A Blue Wizard appears in front of you and says "Welcome to an adventure!". Before you actually have time to react, you get teleported!

This is the last puzzle in my miniseries and most likely last puzzle on Steamgifts.. The old one anyway. Once SGv2 comes live, whenever it happens, I'll probably take a rundown of some of the new features with a puzzly angle :) But not sure if I make another series, but there's hoping, eh? For the few who care ;)

I mean, there will be a season's recap quiz after this one, but I don't really count it as a puzzle since it should be easy to those who actually successfully participated in my series. But I will give like two or perhaps three weeks in case someone wants to play catch up, with all the previous giveaways already done but puzzles not having solutions posted up yet so still an open season.

Meta-game tip - you'll be asked to play a flash game (btw I'm not affiliated in any fashion with them). As far as I'm aware the game doesn't have savegame feature so if you close your browser/PC/move to another PC you may be required to replay the game sooooo try to avoid it (hibernation? virtual machine? taking good notes? :D ). Dunno maybe it does save with cookies enabled or something I really didn't pay attention to that but I give you fair warning. Still probably replaying it once you know everything is like 15-20 minutes. EDIT: okay if you don't have more paranoid browser settings that would prevent history keeping, cookies n stuff, chances are your progress actually gonna be preserved.

Currently all the original GAs are done, but puzzle still considered active!

For one, I'll probably increase longevity of this puzzle a bit by making a giveaway for 10+/14 solvers but we'll see. But generally it's still open along with a few previous ones until a recap is done.

1 decade ago*

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Bump for Cuboy

1 decade ago

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Looks at Award's profile Holy Schnikes that's a lot of giveaways!

1 decade ago

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I'm tired =_=

1 decade ago

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where are you, then? D:

1 decade ago

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Working! :-P I found the 8 non-tesseract/non-dresscode giveaways, no problem. I haven't had much time to focus on the main puzzle yet. Hopefully soon!

1 decade ago

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I wish I could be bumming for a year or two.

P.S. So, Olympics or puzzle?...

1 decade ago

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why not both :3 multitasking, yo

(I watched nearly entire breaking bad 4 seasons preparing this puzzle :P )

1 decade ago

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I'm not into sports and no GF, so here we go! :D

1 decade ago

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:3 a serious contended enters the arena! :D I should have perhaps warned that the puzzle in general is not for general public although there are some easy parts too. I do already have odd entry here or there so 'tis good.

1 decade ago

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I had to rebuild piece of the puzzle so there's a new mysterious image. Something concerning "thumbs up" was broken so if you looked closer at properties of the mysterious image before, you may want to take a look again. It wasn't really affecting anyone so far because that part was highly advanced and noone came close yet anyway. But problem was it was broken/invisible/inaccessible at all

1 decade ago

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One of the supposedly easiests giveaways to get to (quiz related) had something missing, no wonder why it wasn't receiving any visits thus far. Fixed that.

Otherwise it seems all other non-Dress Code related giveaways/minipuzzles have been touched by one person or the other.

1 decade ago

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Get your popcorn ready, it's time for a puzzle party!

1 decade ago

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Welcome welcome :3

1 decade ago

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7 found, and I still don't have the slightest idea about the main puzzle.

1 decade ago

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Just a friendly reminder to those working on this puzzle: don't get so drawn in that you forget to eat, sleep, etc! :)

1 decade ago

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Out of popcorn? :D

1 decade ago

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Why Whyyyyyyy am i seeing this at 2 am.Goodbye sleep you will be missed.

Also because I have no life at all I won't be distracted by those ;(

1 decade ago

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I did want to give more time for this but whole week should still be enough I hope. So yea, don't forget to sleep xD

1 decade ago

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Don't you usually hide the link to the puzzle??? I'm suspicious :p

1 decade ago

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Depends. If the puzzle is easier I want to initially scare some people off. This one should scare such people on its own :D Though it does have some easier elements, too. Guess people aren't even trying.

1 decade ago

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ugh the one that should be one of the easiest that I thought I corrected earlier played trick on me again. This time I made sure it sticked, heh. (it is something not related to the main puzzle, the mysterious image didn't change)

1 decade ago

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Dayum this is hard to monitor activity over all those giveaways in this good old steamgifts. Anyway seems we do have one person who understands the Hypercuboyish Dress Code although I'm confused why they first got to a giveaway which was supposed to be you know, harder, than just the figure 5 one. Good for him still :) Probably had reached that point earlier and was wondering how to solve it, then left for a break to solve the rest.

1 decade ago

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Got 6 so far... But I think I need to wait for some hints about the tesseract/dress code. Can't do anything that seems to work, and I supposedly already have the 'full code'. Just wondering - is the ITH quiz solvable using ONLY the tesseract? That might get me on my way.

