for some people.
Once I find a way to fix it I'll post a reply here to let you know.
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Chrome 49.0.2623.110m 64bits (french version)
tampermonkey 4.0
I tried to copy the script in new userscript, and I have a warning line 228: var i already defined;
I changed it to "foo" but still not working and have the same error in the console
Edit : only your script; fresh new install
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Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
VM304:41 SG Ratings: Data loaded
VM304:4 ERROR: Execution of script 'SteamGifts Steam Ratings' failed! Cannot read property 'split' of undefined(anonymous function) @ VM304:4
VM304:4 TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
at getrating (eval at <anonymous> (unknown source), <anonymous>:152:105)
VM304:198 SG Ratings: Loaded ratings for http://store.steampowered.com/app/448830/
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I could be wrong, but it looks like there is something blocking access to the store page. Maybe some kind of blocking extension (not adblock) or maybe tampermonkey asked for permission and you denied or it didn't asked at all. Possibly not that.
Edit: Try updating the script.
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hmm..updated and still the same to me...I did disabled all other scripts (sorry for the wrong screen shot, I took it before disabling the script).
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Oh, forgot to tell. Now this wrong data is cached.
Try to look at another page so that the script get the data again or clear the script cache by typing this in the console: delete localStorage.sgrating_ratings
Edit: Nevermind it won't work. I found what is causing the problem. Fixing it now.
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It works now (but i didn't run the command you mentioned), thank you soooo much! This is my most wanted script on SG!!!
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Huh, interesting. I rarely enter giveaways for games other than what I want, but this could help me discover some great hidden gems.
I'll give it a try, thank you for sharing it to the community. ^^
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mh.. not working for me
but i am new to this scripting stuff
and my chrome has quite a lot of addons working (mainly for blocking ads etc) that may interfere?
in this console thing it says repeatedly:
SG Ratings: Loaded ratings for http://store.steampowered.com/app/272990/ VM121:38
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null VM121:74
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Blocking ads don't interfere.
Others steamgifts script can (but unlikely). That's why I usually asks to put it to run before the others to test. :)
Are you using the latest version? This seems to be the problem with the store language (that was already fixed), but could be a different thing with you.
What language do you use on steam store?
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Hi, thank you for the script! I notice that it doesn't seem to work with Endless Scrolling in Steamgifts++ even though you mention that it should work with autoscrolling. The ratings show correctly on page 1, but as soon as I scroll to page 2 or beyond, no ratings show up. I'm using Firefox and GreaseMonkey if that matters. Thanks!
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:48 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module EndlessScrollGiveaways init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
SG Ratings: Data loaded SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead. SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:254:2
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Handler attached on EndlessScrollGiveaways (addItem) SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserHoverInfo render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module MarkComments render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Handler attached on EndlessScrollGiveaways (afterAddItems) SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 09:38:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module EndlessScrollGiveaways render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/292140/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/307690/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/436910/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/265300/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/15100/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/268050/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/20920/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/292140/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/900883/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/202170/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/359600/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/209340/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:32:3.
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Thanks for looking at this. Unfortunately, after updating the script, it still seems to have the same issue. I tried disabling all my other addons, so that just Steamgifts++ and SG Ratings were active in case something else was interfering, but it still only seems to load the ratings on the first page.
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Still nothing beyond the first page unfortunately.
Might this warning from the console have anything to do with it?
17:02:27.157 Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead.1 SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:255:2
Clicking on it leads me to this line, where I think it doesn't like "DomNodeInserted", though I could be misunderstanding:
document.getElementsByClassName('widget-container')[0].children[1].addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function(){
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It still show "SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/292140/" like on your first comment? This happens when there is an error acessing the store page. If this happens, try to open the link that it says is not available manually and see if you can open it.
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Same basic listing. The No Ratings Available games seem to be a mix of games requiring age checks, DLC, and one that's no longer in the store. I did notice that some of them appear to be on page 2, so it looks like it's getting to that page, just not showing the ratings.
SG Ratings: Data loaded SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:31:226
Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead. SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:220:2
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Steamgifts++ plugin started. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserHoverInfo append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserHoverInfo init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module MarkComments append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module MarkComments init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module EndlessScrollGiveaways append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module EndlessScrollGiveaways init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Handler attached on EndlessScrollGiveaways (addItem) SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserHoverInfo render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module MarkComments render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Handler attached on EndlessScrollGiveaways (afterAddItems) SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Wed Mar 30 2016 19:36:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module EndlessScrollGiveaways render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/292140/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:196:11
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/15100/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:196:11
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/436910/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:196:11
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/307690/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:196:11
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/359600/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:196:11
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/292140/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:196:11
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/202170/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:196:11
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/900883/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:196:11
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/209340/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:196:11
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I think I spoke too soon about it getting games on the second page, there was a copy of the same game on page 1 that I didn't notice. Yes, I can open the links normally (except obviously the one that's no longer in the store which just goes to the main page)
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Not sure how much this helps, but just to eliminate the possibility it was something on my system or a store issue, I temporarily installed Extended Steamgifts and disabled Steamgifts++. With Extended Steamgifts, I get ratings on all pages as expected. I also tried disabling just the endless scrolling in Steamgifts++, and when clicking manually to go to the next page, I get ratings on those pages. With endless scrolling back on, I'm back to no ratings after the first page.
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It sure helps. It proves that it is indeed some kind of incompatibility with SG++ since it works fine with Extended Steamgifts. But was supposed to fix this.
Edit: And it doesn't make sense to show "No ratings available". That means it's actually trying to get the rating on other pages but for some reason it can't (If it's scanning other pages, but returning "No ratings available" that means that fixed the part of the script that prevented it from scanning other pages, but I missed something).
