No wonder so many online sites were offering huge discounts for this game before it was even released.
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User reviews: Mostly Negative (674 reviews)
Release Date: 22 Jun, 2015
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I was about to start a topic regarding this matter.Seems that the pc port is worse than AC:Unity.The game itself is capped at 30FPS (can be edited through game files ,though) and people are struggling to get stable FPS even 970GTX users suffer from awful frame drops in addition to shuttering.Some users claim that this is due to denuvo.
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Damn im sry to hear all that, maybe they are right about denuvo because the games released with denuvo got bad reviews: Lords of the Fallen, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Battlefield Hardline. (from wikipedia)
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As AK seems a memory hungry title it might the first game to trigger the inherent 970weakness of its crippled vram - the 3,5gb vram issue. Officiall minimum is 2gb vram / 3gb for amd gpus. Reports of jerknyness in gameplay would support that theory.
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(MAYBE SPOILER) yeah.. it is the pc port... besides that the only think i can see about the game in a negative way is that you spend way too much time on the batmobile and not on combat... at least that is at i am seeing in the first 2 hours of the game.
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Right. I'll wait for a patched up GotY version then.
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Well, at the very least wait until the launch-day issues are patched out. Those issues are more and more frequent these days, and it's one of the main reasons why I rarely get games at launch anymore.
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That's why I stopped doing any kind of pre-ordering years ago. By the time the game has been sufficiently patched, a person could get the game for the same price or cheaper than my pre-order. That can be kind of fun for certain multiplayer aspects (pre-nerfing), but terribly frustrating if there are server or optimization issues.
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I will preorder for games I really like.
E.g Diablo 3 xpac, Warcraft 4 (if ever), Sonic Allstars Racing Transformed 2.
The main advantage of them is multiplayer. Over time, the playerbase is dwindling, it's best to play as soon as possible for MP games, hence preordering.
For SP, I see no advantage.
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Patches can fix bugs, glitches and errors, sure, but to re-optimize a game and fix a shitty port like this...that takes hard work, remaking the entire programming part of the game from scrap. I doubt they'll go through this much trouble. Arkham Asylum and Arkham City were really buggy sure, but they never had this kind of problem... I doubt you'll see any kind of improvement any time soon, so don't hold your breath...
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"re-optimize a game and fix a shitty port like this...that takes hard work, remaking the entire programming part of the game from scrap."
eh, that depends on what's bottlenecking where.
Working in software development for a living, I've seen plenty of cases where one or two relatively simple, but badly optimized functions could kill a system's performance simply because they were called frequently.
The same can happen in game engines, and is usually relatively easy to fix.
But we'll see. I do hope they can get things fixed up though. I do want to play the game, but I'm not going to buy a new console just so I can get a version that runs properly.
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I'm very surprised to see so many many disappointed reviews. I've heard from some people that it runs perfect for them, with no issues whatsoever. Considering this is Rocksteady, I expected a near flawless game. Certainly not a buggy, frame capped mess.
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Welcome to the new world of video games then. Since the seventh generation of consoles started supporting hotfixes, almost nobody bothers to make a game any more, they just release some alpha version of a mess and depending on how much it sells they slowly optimise, patch and in some cases plainly finish it.
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Frankly? Yes. Many people, especially the Xbox/PS plebs laugh at Nintendo and call it childish, but they are among the very few ones who bring actual innovation to the video game industry. If I had the finances for it, I would gladly buy a 3DS and a WiiU in a heartbeat, but I wouldn't want an Xbone or a PS4 even if it was free (unless I can sell it right afterwards).
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It runs fine for consoles I think. So just a REALLLLLLLLL shit PC port.
I wonder if Rocksteady will compensate PC users some how. Hopefully not something retarded like free Batman AA, AC, &/or AO. Because if they have AK, they probably have played the other 3.
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i watched a stream this morning. mostly 60fps, with drops down to ~45. in rare cases even down to 20. but never for long. a few seconds. seems to me, that the game is very playable, even in this badly optimized state, if you have a decent rig. if what i saw in that stream is what i will get once i start playing, i am kind of ok with it, actually.
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I've heard people with 770s struggling to hit 30 fps even on low.
I have a 670, so I imagine I would be fucked.
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this guy in the stream has a 780ti. so i guess i am good to go with my 970. more or less. ;)
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The min requirements said a 660 on the store page. I wonder if that will stay there.
