You know, those dogs attack you even if you don't do anything. You just walk on the street and they try to kill you. Trust me, i was in that situation too, but i was lucky enough to escape without being bitten.
So i dont't care about "dogs opinion"
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They might consider it their territory you're passing through and defend it from "tresspassers", like you. Of course, this only proves this is an issue, when the wild dogs take over streets and you can't just pass through without getting lunged at or harmed.
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isn't it in anyone's interest that their life (or their kind's) is more important than others'? i would be scared if that wasn't the case
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Go out swinging, animals don't particularly like it when you attack back. Except big ones like bears, they don't really give a fuck what you do.
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I agree with you. We're in the freaking 21th century and stray dogs are still a problem for us ?!
This shows a lot about our development ...
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'A human life is more important than a dog's life.'
Cite your source?
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That's not a good source. In times gone by it has been 'common sense' to own slaves. 100 years ago it was 'common sense' to tell women they weren't allowed to vote. Do you have a source that isn't quite so fluxuating? Something a little more solid?
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Well then you should meet a pack of dogs and please don't try to defend yourself, because their lives are as important as your life.
You have no idea how harsh the reality is, you just sit behind a monitor and you think that you're a good person if you act like you care about those dogs.
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Self preservation instinct. Also, we have the potential of complex thinking; if we have to save one species above another as last resort, it's us.
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When I go outside during the night, I always have 2 steel knuckles for self-defense. So I suggest you to do the same, just don't be scared when 10 dogs tell you "GRRRRRRRRRRR". And don't run.
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I'm not aggressive guy and I've did material arts before so I don't really care about any pistols. I prefer safe and easy way.
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How is getting close with a hungry stray dog safer? They would maul someone to death if they were desperate for food
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Well I never walk close to them unless there isn't another way to the place I'm going or I must go fast and not be late. And the dogs are more afraid than you are believe me. You just walk and don't get scared, if you do then better get ready to fight and NOT RUN.
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I don't think you understand animal instinct, they would probably take it as a challenge of territory and think you are provoking them, plus you haven't answered my question. How are steel knuckles safer?
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They are safer if you know where to hit some person and how to not hit some person in a fatal place. And I understand animal instinct pretty well, they will not attack if you are not afraid and don't do any provoking movements like trying to run away from them. As I already said, dogs are more afraid than you when you are trying to escape from them. That is why they are trying to defend themselves.
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Dogs are more afraid than you when you're trying to escape? Plus running away would not provoke them at all, they wouldn't chase a meal if it is already far from its territory.
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Go ahead and try it then. I want to see if you won't get chased or attacked while running away from dogs. And yes, they are more afraid than you.
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No you don't understand, i'm asking why would they be more afraid of you when you're running?
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Because they don't understand what are you doing or what are you trying to do. They don't know if you won't get out a knife from your pocket and start killing them straight away. Animals cannot understand humans, they don't know when we are running to escape or running to play. Right ?
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Not really they can smell your fear, literally, so if they smell fear then they know you're running and would not chase , but by not showing fear they may interpret it as you challenging them to attack you so sometimes it is better swallow your pride and simply run
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As I said, next time try to simply run and show your fear then. You will probably end in a hospital or even worse thing that I'm not gonna say. Stray dogs are stupid and they what are you going to do. :)
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Dogs are not as stupid as you think i'm not saying you should full out sprint but calmly back off, and yes i HAVE backed off from dogs before and they simply went back to their business.
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You're lucky one then. Here the dogs will chase to death probably. And yes, you should try to calmly back off but slowly and trying to not fear because as you said dogs smell fear and when they smell it they always attack no matter what. If you start running or doing fast movements you will end bitten.
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Happened twice before, works really well. My city is FULL with stray dogs.
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I just searched that guy and he is some actor. So nope. Also if you don't believe, if you ever get attacked by 10 dogs I'm wondering what is your way for self-defense and escaping.
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Tyler Durden is one of the protagonists of The Fight Club. And let me tell you, Chuck Norris if a pack attacks you you'll be probably overwhelmed by them.
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"probably". If you don't know how to fight with multiple people you will be overwhelmed. Dogs aren't the smartest animals in the world, especially the stray dogs. It's all about concentration.
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Show me please, where I said I'm gonna go straight and fight them. I said for self-defense. If I get attacked and not that I will attack. Anyone that has did some fights before would know how to fight multiple people and not get easily overwhelmed by the dogs. Also I never said it's a 100% success when fighting dogs or people.
