Personally, I like that they've added filters for things like "Less than current Steam Wallet balance" and "On sale" for those that view the wishlist.
Though, the design has enlarged the icons, meaning that you need to scroll more. Overall, I like it.

What about all of you?

I decided to list all of the differences I've noticed:

  • New filters for sale percentages.
  • New filters for pricing.
  • Can now remove things from the wishlist without refreshing the whole page
  • A fast search tool instead of needing the CTRL+F and hoping that the required part of the page has finished loading.
  • Can sort by review score
  • The price sorting is back again
  • Allows sorting by the type of product (DLC, Game, Videos, Software)
  • Sorting by top selling games.
  • Moving the list items is slightly more smooth (yet there are some glitches where they switch places randomly when removing DLCs for the same game.)
  • Hovering the mouse over the game icon gives you a slideshow of the screenshots
  • Shows overall reviews, release date, tags and OS compatibilities in the game's box slot.
  • Ranking's now seemingly disappeared.
  • The icons are way larger. (Could be because of the added info on each game... doubt it though)
  • New confirmation window for removing games, so no more accidental removals.
  • A weird feature... the image in the background is of a random game on your wishlist.

EDIT: The issue with SG's wishlist seem to now be fixed to an extent. Some titles seem to still be missing.
EDIT 2: Games removed from the store seem to be removed from your wishlist automatically now.
EDIT 3: A user has noted: "Just noticed that F2P DLC aren't showing up in the client anymore (website and app still do)."
EDIT 4: A compact mode has now been added! No need for buying 50 monitors just to see a single game's icon anymore!
EDIT 5: A thicc boi has noted that wishlists save automatically now.

6 years ago*

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Do you like the new wishlist system?

View Results

i have 400 games in my wish-list ordered very precisely by how much i want each thing, the new sort by ranked is completely random compared to my old one,((( you cant sort by price low-to-high))) this has been fixed, and cant reverse a search by clicking the option again to change it like low to high / High to low.
in the new sort by ranked mode i cant move games up and down so i cant even remake my listings, each game is so damn large on the screen i get about 3 to a whole screen size, they are at least 3 times bigger then before. Look steam, buddy, im all for changes and innovation but you need to give people the option to say no.

EDIT: sort by price is back but only low to high. re-odering now has a button that says top and a bow hat i assume would move them up and down manually but neither work.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago*

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steamgifts synced, wishlist gone to 0, steam wishlist's page doesn't open. yeah xD

6 years ago

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Me too, whislist in steamgifts is broken at the moment.

6 years ago

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got over 5k games on wishlist, I abuse the list as notifier... but well doesnt work anymore xD

6 years ago

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I hate the trend of everything being way too large tiles so I'm not happy

6 years ago

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yep,this tendency starting to get on my nerves

6 years ago

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Same, I can see a max of 3 games at once on my screen... Gotta love having to scroll down forever just to check all of the games, thanks volvo...

6 years ago

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It screwed up tha rankings, and I since Enhanced Steam doesn't work now, I cannot do the OBVIOUS and sort by sale %. So no, I don't like it.

6 years ago

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Can now remove things from the wishlist without refreshing the whole page

Nice, it only took them a couple of years! :D

I kind of like the new wishlist, but I noticed listing by the price is all weird now. Free games first, some discounted games among them, and THEN the actual listing by price O.o

6 years ago

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The discounted amongst the free are games which have a free episode 1 or are f2p with a "full game" bundle kind of deals.

6 years ago

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Ah, you're right! Interesting, that'll probably be helpful in the future, thanks for pointing it out to me :)

6 years ago

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Is the new system the reason why the SteamGifts wishlist display is broken rn?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I don't like any web design where things are huge and spaced out. I prefer to have as much information as possible on my screen at one time.

6 years ago

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This looks very much like the Squarespace style of web design. Wide spaces seem to be their thing as well.

6 years ago

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Some features are great however others are not. And most of it are broken. RIght now i want to sort it by -75% however it's bugged and it shows also 50% and 66% discount. I haven't found anything regarding more bugs, but probably people will share them as well.

6 years ago

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Hmm, weird. Do you have the "On Sale" thingy checked? If so, then it seems that despite being a checkbox, it can't handle more than one input. It instead defaults to the lowest one. So, if that's on, then it might go for the lowest barrier, which would be any game that's on sale instead of only the ones that are 75%+ off.

6 years ago

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Well i wish i could tell you, but my wishlist is now broken. So i will try to tell you tomorrow if it's fixed.

6 years ago

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The On Sale option is not checked then clicking on -75%, only that option is clicked. So yeah it shows below as well.

