i can party cause i have mobile auth unlike the uncool kids
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I'm assuming you mean a phone that isn't a smartphone, but just in case: if you have a phone running Android that doesn't have Google Play, you can download and install the Steam Mobile app directly from the Steam website.
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But will you remember to edit these posts in 45 days? :)
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Frankly, yes they probably will.
The more obtuse they make the market, the fewer people will bother pushing their stuff off onto it constantly undercutting the prices.
This means prices will get driven down less and its easier to find an equilibrium with people who actually are trying to get something out of it rather than just trying to sell as quickly as possible.
In short, since supply will drop and the people willing to deal with this shit are actually trying to get out of it - we'll see a shift in the market. Which Valve will benefit from since they take a percentage off of each transaction.
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Well they may gain bigger cut, but on less transactions. Their profit is on transactions. There are a lot of cards and items that the price is 3-5 cents. So they take most of the price, but on the other hand people don't care to sell items in which they earn a cent or two. So if those items raise, maybe they're worth to sell increasing the amount of transactions. It's difficult to guess the impact and their profit expectations. Would be awesome to peak on their data/informs. Ahhh Varoufakis, so jelly :) who took his position? Probably doesn't write a blog.
My next reply won't be from a mobile...
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The flipside is less traffic on their servers. Tons of 2 cent transactions would still leave a dent on their performance.
The question there would be, what does each individual transaction "cost". Constantly updating queries, keeping data accurate.
Reducing traffic is something they'd also benefit from - to the extent that it caused the leak during last season's holiday event.
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Probably because even though people are opting out, they still create support ticket to try and get back the stuff they lost.
The large majority who do understand that clicking "I understand that I will not be protected" means they lose their stuff completely in case of their account being hacked are collateral damage from measures taken to protect those who can't be bothered to read the terms they accepted before clicking "I agree".
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People need to know what they're getting into. Now Steam can tell you "GTFO" cause you didn't protect yourself.
Honestly, times are changing. I don't see why everyone wouldn't come to a point having a mobile device with them capable to use SMA.
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(I'm assuming your intent was referring to a more immediate eventuality. If not, skip down to the next parenthesed section)
Because some of us are too poor to afford one?
Or how about because smart phones are a complete luxury item that are entirely unnecessary to the furthering of communication needs, and some people just spend money more responsibly/less indulgently?
If you'd like to pay for us to have smart phones, which are not cheap when your finances are limited, then by all means.
Else, careful about getting on a high horse over it; especially when it's a pain enough for many of us to just get by, without feeling excluded even on little things like this. :X
Speaking of, do you have a fussball or billiards table? A 40K+ sports car? Do you have a home, or are you renting?
Perspective is everything.
May take quite a while for smart phones to become cheap enough to completely supplant non-smart phones, especially with data plan pricing seeming to be something that isn't going away any time soon, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
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I was suggesting because smartphones have really become cheap. In my country, you can get the brand new cheapest smartphone for like 40-50$. You could find used ones for 15-20$ as well. Also, the phones get cheaper over the years... recently a company in my country announced a smartphone for 5$.
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Note that I get a free phone due my circumstances, but even if I didn't, I'd go with a cheap prepaid option- and even past that, a basic line is $20 a month.
I just did a google search, and it looks like data plans are down to $50/month.. or rather, that's what they start at.
So even at the most basic comparison, it's still $30 more a month, and I'm already to the point of only having $20~ a month of spare funds (which I use entirely on bundles and giveaways, ha).
The phones themselves aren't the issue, it's a matter of justifying giving up money for nearly a week's worth of food, or being able to buy the things you actually want, for a service you flat out do not in any way need.
More notable to the current topic, whatever trading card gains you'd actually make by using the mobile app, it'll be a drop in the bucket compared to what you'll be spending.
Again, the issue is that it's a completely unnecessary service, so it's a bit silly to expect people to have it, much like it's not reasonable to expect people to have more expensive cars over cheaper ones.
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I don't think characterizing smartphones as expensive cars, but computers for gaming running a desktop OS as cheaper cars is valid.
There are valid cons to this decision that Valve made in addition to the obvious pros upon which they are focused, but considering that a person doesn't need phone service--just a device, and intermittent or even slow wifi--I don't think the analogy is accurate.
P.S. We appreciate that you use your limited discretionary income to create giveaways. I can't remember why I have you whitelisted but I'm glad I do. Now if I would just do a good whitelist giveaway, I'd have something.
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...you get charged monthly for a line in a prepaid phone? what's the point of it being a prepaid phone then? are you actually sure ? because that does not sound like a prepaid line,it sounds just like a contract phone or someone paying for a monthly plan in a prepaid phone when you don't have to.