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Bulgaria and I don't really think they're illegal here. Also, do you prefer to survive or to get bitten by a pack of dogs and then PROBABLY die ?
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Yes, but I doubt the entire starving population of Africa will try to eat you.
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So you're saying all stray dogs want to eat you? You know they're probably stray because of dog owners abandoning them, plus not ALL dogs would eat you maybe most but definitely not ALL
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I'm just saying you've obviously never met face-to-face with a pack of stray dogs.
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You have no idea of what is like to encounter a pack of stray dogs that just have no fear of humans. Did you click on the pics OP put?
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That's false,given the right circumstances ANY dog would eat you.Though if you look at humans that "all" (given the "right" circumstances) becomes sort of like 95%(you know,evolution and stuff that allowed our brain to develop beyond any other animal).Can't really compare dogs with humans in a situation like this just because we're all animals.
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Kill all the stray dogs and then feed them to the starving children in Africa!
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We found out that we have a problem. stray dogs. we realize that we are responsible for the situation.
So we gonna solve the problem..? killing it?
We have Dogs that suffered in the first place BUT we dont care.
Now WE suffering from it and start care about it.
So we let the Dogs suffer again.
Good decision!
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TO BE A HUMAN means you have philosophical thoughts and conflicts or confusion is just one those. We are not required to take care of every dog on earth but yet feel obliged to do it...because of sentiment I guess.
The dogs do not have deep thoughts on life but also benefit from them of the human mind since we treat them as friends.
In the end, it's just another never-ending dilemma.
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They why don't you adopt all these dogs? I bet that they will love you soooo much...
You're the better human right? I'm a lesser human, i want death for stray dogs. If you really are that much better please adopt all these dogs. I'm sure that you can sell your pc, and save money just so you can take care of the dogs.
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My parents thought me, if i do something wrong i should consider to say sorry, not killing everyone that is involved in the situation.
It seems that you dont even consider to think about saying sorry.
We could at least try because we caused it.
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I'm sorry mr stray dog, but you and your people have to die so we can have safer cities.
Happy now? Oh wait, i'm not sorry, you attacked me, i didn't even provoked you. So you will die because you may attack a 4 years old kid and kill him.
If i can defend myself it doesn't mean that everyone can.
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To be fair, many animals lived in "your" city many many years before you or any humans, the ones remaining are afraid of you and have to hide during the day.
Basically we invaded their homes.
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human life is not more important than dogs life(or any other animals life). humans ARE NOT SUPREME life forms. humans are fault at the beginning that there are stray dogs at all. killing those dogs is just the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of this problem!
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How to deal with stray dogs?
To solve a problem you should not deal with the problem consequences you need to get down to the root of the trouble.
We humans caused it, we are the problem. Because => "those little CUTE PUPPYS, i want them all!" and once they are grown and you realize you need to pay for them, you just trow them away.
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Feed the dogs, give them shelter, give them people to care about them.
They are not a problem they are the reason of having a species like us on a planet like earth.
Those dogs are now part of our enviroment, there is nothing we can do AGAINST those dogs BUT there are a mass of possibilitys to do something FOR those stray dogs.
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because you think humans are more worth? who taught you this, the church? Are you god himself? do YOU decide about who is worth living and who not? WHO are YOU to decide about that?
In my opinion a dog has bones like me, it walks around and feels pain. they feel happiness and lonelyness, LIKE ME.
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I'm an atheist.
Here's something for you to think about :"What if you grow up, you have 2 kids, most of the stray dogs are in shelters..but not all of them. One day you take your kids and go to some park to have some fun. You don't pay attention for 5 min and one of your kid gets too close to a stray dog."
Don't say that you will always pay attention. You may receive a call from someone, or the other kid got hurt and you take care of him.
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I would have considered NEVER have kids in a region like that. I would have done everything i can to get out of there.(but thats just a german young male speaking, who never lived in a country like that who does not know if it is even possible to get out of there.)
If i dont had the possibility to get out of there, i would visit parks in safe areas. How to get my kid to school, with someone that takes care of my child. i would do everything possible to protect my child, of course. But i would never kill each and everything around me. There is ALWAYS a solution.
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Here there is no "safe spot". You really think i would complain if there would be a way to avoid the dogs?
There is no safe park or safe areas. I saw with my own eyes stray dogs inside playground for kids.
The situation is much worse than you think.
Look, starting next month i will take photos of each stray dog I'll see, and i'll post them.
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I dont know how things working in your country and how much money you have but i would try to "make" a safe area. take a park get a higher fence around it, done. or am i wrong? it shouldn't cost that much money and if everyone in your near surrounding would share the money for such a project it wouldn't be that expensive.
