Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Thursdays are ruined!
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Emm... Sorry? On Tuesdays they add games to the BTA! Tuesdays are awesome!
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Initially I was a little sad to see it go, but the weekly bundles have been generally been pretty weak (though still got quite a few of them).
With the strong resurgence of the regular bundles and the decent monthlies overall this is definitely a win overall, though tbh I'm not sure how long the monthly and normal bundles can stay so compelling.
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Frankly, neither of those games would interest me in the slightest. (Especially the Division. Yay, another MMO shooter, because there are absolutely none like that on the market… oh, wait…)
But seriously. A pinball DLC bundle? A bundle of DLCs for F2P games almost nobody plays? The Orbyt bundle that was closer to what IndieGala or Bundle Stars do on weekly basis? That "strategy" bundle full of half-forgotten games? The Firaxis "Sid Meier's™ Lowest-Rated and Cheapest Retro Games Bundle©"? So far this current due they are running now are the best they come up with, and one of them is mostly bought for the two cRPGs and maybe one of the RTSs.
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A lot of people play Pinball FX2 (, me included. Heck we even have annual tournaments of Pinball FX2 in one of my groups. I find it the best, most complex and most amusing Pinball game on Steam. The fact that you don't like something doesn't make it suck. I don't like sports games. So even if they released a bundle with FIFA, PES, Football Manager and so on in it I wouldn't buy it, but it wouldn't make it a bad bundle.
I agree that Orbyt or Firaxis were weak bundles (thou Firaxis was not weekly afair ;p), but Humble had better and weaker bundles since like forever. It's not that things dramatically changed with introduction of Weekly.. Before Weekly people were complaining every time they got Android or Mobile bundle for example ;p
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The second sentence was referring to this:
Just look at the vote: I swear there is a DailyIndieGame bundle somewhere that had higher votes on "yes" than this one.
The pinball bundle in itself as an idea was nice, but the execution not so much: they randomly selected 1-2 tables from the thematic packs and that's it. I know that it was supposed to be the third pack like this, but this selection was even less lucrative than some of the Dynamite Entertainment comic packs on Groupees, where they chopped up miniseries between 2-3 bundles over months in varying tiers.
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OK :> Generally I do like Pinball FX2 bundles, so it was ok for me (even if I skipped this one because of lack of cash). Tiers were stupid thou - Tier 2 tables I would not pay 6$ for, especially as one was rebundle, but tier 1 was OK imho ;) And Zen Studios bundles are always a mix of different themes tables ;) After all they don't want all DLCs to end up bundled, their business model requires that some people buy DLCs normally as well ;) But these tables can be played separatelly - you don't need all SW tables for example or need to play them in any order ;) So for me what they did is fine, unlike what for example EA did in one of theirs bundles - adding Dead Space 1 and 3 but not DS2 ;) Because while you can play Table 1,3 and 6 only without a problem, you cannot really play DS3 without playing DS2 thus they are kinda forcing you to buy it. similar story, also with EA was bundling only Mass Effect 2 without Mass Effect 1 ;p
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Agreed. I think what I'm trying to say is that pinball bundle felt more like some promo for the DLC packs where you were expected to pay to see the advertisement. (Then again, marketing companies would orgasm if they could do that… alas, it rarely happens.) It just felt… totally random.
About EA… yep, that is similar of what my gripe was with some of the comic bundles – HB, Groupees, same; comic publishers really didn't feel this whole how bundles are helping to get customers approach as randomly selecting a part of a series won't make one feel invested, it makes them feel left out of something.
Still, in the end, I'd still say EA bundles are among the better ones. Questionable sometimes, but they are surprisingly open to let some of their older yet super popular games out in the open in the form of bundles. (Or even Origin freebies.) Never would have expected that from them 5-10 years ago.
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The game is F2P but the dlc is not and you need to buy tables to have access to them,other wise it is time limited.
Also a lot more people play it then you might think,and just because you do not like it does not mean hardly anyone plays it.
Though i do not have a problem with them cutting back on a bundle i thought they had to much already same with other sites,and it would be a big bonus if this meant a chance at better bundles.
If it was a F2P game,then there would be no need to purchase said table or have said bundle.
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Read the rest, I was referring to this bundle.
Although I do maintain that a few random DLCs of one specific game don't really belong on Humble Bundle. Bundle Stars is the one where you can find these packs usually.
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Actually if you want to get technical it does include the Base Game,so it just not all DLC.
Also they are still a game,and if we are on the subject of what does not belong,then they need to ditch the stupid books and and such as i do not think they belong.
But then again it is not my site so who am i to tell them what they can and can not have on it.After all i would not want someone telling me how to run my life.
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I thought we was talking about Pinball Fx,so that was my mistake,so i am the idiot on that part lol.As that was what i thought i was replying to was..