Dataplans... why would you need one when there's wifi?
I understand the hassle of having to get a thing you don't use at all but the pricetag it's really an excuse. There's dirtcheap phones out there.
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...you get charged monthly for a line in a prepaid phone? what's the point of it being a prepaid phone then? are you actually sure ?
I think you may needta reread a bit :')
Note that I get a free phone due my circumstances,
<but even if I didn't>, I'd go with a cheap prepaid option-
<and evenpast that[as the next step up in cost]>, a basic line is $20 a month.
Though many prepaids do have monthly activation fees in addition to minute-purchase fees, so that's not necessarily unrelated.
And good point, didn't really click to the wi-fi bit, I keep thinking of smart phones as more expanded phones, rather than "oh, we took a phone and stuck it onto a mini computer". I'm not exactly particularly familiar with the topic, though :P
I get good computers and trashy phones and find a happy balance in the contrast between the two :D
Now the real question is "is $20+ to be able to use steam market worth it".
By comparison, emulation is free, and works well enough [thus negating my initial point altogether, but also emphasizing how ridiculous the steam guard process really is- it quite definitively appears to be using an app as a direct substitute for e-mail, with the same level of protection between both].
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Well i may be a rare exception, but there is no mobile network in the area i live. I could for sure buy a phone at 600$ only to use an app from steam, but hey, i suppose i may be attached too much to money for that...
Anyway, my point is not every people in the world can afford or even have access to a mobile network, so now you see why there may have people that has no other options than deal with that 15 days hold...
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no, it just affected me, too. i just sold 10 cards on the market, and i had to confirm every card on my mobile. every card! wtf? i hope it's not supposed to be like that. ^^
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right, you were. don't mind me, i'm just pissed about the whole thing. ^^
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It will still affect you, too. Because now you will only be able to trade with people who also have mobile auth.
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The problem is that before the change, it would ask for email confirmation based on what you try to sell it for, not what it's actually worth (which would be hard for the system to know in many cases). So if you took an unusual and sold it for 3 cents on the market it wouldn't ask for confirmation, so scammers could just quickly go buy it with another account for 3 cents.
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Email confirmations worked well enough, but thanks to all the clever people storing their email password in their browser and downloading a trojan that stole their steam login credentials and email password, we now get this shoved down our throat..
I won't add my phone number to steam, especially not after the incident at the recent holiday sale.
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They definitely send it to your phone via an SMS code. That's the only way at present.
Thus you need an SMS capable phone to enable it, or else a free Google Voice private number (US residents only).
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If i remember well, the first time you install the app steam ask for a code that they sent you by sms to the number you give them (it could be another phone, not necessary the one in which you install the app, this is good for tablets or people like me with WP and have an old android). This is to match the app with your account.
So i think you ever will need to provide the mobile number.
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I don't remember well. I doubt if it ask for your usser and password and email code or a sms code. I think it was the sms code, but im not sure 100%.
You can try to install the app without telling steam your phone number to see if the app ask you for a sms code.
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Ok, now i remember. WHen you put your phone number, the will send you a sms code to confirm that you are the owner of the number.
Once you active the 2 factor identification you can't login without the app (instead the email code you will need the app code that changes each 30s)
I don't know why they want your number. I received the sms in my WP and activate the app in an android.
Maybe in case you break your phone or loose it you need to receibe an sms plus the restaurationcode(they give you when you activate 2 factor) to restore your access to your account.
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Sorry my message was incomplete (multitasking is bad, sometimes i forgot things).
If you loose your phone with the 2 factor app enabled, email is not an option. First you need to restore your account acces with the restauration code, and this is when i think maybe phone number is required too. But i don't know surely
You are welcome.
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thats normal. just enter the first code, if you get asked for it.
should still work.
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You still need a Android or Apple phone though.
No luck for peeps with Win Phones and means you need to install yet another shitty app on our devices.
Will I soon have to do this for every website I visit?
Sure there would have been a better way to do this.
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Get Bluestacks, and you can run android and android app's in windows. You don't need a phone or tablet. Bluestacks is good to have anyways for the rare android games I want to play, and even better on a monitor instead of 3 inch screen.
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Yeah, I know about Bluestacks.
Ran really badly on my PC :(
To tell you the truth though, screw Valve!
I just won't trade anymore and they won't get their share (not that they really got much from me, but...)
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Well 15 day of hold is the same thing as if Valve says : Hey use my app or you CANT use the market anymore.
Many user dont have, dont like, or what ever be, a smartphone (android/iOS), i cant get out of my mind that Valve is more worry about the level of adoption of the mobile app than in protect our accounts and our items.