If you and other people want a safe place without a fence, care about those dogs.
I dont even know if there is any working non cruel possibility but if i had to make a plan to do something, it wouldn't end in killing.
Edit: By the way, i dont know much about dogs and there behaivior as strays.
And I don't even know that much about the situation overall. But i know i dont want to kill anything. Especially if we are responsible for it.
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There are just too many dogs to start caring about them. It's too late for that, and it's still easier to just get rid of the dogs instead of building fences everywhere.
I'm happy that you don't have the same problem, but because you don't have the same problem there you cannot really understand how bad it is. :)
Look, if you have a dog, and you dare to go outside for a walk with your dog, those stray dogs will attack your own puppy. In the middle of the day.
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like, use coverments money for animal shelters, nudering, hiring workers for shelters etc. im not sure here, are we talking about ukrain or not, but one way or another, every country in this world has corruptd governmenst and politicans and officials who are so egoistic that they are using taxpayers money only for they own good, they never solve the real problems, they never use the money for important issues in this world. i think u get the idea. im not very good in english writing.
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Wouldn't be better if those money would be invested in some schools or hospitals?
What if you grow up, you have 2 kids, most of the stray dogs are in shelters..but not all of them.
One day you take your kids and go to some park to have some fun. You don't pay attention for 5 min and one of your kid gets too close to a stray dog. How do you feel if you would know that the hospital doesn't have enough money to save your kid because those founds were invested in shelters for stray dogs?
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How about cockroaches? And why only animals? Plants have feelings too!
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if there where stray lions on my street, then this would mean that we humans are invaiding again some land where LONG BEFORE us lived lions. so we , humans are the problem for the lions, they where first there. if i wanna come to live in your back garden, do u would like that?? and i dont care that u where first there!
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at least people are not eating them...No, I am not against the consumption of dog meat though I will never eat it. I've been to Asia before and I understand it's their culture to do it. But from what I've heard, some people even steal canines that belong to a household to sell it to the meat market.
Sorry, I was digressing. But there is always another way other than killing. Putting a stop to a problem should not create another one (there will be people against killing of dogs regardless of where the dogs are or what they do). If the production of tranquilizers and/or transportation to a quarantine zone to rehabilitate the dogs are not too expensive than it's the way to go in my opinion.
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True true, I could not agree more there are far more dire needs to build clinics and hospitals. but animal rights group could raise money to do it if they are devoted to the cause.
I just want an "everybody wins" result, call me idealistic if you want to. Nobody deserves getting bitten and no dog deserves being put down, mercifully or violently.
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I disagree with you and i'd chose a dog life over human life in 90% of cases. because humans are usually assholes, while dog's are how HUMANS raised them :) That's just my opinion.
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And what to do with those...assholes dogs? Leave them be? Let them live? Let them kill children?
Those kids are innocent. They can't make the difference between a stray dog and a cute little puppy.
Would you rather save the dog or the kid?
What if when you'll have kids, one of them will be attacked by a stray dog? (i hope it will never happen, but it's just a question)
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They need to be rounded up and euthanized. Once animals taste human flesh, they start craving for it. What the fuck is your local government doing?
Here we tag all strays and they are closely monitored. The only instances of animal attacks that I hear about are caused by worthless human trash who cannot control their fucking pitbulls.
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Well every time when the government tries to do something, people will start protesting and the stray dogs will be saved...
It's a never ending circle...
I just hope that when I'll have kids, they will be able to go outside without the fear of being eaten by stray dogs.
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omg that little girl...that's way too fucking many dogs just wandering around like that
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Humans have been attacking even other humans for the very same reasons (when they were posing a threat to them) since the beginning of history so it's not that surprising and shocking you know... I myself think that it would be nice if it were solved in some humane way but I'm also a realist and pretty much know how it will all end...
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That's exactly what I'm saying too. Other people know more and have written more on this (especially in the other topic there's this WALL-OF-TEXT post that explains the whole situation with people adopting dogs to let them free and leading to this whole situation). That was just my summary. I hope the problem will be solved by killing the dogs as humanely as possible.
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Well I feel bad to see how those kids comment about the topic when they don't even know what is the real situation or what is the major problem that started this topic: in Romania there are packs of dogs living on the street and a couple of days ago, one of these packs ate a kid - this is the reality. If you think stuffs like that should happen in a city, and those dogs should be there in the first place, there is something wrong with you, or you never visited Romania. I don't watch TV, and I heard about this incident in bus, but someone should pay for that, and it's sad that only after such a terrible thing happened, people started to react.