What OS do you use? Version of firefox/greasemonkey? I'll try to replicate this problem here.
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Discovered something new - I went into Steamgifts' settings and temporarily turned "Hide giveaways for games you already own?" to off. After doing that, I have 4 total pages of giveaways, the script shows ratings on the first 3, but not page 4. With that turned back to hiding owned giveaways, I only have two pages of giveaways (and it shows ratings on page 1, but not 2), so I'm thinking now that it's not a full endless scroll problem, but that there's an issue with it showing ratings on the last giveaway page. I'm guessing that maybe there's a less than or greater than statement somewhere that should be less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to, or something similar? Hope that helps.
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I've tried it with all SG++ options other than endless scroll for giveaways disabled, and it doesn't seem to change anything, but the options I have on normally are:
Track Comments, All Read Button, Endless Scroll - Discussions, E.S. - Discussion Replies, E.S.- Giveaways, E.S. - Giveaway Comments, E.S. - Lists, Fixed Navbar, Fixed Sidebar, Show Giveaways Filters, Popup, Tagging and Hover Info.
There doesn't seem to be much in the console that looks useful but:
With just 2 pages of giveaways:
SG Ratings: Data loaded. SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:36:3
Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead. SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:319:2
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/209340/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:36:3
With owned giveaways shown so that I have 5 pages of giveaways:
Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead. SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:319:2
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/209340/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:36:3
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Nothing new. I'm not sure there's anything useful here, but here's CTRL-Shift-J:
TypeError: window.location is null utils.js:64:5
TypeError: can't access dead object jquery-2.1.3.min.js:2:30308
TypeError: can't access dead object jquery-2.1.3.min.js:2:30308
SG Ratings: Data loaded. SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:36:3
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Steamgifts++ plugin started. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserHoverInfo append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserHoverInfo init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module MarkComments append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module MarkComments init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module EndlessScrollGiveaways append css. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module EndlessScrollGiveaways init() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module GiveawaysFilter render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Handler attached on EndlessScrollGiveaways (addItem) SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module FixedNavbar render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module ScrollingSidebar render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserHoverInfo render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module UserTags render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module MarkComments render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module PopupGiveaway render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Handler attached on EndlessScrollGiveaways (afterAddItems) SGPP.user.js:19:823
[Thu Mar 31 2016 19:29:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)] SGPP - Module EndlessScrollGiveaways render() call. SGPP.user.js:19:823
Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead. SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:320:2
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/209340/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:36:3
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New message about using SG++ endless scroll in the console, but still no ratings on the last page (this is from having "show owned games" enabled so there are more pages, either way, ratings don't show on the last page). This is with all addons disabled aside from SG++ and SG Ratings:
SG Ratings: SG++ using endless scroll SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:37:3
"SG Ratings: No ratings available for http://store.steampowered.com/app/209340/" SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js:37:3
page in view changed to 2 SGPP.user.js:19:56716
page in view changed to 3 SGPP.user.js:19:56716
page in view changed to 4 SGPP.user.js:19:56716
I notice that the "page in view" messages from SG++ show up well before I've actually scrolled to that page (I see the page 4 message when I'm still in the middle of page 3 and not scrolling), no idea if that could effect anything.
Sorry for all the hassle, I understand if you decide to give up on trying to figure this out ;)
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That about "page in view" is normal.
I'm not going to give up, but the problem is that I have no idea what might be causing the problem.
Anything written on red or yellow on CTRL SHIFT J that the source is my script (check on the right for SteamGifts_Steam_Ratings.user.js)?
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11 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Chris76de
51 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by ha14
22 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Formidolosus
13 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by moronic
34 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
355 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by aumeilo
331 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by MyLittlePoPo
60 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by raydotn
1,917 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by TricksterImp
31 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by wigglenose
9,951 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by CurryKingWurst
296 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by raydotn
460 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by Tucs
17 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Keny123456
TL;DR: See images. For chrome if you don't set age on steam, games that need it will receive a "No ratings available".
~(May 14, 2017) Added a new way to see features/tags on GAs pages (Must be enabled via the greasemonkey/tampermonkey menu) [beta]
(April 04, 2017) I finally added compatibility with ESGST endless scroll. I'm sorry it took so long, my depression hit me hard on these past weeks. I'll try to fix the other incompatibilities with ESGST (like grid view and some other bugs) as quickly as my depression allow me to do so. :/
(March 05, 2017) Todo: Add compatibility with rhSGST endless scroll.
1.6.1 (May 13, 2016): It also shows metascore now on individual GA page when Steam provides it. To show it on GAS pages you have to enable it on the Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey menu.~
I made this script some time ago. A user who was using it tried to convince me to post here, but I was kinda reluctant to do that.
It shows the % of the positive reviews of the game, the total number of reviews and a thumbs up/down visual aid.
Meaning of the colors of the icons:
If you leave the mouse on top of a giveaway it also show some details of the game. Ex: Cloud, Achievements, Cards, DRM. It can show genre/popular tags if you enable it
manually in the variablein the greasemonkey/tampermonkey menu.Oh, and it works with autoscroll (from Extended Steamgifts and SG++).
It doesn't scan bundles/packages (games with steam store link /sub/ instead of /app/).
After 24 hours it was scanned, an entry in the cache is considered outdated and is going to be scanned again when tried to be used.
To run scripts you will need:
I haven't made a config page (yet),
but there's some configuration variables in the start of the script:, but you can configure some thing using your extension (Under "User scripts commands" on Greasemonkey menu, or on Tampermonkey menu)Any problem let me know. You could try this:
Bump maybe?
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