BTW, for those who dont have a smartphone y recomend you to look for Desktop Authenticator App (it work)
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I would. Maybe because my phone is old, but Lumia 610 is shit.
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The beta builds of WinAuth added Steam trade confirmations. Since SDA was made by one guy (using some code from WinAuth I believe), I imagine once WinAuth gets Steam trade confirmation to a stable state, SDA will close down and recommend everyone switch to WinAuth.
I also don't think Valve is doing this to protect users, especially now that they've made it so even if you use the mobile authenticator your items won't be returned even if you get hacked. I like the new security features, but I don't like them being mandatory. They should make them optional and let you opt out of the waiting period. I imagine a lot of people are just going to stop trading and using the market now. I was ok waiting 3 days to trade with non mobile auth. people, but I doubt I'm gong to want to trade with someone if I have to wait 15 days.
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How do you get so many people trading stuff, but not enough intelligence between them not to get scammed?
Is it really too much to expect a basic understanding of computer security and confidence schemes from the average IQ 100 person?
Because it's either rampant stupidity to blame for this, or Valve is being an over-bearing, monopolist corporatist fuck again.
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They could have taken a very simple step to stop a lot of these scams from happening:
Not showing the full email address in the "Contact Info" , on the "is this still your email adress" banner that pops up every so often and well just everywhere it shows.
So even if someone gets access to your steam account, they still wouldn't know the associated email that would be needed for trade confirmations.
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I've come to terms with it as just another thing to push me away from Steam. I can wait to sell any cards I get from bundle games which is the only stuff I buy for Steam nowadays. It's not like the prices change too much over two weeks. Set and forget, I think. Shame to see Valve messing everything up over the last couple of years though.
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IM still work for me, but since some weeks i start to use Archi Steam Farm, is faster than IM also you can set a MASTER account and use the Steam Chat as a CMD and order the bots to send you the cards they already have farmed, also the bots are able to register game keys, ASF is a very helpfull tool.
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I still seem to be able to list cards and sell fine no confirming needed so it must have not started everywhere? edit:now email confirmation for cards started but still dont need mobile.
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Yeah its horrible I don't have an IOS or android phone so I cant do the steam authenticator bullshit, and honestly I don't want to anyways, there should be an option to where you can disable it and be like well if something happens fuck it, there goes my shit. I shouldn't have had a shitty password. So now when new cases drop and are worth 10 bucks in the first few hours and I happen to get one, by the time I'm able to sell it, it will be worth 70 cents.
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Currently, no bots are adding me. Probably someone on your friends list had their account hijacked or has their computer infected, this is their typical approach.
Brand new accounts are limited and cannot add friends. This is why bots are currently used with random people's accounts instead.
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I added the app because I want to sell cards. Only problem is I cant bring my cell to work... so no steam and consequently steamgifts at work, which is not good. So I added teamviwer to tunnel into my cellphone from pc... but the levels of wrongness in that scenario are almost beyond bearing.
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You should have noted down your recovery code, with that you can recover the Authenticator to a new, working phone, or disable it.
Afterwards, an option available to you is the use of alternate means to the Authenticator, such as the Desktop Authenticator program, or Android emulation software, for example.
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"Only problem is I cant bring my cell to work..."
If you work in tech, defense, or other sensitive/secret/top secret/black ops arenas, which is what I gather from the prohibition on cell phones, then WTF are you doing playing with Steam while you're there? That should be banned, too. LOL! :-D
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So now everytime I want to sell a card I need to take my phone, turn on wifi, start Steam, open notification and authorize a listing... Great
But that's not the only thing. I've placed several cards and some of them didn't appear in notifications. When I try to place a listing in Steam again for those cards I get "You already have a listing for this item pending confirmation. Please confirm or cancel the existing listing."...
Steam, why you're turning into shit?
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already forced to use mobile athenticator, so nothing new for me....only people without it, have no chance to trade with me, wait 3 days is still acceptable, 15 days not at all
at start i was using it on bluestacks, but now i have finally smartphone few months
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Ok, turns out my android goes to sleep and doesnt want to turn back data (I could force it, but then my battery runs out fast without deep sleep), so another variant was called for:
Use Chrome - Install Arc Welder (googles own app) - install steam app - tunnel into home pc - profit? (from cards)
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it is that ??
for the steam apps i need to have already connected a phone to my google account
is it a way to by pass that ?
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Another in a long line of dickmoves from our Lord Gaben.
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Just wanted to say good-bye to trading, and using the steam market. We had a good run, but waiting 3 days for a trade to go through and 15 days for a market listing? Yeah, i'm good.
So thanks everybody, I hope you all hate this new update too!
For those who didn't know about this
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