On Nov. 8th, it will have been one year since I bought my very first bundle! Why is this significant you ask? Well, I didn't collect steam games until I discovered Humble and things have kind of gotten out of control since then XD. I figured I might as well celebrate the day when I first descended into madness :P.

Oddly enough, I first heard about bundles thanks to a Zero Punctation video where Yahtzee mentions after the credits that his book was part of a humble book bundle. If it weren't for that video, I very much doubt I would have discovered bundles and I would have probably went back to playing WoW instead of finding a whole slew of pc games that have pasted me by. Kinda weird when you think about it.

Anyways, here is the train that I promised.

Instead of bumping, please let me know how all of you found out about bundles. Kinda curious what some of the answers will be.

Edit: Forgot to add this, but my first was the Humble Indie Bundle 13.

9 years ago*

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If I remember correctly, Facebook was how I found out (about Humble Bundle first) when someone shared a link years ago.

Thanks for the train, too. :)

9 years ago

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Let's see, my first bundle should be the humble bundle 4, I don't remember how I did come by it, maybe some news article or a friend :)

9 years ago*

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Humble Indie Bundle 1 *shakes his cane*

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Same here, unless the Summer Mega-Love bundle was first. I can't remember. I won one in a contest on JayIsGames, and have been a bundle addict ever since.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I think I first found out about bundles at gog.com forums. I've been hanging out there for a few years now. I might have been aware from the very first humble bundle.

By the way - that was one friggin' long treain! Yippee!

9 years ago

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Thanks for the train!

And about bundles... well.... MMO champion 'latests posts' had a reference to bundles, my curiosity as a cat led me to discover a whole side of PC gaming that i had no idea about :D:D still not a collector... but its good to know i could be one with so many bundles about

9 years ago

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Ugh, I keep on neglecting that place. Went back for like 2 days a lil' while back :/. Doesn't help that I haven't played WoW in over a year (thanks to Gaben).

9 years ago

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Yeh i keep checking on it every now and then, but i've not played wow in around 5months now and im not even missing it, and the fact that they are upping the sub price/ xpac price means im probably not going to be back

9 years ago

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They are upping the sub price? Fuck that noise. I don't care if I can buy time with gold, not gonna bother with that shit.

9 years ago

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Well, I've not played WoW for many years, I left long before MoP came out, but I do know you can buy game time with in-game gold now. I haven't heard anything about the increase in prices, I still talk to some guildies and have friends in town who play and still raid hardcore. I think they raised them with WoD on that release in the UK however it's still $30 for a 60 day game card here which puts it at $15 a month like always.

9 years ago

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yeah, the prices are ridiculous, the new xpac increases the price yet again, im just not liking them at all. Started playing back in 2005 and this is the first time i have unsubbed for more than a month or 2, im not even interested in going back to play

9 years ago

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Yeah the price went up sometime after the expansion came out, not sure when tho. At this point i just can't believe that twitter integration was pretty much a whole patch, this expansion was short/bad content and now it looks like 12-15months of last raid yet again

9 years ago

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My first one was the humble bundle V, I remember finding about them a little after the HB 4 ended. So as soon as I saw the fifth was up I bought it.
I actually created my steam account like 3 or 4 month LATER, if you had told me back then that I'd have over a thousand games now I would have laughed.

9 years ago

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I've been waaaay too lucky lately. Gotta give my way off your blacklist again :D

9 years ago

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bump and thanks for the gigantic train! :)

9 years ago

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That was a long ride.

9 years ago

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wow that was a long train! Well about bundles, I only found out from here, through steamgifts, and from there I looked up wikis with bundle lists and so on and being an indie game lover, I follow most of them :D Thanks for the train!

9 years ago

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I was starting to look for some cheap games on pc (first steps in "maybe PC games aren't that expensive and I don't have to pirate them") and I found out about HB Origin bundle. And it was first bundle that I bought (when BTA wasn't on $6 level after release and you got 2nd tier bonuses when buying 1st tier on 1st week. Good times :D)

9 years ago

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Seriously, that was epic. If I ever get carpal tunnel, I'm gonna look back on this ride as the cause!

Thank you bump

9 years ago

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I think this is the longest train that ever trained

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Bump for the long and winding train or something

9 years ago

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I was told about IndieGala and their bundles by a friend after we discovered we both liked playing PC games...

9 years ago

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that train :D

thanks a lot :)

9 years ago

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a friend told me about the bundles

9 years ago

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Thanks & BUMP. I heard about Humble Bundle about a day after the 1st one ended, then all the others started.

9 years ago*

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Happy cake bundle day!!!
I found bundles thank to the users of this forum. My first bundle was Humble Jumbo Bundle 2.

9 years ago

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I didn't even had steam, and a friend of mine talked me about HB, that's how it all started!

9 years ago

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Happy Bundle Cake Day CJ! ^ ^

Edit: I need to take English lessons :-)

9 years ago*

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Well bundle cake day :P.
My real cake day isn't for another 2 weeks, though the reason why I joined this site is because of bundles. More on that later :D.

9 years ago

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Does the Orange Box count? That would have been my first and was the start of my Steam account.

9 years ago

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No it doesn't silly :P.

9 years ago

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I heard about them originally at Big Fish, but I was pretty new to the (current) gaming scene, and was wary about going to other sites. From there I found a couple of other forums, and then GOG, and with so many friends saying that the bundle sites are safe, I finally forayed into my first bundle purchase. Sure, there are some really crappy bundle games, but there are also some AMAZING deals to be had! ♥

Nice train, by the way -- some really enjoyable games on that ride~!

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Cjcomplex.