How do you feel about 1:1 ratio groups.
I once joined a ratio group. It, uh, didn't last too long. :P
Not my kind of thing. I entered for **** all during my time there anyway.
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1:1 ratio groups never work in general, and such groups collapse sooner or later.
Successful ratio groups are usually around 1:0.7 (you can win more than you give). My group for example uses 0.75, and we celebrated a first year since being created recently.
It's about maximizing winnings in general. You can either give away game to anybody and get nothing back, or give away game to the group and get >guaranteed< win, and very often even more than value of your game in the first place. Assuming you have leftovers for giveaways, such as bundle leftovers, you're not really losing anything, you can only gain.
Thing is, ratio groups are not for everyone. They work great because you have a guaranteed win for every giveaway you create, as opposed to more liberal groups where you often have many giveaways, but also many entries (and many leechers).
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Need quotations for the first paragraphs.
and, don't we agree that if you give away a game to anybody in order to get a, and I quote verbatim guaranteed win aren't you trading? Worth mentioning that trading is strictly forbidden in the SG part of the site, I see some kind of value dissonance there.
There we go, the famous buzzword leechers (sic) what does it even mean? What constitutes a leecher?
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Leecher is somebody who takes, but never gives. Same as a parasite. Need example? A guy with 80 wins 0 giveaways.
You're not trading. Trading would involve exchanging fixed game A for fixed game B, or other goods. In order to trade, both parties must agree on it, and you know both what you're receiving and what you're giving. Ratio giveaway groups work on other principal - guaranteed win is something given to you as a reward for accumulating in-group currency (usually, ratio), because you can spend that currency on giveaways (and win them).
If you want to call it trading, you can do that - because it has something common with trading. But one can also call it accumulating and spending in-group currency, same as accumulating and spending money given to you by your boss. Technically you pay your bills and buy food, but is working a "trade" of your time for food and paying your bills? Exactly.
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It's trading. as work is trading, currency is just a means of eliminating direct trading for conveniencie. When you are working you trade your time and your skills for money which then you trade for goods and services. You are just agreeing with me.
Fixed ratio groups are trading, not direct trading, but trading nonetheless.
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It's trading. as work is trading, currency is just a means of eliminating direct trading for conveniencie.
My reply was reference to this part of OP's comment :) Which for me means "find currency and everything is indirect trading". Leecher for example trading his time for giveaways :3
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you have given away games and you won some games. so in your own words: you just traded games?
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are you being purposely dense or do you legit not understand the difference between 1:1 ratio groups and why I think it's trading (Which there's like a jillion explanations by me on the thread already) and normal, proper, giveaways?
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you didnt answered my question :( could you please do it? thank you
and there is a new one: you are calling a group with a 1:1 ratio as trading, cause you get games and you give games (entering giveaways will never be a guaranteed win, as long as there are more entrants than copys). you did the same with the same ratio. where is the difference?
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The answer is implied, do I have to spell everything out? I did not trade games.
The difference is that by joining a 1:1 ratio group you are, at some point in the future, guaranteed to win back as many games as you gave away, if you are not part of said groups you can (and maybe will or won't) win the same, but there's no guarantee. Do you see the difference? Or do I have to draw you a doodle?
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what he means: you won a fallout 4 deluxe version and to keep a 1:1 ratio, you create a bad rats giveaway.
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The difference is that by joining a 1:1 ratio group you are, at some point in the future, guaranteed to win back as many games as you gave away, if you are not part of said groups you can (and maybe will or won't) win the same, but there's no guarantee.
It sounds like you're trying to say that trading is only when you're getting the same amount of something that you're giving. When you are not in the group and you're giving away 5 games and getting one it's not trading for you. Like getting 100 eggs for one cow wouldn't be a trading, only 1:1.
Btw, when you're giving away games you are not guaranteed to win the same amount of games, you're only guaranteed to give away at least the same amount as you've won. Unless you're the member of |G|A|ntagonist group :P
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even in a 1:1 ratio group, you can give more games then you won and if you dont have luck, there is no guaranteed win for you :(
yes, the more giveaways you enter, the higher your chance grows to get a game back. but thats the same like with public giveaways. there are just far more entrants and more people who never give back (in the group, they will get kicked later) and more entrants so you will have to enter more giveaways to get the same amount of games back...
there is only one way you could call it a "trade": you have a 1:1 ratio and wins a new game so you have to create a giveaway (you got one so you have to give back). is it trading? probably for you it is. but someone gave you a game withoug knowing, if he ever get a game back... so its not realy a trade. btw: do you call gifting at christmas as trading? you also "have to" give something to the others and you will get something back.
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Whatever, in a 1:1 you exchange games for currency -> ratio -> which is exchanged for more games. It's textbook trading.
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i´m making giveaways so i dont get blacklisted for leeching and even some people whitelist me cause of making many giveaways and having a good ratio -> i increase my chance to win later on as well. i could call it textbook trading as well xD
but still: there will never be a guaranteed win for me or for the guy in the 1:1 ratio group. we still all need luck to win our games and to get the same amount of games, we have given away xD
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to tell the truth - you are never guaranteed to win as many games ;) You still need to win them ;) 1st thing - the group may die before you gret your wins back, another thing is that even if GASs in 1:1 groups have really low number of entries usually (because people want to save their ratio for bet games) you still need to win these GAs. And even if they are 2,3,5 Entries you may be unlucky and lose them all (remember Khalaq when he joined? Over 15 estimated wins, 0 actual wins ;p). I'm not a fan of 1:1 groups myself thus I'm not into any such a group, but I do not consider them trading. When you trade you trade item A for item B, if you give item A in exchange for a random other item it's lottery imho not trading. Extremelly good lottery because you have extremely good chances but not trading ;)
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I agree with everything you said, right down to joining 3 years ago, being absent a good portion of that time, and how much the community has changed since then. When I first joined, sure, we had the level restrictions, and some uber guys complaining about leeches. But that mindset was the exception not the rule. Nearly everyone on the site at that time, had found SG in search of free steam games. Back then, just being active in the forums, was enough of a contribution for most people to feel like you were a part of the site.
I've always created giveaways, even if they werent the best, but now it feels like an obligation more than something I'm doing willingly to give back to the community and keep the site going. Its a bit disheartening to be completely honest. But it is what it is, communities change, and this is no exception.
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How is 1:1 in games given away fair? If I only give away Bad Rats and I have 1:1 ratio, but there's a guy that gives away expensive games and has a lower ratio than me, am I considered better than him? o.O I know that you referred to extreme cases too, but still, it's not fair at all. xD And anyway, ratio is worthless. It's like saying that I have money and I can buy games to give away resulting in being able to enter better giveaways, but people that don't have money to buy games to give away, don't deserve to get better games! Does it sound fair? Because it sounds....strange and unfair to me. And about giveaway groups, well, it's a bit......difficult to think of it. :P
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I quote
(and yes, EXTREME cases such as the uncle that only gifts you a pack of pencils every year, or SG related, the person that only gave away "free" stuff do obviously don't apply)
Extreme cases. and I do not sanction any kind of ratio discrimination, and for God's sake, *in no way giving more or less games away makes one better than anyone
I do agree, the Contributor Level system, which seems to be in place to reward, seems more of a punishment, and both it and specially ratio driven events, are kinda contradictory and senseless in the end.
