OMG FALLOUT?!? You gonna buy?
I think The Pitt is the best of the 3D Fallout DLC followed by Dead Money. It's baffles me that it the same people that wrote Fallout 3 wrote The Pitt because it had a dark story, actual choices and consequences and no clear good/bad path like the rest of Fallout 3.
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It also had the worst hook I ever saw: "Hello, I am a one-eyed person who sent an ambiguous radio message and just murdered three people in cold blood in front of you. I would like to ask you to come with me, ALONE, to a 250-mile trip so you can help my people who are in dire need; a need so dire that I was just sitting here for three weeks hoping for the first chump– I mean valiant hero to wander by so the TWO of us can undertake on this super difficult mission I was sent to complete. I am absolutely sure the two of us would be enough, even though I said the situation is very dire just 20 seconds ago. Please don't ask such stupid questions as why do I contradict myself in two sentences, this hook was written for people with IN score lower than 3."
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Ummm, Old World Blues is better than Dead Money though. And that's a fact, not an opinion ;)
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Point Lookout, the DLC made for a sci-fi game, where you wander the swamplands to enter a cult which sends you on a magical hallucination quest, where you have to storm the lair of a telephatic wizard, and where one of the side quests is to get the sentient necronomicon from a bunch of satanists in order to prevent an obvious vampire from gaining its magical powers?
Point Lookout was a reskinned scrapped Oblivion DLC and they barely even tried to mask it. Heck, as I just listed, they didn't even rewrite most of the low-fantasy stuff already made and recorded.
Also, did you know that since it was originally meant as a low-level DLC and they were inept to rebalance it, they literally made the game cheat as an artificial challenge? I'm not even joking, there is a script running in the world space that makes the game cheat.
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It's natural it feels hard, because the swampfolk have stats of super mutants and are actually classified in the game files as super mutants: the shirt-wearing in-bread yokels can actually take more punishment than a behemoth.
On top of that every attack an enemy makes at you results in an unblockable, unavoidably 30 HP damage, regardless of what armour you are wearing, how far you are, and what damage resistance modifiers you have active… and this is before their actual damage is calculated, so a hit on you can result in 50-90 HP damage. Per swing. From all enemies present around you.
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I really, really need to just play these and stop buying bundles... I think I might be suffering from a horrible case of indecision due to having TOO many choices in my library. It's almost paralyzing :-( I think I need a plan...yeah, that's the ticket!
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There are two versions of New Vegas on Steam (each with it's own entry in your library). I guess that's why there is a restriction.
Hum... 20 is too much, at least for me. It would be a good bundle for me, if I could get the other Vegas key with my purchase....
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Ah. Well, Bethesda postponed the launch of New Vegas and all DLCs in Hungary, Romania, and a few other neighbouring countries too, even outside CIS. I bought the Ultimate Edition only because it had the Lonesome Road DLC a month before it was actually released here.
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I live in Brazil and I see the same region limitation.
Looks like a pretty good bundle for who really likes the franchise (doesn't include me).
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Wow, a Bethesda bundle. It's also noteworthy that the Fallout 3 and New Vegas base games are 75% off on their store but the DLC only 33%. No doubt that bit of silliness is Bethesda's decision.
Historically 3 GOTY, New Vegas Ultimate, and the classic collection have been 75% off on Steam making this 66% off MSRP 'bundle' not that great of a deal unless you absolutely want all of them right now. I wonder with the Fallout 4 craziness, they'll only discount the older games 50% this coming winter sale rather than the historic 75%.
Edit: Oh! And the site says you'll only be getting three Steam keys, so that probably means Classic collection + 3 GOTY + New Vegas Ultimate. If it were individual keys, besides being a pain to activate it might be quite nice for someone who's missing a game and a handful of DLC.
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About base game and DLC discount difference: typical Bethesda ****.
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Only they can be had for about the same on sale,so i guess not a terrible deal but i own them all minus the first couple fallout games,well not on steam anyhow but i do have them on CD.