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do you have the game? if so, maybe you can share some data, like your minimum/average fps? would be interesting to know if it is at least playable with your 670 (which clearly is above the minimum specs, even if not by that much).
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970 seems not good enough ;p
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AFAIK, it does run fine on consoles, since LetsPlayers have put out content already, and it seems to run perfectly. As for PC, I'm sure the Day One patch should fix this. If not, a Week One patch (if that even exists). And tbh, Im not sure if people already have AA or AC on Steam (non-Steam versions do exist). Either way, I doubt they will compensate anything. This is how games are usually at launch these days. I'd wait for a patch, or just unlock the FPS cap via the ini. Either way, the negative reviews are just the result of some kids being impatient i.e. too lazy to go to support, and telling Rocksteady they want a fix. (This is the wrong way to do it, so I doubt RS will appreciate this... oh well. Kids.)
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sorry, i think you're wrong about that. the negative reviews are a good thing. if we don't complain about shitty releases, nothing will change. probably nothing will change nonetheless, but at least we should try. if the game runs poorly for me when i try it later, i will also write a negative review. this has nothing to do with impatience. they released the game, so we can expect it to run well. if it doesn't, they didn't do a good job. they released the game too early. and they should suffer consequenses of some sort. waiting for a patch and keeping quiet doesn't help anybody. if we want this habit of releasing poorly optimized, unfinished products to go away, we have to complain. and one way to do this are user reviews. we have to make it public and complain as loud as we can. then at least we have a small chance that it will get better with the next release.
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I know, its like I said, the devs notice the reviews faster than support, but half those people who made the negative reviews haven't made a support ticket, and use the review to whine about how they should be compensated. I mean, I'm fine with the negative reviews, since they can be changed later, but the kids never go via official means to get their problems solved. That's what I was trying to point out.
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They got the money from players already, so what the fuck is your ground reason to say that?
The get money, players get working game. As simple as that.
People like you are the reasons why we're being milked with DLCs right and left and getting broken games every single day.
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Woah woah, why the hostility?
Let me make myself clear, I AM NOT DEFENDING ROCKSTEADY. I'm only pointing out how everyone uses the reviews as a "support ticket" to get through to Rocksteady, instead of the official means. Let's face it, half of those posting the reviews haven't actually bothered contacting Rocksteady themselves or figuring out the solution.
As for the "give money, get working game" argument. We will have to consider the facts.
Remember the old era, where games were simple rail shooters, platformers etc., and less mainstream? Back then, the games came out flawlessly. Why is that you ask? Well, because of 2 main reasons.
Now? We have games releasing on 5-6 consoles along with the PC. Way more to design and test in the games, and its not just the game itself, but the multiple hardware configurations that they have to account for. So missing stuff, while inexcusable, is not something you can use to bash them on the very first day of launch. Give them time to at least release a patch, then make your opinions public.
For the record, I don't own the game. But I have seen people being able to run it successfully, and who have managed to unlock the FPS cap. I would not rush to call the game unplayable if the issue isn't for ALL customers.
That's all I have to say on this matter.
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Well, sorry for that. Didn't mean to be really hostile towards you, but I had been 'fighting' so to speak against so called Rocksteady's defenders on Steam forum. Perhaps I got carried away.
Of your argument "The games were relatively simpler to make"
Yes it's more complex nowadays. Hundreds thousands or millions lines of codes. And there comes the bugs.
I am fine with it. In fact, programming errors are to be expected. But then again, there's a fine line between being lazy + don't do your programming homework and being diligent but making mistakes as a human.
This is where the developers and/or publishers exploiting. They put up an excuses excuses excuses for that. Examples: Ubishit's Watch_Dogs.
Or on a different side of the coin, CPDR with their Witcher 3.
And sadly, this FPS cap on Batman Arkham Knight falls on the first category. It's not an acceptable human error. FPS 30 written in an INI file is INTENTIONAL and UNNECESSARY.
Frankly, they become more and more bold in preying customers. Flat out horrible business practices.
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Saying Watch_Dogs and Witcher 3 are on different side of coins - no.
Well, at least Witcher 3 developer came and said "yes, we have your preorder money so we can now admit we lied and downgraded game, joke on you".
It's not that it's bad game, no no. It's good game. But ethically, they aren't better than Ubisoft.
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Back then, the games came out flawlessly.
No, they didn't. I'm old enough to remember the launch of Quake II. And also how they released a patch almost every week for close to a year before the game reached the state where people could see, hear, and actually finish it.