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Nevermind, I said about this kind of things a lot of times in the past. :P About the 1:1 ratio groups, I've thought of it, and I think you're right.
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And BTW, last thing. Unless you're in ratio group you shouldn't care that much about your ratio. It's up to every person how he manages his ratio on SG. My ratio became FAR off (I'm trying to fix it, but I'm doing poorly), yet I don't consider myself a leecher, as I always tend to give something back to community, both groups I participate, but also general public. It's not about 1:1 value, very usually it's 0.5 of the value or even less, but I'm still happy to give something back.
TL;DR - Why you should bother? Let everybody manage whatever ratio he wants, and also let other giveaway creators to put whatever SGT rules they want. If one wants to reward generous people - he can, if one wants to reward leechers or rule breakers - he can too.
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I didn't said I cared?
I just wanted to discuss some elephants in the room here. Not to mention that LITERALLY my 1st paragraph says that I do not want to dictate what people do with their money in any way.
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Don't wanna sound SJW-ish here, but that's definitely clasist as hell.
Why do you assume that those people who haven't given anything away are rulebreakers? Or rude? Let's give level 0 people 3/5ths of the entries too, now that we are at it. Not gonna call out anybody but there's cases of high profile people or others with high CV that are rude as fuck.
I explicitally said that I don't mind whitelists, groups of friends or whatever.
No particular examples but your 1st paragraph might as well be one.
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& exactly what percentage of the users of the site you've interacted with and how many giveaways over the total have you created to consider your personal evidence enough to generalize an entire group of people?
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I don't wanna play the lawyers advocate, and to be honest I don't monitor my winners very closely (not have I done significantly huge level of giveaways) but, and from my personal experience too, I have no proper data to back it up, I will have to disagree.
I haven't had any significant problems with any of my winners that I recall.
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Oh, the thing here is that we are entering a completely different grounds for discussion. Whether the system of bans' aim is to either rehabilitate, or punish, cheaters, and this is all complicated.
If we see the ban system as a sole punishment, should users who've broken one (or several) important rules in the past be able to continue entering/winning giveaways? I don't think so. But if it's purpose is to reinsert them into "SG's society" I do think that once they've served they should be able to go on winning.
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That's why I don't ask for re-rolls. I also think there should be some kind of system that allowed offenders to redeem themselves. This was discussed in the recent past, when a user was not able to get rid of a double win because the GA creator had left steamgifts, leaving him no chance to ask for a re-roll, iirc.
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so far you have done 5 public giveaways and you "don't monitor" your "winners very closely".
sigma3 made 161 public giveaways and he told you his experiance. my 312 public giveaways are telling the same: lower level -> more rulebreakers. if you dont want to believe us, you should start making public giveaways and to check them. then you can tell us your experiance ;)
funfact: 2 of your 5 public ga winner have an unactivated win xD
(and yes, its long ago, like the public giveaways you did and they are very inactive rulebreakers, but still rulebreakers^^)
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So, once a tiger always a tiger? Should we cut the hand of those who steal?
The private ones are forum giveaways, I like to consider them as public, because everyone (or almost everyone) that reads the forums can acess them.
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making private giveaways is the same like making higher level giveaways: the more difficult it is to enter, the less rulebreakers entering... hiding them behind sgtools and puzzles helps you as well.
people can change. they can activate the unactivated wins and become a nice part of the community. but they dont need to... its your choice if you want to reward rulebreakers or not^^ for my own, i will give my gmaes rather to a non-rulebreaker than a rulebreaker
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and you are completely free to continue to do so. No one is gonna deny you the right of doing whatever you want with your own time and/or money.
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I have 477 public giveaways. Of those I have had 95 "Request New Winner" tickets for unactivated/multiple wins (well 97 in total, I removed 2 for when the winner won my game from another giveaway). Mind you not all were granted, since the 30 day period had passed. That means almost 1 in 5 of mine had an infraction of some kind. The ratio dropped massively when I decided not to do lv0-2 ones anymore.
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I had to reroll one giveaway 4 times, no thanks, never again. Public giveaways only for high levels.
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Anyone who has been enough here will tell you a similar experience
Been here for 3 years and a half, darling, what are you impliying?
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yet most of your giveaways are private or invite only?
You clearly don't have enough experience in public giveaways. Most people stop doing them for a reason, just search any discussion about lvl 0 giveaways or public giveaways.
It's not fun when you have to ask several times for a reroll (which is the least of your worries in this case), Regifters, traders, resellers, etc.
I stopped doing them when a guy who once won a gift from me added me in steam. He asked me if I could give him again the key. Mind you, the giveaway was long over (a month passed by), since this seemed pretty weird I decided to check closely and found the guy was suspended and he hadnt activated a single gift he had won on his account, I decided to check other winners in my list and there were similar cases.
You are free to dismiss this too as anecdotal evidence but it's something that happens a lot.
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Most my giveaways are private or invite only because I chose to do mostly forum giveaways. Is there any problem with that? I don't know or recall how many public ones I've done and I'm to lazy to bother checking, but as I've said several times throughout the thread, I've had no problem with my winners that I remember of.
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Your counter argument to our "anecdotal evidence" is your own "anecdotal evidence"? Seems silly to me. Following that logic the opinion with most weight should be ours since there are more people who's had similar issues with public giveaways.
I don't care how you do your giveaways. By pointing that most of your giveaways aren't public I was just reinforcing my point: You either were lucky with your winners, didnt care enough to check, didnt had enough experience to speak as if your opinion was a matter of fact.
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If you bothered to read I admitted that my own experience is not enough grounds to arrive to any kind of conclusions. I'm just pointing out my personal situation.
I don't know why you adjudicate yourself the most weight on your opinion, specially when I wasn't able to find a single public giveaway till I got bored.
I never said, implied or even hinted at that my opinion were facts of any kind, you've jumped yourself alone to that conclusion.
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So basically you exclude all the foreigners who just speak basic English and are not proficient enough to join the discussions in the forum.
That's also pretty elitist in my book.
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Come on, pal, don't be more Catholic than the Pope.
It is not my fault that both the de facto lingua franca of both the forums and the world in general is English. Do I agree with it? Of course I don't, in fact I have several times expressed how it is pretty self entitled to expect everyone to be able to speak and/or understand it. But I think that's a discussion for other day.
Nice blacklisting, btw, did I hurt some feelings? <3
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I just wanted to point out that you are a hypocrite.
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I am not? I just acknowledged there's a barrier of entry to the forums, but it's something that it's completely out of my control. I will gladly communicate (or better said, try to) in any of the languages I pretend to speak, however it is not my fault that cg chose to made his website an English-speaking one, or that in the internet everyone is expected to know and speak English.
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Don't wanna sound SJW-ish here, but that's definitely clasist as hell.