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Boohoo, they ate a human, how bad, we eat millions of animals everyday.
What makes you think you deserve the earth more than them?
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It's fine if a dog eats your kid in the park, right? Once again, this might help you....
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Would you leave your kid alone in the park? Nope, never, I would never leave my kid alone anywhere.
I would never leave them where a pack of dog is, or a bunch of ants, a pile of shit or even a group of people, only idiots leave their children alone, stop being stupid.
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What kind of idiot leaves a child with an old lady? That's even more stupid.
You know what would be worse? Leaving someone with down's syndrome to take care of the old lady that is supposedly taking care of a child.
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Well, my mother is not old or stupid, she would never leave one of my kids in a park alone, or alone anywhere.
This is just a case of mother nature taking care of stupid people but failing at it.
These cases remind me of people blaming videogames for violence "oh a boy shoot his mother with a fire gun!!!", the fuck was a firegun doing in that house? Stupid people, there's the answer.
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lol, you are the biggest idiot I've ever met on the internet.
Eastern Europe, will you ever prove me wrong?
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Age? on the internet? In a thread created specifically to begin a shitstorm?
Go post whatever you want, I don't give a fuck.
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Ow how cute, trying to prove your point with stupid statements, sadly, that's not how it works.
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So, now I have to understand your awful English in order to not be stupid? wow.
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Alright, then go ahead and explain why he used it to reply to me and why I am stupid to not understand it.
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I didn't say anything about you being stupid bro, that's just your self-esteem problems. And why it's very onpoint here? Let me quote a post by other user here, NB264:
That's very emotional and all, but let me ask you one question: If you are so concerned about the dogs, why haven't you founded a group that will take them off the streets and care for them, even before all of this happened? You could never save all of them, but help one and you've changed the world. Or, is it easier to wait for someone else to do something, while crying on the Internet?
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Uh... "... afterall, if you don't get the proverb, I think you are the stupid one.", you replied after I replied to that post.
I also replied to that post you just quoted, stop being stupid, try to think just a little before even posting.
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You are fucking high or drunk, I'm not arguing with you anymore, there's just no point.
Also, I hate how you're saying "you're an idiot" "stop being stupid" in all your posts even though people try to make a civilized conversation with you. I don't know if those are just your self-esteem problems or do you really feel that commands such as "stop being stupid" make any sense - if they worked many people here would write "stop inhaling oxygen" to trolls in topic like this...
Enough with the internet forums for a week, I'm outta here
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Why did you delete your post? Weren't you happy with it, don't you think before posting? Because it seems that you don't.
Stop being an idiot kiddo, you are just wasting MY oxygen, yes, my oxygen, someone that doesn't think before doing anything and tries to delete their mistakes is not worth it, go die in a hole imbecile =D
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I reposted my reply so that you see it. Nothing was changed in the first part, only the second part added.
I'm a 26 y.o. University graduate, kiddo. And I can't believe I even started a 'discussion' with someone like you.
And with that, Peace-out.
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Oh, the I am older than you thing...isn't it sadder, someone a few months older than you is not a tool? Repeating what their parents said?
You might be older, but in your mind, you are nothing but an idiotic kid, thinking that they are the center of the universe.
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I like how many people are concerned about the dogs, but not one of them have to walk into a bunch of them at night, like OP does. Just because you have sweet pet at home, it does not mean you know anything of wildlife - because that's what we are talking about. Those dogs in Eastern European large cities are regressed to wild pack mentality, and it's like going around a corner to visit a shop and meeting a pack of hungry hyenas... And if that dude in the other thread is right, who said there's 650.000 of them in the streets, than something has to be done. Painless death is less cruel than forcing the dogs to live in small cages with not enough food - Because much richer states than Romania could not be able to feed all those animals and provide enough space and shelter for all of them.
Also, I don't see anyone here packing their things and buying a plane ticket to adopt a dog and save at least one. F*ck you hypocrites.
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we are, well at least I am, not a hypocrite. Having a member of your family who is allergic to a lot of things really sucked at times when I came across a box of stray dogs.
And I was chased by 2 wild dogs one while I was hiking, does it count?
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Ok, meen, I understand that - allergies are serious thing. But - why is the life of your cousin more important than a life of a dog - hey, that's the first reply in this topic, I'm just paraphrasing.
Also, if you are that much concerned about these dogs to bash on a country or OP - but you can't adopt even one - why not contact their officials/animal care groups and send them money to save and feed one in your place. Let's say 60é per month will be enough. I'm sure your allergic cousin will have nothing against that...