And this is just one example. Games released half-finished or broken were always a thing. The difference today is they are starting to be an industry-wide standard practise instead of a blunder that gets media attention.
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Back then, games just got blasted off the radar.
Ever heard of SIN ? The FPS that had a good chance to compete with Half-Life ? Any chance at proper competition was lost the moment that game was launched prematurely, because out of the box it ran like a snail in wet cement, and was full of game-breaking bugs.
By the time it was properly patched, most people already had forgotten about it.
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Dropping ratings on Steam Store, pretty much equals less sales for them if people care about reviews. And trust me, they listen to the sale count more than anything, contact them as much as you want, they won't give a shit.
If people didn't outrage and started dropping negative reviews on Skyrim when mods are introduced, and spamming all over the place, it would have never ended.
There is no need to feel sorry for them. There should be no day 1 patches needed, if they already have a day 1 patch made, why not release game 1 day later and have it included, so that the game is ready to play? NOOO.. Of course not, gotta milk shit outta it.
They also edited CDKeys from Nvidia promo so they don't get preorder bonuses. Yup, they totally have accidentaly done that everything. Poor guys. :(
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"They also edited CDKeys from Nvidia promo so they don't get preorder bonuses." - did they ever said Nvidia promo will have preorder bonuses or something like that?
It's standard policy that GPU cd-keys are most basic/standard edition, without any bonuses. I remember how people were surprised that Alien Isolation that came from Radeon promo gave TF2 hats.
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I kinda agree with you and how quick people leave complete shit review because of one two issues and never actually review the whole game.
They will just say stuff like,Game runs like shit do not buy and so on.They need to contact support and use the review section for what it is,reviews not like some tweeter feed posting there anger.
They could state what is good and bad about the game,and if your going to say a game is bad,you need to state why it is bad,and also state what the game is like when it works if it does work decent when things are going well.If your getting bad FPS state why and how and what hardware your running and so on,so at least people will same hardware will know they might have issues.instead most people post out of anger and just say things like. Game runs like crap do no buy shitty ass game.
Reminds me of all the bad reviews about GTA V because of rumors of being banned for mods,as if they do not support mods it makes it a bad game.It could be a negative but it should not be the only reason to leave one but eh.Also seen people leave bad reviews and angry ones over not playing well on laptops,but if they would take time to read the rea dme,They would see that laptops are not official supported so they may or may not run on them.
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Thats why i never pre purchase. No reason to do that.
yeah 10% discount. wow.
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46% thats ok to pre purchase i guess. But not in steam for sure
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I'm so glad now that I didn't buy it :D
Edit: And people complained about Arkham Origins, it ran better for me than even Arkham City and it seems like Arkham Knight is even worse.
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yep, origins ran pretty well for me aswell. also it was a really good game in my opinion.
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Its not the game running that mattered actually. Its the predictable story (A certain someone being the villian AGAIN), the dead city, and the game breaking bugs.
But yeah, Origins is NOT a badly designed game. Even I enjoyed the boss fights, they were actually fun for a change.
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all i can say about origins:
i thought the story was not too bad (especially story-telling was great as always)
the city was as dead as in arkham city. yet this one got incredibly high scores. this type of open world city was one of the big improvements to arkham asylum. and the exact same thing suddenly is a negative factor in the next game. ^^
i personally didn't experience a single bug. i am not kidding. i played through the whole thing. i even looked for this famous bug where you enter a small room (for a riddler challenge) and then can't leave, because your grappling hook doesn't work. well, it worked for me. very shortly after release. so yeah, the game actually worked perfectly for me.
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In Arkham City you actually had stuff like snipers to spice things up in the open world. Origins doesn't have that. Kinda sucks really. Also the story telling is not bad, just too difficult to even take seriously when it accomplishes nothing for the game (Other than the OBVIOUS "You know who" 's character development.... Can't spoil it for others.) As for the bugs I didn't experience any until mid game, when I can't disable one particular district's Riddler Tower for some goddamn reason, which blocks your progress (Had to try the exploit to get across... Not a good thing in all honesty.) But holy shit, those fire effects have to have been rendered by NASA. I mean, they look so pro.
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People complained about Origins mostly because:
Overall the game was smooth for me, and I hardly encounter any bugs. I did once, but after I reset it was ok.
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the city was as dead as in arkham city, and that one got scores of ~90 from everyone...
