Day 5 of Heroes Week: Strategy Heroes 2 Bundle

Please keep in mind this is an old post, made 4 months ago

tier 1: $1.99 $2.49 for 8 Games

Tier 2: $3.89 $4.48 for 16 games

Details soon

Tier 1 - $2.499

Jagged Alliance - Back in Action 68% ❤️ 2 $29.99
Worms 86% - 5 $7.99
Planetary Annihilation 62% ❤️ 4 $29.99
Ghost Master 83% - 1 $4.99
Disciples Sacred Lands Gold 80% - 0 $7.99
Prophour23 79% ❤️ 1 $9.99
War of the Human Tanks 88% ❤️ 7 $9.99
Z 73% ❤️ 5 $6.99

Tier 2 - $4.48

Prime World: Defenders 86% ❤️ 5 $9.99
Heroes of Annihilated Empires 86% - 3 $14.99
Knights and Merchants 80% ❤️ 3 $6.99
Runespell: Overture 78% - 5 $9.99
Eador: Genesis 78% - 3 $5.99
HOARD Complete Pack 81% - 1 $11.49
Puzzle Kingdoms 57% - 5 $14.99
Frozen Synapse Prime 64% ❤️ 4 $24.99

warning: Worms and knights and merchants have been free

Retail: 192.36
Cv: 28.854

Happy Chinese New Year! 恭喜發財

❤️ Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️

Random Fact

9 years ago*

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well.... repeats... soo
Scientists suggest that most people will fall in love approximately seven times before marriage.


shitty bundles lately

9 years ago*

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Too many repeats this week ;_;

9 years ago

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Awesome description for Tier 2 :P

9 years ago

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Lol sorry. Hard to make threada on the phone

9 years ago

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Is all good. Thought at first it might be an indication of its badness

9 years ago

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"Scientists suggest that most people will fall in love approximately seven times before marriage."
That's not love...

9 years ago

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I was late, nuuuu!! Or BS decided to release their bundle sooner. Smh.

From tier 1:
Planetary Annihilation is the only game that is worth the price of this bundle But you need to know that it has been bundled couple of times already in the last months with better games.
Is good, is good to the point the developers decided to release a new "game" (Which should have been a DLC) and stopped to give any support to the original game, leaving so many performance issues and horrible things going on.
Yes, it is the best game of the Tier 1.
The rest are mostly garbage

From TIer 2
Frozen Synapse gives you an extra copy of the game as a gift when you redeem the code. So that's nice.
Heroes of Annihilated Empires is playable, so that's a +

9 years ago

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I would very much argue with that. Worms could be a question of age and taste (I'd say that the first one is probably the weakest of the first four games, but compared to many of the 3D ones, it is easily in the best 10 Worms games made). Z is ancient but good. Disciples 1 was a serious competitor to HoM&M. And Prophour23 doesn't look that bad…

9 years ago

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That's why i said "mostly" garbage :P
Worms is good, that is true.
I saw Z, i did not liked it, at all, hahaha.
Disciples, while it looks like the good 'ol Warcraft and was an excellent game, new machines can't handle the graphics of it's time. It's so broken and a lot of people is going to, and have complained about that. That's why even if i have said it was good, people would be like "It's so bad, it doesn't work. Durr Durr Durr."
And finally Prophour23. It's weird. I like weird games. But this weird game is too simple. A basic concept with some sprinkles of weird things on top, without any concept breaking twist or feature.

9 years ago

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Oh, Disciples is not WarCraft, it is a turn-based strategy like Heroes of Might & Magic. (Well, actually, it is a blatant clone of that game, but a good one.) You know, where you have one city you build buildings only to be able to train a certain unit type, run around a map claiming resources which generate an income every turn, and where battle is done by you assigning minions to a hero, hero running around using movement points, and battle done in a turn-based format where first you bash the enemy, then they bash you.

9 years ago

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Oh i know it is not Warcraft, played both games before :P I meant that it looked similar to Warcraft (The art is so similar. To the original games at least)

9 years ago

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Hm, could be. WarCraft stole its assets from somewhere, so it'd be fitting if someone copied them too. :D

9 years ago

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Tier 2 is basically a copy of one of their previous bundles... I assume it's Strategy Heroes 1.

9 years ago

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That's correct. If you are new to bundles that is a good price for the 2 of them, but if you are not new, then you are better off not buying any of them :)

Because repeats

9 years ago

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xxx for $3.89? sounds good :D

9 years ago

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Seriously considering tier 2 for Prophour. b/c I want that one and Hoard

GDI BS! x| shakes fist

9 years ago

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Missing only Jagged Alliance - Back in Action, not going to buy tier 1 only for this game

9 years ago

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Very repeat-y. Still, if there aren't any freebies there, the CV/price should be insane…

9 years ago

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There are a couple I want, especially Hoard Complete Pack, but I own too many of these already to justify $4.

9 years ago

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Well then, try your luck on an invite-only:

9 years ago

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There is an easy solution, you are on SG, give games you already own away =d

9 years ago

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As full of repeats as the others.
Oh, well.

9 years ago

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Seriously BS, just stahp. It's embarassing, there were like 1-2 bundles in 2016 which were not repeats.

9 years ago

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This week Bundle Stars looks more like Repeat Stars! ^ ^

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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No, you don't! It's too expensive for only one game and, imo, the rest of the bundle is nothing to write home about. I might be able to trade for Disciples... If I can get the key, would you take it?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Well if my !!!! can prevent you from buying a not-so-good bundle, then I'm happy. :p

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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I bought tier 1 because I didn't have 3 of the games, but I can't justify tier 2, because I only need 1 game.

If anyone ends up with a copy of Eador: Genesis they don't need, let me know.

9 years ago

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Only want Disciples, but not going to buy tier 1 just for that >.<

9 years ago

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Bump for being back! For 2 days only!

8 years ago

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It's still available, some changes (at least what I can see here in the EU):

  • Jagged Alliance - Back in Action was removed from the bundle;
  • Price went up (paying € 3.19 for the first tier and € 5.38 for the second tier).

A small surprise was that the game Frozen Synapse Prime from the second tier gives you one additional Steam gift copy.

8 years ago

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Surprise to you perhaps but Frozen Synapse Prime has always done that.

8 years ago

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Yep, even does it with GOG.

8 years ago

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