Why do you assume that those people who haven't given anything away are rulebreakers? Or rude?
First of all, how I hate the shorthand "SJW". It's never used for anything constructive, all I ever see it being used as is a way to invalidate someone else's opinion or argument without trying to come up with a counter argument. So can we please let it die.
Second of all, a large portion of my low level giveaways* pre-SGtools have been won by people who broke the rules "recently" (I would put that estimate at around 15%, +/- 3%), as in recently enough for me to get a reroll. Note that you only get a reroll if someone broke the rules in the last month, unless they've not previously been punished for it. And since SGtools became a thing, I've noticed a lot (sometimes over 10%) of all entries in low level GAs being people entering through leaked links. So no, not every low-level user is bad, but giving away games to low level users results in a lot more work for the gift-giver, at least if they don't want to turn a blind eye to rule breakers.
And when you start blacklisting people for breaking the rules, it sometimes end up in drama. And that just, for me at least, kills my motivation to give.
*my giveaways are predominantly forum giveaways, venturing out into the world of public giveaways is even worse out of the small sample size I have.
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I was using it in a tongue-in-cheek way, I sincerely apologize if I made you upset.
Well, it seems that all of you have encountered a huge deal of black sheep while doing low level giveaways, so you might have a point. I have nothing, tho, against the Must have activated all wins or "Cannot have won the same game twice filters, I consider them more than fair, after all we might agree that the punishment from breaking some rules can be too lenient.
You are completely free to use your blacklist for whichever reason you want tho, no questions asked. May I ask (hypocrite me, y'know) which drama have you suffered from blacklisting people? No names or anything concrete, just a general view. I am fairly new to all this BL/WL system.
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No names or anything concrete, just a general view.
I've had people who got really upset with me for blacklisting them claiming that they did nothing wrong and that it was my fault that they entered through leaked links in a train (because I did not say in every giveaway that you had to go through SGtools), I've had one person "friend" me on steam to tell me what a bad person I was for blacklisting them, I've had people claim that my blacklisting was invalid because they had already served their punishment (suspension) on SG because I did not want to remove them from my BL until they had activated all of their games, I've straight up been called a retard and well, the list can be made longer.
The reason for why you get so many bad eggs among the low levels is simple. People who only care about themselves are not inclined to do giveaways unless there's something in it for them. That's not to say that everyone who's a low level user is a bad egg, there are many who can't do expensive giveaways for one reason or another, but the bad eggs are predominantly low level.
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To be honest, all those users are fucking jerks and most likely they deserved to be blacklisted. I wouldn't let anyone tell me to unblacklist them, I'd just answer with a short, straight "go fuck yourself"
I think what they did might be construed as a rule-break? Isn't it harassing of some sort?
I agree with the last paragraph, but as a counterpoint there is (or there used to be) all sorts of people on high levels having getting there by gaming the system one way or another. I'm just saying that, as they are way more low level users (I assume) there are more rule-breakers amongst them.
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ofc you will find bad eggs at any level and yes - there are still people who get to highest levels unfairly by cheating system, even straight-blackmailing developers for free keys (Duck guy anyone?), the thing is that as there are far less users on higher levels you can easilly weed out most of bad ones - you have 1000 slots BL and it's more than enough to put all bad eggs you spot on higher levels on it. But you simply cannot weed out all rulebreakers on low levels, not only because % of them is much higher at lvl 0/1 but also because this % is taken of much bigger pool of users - you could have 10000 slots BL and it would still not be enough not to mention the amount of work it would take to find all of these people.
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I can't disagree with that. So maybe I tackled the issue wrong, is it just a matter of logistics, after all?
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I recently noticed "reroll if someone broke the rules in the last month" and at first I thought that you cannot request a reroll if user has broken the rules over a month ago (and hasn't suspended for that). But turns out that even if the user has served his ban, but less than a month has passed since his offence, then the winner can be re-rolled. And to me that seems rather unfair, because it is a double-punishement.
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Then all suspensions (except permanent ones) should simply be made 1 month. As it is now, rules list that suspension lasts x days, but user is virtually suspended for 3+ weeks more. Moreover, some users will serve punishment for a month, while others will have a break of 5 days for the same offence. That's not fair, is it?
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Then all suspensions (except permanent ones) should simply be made 1 month.
No, there's a big difference here. If you get suspended for 1 month, you can not post, you can not win anything and you can not create giveaways. If you get suspended for a few days then you can still post after that, you can create giveaways and you may or may not win something, which will be up to the person giving the game. You also have the option to "fix" what you did, by getting yourself a copy of the game that you did not activated (this is the broken rule that any gifter will be able to spot easily), and then you'll be fine.
So is this fair? Yes, I would say so.
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I was not aware that you are not merely banned from entering giveaways. Still not sure that is completely fair, but I'd have to think about it.
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It's just about probability. I don't think anyone suspects EVERY user with 0 level of being rule breaker/someone who wants to abuse the system etc. I won my first game here when I was level 0. That's not the issue. The issue is, there's huge number of level 0 users and since it's extremely easy to jump to level 1 (you can literally sell your cards and buy game on Steam during sale for like 50 cents or even lower), there's a great reason to suspect, that many LVL0 users are: rule breakers/multi accounts and... new users. What's the issue with new users? Well, everyone of us was a "new user" at some point, but the issue here is: you are never sure if someone read FAQ (ergo: if they know what to do in case of win, if they will mark it as received, if they will even activate it on their own account), you don't know if they have any idea how the site work or even if they understand English (so you would be able to communicate with them in case something is wrong). Can it happen on higher levels? Of course. I think everyone knows high level rule breakers, it's just much less likely.
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Sound logic, I raised some kind of similar point somewhere along the thread. I do agree that it's mostly a matter of sheer numbers.
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It's not that anyone is saying that all level 0 users are rulebreakers. But there are much more rulebreakers among lvl 0 users than among lvl 3, 5 etc. It's GA creator right to do whatever he wants with his money - including making higher level GA to make sure he won't have problems with winners, wasting his and support time on rerolls etc. Let's say you want to open a shop. You can choose between two districts - one is full of mainly elder residents, very calm and safe, other is known for high crime rates, reportv of numerous violations like stealing, burglaries, vandalist etc. The fact that you choose 1st district doiesn't mean that you believe that each and every citixzen in 2nd district is a thief. But you chose what is better for you in the first place. not all people are martyrs willing to sacrifice their own wellbeing for sake of others. Same goes for GAs - some people think about themselves in the first place why making tgese, they make GAs that are less or more assured to run problem free, not resulting in any drama, rerolls etc and it's their right to do so.
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Of course it is zel, it's literally what I said on the first paragraph, everyone can do whatever they want with both their time and money, and while I understand why someone would do high level giveaways, and if you looked closely my main issue is with 1:1 ratio groups, not those, I just don't share it.
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I agree on everything you said.
I also get annoyed when someone wins one of my giveaways and has an 80-1 win ratio. The first time a complete leech won a game from me, I figured I'd put level 1 as a threshold, but I think I need to revise it to something better.