6 years ago

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It has a weird thing were it'll sort it by 75% if the bundle containing it has 75% or higher and is lower priced than the main game... but will list the discount and price of the main game in these events regardless.

6 years ago

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Users with datacaps and large wishlists beware! It looks like not only goes it load giant images, but also loads multiple other
screenshots (hover cursor over images to see them cycle). Very large wishlists could now likely be hundreds of MB in size.

6 years ago*

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Funny. Loading's way faster for me. :D

That data cap issue would definitely screw some people over...

6 years ago

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Those that had a blank page on Steam after the update should now be able to load it, but it will not show all titles. The missing ones are still there, you can find them with the search bar (but that doesn't solve anything).

6 years ago

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I didn't sync, at least not manually, but damn seeing my SG wishlist tab empty threw me into a panic for a minute there XD

6 years ago

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New wishlist looks like shit. Fuck you Gabe. Fuck. You.

6 years ago

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I'm not able to figure out how to switch the games's positions on my wishlist. They got all messed up with the update and now I can't change them back.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Oh, wow. I didn't even have "top" there before. I can now switch their positions by placing the number in the thing there, but I can't grab it yet. I guess it's glitched.

6 years ago

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Horrible. It already took hours before the change to organize the games by how I want them ranked on my wishlist (a "tiny" list of 400 some games), and now you can't even order by number and/or use PageUp/PageDown to move wishlist entries around.


On the mobile app, I'm also not seeing an ability to reorder games, like, at all. At least before you could still do the hold + drag up/drag down thing.

This is a mess.

How can they remove really obvious, basic sorting tools lol. On computer and on mobile...

6 years ago

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Did they also wipe all games that were removed from the store just now? That's annoying, I'll probably end up forgetting they exist unless they come back to the store and I find them again.

6 years ago

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Seems to be the case. Thanks for letting us know :)
Sucks that they did that though.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Games like "Blur", "Deadpool" and many other games and software that where removed from Steam just vanished from my wishlist.

6 years ago

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Purchase disabled games are still there, but Farmer's Dynasty was delisted. May I ask you to post a screenshot?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Oh, okay, thank you though!

6 years ago

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I didn't like it at first because of the useless big banners and slow loading time. And apparently my Top 15 games got reset to nothingness (although it hardly served any purpose). But...

Now "sort by price" actually differentiates between free and unreleased games, meaning I can finally see the free games I added to my wishlist without going through 300 unreleased games.

Also this

New filters for sale percentages

is absolutely amazing.

So, I actually like it. Although there's still one big problem, Wishlist GAs on SG don't appear :/

6 years ago*

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Yeah, your opinion seems to currently be a controversial one. Personally, I agree with you as well.

Hopefully the SG issue will be fixed soon as well.

6 years ago

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I wanted to vote no, but I like most of it. Only 2 3 things up until now that I don't like, bnut I really reallly dislike them.
These are that the tiles are too big, and that they removed the ranking numbers.
Too big tiles, because even though all that information is wonderful, they still seem quite oversized.
The ranking numbers, because even though I have 'only' 50 titles on my wishlist, and the new dragging system is way better than the old one, I'd rather have a number to type sometimes. And, for me more importantly, to see what I ranked as 'top x', to differentiate what I would want most, and border off games that I want equally bad.
EDIT: a 3rd thing I dislike: It is extremely buggy. Whenever I try to change the order or anything, it either won't load, or won't allow me to drag the tiles, asapparently clicking anything triggers a sort by or such, denoted by the URL having something like #sort=order (but then not order) on the end. It even broke when it just loaded...

6 years ago*

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Old ranked order seems to show correctly now. But they are not numbered.

6 years ago

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Before I read this I actually wasn't aware the old wishlist had sorting options, and I spent muuuuch time with my wishlist.
So I understand missing low to high price, definitely something I'd use and miss too.
But +1 is that I actually found the sorting options without searching for them :P they're really prominently placed now, screaming to be used.

6 years ago

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When will we be able to see only our "Wishlist" games on SteamGifts? Nothing comes up now.
I trust I am not the only one with this issue.

6 years ago

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Now that they've fixed some of the early glitches, I like it just fine.
That said, there were about 100 more important things that needed fixes/improvements than the Steam wishlist.

6 years ago

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I don't like that they removed the actual number ranking - like 'this game is number 40 on the list'. This is going to make correlating to my spreadsheet really annoying :/

6 years ago

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Sometimes bigger isn't better, Valve. This is one of those times.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Not sure if mentioned before but you can sort for price etc now. Just noticed it!

6 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by zeruel132.