Been a while since I posted or did anything on here. Roughly a year. Been a long year with ups and downs, busy with things. I still have a lot of keys, from bundles last year and earlier this year. I've been slowly clearing out my stash, gifting games here and there to friends, but I want to just do a quick dump, and easiest place is here. Don't feel like dealing with making giveaways, so I am just dropping the keys here. To make sure no bots can get them, and to make it a bit more of a trick to get them, it is images of the keys and a HB link or two. So you are going to have to work a bit for them ;)

They're all bundled games, so nothing fancy or super shiny. Hope you all have (or had) a great Halloween. I have more keys, I may do this again around the holidays or do actual giveaways then... IDK... depends on how I'm feeling and what not.

Starting with the first game, which is Hidden Object, click-n-point casual adventure game 9 Clues-The Secret of Serpent Creek and it does have steam cards. Next up is a couple copies of the steampunkish, retro-style game The Chaos Engine and it has steam cards as well. This is for the 3rd person, single player shooter El Matador. No steam cards, just some pew-pew-pew with guns going on.

Another pair of Hidden Object, CnP casual games with trading cards are Enigmatis-The Ghosts of Maple Creek and Enigmatis 2-The Mists of Ravenwood. Then the four year old, 3rd person shooter Global Ops-Commando Libya with less than 40% positive reviews. Another pair of the HO,CnP casuals with cards Grim Legends-The Forsaken Bride and Grim Legends 2-Song of the Dark Swan. Mata Hari is a point-n-click.

Just in time for Halloween, here is an indie horror game for you, The Wooden Floor. Sweet Lily Dreams is another indie rpg with steam cards. Indie racer Speed Kills. Another indie game, the puzzler Pressured has trading cards. And the final game, another HO, PnC casual game with cards, Nightmares from the Deep-The Siren`s Call.

Mkay.... that's all them for now guys. Happy Halloween. Enjoy the treats. See you guys around. ^__^

The ones I know for certain, since people said they grabbed it and thanked me. You're welcome to those that do manage to grab one. Remember, if you try a taken keys too many times (varies between 3 and 6, is usually random), Steam does bar you for a while from trying more codes for several minutes. So just because you think it is taken, it may not be (see comments for proof. Someone thought Postal was taken and then someone else came in and got it).

The 3rd-person shooter, multiplayer God Mode, with steam cards.
Going old school with this one, Postal full of dark humor, violence, gore, and steam cards.
The indie RPG Lilly and Sasha-Guardian Angels has steam cards too.
The casual RPG puzzle game Labyrinthine Dreams, and it has cards.
Perimeter is an older scifi strategy game with steam cards.
And at least one the Chaos Engines but not sure which X3

8 years ago*

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That was unexpected.
Claimed "The Chaos Engine".
Thank you so much !!!

8 years ago

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cool :3 Happy Halloween, enjoy your treat ^_^

8 years ago

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Will do !
Have a great weekend, Sir !!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Claimed God Mode, thank you :)

8 years ago

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Oh, I tried Postal, but ghosts took it.

8 years ago

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El Matador is already claimed by some douchebag who didn't even bother to say "thx"

8 years ago

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Tried only Lilly and Sasha: Guardian Angels, someone else had already claimed it.
Thanks anyway ^_^

8 years ago

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Claimed Postal, thank you.

8 years ago

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awesomesauce, have fun going postal :P

8 years ago

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Labyrinthine Dreams was gone :( But thanks for the keydrops!

8 years ago

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adding you on steam, I have one last key of that, if you want it ^_^

8 years ago

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Oh thank you! :D

8 years ago

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I wanted Perimeter, but ninja got it. Thanks anyway :)

8 years ago

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added you on steam, I have one left if you want it

8 years ago

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Wow! So generous of you. I want to give you a game in return. The only game i have you don't is Frozen Synapse Prime.

8 years ago

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Oh, no worries on giving anything back. ^_^ This is something I used to do a lot when I was more active a year ago. Lots of giveaways and random drops.

8 years ago

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If anybody has the Perimeter and can give me, i will be very happy :c

8 years ago

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Oh, hey.... fresh meat....

No begging: you know, unless you enjoy people blacklisting you.

8 years ago

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That was a cool idea. Happy Halloween, PyroluxAemilius! :D

8 years ago

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Thanks ^_^

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by PyroluxAemilius.