I do think a reasonable ratio (3-1 maybe?) is fair, to avoid leeching. I'd definitely go by games given, and not value, because not everyone can afford to spend significant amounts of money, but it's really not a big deal to buy a $1 or $2 cheapo bundle, and bring your ratio into line.
1:1 groups are really just a pot-luck version of trading, kinda like subscribing to mystery bundles. I don't see the point. I'd rather just buy the games I want straight up rather than commit to taking a spin on the mystery wheel every time
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To be honest I only feel dissapointed with my winners when they are ungrateful, and I have encountered ungrateful people at all levelsof contribution. If someone doesn't want to/can't give away games they sure have their reasons. We do agree that if some ratio was to be looked at, number of contributions is better than amount of "real CV"
Completely suscribed to your second paragraph.
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There's no need, we both agree on that, however if I want to I'm still free to do so.
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Yeah, one might think they are trading while boosting their contributor level.
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Here's the thing, once you get to be lvl 10 you look around and you don't really see hundreds of lvl 10 giveaways.
Right now, there are 15 lvl 10 giveaways. (Less for me because I own a lot of the games or have them blocked So I basically see 1-3 games.)
31 lvl 9 giveaways
22 lvl 8 giveaways
32 lvl 7 giveaways.
136 lvl 6 giveaways
Compared to the insane amount of gifts for lvl 0-3. Like people seem to think that you get to these high lvls and you get hundreds of awesome giveaways.Let me dispel that notion right now.
So if you want to do something with a bunch of friends, where you gift them a game and then you give a game, then who cares. It's not like lvls 0-3 where it's relatively easy to surpass, it's thousands of dollars worth of video games. You're not going to get to the higher lvls by sticking in a 1:1 group not any time soon unless all you're giving out is 60 dollar AAA games. And if you're that generous to give out AAA games to your friends then who cares? If you can enter other general public giveaways. You're still giving away a game.
It's still a lottery and it can still be fun. By the way the vast majority of the higher lvls who partake in this are still giving to the general public or to their favorite groups.
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I never said, nor implied that by getting to high levels you get neither more, nor better giveaways. The only thing guaranteed are better odds.
It's not a lottery, it's a tanda or a system of rotating savings. You are investing money now (or whenever) in order to get results in a point in the future.
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If you were to give out Fallout 4 once as your first giveaway, you'd be lvl 3, if you were to give two you'd be what lvl 4? You can make that argument for anyone who gives out one Triple A game.
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I don't understand how your comment relates to my point. To be honest.
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Okay you have a problem with 1:1 giveaway groups because you see it as convoluted trading while getting CV so you can enter higher giveaways. My argument is simple, giving away games regardless of whether you do it in a 1:1 ratio group, or to the public or an invite only group gives you CV. As long as you're giving out games your CV increases. So the idea that you're simply "investing" if you're in one of these groups is stretching the truth. The moment you give out one game, or dlc or something worth a penny you're automatically at lvl 1. You can now enter more giveaways.
1:1 ratio groups generally fall apart as Archi said, unless you're really just a group of friends doing it. If you're going to talk about investing, there are plenty of users who simply give one game so they can enter a few more giveaways. Even more so who do a bunch of lvl 3 giveaways and then stop giving away and just "leech games". These are people who aren't in groups.
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I said that it could give that impression.
and yes, you are indeed investing, but not in contributor level, that's only a nice, warm, fuzzy, side effect. You are investing in games, by giving away a game you are automatically entitled to games till your even up your ratio. If you don't call it investing, call it banking, but there's no real movement of games.
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Except no one on SG is entitled to anything. Here's the thing, when people think about leeching they think about people who don't say thank you, at the very least that's what you should do if you win. People like manners.
As for leeching, I see it as something completely different. If you win 100 games from SG and you can't give back or say thank you? You're a dick. Now if someone wins 100 games but gives a game away every month or so, they aren't a leech. I'm not going to fault someone for being far luckier than I am. At least not by putting them on my blacklist. I might mutter, you lucky bastard under my breath but that is basically it.
Look if you suddenly won 15 games in three days, do I expect you to have 15 games in the wings waiting? Of course not, no one does. Ratios change and it means different things to different people.
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I'm strictly talking here about 1:1 giveaway ratios, not the whole dynamic of the site.
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Now if someone wins 100 games but gives a game away every month or so, they aren't a leech
They are in a lot of user's eyes.
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everyone defines leeching as something different. When I look at my winners I see, how many times they've won, how long they've been on the site, and how often you're giving out games. To me it doesn't really matter what you're giving out. That's not true for everyone but you generally have a good sense of who the really generous people are, and who aren't.
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That would make sense if there wasn't a physical limit: Your amount of points. Having access to high level giveaways boosts your chances to win exponentially (as it is exponentially hard to reach higher levels). In terms of games won over time, there is a clear advantage to having a higher contribution level - as I'm sure anyone with a high level would not hesitate to confirm.
As for 1:1 group giveaways, it's true that you still have to spend money on creating the giveaways, but since you are statistically guaranteed to be 'refunded' every given game, it can be considered level boosting as opposed to public giveaways where you're guaranteed nothing. Of course there are other factors such as most people not having time to keep up with actually playing the won games, reducing the utility of the gains.
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the main factor in high level people wins is not their level or access to high level GAs. There are too few of those. Sure it gives you a few extra wins, but it's not the biggest factor. Using me myself as example (because heck, everyone use zelg as example when talking aboiut lots of wins) here we can see breakthrough of value of won games. Public GAs are ONLY 11%. Group GAs are 77.7%. Long storyshort - mid-lvl user with access to good and active groups will have much bigger chances to win and will win a lot more than a lvl 10 user without groups.
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^ Basically this. Even judging from the numbers of Dan most of his wins have come from group/white list giveaways. And 1:1 groups doesn't mean for every dollar you spend you get an equal or equivalent game back. If I was in a group and I won a game lets say Just Cause 3, and I noticed that Stardew Valley was on everyone's wishlist and I give Stardew Valley away, it's still appreciated. That person who I won the game from might not win it back. They might not win anything for a few weeks at least not from that group.
That being said, 1:1 are not how the bulk of the high lvl users got to be where they are today.
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Yeah, I'm the same with my wins.
8.2% ($139.70) of my win CV came from the public, or 19 of the 176 games I've won (10.8%).
Of the public giveaways I've won:
8 were level 0
3 were level 1
1 was level 2
1 was level 3
1 was level 4
1 was level 5
2 were level 9
2 were level 10
The majority are concentrated towards the lower levels and I don't think I'm massively atypical from what I see of other users. Half of my 4 high level wins actually came from a father/daughter team in the last few months who were trying to encourage more high level giveaways as they're not that common.
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Why would you gift anything to high level contributors?
Sometimes it's nice to feel rewarded for what you do. In general, the high level users give a lot to lower-level users, and getting to see space cat every once in a while helps keep the motivation up.
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Of course it can be an incentive, and I fathom that's how all the contributor level was designed on the first place. I'm just saying that in many cases it feels more of a punishment.