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Well, totally expected. I'll continue wait for GOTY
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As an Nvidia user, even I get those stutters sometimes, though it doesn't help that they jumped into bed with Nvidia on this one. Others have claimed it's because it was primarily targeted for console gamers, but it still doesn't explain the PC's poor optimisation. I've always disliked Warner Bros Interactive and was unsure about even getting the game because they're such a greedy corporation, but this reiterates why I don't usually buy their games any more (at least since Dying Light which I refused to buy because of their questionable ethics prior to launch).
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What's weird is the fact on the PC version it says 'Nvidia How it's Meant to be Played' or whatever, yet the consoles feature AMD chipsets. Yeah I'm trying to figure that one out.
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Console manufacturers wanted a cheap but working chipset instead of an Apple-level overpriced one. And contrary to popular belief, the console AMD chips are quite energy-efficient, unlike their current line of flagship GPUs.
Or, in other words: nVidia buys PC developers, AMD bought console manufacturers.
Still, I cheer for AMD. They aren't innocent angels either, just have a little more business ethics (as in, they have some instead of none).
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Yeah, Nvidia recently went Apple way 'close all possible features in proprietary drivers', I really hope AMD and its (sort of) open model wins :(
By the way, AMD didnt bought console manufacturers. Nvidia let them have it because it's really low profit sector of market and it drives AMD share up artificially, defending Nvidia from triggering anti-monopolist investigation...
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Hopefully the when the mid-range AMD 300s hit the market, the people themselves will drive up their market share normally. Not to mention that in the past year their incredibly bad CPU lines started to be quite good, overshooting Intel's price/performance ratio by a light-year in the low/mid segments.
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why people just cry's cuz it laggs....all the bad reviews about fps..just wait and give some time for fixes kiddo's
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for a AAA full priced game, 'just get over it and wait' doesnt cut it. they can sell that shit for 20 bucks if they cant be bothered to do a decent job of it... people are right to rage as much as they want for the poor job theyve done for the PREMIUM price tag theyve charged.
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These guys have been doing PC stuff for a while, they're not some small studio from Japan who barely know what a PC is. It's inexcusable to have a game run this horribly and they have the nerve to ask 50 euros or 90e if you buy the season pass bundle. They also removed the pre-order bonuses from people who got it from the Nvidia promo few hours before release.
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After installing the game ready drivers and the dependencies (I don't usually let steam install vc redist packages unless I'm forced to and never encountered problems before), the game runs much smoother, but it still has performance issues.
Serious fps drop during the first vehicle chase.
The game benchmark said I'd be able to run it at 60fps no problem.
Oh well, I'll wait for a patch. Not like I don't have a ton of games in the backlog.
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Hahahaha, I just don't fucking UNDERSTAND how can you mess up so much a game you worked on so hard for so long! Especially that making a game run smooth can't be that much of a problem (especially if you CREATED the whole game in the first place). This is truly pathetic.
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That is pretty bad performance. If that is common then no wonder people are frustrated.
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"Edit: Further in-house RPS testing is inconclusive. I’ve rolled back my Nvidia drivers to the previous release and now have a steady framerate (with Gameworks switched on and settings maxed) until I hit a Batmobile sequence, at which point I’m experiencing dips seemingly at random. Alec, on similar hardware, is using the latest drivers and having a better experience., though still has Batmobile problems. John is on AMD – we’ll check back with him soon."
And some people say NVidia never has driver issues. This certainly implies otherwise.
For added fun: reading the comments on RPS, it seems folks with older cards have less issues.
Still waiting to see if AMD cards show less problems though. Would be funny if they do, with the NVidia banners & endorsements on the game...
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And some people say NVidia never has driver issues.
Maybe not in the past 5-6 years. People used to joke with "what did your new nVidia driver break this time?" years back. We maybe switched driver once ever 6-12 months out of the 20-30 released a year, they were that much unreliable.
Ati back then was the same as today: very rare updates, and they mostly worked, but couldn't really squeeze out as much from the hardware as they should have.
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Only 33% positive reviews, damn, must suck for the publishers.
obviously sucks for the players aswell but y'know
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I'll grab a key for some 10 euros. Gonna wait a bit though. :-)
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nvidia "optimization"... optimized to make your 300$ card feel like a 5 year old card. so you buy another one..
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I had high hopes for Batman: Arkham Knight cause the Development studio: Rocksteady (one of my favorites) and one of my favorite game franchises, checked today after the release to see only negative reviews from the steam users, 37%...what?
What happened again and why...
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