1 decade ago

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Of the 14 minipuzzles/giveaways here I reckon 8 are reachable without having the understanding of the Dress Code and how it applies to The Tesseract, maybe even 9 if you at least figure out how the totem works, if not the dress code. Maybe it's bit confusing to have additional puzzles in my puzzles but yeah many don't involve the dress code, but it should be obvious which do and which do not. So seems you're missing 2 side quests :3

But yeah, the Hypercuboyish Dress Code is the main puzzle here. Having gathered the code pieces is good (playing the game almost to the end, right before boss battle), but you also need to figure out what to do with it, how to apply it. The way things are structured, there is plenty of guidance and hints already embedded within the puzzle and providing any more hints would basically ruin the whole idea of it being a puzzle (and just downgrade it to finishing the flash game.. for that I could just make some quiz related to the game or something :) ).

In other words, I'm afraid you should not expect more hints. Figuring out exactly what to do is part of the puzzle, but I'm not leaving you totally to chance guessing.

ITH quiz is indeed one of guidance systems in place. Zen style. I'm not telling you exactly what to do there but I'm making you hopefully think in a proper direction/manner. It's also there to verify that you are thinking correctly, on top of the examples presented on the mysterious image (fig. 3 & 4). And that's where the question 6 on the quiz comes in place, as an additional confirmation for you that you are indeed "getting it".

So far it seems only one person is "getting it" in terms of the main puzzle but he has still some way to go to get all giveaways (probably took a break) which sometimes involve additional steps. He didn't figure out yet I think how totem works though?

But the side quests, all of them seem to have been reached by at least one person, not sure though if there's somebody who has them all. Hard to keep track.

1 decade ago

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hm to the people who are following the series, I haven't decided yet how this one will apply to the upcoming recap. I suppose I'll require knowing how the Dress Code works, and totem too, because that's the centerpiece puzzle here. But as of the other various embedded minipuzzles.. I'll probably end up doing shamir's secret sharing scheme and require some subset of the 14 giveaways, but certainly not all of them. Haven't decided yet how many. Actually that might be a good idea for an extra reward for this one too, and then require getting that one extra giveaway hmm need to think about it.

(I mostly meant to say keep yo notes, but I hope you were doing it already anyway xD )

1 decade ago

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Allright, one of the solvers (should be pretty evident who - ITH leaderboard) is well underway to full completion. He knows the Dress Code, its application and even Totemic influence, too. Solved the centerpiece puzzle giveaways (fig. 5 and fig. 6), and found a lot of extra giveaways, too :D

1 decade ago

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Feels like i really should go back and fully complete the shamir puzzle.

1 decade ago

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Well indeed some people who missed a few keys there may have some trouble here too, it was partly sort of a prelude, or rehearsal, to this one. But I haven't really hinted anything there besides some puzzles you should be familiar with, and the old cop out with Zelghadis's guide to puzzling (well originally anyway, there are more hints now for that puzzle). I guess it always applies that people who are more familiar with what's going on and with my past puzzles gonna have easier time, but I think I actually make a better job at hinting at some stuff here xD Like for example the whole deal with the snake (and other elements here) should help people realize what they might have missed on my secret sharing scheme there in past. But to get to the snake is an adventure on its own.

1 decade ago

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Well i was counting on the partial solution helping me to figure them out. It does point you to the general way you have to follow for each key.

1 decade ago

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Surely you are free to solve that old puzzle even after giveaways are over, but I'd focus on this one while the giveaways are still active :D It will be optional to get 100% on Blue Award's Secret Sharing Scheme, I think I make it either 100% there or finding hidden giveaway #4 on the Cover Art puzzle.

1 decade ago

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Decisions, decisions - why not both?

1 decade ago

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Well I promised I won't require 100% on the secret sharing scheme one for the recap, as it wasn't the puzzle goal then. But I figured out if someone haven't found #4 on game art puzzle but did go extra mile to get 100% on secret sharing, I can let them pass without having to bother about #4. Not like it would be difficult to go back to cover art and get that #4 if you did get 100% keys on the secret sharing puzzle.

1 decade ago

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I wish i started from the beginning

1 decade ago

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What do you mean? From the beginning of the series? The puzzles aren't depending on each other, each is a separate thing. Only the series recap, which will follow this puzzle here, will require them all.

In other words yes this one here is the last in the series but it does not require solving any of the previous ones.

1 decade ago

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Hmm, I guess I am being a bit naiive. I got one of the costumes but I am not sure what his thoughts are. And I don't know how to apply the tesseract haha. Still in the middle of the game though

1 decade ago

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Hope if anything you'll at least have some fun from the game :D I liked it myself. If you can't figure out how to apply The Hypercuboyish Dress Code to The Tesseract, there are also side puzzles where you maybe gonna have more luck. But yeah, figuring out what to do with pieces of the puzzle is the main objective here.

1 decade ago

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I'VE COMPLETED IT! I've got all the clothes. Now just trying to figure how to apply it to the tesseract.