I haven't done any really high CV giveaways because, being honest, I don't see the need to (except for a joke one, and it backfired ;_; ) however other people are free to do so.
The thing is, when I give away a game I don't expect anything on return, well, I'm lying I do expect some kind of acknowledgement from the winner, be it a comment, a chat conversation or whatever. But that's where my expectations end. Does it feel good to win games? Of course it does, and I must admit that it's a different sensation, buying a game on your own than winning it, so I am not completely against high level giveaways, I just don't see the need to.
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Nobody should expect anything in return for giving away a game. Be it public, invite only, or even in strict-ratio group.
The difference is, I'm happy to give somebody I know (from the group) my leftovers, which he'll enjoy (such as Tropico 5 from HB, which I already have), while he will be happy to give me his leftovers (such as South Park from HBM). Now if we did only that, you could call it 100% trading, and I'd agree with that. Instead, to add more fun, we add another ~100 SG users to our fun, and form a group.
Now to some of you - this group may look like a trading, just done with many people all at once, and I can see and understand your point. To me, it looks like very cool community made out of most awesome people I've met on the internet, chatting together despite of being 02:00 AM, while having fun hunting for giveaways achievements and both winning and receiving awesome games.
You can still call it trading group, I call it the reason why I'm using this website. I can't even express how happy I am thanks to my little community, which I wouldn't exchange for any amount of gifts from anonymous SG users. I met really awesome people, I spent hundreds of hours working on our own enjoyment, and I regret nothing. If somebody suddenly destroyed everything I've created, even though it's "just a trading group", I'd probably fall in deep depression.
All of that was created thanks to the rules that everybody is following. Every single user has a guarantee that the game won't go to some ungrateful guy, rule-breaker, or somebody like -redacted- who would just farm it for steam cards. Such guarantee comes directly from the rules (and hard work of my staff), which is one of the reasons why ratio rule exists.
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If the pivotal part of the group is the exchange of games 1:1 or 1:~1 I've already said my opinion and we're beating a dead horse.
Does it imply that you can't have a good community? It doesn't. I don't know why it should and I never said that, you're pretty much taking a tangent there. You can find good (and bad, for the record) communty members everywhere you go.
I'm glad you got a nice group of people up and running together, and by all means continue to do so.
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Well, your post seems somehow like an attack towards all ratio groups, not just 1:1 ones, so I thought that it would be good idea to describe a bit how it works, as I've seen a lot of people totally misunderstanding concept of group giveaways, some of them even believe that they're used for exploiting CV only.
I thought it's a debate thread, so I can't see how my post is beating a dead horse. You've expressed your opinion, which I respect, while I'm trying to explain to you what is the reason for such groups to exist in the first place, or at least what are the reasons for my group to exist. This way you'd have a better insight, which could also answer some of your inner questions. I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted.
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No need for apologizing, I just had the impression you and I were going over the same points over and over :-p
Sorry if I came out as rude, I have a rather vehement way of expressing myself.
It's is indeed a debate, so feel free to keep posting whenever you want, and I'm familiar with how most groups function and I've been member of many groups, even a 1:1 ratio one in the past.
I never intended to attack anybody or shame no one by any means. I just was saying now that all those things are not either exclusive nor mutually exclusive of a gifting group of any kind.
I personally have no more problem with groups that with those that we were discussing that construed trading, and even then my only problem is that I don't really agree with them, but as I've said several times, everyone can do with their money what they want, and while I can not share it, I do respect it.
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I am not fortunate enough (if you could say that) to have any rich friends, or acquantainces for the matter. So I can't speak here from personal experience.
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I'm still baffled that some people don't understand the charity/gift giving part of this website. What the hell is the point of giving away games if you expect others to do the same to you? EVERYONE might as well buy their own games, despite the fact that there are lots of charitable people on this site and many not-so-wealthy people to match them.
EDIT: I'm clearly generalizing quite a bit here and, in a sense, am a hypocrite (I only did private giveaways until levels were introduced, which I then did private level 1 giveaways but I'm trying to steer away from that a bit - Did my first public a while ago) but my core point is there. If you don't understand it, then feel free to speak up. I like to talk to people and learn more!
EDIT2: I'm also not explicitly saying that the only point of this website is to giveaway games to others for the pure "I want to help the poor and unfortunate!" angle. There's obviously more to it than that. That being said, this site is literally giving games to other people and the game-giving process is free on both sides.
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...That has nothing to do with what I said. Video games are a financial privilege and if you're expecting a game in return for your own giveaway, then that's an exchange. That is literally an exchange. Stuff for stuff. The whole website's idea is built around giving away games with no requirement to give back, otherwise it would have been built in.
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That would be beautiful, if not for all the people expecting to make profits (sorry, konrads!) crawling around. I think you should at least have some degree of choice on those getting the things for which you paid real money, be it groups, whitelists or levels. These would not exist if the whole idea was
giving away games with no requirement to give back.
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SteamGifts is not charity, it was discussed several times. If you want a good word, it would be more like a "lottery", while invite only giveaways are invites to private lotteries, and giveaway groups being private lotteries with strict rules in order to participate.
If we lived in utopia, where everybody would be an awesome, grateful and polite person, everybody would do L0 giveaways, and invite-only and group options would be unused, SGTools wouldn't exist.
But we don't, there are lots of awesome people in this community, and also lots of bad apples ruining the whole experience for majority of people. I hope you really don't need examples of such people, as they're everywhere, even one mentioned by sigma3 above.
That's the reason why people started using invite-only option, started making giveaway groups, and created (and started using) SGTools - all of that, to ensure that the giveaway is going to the person who meets our criteria.
Giveaway groups were >mostly< created for the same reason, at least mine was. If we lived in utopia, rules would not be needed, but in order to cut those "bad apples", some rules had to be added, so we can limit the group to mentioned group of awesome people, instead of bothering with bad guys.
Hope it answers your question.
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See, all of that would be some-what worthy of congratulations for me if, and I repeat, "The whole website's idea is built around giving away games with no requirement to give back, otherwise it would have been built in.". There is literally no objective non-changeable system is place that stops you from winning games and it's all up to the people that use this website, which is why I'll admit that it's subjective in the sense that it can "change with the times".
Sure, SOME people aren't as charitable as others and I was clearly generalizing, but my point is there. The core purpose of this site is pretty obvious as-is. Besides, it's either an expectation for exchange of games or it's not. I have never given a single game away thinking "I better get something in return or else damn the people who won my games and damn everyone else!" nor' am I foolish for that either, as many would think so.
Also, you have to consider that this site was VERY different 4 years ago when I first joined. It wasn't so much picky-picky as it is now.
EDIT: That being said, don't get me wrong here. I agree with most of what you say. I guess "lottery" would be a better word to use, for sure. I just say charity because you're still getting nothing in return upon someone winning your giveaway and hopefully everyone has charity/giving something away for free to others, on their mind.
EDIT2: Even then, charity is an incorrect word to use for this context. Simply saying "freebie" would do way better.
