EA used to be worse, but Ubisoft seems to do have outdone them (not in a good way).
They both have tons of bugs in their games and a crappy client, but at least EA didn't try to downgrade the graphics... UPlay is also worse than Origin IMO.
Valve should be in 3rd, just so that we know Half Life 3 is confirmed.
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As of late, EA might have made some strange decisions, but they've not actually been all that consumer unfriendly. In fact, for the most part, during the last year or so, I've been quite pleased with how EA has acted towards my end of the playerbase (i.e. they gave me free games, though I can understand why the Battlefield crowd were upset by the Battlefield 4 release). Ubisoft on the other hand seem to enjoy intentionally telling lies to cover up their mistakes and not actually doing anything about the mistakes, something that no other major company seem to have been doing to any great extent as of late.
THQ is by the way dead. They can't really do much bad from beyond the grave :P
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There was no point in this poll as people will always vote EA as the worst regardless of how good they become. Although I still don't like what they do with the sims games.
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People keep hating on EA because it's the cool thing to hate, just like with IE, Windows 8, WiiU, etc.
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EA built up two decades worth of animosity, climaxing in multi-million lawsuit payouts for labor abuses. That kind of behavior over the long-term doesn't just get forgotten after only a couple of years of cleaning up its image. If it did disappear that quick, I would be sorely disappointed in the human race.
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They should just join forces so it would be easier to choose.
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who the heck would say valve… when we're on a website dedicated on winning steam keys….
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I would love to hear peoples reasons for disliking valve…. cuz i can't think of any….
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Ubisoft may have Starforce still hanging on its record, they both have Always-online so that cancels each other out, but EA still has the cloud of labor issues hanging over, which won't go away until after many years of provable good behavior. And until that happens, EA is going to remain the worst of those companies listed.
Though if Gearbox keeps up with its bad-boy behavior, it may end up giving EA a run for its money.
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Updates required
It just sucks worse than EA lately.
Updates required
It's just like some kind of glue, and you're stuck to it...
Updates required
...All the time you're playing any of their games...
Updates required
...As if the constant massive useless updates weren't enough.
Updates required
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I'll vote Activision Blizzard. (why are Blizzard and Activision listed separately as well anyway ?)
Why ? Because they milk franchises to death, and they don't do anything really new. Or they get licensed properties that they then handle half-heartedly (see: Deadpool, Transformers - several games, only 2 really good ones). They're one of the biggest contributors to over-saturating and stagnating the gaming business.
EA is a rubbish company that makes a lot of stupid decisions (trying to merge Burnout into Need for Speed franchise, introducing online-passes etc.) but they're not too afraid to experiment and undo their mistakes (see: Kingdoms of Amalur, removing online passes, fixing the Mass Effect 3 ending for free instead of as charged DLC...)
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Also, please if u vote please explain why and for which company you have voted. Sorry if i missed some company again, but those are the ones i can think of atm.
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