1 decade ago

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Take note of what I said about number of valid clothing options you get, it's important to ignore extraneous stuff. I didn't realize I missed some outfits but I added those now to ignore list. Like I originally said, there are 4 options for hats, 5 faces, 8 bodies and 8 legs to be considered. Most of those you normally get for the gameplay, it's just being mean to the bear would give you a different one, and only extras I did consider for side stuff were the ones from drunkard and the lady upstairs.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I think i've got the ones you originally mentioned. I'm just putting different combinations but nothing is really happening haha.

Edit: What side puzzles exactly? I think my link/browser is not right for your puzzle. I click on the 'tesseract' nothing happens, and there's isn't any side puzzle lol!

1 decade ago

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Well nothing gonna pop up in the game if you're expecting that. If you got the proper outfits it means you've unlocked the dress code, but what to do with it is a different matter and I really can't say anything about it because that would be missing the point of the puzzle xD Again though, there are other puzzles here too, not only the dress code, though it's the main thing.

1 decade ago

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Haha, I see. Well I think i'll have to submit. I feel there's some knowledge that is needed (maybe coding or something) to solve this. I don't even know how to go about finding a bin file LOL!

I hope once the puzzle ends you can share how to solve it, it's really interesting :3

1 decade ago

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Everybody should learn how to code, it's something a 9 year old can do. Literally. No excuses. Even a kindergardener, depending on the circumstances, I mean you should generally be able to read but there are more visual ways too.. I don't actually remember when I started to read, but with programming I did start at age of 9 exactly, but just because I didn't have a computer earlier (and the one I did have then was commodore 64). So yeah.

As much as it is such a helpful thing in your life, no, coding something yourself is not required here. Although logical thinking is, so generally people who will solve this also most likely can code, because coding is logical thinking. But yeah, again, you can manage without coding anything yourself on this puzzle.

Arguably though, some other basic technical knowledge is required, yeah. I think it can be said about many things though. For example I never actually say what is the gateway on Fig. 1 exactly. I kind of expect people to know it. But there are also completely clueless people who won't even know they don't need a smartphone to use it.. heh. But yeah, if you didn't know what it was, you could not proceed. Guess I'm okay with that, I'm not going to explain every detail there is, even though sure, potentially less people going to solve it.

I guess, in short, if you can't answer the first few questions on the auxiliary quiz then yes, this is not a puzzle for you. At least the centerpiece one.

Though the hidden minipuzzles arguably may be even harder, then, especially if you say you can't find the hidden "bin file" in the OP here (and by the way it is a bin as in a container, not literally though, just figuratively, and not hmm.. binary file? even though I guess in the end you do get a file I mean the image is a file, this page here you are reading at the moment is a file.. good thinking though :) many of the words I use should indeed be carefully examined for double meanings.. or for the actual factual meaning for that matter not just dismissed as "fluff")

Anyway I probably sounded harsh with the coding thing but I really do think that. Really don't understand what people exactly expect coding to be? It's like painting. Maybe you are not Leaondardo da Vinci, Salvadore Dali, Picasso, Van Gogh or whatever, but you can surely draw a cow in MS Paint and that is painting, too. When someone tells you to paint a cow they won't exactly expect the highest art and craft from you, I'm sure. Unless you actually are art student or professional.

As for the solutions, I am not posting them right away as I usually do for this miniseries, waiting for it to be over. So it's going to be like 3 - 4 weeks from now, but yes, eventually I will post all the solutions. It's just the recap quiz gonna happen first and like I said, I'll give like 2 - 3 weeks for some brave souls willing to catch up, although I imagine actually not many will want or be able to.

1 decade ago

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Bump for solved! :)

1 decade ago

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Nice, you never fail to deliver, man. I really prophesize a great future for you, make sure to use your wits "in real world", too :)

1 decade ago

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Congrats on new job! Bumming as occupation is great, but competition is really fierce.
Just took a peek at profile and puzzle - impressive. Hope i find enough time to finish in one short week.

1 decade ago

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Why thank you! Indeed I was quite happy just bumming around but it's not a very sustainable way of living.

1 decade ago

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So yeah, Mr. Cymbaline got 100% of the giveaways, real kudos! Granted, he's really a pro solver :D But at least you know everything is solvable now for sure :)

1 decade ago

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I wasn't aware you get an outfit for losing to the horse racer, if you do, you have to ignore it or it will throw you off. I put a note about it into wizard's words and I'm letting you know here.

1 decade ago

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Okay actually I missed some other harder to get outfits, too: don't be a cactus, nor a bandit. It was possible to figure it out that I haven't included all of them, based on what I said, but now the picture is clearer. Thanks go to Cymbaline who brought it up (but also easily realised these were simply to be ignored)

1 decade ago

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Oh and some completely side note about the snake, I got report it actually is backwards compatible. I mean it isn't really surprising as I didn't use anything crazy there, but still couldn't be arsed to check it myself and it's good to know people didn't have problems with it on older versions.

1 decade ago

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So many things to find and so little time... Another week of sleepless nigths awaits :P

1 decade ago

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Ah you know you love this eh? xD

But I strongly encourage getting some sleep after all

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Award.