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Assuming generous = wealthy is just wrong. I see level 0 users with thousands of games and high Steam level all the time, or inventories full of expensive gifts and items and hundreds of trade feedbacks on profile. On the other hand there are people with low income that will spare a bit of what they have to make giveaways.
Of course not everyone can give away $60 AAA games, but overall it's really more about being wiling to give away something than being able to.
Because someone is high level doesn't mean they can afford all the games they want. And sometimes they won't be able to buy a game they want exactly because they spent money on giveaways instead of them. People giving away games from their own wishlist are not that uncommon.
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I did not, I explicitly said jazillion meaning a shocking high amount of. I did not assume, either, that every lvl 0 user has limited income.
Your second paragraph mimics my opinion throughout this thread and in the OP, it's the gesture that counts, not the value, that's why I said I considered ratio on the so called "Real CV" senseless.
The main concern I have, however, which you did not adress in your answer, is the existence of 1:1 ratio groups, which, in my eyes are a subtle form of trading.
I do not know if you'd consider me high level or not (dunno where the treshold is anymore) but I as archie said, been there, done that. I cannot afford every single game I want, and I have given away wishlisted titles without having them myself, even full price indie releases (not aaa games, tho, like ever) So I know what I am talking about.
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I didn't address it because there wasn't anything particular I wanted to address. I don't like them either and yes it looks like random trading to me. But I don't really care, if they want to do this that's fine, I just won't join these groups. I prefer groups that rely on the users being spontaneously generous without needing to keep track of what they do.
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So do I, and I don't join them or bother with them either. I just wanted to express my opinion and see what the community thought of them. It's not as if I was crusading for their closing.
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Assuming generous = wealthy is just wrong.
I couldn't agree more. Honestly, I hate to admit it, but there have been times I have dumped too much money into games for GAs that I was short on cash for gas and food at the end of the month. I'm not wealthy, I'd like to think I'm generous, and I honestly just give to give. I know that I know absolutely no one here in person... it is highly probable I may never know any of you on that level; but I also know that I get real enjoyment out of making someone's day with a gib. Ultimately... I think assuming anything is really just a big mistake.
With regards to the 1:1 groups... I don't agree with the assertion that it is trading just by virtue of the fact that it does not fit the definition, but I think I grasp what you are getting at. Personally, I would have voted for the "who cares" option, but I don't feel like telling someone I do not know to "Fuck off!" even though I know it is nothing that would be taken personally.
I would like to add though that it is apparent you feel like these traits are a blight on the environment here. I applaud the fact that you at least speak out about it... no one ever effected change that didn't take action to do so.
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I was telling myself to fuck offit's ok, you can say it too, I won't take offense, I just wanted to give the poll options more colour.
I've had the semantic discussion several times on the thread. If we google define: trade the 2nd definition as a verb gives us
Does exchanging giveaways for some kind of currency (being in this case *ratio) which then is exchanged for games count as trade? I guess it depends on the way you look at it, to me it does.
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Fallout 4 I'm looking at you. I didn't even like the damn game still bought the damn season pass because I thought it was ludicrous to pay 50 dollars for a season pass. I forgot that EA brought that to us with Battlefield.
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Or anything. Battlefront was the worst, but even then, what was the base price of the last CoD? 80 for the base game, 100 for pre-order full package? When a single few-hour game costs more than a major part of my PC, it is getting ridiculous.
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COD gets away with it because they put a shiny new skin every year on the game. It's like a sports game.
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Thanks for bringing up the touchy subject and saying what a lot of us think.
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No problem, I like to speak my mind and love discussing.
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I agree with you. Very lucid and well articulated. I have a lot of games on Steam. But they were mostly bought years ago when I had a good job and was foolish enough to think that it would last forever. I've been nursing a $10 Steam wallet for months now. It sucks to be poor, especially when one is a giver by nature. Reading your post, this Louis CK bit came to mind. It's not random or tangential. It's germane to the discussion, particularly the segment beginning at 3:05.
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Back when I was new to SG (oh, so many moons ago...), I joined various ratio-based groups. Every single one of them died because people would take as much as they could while giving back as little as possible. The life cycle of such groups would go something like this:
Since then, I've been in other, non-ratio-based groups, and I see a similar "draining" effect in most of them. It would seem that people get discouraged when they put money and effort into a group and it seems that other members are not doing the same. I'm not even talking dollar values, either, because there are some great games on Steam that are inexpensive and/or bundled (e.g. One-Finger Death-Punch). When you're giving away Fallout 4, however, and the person who wins it responds with The Slaughtering Grounds, it feels like leeching.
I've seen various methods attempted by all sorts of people to try and avoid "the leechers," and some methods work better than others. The most effective seems to be selective recruitment. If the requirements of the group are stringent enough, there is much less chance of those predisposed to "leeching" getting into the group. Another way of dealing with the problem is having "leeching" behavior lead to ejection from the group. (i.e. The greedier you are, the more quickly you leave the group.)
I have yet to see a "perfect" solution to the issue, but for now, I continue to watch and wait....
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Best groups I were in the old days were those "friend groups". Small, selective groups that included people who the group leader liked. No ratios, enforced giveaways or anything like that. Just simple giving of gifts to people who would enjoy them.
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well... I'm doing a trimestral poll to let the members choose who should stay and who must go for a walk. everyone can judge by their own criteria. it is been effective since then.. even the one who gives unbundled stuff are pretty much happy with who gives bundled stuff, because they choose something nice to not get so many votes. that way, I don't need to be the jerk and also everyone will work to not be seen as leecher by the group (somehow, this triggers a "reverse leeching" overall feeling). far from perfection (I recognize), I think our group didn't face what you described for a while...
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That sounds at least somewhat effective. I like the idea of each person's status within the group being "in his/her own hands" so that those who care about the group do well in it, and those who don't get shown the door.
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(scroll down for the tl;dr version)
I agree with your basic sentiments, though your perception of elitism is flawed.
The aim is to get games to actual, respectable people.
Low level giveaways are flooded with cheaters and bots and deliberate leechers,
This is further complicated by the inability to prevent rule-breakers from entering giveaways without utilizing SGTools or manually overseeing groups.
The perception is that high level users are more trustworthy. There's also the impression that they're generous, so it feels better to "give back" to them.
For the most part, that's all true- though it's certainly not absolute.
I for example had a 10 copy level 5+ giveaway where there where, including rerolls, an even 2/3rds of the individuals had rule-breaking history. One individual had *27** Non-Activations.
So, it's a bit flawed.
Several people try to make specialized events targeting lower level or low win users. Those take more effort to arrange [than throwing up a simple high level giveaway], however, which complicates their being done more often.
Also, I'm presumably edging around 'high-level' and it seems rather likely that the majority of users on the site are notably better off financially than i am.
I mean, "own a good whole lot of games themselves" certainly applies to me now, and I don't begrudge anyone feeling I don't "deserve" more games, as that's not my valuation to make.
Just saying, be careful with being absolute in your impressions. I dedicate all my free funds to games [for myself and others] each month because they, this community, all of it makes life a lot more interesting than it would be otherwise. My potentially poor use of finances doesn't necessarily make me wealthy, it just means I have a hobby I invest dedicatedly into.