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Replace dogs with humans, what happens when you are walking alone in a lonely street and a bunch of humans start attacking you? Why don't we kill them all? Why do some other people care for them?
Bunch of hypocrites am I right?
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So, if one stray dog kills someone then we should kill every single stray dog?
Now, if a homeless dude kills someone, should we kill every single homeless dude out there?
Stop being stupid.
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Replace dogs with humans
Are you retarded? Because you sound like you are.
First of all, humans can make conscious decisions to attack someone, but dogs can not. They act on instinct. Thus, humans can be hold accountable for their decisions and sent to prison. Also, humans understand the mechanics of being in prison, so they can live and survive inside. How do you explain cell to a dog? You think dog will not suffer when contained in a small space, with no freedom to run, to bread, to hunt? Dog's do not have human brain to understand what is going on and how to behave to get out early...
Also, when bunch of humans make decision to attack someone and kill them, I have nothing against state killing them in return. Painfully, if posible.
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Do you seriously think angry mobs attack people consciously? Are you that stupid?
People put someone that stole a potato, yes a single fucking potato, inside a tire, then douse them on gasoline and then burn them to death, do you think they were thinking consciously?
Or what about another bunch that stoned someone to death because some random girl said that the guy raped her, but later it was found out that she was just angry at him, and she never even had sex with him?
Before you talk about something, try to not generalize, you'll look like an idiot.
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First of all, I never said I think killing the dogs is the best solution - I said I can't see anyone here opening their wallet to help, instead of bashing on Romania's decision to kill them.
And second, you make conscious decision to join the mob and become under influence of mob mentality, yes. You should be held accountable for everything you do as part of a mob.
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That's not being conscious, not at all, like you there are other people that actually think, I appreciate that, but also there are others that don't think at all, they just do stuff because they want to, I hate bringing this to the topic but I live in an area where there's an abundance of stupid people, people that think on the spot, one time I had to replace every single window glass on my house because a bunch of idiots threw rocks at them, why? because they thought the dude they was looking for was hiding in my house.
People are stupid, some are just intelligent enough to speak but not smart enough to not do stupid things.
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As i said on the other topic regarding the stray dogs. There was a easy and simple solution a few years ago - Neutering them. If this have been done at the proper moment, there would be no problem now. But they decided to invest the money for the neutering process in other things, like their own fucking pockets. So, regarding the killing process ... ok kill them ... but if you do this you should probably also kill all the murderers, rapist, burglars, gypsys, and any other scum that is now in the prison or even in freedom. And with this i would say it would be fair enough.
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While I definitely agree that something needs to be done, it's not even really a permanent fix. All the dogs get killed, people still abandon them, problem comes back in a few years.
Something needs to be done to stop people from abandoning them. A good start would be a law forbidding abandoning a dog and breaking that law results in a fine and possibly jail time. Require each owner to register their dogs when they obtain one so there are records of who owns dogs and what sort of dog they own. It won't end the problem entirely, but it's likely to dissuade people and for each person who is dissuaded by the fear of a large fine, that's one less dog able to hurt people.
Also, does your country have microchipping of dogs available like we do in the US? Requiring that for every dog registered can make it easier to find out who is abandoning their dogs since the chips help to find missing dogs, they also may be useful to find out who owned the dog so that person can be fined. The money gained by fines can be used to build some shelters so people have a place to take the dog if they truly can no longer care for it for a valid reason.
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It may not be permanent, but it would probably take a bit longer than a few years.
Requiring microchipping would probably just decrease the amount of people with pets because "It's so inhumane!" or "It's so expensive!", etc.
People who abandon pets deserve to be punished anyways
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Kill alot then sterilize the rest, problem solved=Happy people=good political choices=Romania takes over the world=Romania feels good=Feels so good people feel they can live without their dogs=The dogs start roaming the streets=You get alot of stray dogs=Ah fuck they're back ;_;
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In this country stray dogs are a real problem.
There are LOTS of people severely bitten or slashed by those dogs, weekly. If you go outside during the night (~2AM) you'll be lucky enough to see packs of 9-10 dogs. If you get too close to them something nice will happen.
THIS is how someone who was bitten by these stray dogs look like: (oh please, click the pictures)
pic 1 pic 2 pic 3 pic4
And this is a pack of dogs:
pic 1
So please don't be "omg i love doggies, they shouldn't kill them".
I LOVE dogs too, but these stray dogs are a real threat to anyone. During the winter it's even worse....
A human life is more important than a dog's life.
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