If the price was cheaper i might have jumped on it for the missing games and did a GA for the other games but not for that price.
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lol I bought F3 GOTY from ubi store for 2.5€ (at least a year ago)
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I own the first two on GOG, the third on Steam and don't own tactics and New Vegas at all. No idea about DLCs. So not worth it for me. However, if you don't own any it's a decent deal. 5 games + 9 DLCs for £15. Just not sure how many people have few enough of these for it to be worth while?
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I understand it may not be the cheapest it's ever been but that doesn't change my opinion that it's still a decent deal considering I am unaware of a better available ATM. Whether it may be offered as a better deal in the future is open to debate but if I were a betting man (I'm not ) I'd hold off until Black Friday/Christmas sales but if you want them now surely it's a decent deal?
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Don't mind me, I come from a generation when 66% off was unheard of ;) Especially for games of this apparent quality; although I can't comment personally as I haven't played any of them yet :(
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You sure? Because I got many of my AAA games in the EA Classic and later the just "Classics" (or whatever the name was) collections when UbiSoft moved several 2-5 year old games into budget category, which was almost the same as the 50%+ sales on older titles now. And they covered all publishers, not just their games. (I have a Red Alert complete disc published by UbiSoft. :))
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On the Steam Store it says...
"Notice: Fallout 3 is not optimized for Windows 7 and later. "
Does anyone know what this implies exactly? Will it still run well on Win 7 64-bit, or...? : )
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The only thing I couldn't get working properly on my old Windows 7 install was the in-game radio for some reason (it would stutter and be weird), and I tried every audio-related fix I could find before giving up. Just tried the game now (I reinstalled last year when I got my SSD) and it seems to be working just fine. It also looks like they pushed a new build late last year.
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Thanks konyo, I'll look more into that mod as well. I just purchased this game along with New Vegas.
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I had to follow this guide to get the game to run on Windows 8. Once set-up though, the game is running perfectly fine.
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Yeah that is some weird ass region locking,i mean i could see maybe Germany and such or other places with weird laws which they can not get around....
But still even so they could offer the edited version for them if they have them in the places listed.Good thing most of these can be had for cheaper during sales so really unless this bundle was half the price i would say your not really missing much as i got both Fallout 3 GOY and Vegas Ultimate Edition for 8 bucks on GMG and not sure what the others ones are on sale.
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Poland and Russia are basically locked only because "fuck us, right"?
India as far as I remember is because of brahmins...
I have no single clue what's the reasonining behind the rest of the locks, but I'm sure Beth had some "valid reasons" to do that.
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If they still have the distribution rights it's not Beth choice. Haven't chcecked how it is now, but my FNV is/was incompatible with row version - dlc not available on day1, different global achievements stats, etc. And DLCs were published via Steam, with row pricetag. Only by 1C/Cenega not by Beth.
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Not 100% sure, but if it truly wasn't Beth's fault, then wouldn't every single game from this "collection" (have no idea about their other publishings, but everything from this list is region locked) suffer from a RHCP lock on the Steam Store and include all the fun stuff that comes with it?
And DLCs were published via Steam, with row pricetag. Only by 1C/Cenega not by Beth.
Yeah, but I highly doubt that there was no control over the pricetag by Beth.
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It would appear to be related to the distribution rights in those countries. Game is distributed by different companies in some areas so the keys are locked to those specific regions.
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Region-locked game - This Steam key will NOT activate in the following regions: Russian Federation, Poland, India, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt, Lebanon.
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Only game I need from the bundle is Fallout 3 with the DLC content
So skip
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view the Fallout Bundle here!
Pay $20.39
Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game, Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game, Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel and DLC for New Vegas/Fallout 3
I live in the US, and this is what I see
Region-locked game - This Steam key will NOT activate in the following regions: Russian Federation, Poland, India, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt, Lebanon.
Tier 1 - $20.39
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