Besides, what would be so bad about giving back to the generous users [I'm talking 14 won, 240 unbundled sent] now and then? It's still a net positive for the low level users of the site that those users often target.
It's not inherently better than giving to low level users, but it oughtn't be considered shameful, either.
So, we've clarified that low level users are a troublesome category to work with, and high level users aren't necessarily different in circumstances to low level users.
So now I'm going to wrap that up with the real point:
Level doesn't matter a smidge as far as determining if someone is a valid recipient for a game.
Oh, I'm not talking subjectively, I mean, mechanically speaking.
The assumption is that you want games to go to the people that aren't rich, don't have a lot of games, and will appreciate the games most.
SG level, as noted above, doesn't do any of those things well. Moreover, level is often rather misleading!
See, the only point of reference that can be considered a good guideline for meeting those objectives, is Steam library size- and that's going to differ dramatically user to user, regardless of level, with tons of low level users who have huge libraries, and several high level users having small libraries.
tl;dr version:
So, don't worry about elitism or whatever. Just put your giveaways to where you think they'll be most appreciated, and don't worry about what other people are doing with their games. It oughtn't be affecting you directly anyway (unless there's an aim to get more giveaways targeted toward you).
Furthermore, I can assure you (though you ought be aware of it yourself) that the further down the levels you go, the more giveaways you see, often with significant raising in amount per level dropped. So your premise for the argument is flimsy to begin with.
If you're concerned about where games are going, push the library size angle. that's going to be the only real point of reference worth considering.
For anything else, realize that the considerations involved are generally not based in elitism, but in calculated consideration of what kinds of users are likely to be receiving the games with those settings.
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I agree with most of your points except for 1:1 ratio in games given away being fair. In fact I'm very puzzled why people continue to use this measure, which obviously punishes people who give away actual expensive games (of AAA quality even) and reward people who give away cheap and/or bundled games. The ratio measurement for raw CV suffers the same problem. There is a reason that the level system uses real CV only and in most cases real CV is the only fair option (Real CV suffers from the fact that you can still abuse games on up to 90% sales, but that's still more fair than the alternative). And it's not very hard to just combine real CV with e.g. raw CV or # check and get the best of both worlds.
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But we are then admitting that only because a game is more expensive, it's better. & more often than not that's not the case.
Of course neither system is perfect as there's no objective way of measuring quality of the games, nor the actual money really spent by users nor anything of the sort.
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Honestly ratio in game given away kind of weirds me out. There are so many people who give away games that are never going to be played, I think quality should be given priority over quantity. At the same time I understand that many bundle games are great, I mean I'm currently finishing a bundle game that I won here :)
Obviousy I may be biased because I give away mostly AAA game but it was a concious decision on my part to focus on games I would personally like to play. Oh well, I don't really care either way to be honest :) People should be able to give away games on their terms, whatever they are.
EDIT: I'm just going to add that I said all of the above because I personally believe that games won should be played, I know that not everyone feel the same.
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From my point of view the only people who deserve to win are those who haven't won a lot. I don't like the "random trading site" vibe SG got when CV was introduced (I was here before CV), which has gotten worse with SGtools. I much prefer charitable giving to "you give, you get" trading.
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In my experience, people who give a lot but win a few, are pretty hard to gift to because they enter so few giveaways (or non at all). But yes, I have the same mentality as you mentioned and try to pick such members.
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I don't care about the 'give a lot' part. People who haven't given anything but won little IMO deserve to win. They might give in the future or not, they still deserve to win a few games.
From those who won a lot of games, those who deserve to win more are those who played their wins, regardless of their contribution at SG, but that's harder to check.
I've long advocated that SG offer a 'max number of wins' condition. That probably won't happen so I'm currently gifting as part of the Unlucky 7 group, and don't gift outside it.
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Isn't that already in place? I've been blocked by SGT, before, for having won too many times.
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Isn't there already an option for that? Don't quote me on this but I'd swear I've seen some giveaways here on the forum wih # max of wins as an SGtools entering condition.
It would be really cool if that was implemented to the site, but realisically speaking, I don't think that's happening on the near future.
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sgtools already have this feature, Yirg an I and other users have been doing giveaways for people who have 0 win. Check this thread if you're interested ;)
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Personally when making public giveaways, I dont mind leeches. I am perfectly happy with giving them the win if it meant they activated it and I didn't have to check activation for the next 7 days. Afterall not everyone can buy all the games they want. I dont even mind if they play it or not. Before getting a job that pays well, I was stuck with a crappy PC that barely ran games from the beginning of millennium. But there is always hope for future, if a winner has a game now and gets a better PC down the line, he may play it. Also one must consider backlogs.
As for purely ratio, I have good fortune to be part of generous ratio group. Its 2 games won for 1 given away right now, I think. When buying bundles, I check that group on how many own my duplicates. If there is chance of me getting some entries, I send it there. If not, then I make a public one. Lately I have settled on lv3. While its nice to send a game to an user who hasn't won anything and he realizes that steamgifts isn't a scam afterall... there are simply too many reroll tickets I potentially have to make. And I do make a ticket if there are unactivated/multiple wins.
You mentioned group ratios are a form of trading... after debating with myself I concede the point. If there is a new bundle and for some reason I dont want to buy it myself (too expensive for the number of games, too many games owned or something similar) and I want a specific game, I will have an excellent chance to pick it up from there right now or in future. I do know that my ratio there is excellent and I dont have to worry about exceeding it.
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Afterall not everyone can buy all the games they want.
So many people don't realize this. I think Estonians (and other ex-USSR second world citizens) do, but there are first-worlders actually thinking like "why should I give out games to you if you're not giving out games to other people? No one is that poor" and they don't even realize that in our countries most people don't even own a car while in theirs, teenagers get it for their 16th birthday. Hell, there are people who can't even afford to live in a place that has shower in it. Luckily not me, but biggest part of my life used to be exactly like that. Also, starving because my single mom couldn't earn enough money for us, even though trying her best. Some people just are poor, and those people need games to keep them sane. Better than drugs, anyway.
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Yes, there are some people in "rich" countries that do not understand the poverty you describe. There are also people in "rich" countries who live in the poverty you describe. Regardless of where in the world you live, having to choose between buying water and buying food because you can only afford one of the two means that your life is pretty difficult.
I think that the main goal of giving a gift to anyone is that he or she will appreciate the fact that it was given. There is no "magical" way to ensure that.
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I know perfectly well the situation you speak of. A few years back even a thought of buying video games was ridiculous when there were so many essentials to consider first. Although at this point I think I have bought all the games I used to pyrate (arrgh!).
Also Estonian here coincidentally.
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I agree with you wholeheartedly. "I want to give away games to people who can't afford to buy their own... but they must be level 6+ and I'm going to put CV 500+ rule on my SGT check." Doesn't make sense at all. I make my giveaways level 1. I think one game given away is showing that you're at least a little bit aware of how the site works, have made the effort to give away something, and it's not hard to find one cheap game for that purpose either.