Agreed. I think what I'm trying to say is that pinball bundle felt more like some promo for the DLC packs where you were expected to pay to see the advertisement. (Then again, marketing companies would orgasm if they could do that… alas, it rarely happens.) It just felt… totally random.
Then you tell me you where talking about the other bundle you linked to,so this is what i have to say about that.
And that bundle in the link,yeah that was just stupid bundle and why i never got it,but while i may not agree with it i can not agree on going as far as it does not or should not be on the site,hell i do not like they have comic books and stuff on there as it has about as much to do with gaming as driving fast does with racing.Still they can put what they want on it.
I still stand that who am i to decide what they can and can not have on there site,any more then if i was running a store and selling something that someone thinks does not belong in the store and tells me i have no right to be selling this.
But yes i agree it was a crap bundle,but it still a bundle with games it had 4 games,and the DLC cost money so the DLC itself was not free,and there are people who like those games and play them so it had value for someone.
Just because you found it pointless and stupid does not mean it does not belong there.
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IndieGala puts out a new bundle almost every Monday. Thursdays have nothing.
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New Thursday can step on a poison-dipped Lego brick for all I care.
Day of Thor, you are dead to me :(
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Considering the quality of the recent IG Monday bundles, Monday doesn't have anything either. :-D
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So instead of 1x 7day bundle + 1 x 14 day bundle forth on 2x 7 day bundle -
sounds good to me ... nobody needs a 14 day long bundle.
edit: yeah the every week got me twisted ...
every week 1 runs out and another appears for 14 days.
so same old except for tabs & names
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Actually, I kind of like this better. We'll have 2x2-week bundles, and this will give them more time to work through the details and get better quality games. Weekly bundles were sometimes nice, but their loss on Thursday isn't that much of a tragedy.
It also makes their schedule more efficient, because everything is oriented around Tuesdays, with no confusion or other issues that crop up with them having to also deal with Thursday releases.
So it will be:
1st Tuesday: Bundle #1 Starts
1st Friday: Monthly Bundle Is Revealed
2nd Tuesday: Bundle #2 Starts; Bundle #1 Has One Week Left
3rd Tuesday: Bundle #1 Ends; Bundle #2 Has One Week Left; Bundle #3 Starts
4th Tuesday: Bundle #2 Ends; Bundle #3 Has One Week Left; Bundle #4 Starts
...and so on.
And as they said, "...we’ll continue to have have week-long bundles from time to time as special promotions...", so there will be surprise weekly bundles that will probably be of better quality, because they won't feel pressured to produce them every week.
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Will those bundles still have BTA-tiers which will give additional games in the second week of the Bundle?
like this:
2nd Tuesday ...+additional BTA-games are revealed for Bundle #1
3rd Tuesday ...+additional BTA-games are revealed for Bundle #2
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offering a new two-week-long bundle every week
Is this just poorly worded by Humble? I read that as every week they will add a bundle that lasts for two weeks, i.e. there would be four 2 week bundles running ..
But I completely agree your summary makes much more sense.
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The HB weekly bundles always sucked anyways. Now let's just hope they stop sneaking in uPlay bundles.
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The ones I bought:
Humble Weekly Bundle: Focus Home Interactive 2 - January 28, 2016
Humble Weekly Bundle: Day of the Devs - November 5, 2015
Humble Weekly Bundle: Leading Ladies 2 - July 3, 2015
Humble Weekly Bundle: Eye Candy 3 - June 25, 2015
Humble Weekly Bundle: Relic Entertainment - May 28, 2015
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NOOOO!! WHAT A SAD DAY! I didn't have much time for videogames (or "gaming-related" platforms, as SG) lately, but whenever I got home tuesdays and thursdays, I had this "joy" when I was checking what is in the new HB (even if some of them were crap)... they... took this away from me. :(
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2 Main bundles anyway so after all not big of a difference. In fact twice as hype in one day. As long as your wallet will not get hearth attack it's alright ! :)
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It will be twice as hype a day, one will get bta bonuses unlocked and 2nd will be new ! Yay ! :)
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With Humble Indie Bundle 16, we added a second bundle to our main page, and we plan to follow that schedule going forward: offering a new two-week-long bundle every week. Starting today, we will complete the transition with a new tab layout for our site.
In an effort to make bundling even simpler, we now have two handy tabs: “Games” and “Books.” Under those two tabs, you can find the different game and book bundles.
While this does mean it’s time to bid farewell to our friend, the Humble Weekly Bundle, we’ll continue to have have week-long bundles from time to time as special promotions.
We invite you to click around a bit to get a feel for the new tabs. We know there might be a small adjustment period, but maybe you can pass the time by sipping on some, um, Tab?
Thank you for your support, and keep checking in for more bundles!
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