It doesn't bother me in groups though. I just don't join 1:1 CV groups so not my business that they do. There's lots of elitism in forum/open giveaways, too.
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I never had any experience with ratio based giveaways or ratio groups but if you indeed reduce is to the monetary value of the giveaways there is not much of a point to them. But these groups might also be considered an exchange of idea and opinions. With an evergrowing amount of games most users have not the time to look at all of them or even take a closer look. In such group members could make giveaways which others mmay have overlooked or didn't look close enough and give them the chance win it resulting in a broadening of one's own spectrum.
Also the last part of your opening implies some awful things. Not every high level user is rich. For some people it is just easier to spend money for someone else instead for themselves. It is another story if they have a giant library since this does imply more wealth. But also the game numbers may be wrong since there are to many cheap possibilities nowadays where you can increase these numbers with very little money needed.
Also this site, for me, has never been about giving people who can't afford them. This is not a charity. Even if we just assume it would be this way. The low level users as target group are problematic. If you have the time just go through 10000 Steam Profiles of level 0 and 1 users and check what percentage has less than 150 games. You will notice (with a sufficient amount of data) that most of them are not low levels because they can't afford to make giveaways. They don't want to. There are even threads (mostly from Yirg) which perfectly describe how you can without spending any money get to level two or three in a short time. People choose to not give away for other reasons than being poor.
Also there is no problem with elitism in the community as whole. The majority doesn't care for it and has no problem with it. You are most likely confusing the vocal group (read: a few people in the forum) with the silent majority. There is a lot of dangerous generalisation.
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I hope you dont mind if i comment here without really answering/replying to your thread but well.. think a little bit further on the 1:1 real cv - thingy
I thought about that and it came to my mind that giving away only bundled games is the only logical step to permanently increase your Real CV! Why? Because the value of bundled games is the most persistent. Little example? Hitman Absolution at release was about.. hm.. dunno 40€ ? Two months later you could have it in the steamsale for like 5€... a little bit further.. it was bundled.
So you would consider someone who gave away 40€ worth of game a real generous person. And in my humble opinion.. it is.
But basically you could also invest those 40€ into 1€ Humblebundle Games and gift all of them.
then you get a) more Real CV in the long run b) more gifted gifts overall c) the only way these cv get reduced is, if the game is going to be free
ofcourse thats just if you like to harvest cv in the most efficient way..
people that give away tripple a games are the real mvp.. but its not something to increase your cv efficient.
or am i somewhere wrong with that? feel free to correct me..
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The people that gave Hitman at 40€ when it was released got 40 Real CV, those who gave it when it was bundled only got 15% of the full price. Even if a game goes F2P later, those who gave it away before that still keep their CV, they only lose some of it when the game drops in price on Steam. So giving away bundled games is not always the most efficient way and triple A games can be really efficient, specially if you buy them outside of Steam where you can get them much cheaper but still get full CV.
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Not sure I follow your point, you mean those who gave it away before the game was in a bundle? If you gave the game at release you received 40 (or more since not sure what was the price then) Real CV and later decreased to 20 when the price of the game lowered. Those who gave it away after the bundle only got 6 Real CV and later on 3.
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In some cases yes but not always, Steam has sales plus other stores where you can buy those games dirt cheap and still get their full value. There are many examples of such cases, MK: Premium Edition, Shadow of Mordor and so on where you can get them for less than 10€ and get 40 or 50 Real CV for them. That was what I meant from the start.
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There's no need for equation to be made, since cg said a new rep system is going to be implemented, which is basicaly what you are talking about. Everyone will have an option to award anyone with a point of "reputation", of whom they think they deserve it no matter the reason - be it nice giveaways (not necessarily AAA), forum participation, or anything else.
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I couldn't find the thread, it wasn't in announcements, it was in a big thread months ago discussing CV system. He simply said he plans to scrap CV system completely and replace it with rep system to, among others, solve bundling problems. Although dunno if it's still actual.
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First of all I want to add a disclaimer, I do not want to police, dictate or critizise in any way how every person spends their money/time, y'all are free to do whatever you want I am merely opening a debate
Well, so it's been something that has been bugged me for a while, and now I decided to create a topic about it to hear your input guys and gals.
First of all, I am amazed at how, [specially now (for context I joined the site 3 years or so ago, and spent the major part of two separated from it, so the community has changed a lot in my absence)] obsessed part of the SG community is with ratio, more accentuated, I guess, with the creation of SGTools and the spread of its use. So I wanna raise three different points for discussion and if you'd be so kind, I'd love some input and feedback from you guys.
1:1 ratio in Real CV
While I recognize the usefulness of it, specially when you want people who've given away more than they've won to exclusively enter your giveaway, mantaining an strict said ratio might have some problems I'll adress on a later point.
1:1 ratio in games given away
Once again, useful for weeding out people that don't reciprocate their gifts, and in my eyes (inb4 MrC, no shit, it's the one that benefits you the most) the fairest, not because of anything else but the mere fact thar, isn't the act of giving what counts and not the gift given? When having birthdays do you keep track of the amount of money everyone has spent, to give them on theirs the exact value? (and yes, EXTREME cases such as the uncle that only gifts you a pack of pencils every year, or SG related, the person that only gave away "free" stuff do obviously don't apply)
1:1 ratio "Giveaway" groups
This is when I'm going to adress the problem I commented before, and I'll be frank. 1:1 groups are literally a really convoluted way of trading. Nothing more than that, I'm sorry if someone might feel offended, but that's how it is, you're basically exchanging something for another thing of a perceived similar value What is that? Trading. 1:1 ratio in money spent (or real CV, or whatever) is something like that too, I do understand and recognize that most times is used to give to those who've given away more than they've won, and that a 1:1 ratio is put as the lower treshold. However, I do think that strictly mantaining or aiming to maintain a 1:1 ratio is, basically, trading.
So, those are my two cents regarding ratio, and before finishing I want to pose another question. What's the deal with being so elitist in the giveaways particularly and in the community as a whole in general? Why would you gift (disregarding personal reasons, I'm not going to enter there, I respect them all, whitelists, the old groups of online friends, etc etc) anything to high level contributors? I don't wanna seem rude, and I am in no way being jealous either. But I certainly do not see the point of giving something away exclusively to people who have been able to spend a jazillion of money on games for other people, and who, most of the time, own a good whole lot of games themselves. If someone does, please be so kind to explain it to me.
If the purpose of this site is to give away games, the bestest target would be those who can't afford it, thus the low level users, gifting games to supposedly wealthy people with tons of disposable incoming is pretty similar to taking Bill Gates, Zuckerberg or Messi to a soup kitchen.
Thanks for your time spent reading this brick, have a great day.
EDIT: I've been trying to respond to every single comment there is that set ground to some discussion, but, honestly there's a
shitloadlot of walls of text (which I wholehearthedly appreciate, both the ones that agree and disagree with me, keep it up boys), if I haven't adressed your points yet be sure I'll try to do it in the near future, it might take some days, tho.Comment has been collapsed.