Also please, ignore Black Rock Shooter. It's a truly awful series.
The song it was based on however is pretty awesome:
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some that are liek Sword Art: BTOOOM, Accel sword, High school of the dead. i would recomend Sora no Otoshimono, Seto no Hanayome, and School Rumble. + alot that have already been listed like clannad angel beats(practically anything made by "Key"
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+1 for school rumble, a classic among the funny ones.
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+1 for Angel Beats. That series has so much going right with it that it has wide appeal.
Also, "anything by Miyazaki" is the standard answer to this question.
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woah woah woah. Your lowest rated show is my highest rated one. (it's also the only thing we share)
OP: From your list it looks like you would like Lain.
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Serial Experiment Lain is my second lowest rated anime there. :P
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Best storyline otherwise so far...
Space Brothersin anime,
in paper manga berserk, bremen, leviathan ( kinda ), mpd psycho, gunm...
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psyren, gantz, vinland saga, holyland(kind of ok-ish), tough, aiki, sun ken rock(manwha but still very good) change 1 2 3, pastel, bonnouji, hajime no ippo(brilliant), the breaker, silver spoon, Vagabond and rainbow to name a few =)
can't say i put them in any particular order =)
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Haruhi Suzumiya under comedy? Really?...
Also Love Hina under Romance? No wonder people dislike it if they think it's supposed to be romance.
Also also, this list does not include Ranma 1/2 or Sailor Moon therefore it is invalid. :P
(Ok, ok, just joking on the last one. XD )
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Fair warning, a big percentage of that list is pretty old, so they shouldnt have Hd versions.
That being said, i think i watched like 90% of that list in my otaku days. Abenobashi is probably my favorite from that list. They only think i would add, its El Hazard (damn thats an old one)
Comment has been collapsed. just search. (too lazy and sick to make clicky)
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The problem is that most of the Nasuverse is garbage. Just about the only good parts of it are Fate/Zero, Kara no Kyoukai, Melty Blood and Carnival Phantasm.
Plus most of the Nasuverse isn't animated. We don't talk about those... things...
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The 2012 series of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, both seasons that are finished. Ok, it does go into weird physics. Edit: and I misread the original post. It's not weird physics for boobs.
But the story's pretty good, and it's faithful to the source Manga as far as I've seen.
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If you liked Fate/Stay Night then you will LOVE Fate/Zero because it is better in every way. F/SN pretty much sucks due to that hack Nasu writing it. F/Z has the god Urobuchi Gen at the helm and everything he touches turns to solid gold.
I recommend checking out my Anime List. I recommend anything that I've rated 8+:
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Hmmm... normally I would say Ergo Proxy... but you already know it...
Spice and Wolf - great story about marchant and well... wolf
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha - another great story about economy. You won't see war between monsters and human world the same after watching it... but basically speaking it is story about medieval Europe Vs Islamic World (epoch of crusades)
Kingdom – great story about Chinese empire… many parts are historically correct… but manga is much better due to the fact that there is no censorship (gore/rapes)
Usagi Drop – lighthearted story… very touching about “adopting” kid (uh and BTW. there is anime only for 1 season, NEVER EVER READ MANGA FOR THE SECOND SEASON... it will ruin all great things)
Gin no Saji – if you are fan of Fullmetal Alchemist (really great if you didn’t watch) you should probably watch it.
Toradora – romantic comedy
Katanagatari – masterpiece, great art and great music from the very same writer of Bakemonogatari
Dunno what can I say more… and dunno what you want to see…
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There is no "anime" world... if you like watching movies about economy you will also like watching anime about economy.
You want something lighthearted, some kind of romantic comedy? You like sci-fi? Or do you like movies with grand battles, fights, swordplay? But yeah there are many interesting things.
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totally agree with you on usagi drop, very touching story but such a terrible ending, cringeworthy
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (26 episodes + movie), Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and can't think of any more, sorry.
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What did he do to you to earn that punishment? There is never a good reason to mention shotacon on a public forum.
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, one of the most epic animes ever, you will rage, scream and cry watching this :) anidb link
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Have you seen Darker Than Black? I'd recommend that one, Darker Than Black and Trigun are probably my top 2.
I'd also recommend...
Gundam 00.
Fullmetal Alchemist (Actually, this one may be my top 1... I've only watched the normal one all the way through, not Brotherhood, though I've heard that's good as well.)
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Here's my anime list! Just go watch the ones that I rated 9 or 10 :p
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Based on how you liked .hack//Sign and SAO would suggest Log Horizon, just ended recently with second season already confirmed for Fall. It is another trapped in MMO one but unlike the other two it focuses more on the politics, psychology, and economics of the situation. It does have action but relatively little and it is often more strategic. It isn't perma-death like the others, but later on an interesting penalty for death is discovered.
I second many of the suggestions of others, particularly Phelan's. And to add onto it Mushishi, one of my favorites. No action or overarcing story, just a guy traveling solving problems caused by interactions between mindless nature "spirits" and humans with good art and music. It had a new OVA few months ago and a second season coming next month.
Another popular psychological one would be Stein's;Gate, which is about time travel, it starts slow but gets crazier as it goes. If like vampires Shiki which is a bleak village isolated in mountains getting picked off one by one, most of it with the assumption is a plague rather than supernatural.
Since liked Trigun, it had a movie released few years ago which is on Hulu last I checked.
This is a pretty good list of some good ones, but nowhere near all your options. Although anime without alot of fan service, without a school and/or student setting are still sadly rare gems.
Not quite psychological but more of looking at how society adapts to androids would be Time of Eve (Eve no Jikan), set inside of a cafe that uses a loophole in Asimov's laws to basically make the robots undisguinistable from the normal human customers while there. It is short, each episode took months to make and was released free on Crunchyroll.
One thing with anime will have to learn no matter how great the show is the ending can be horrible and out of nowhere, just the nature of how it is made (outpacing source material or make their own ending since won't be able to make new season for example).
Honestly there are a ton of good or great ones I just tend to forget names so mainly suggesting more recent stuff. Threads like this are good sources but in the end you just need to try a bunch and give at least a few episodes, some of my favorites were ones whose premise did not sound at all interesting at first. Also there is just about ALWAYS a beach episode. SAO's was an OVA.
You can find a large percent of both good and bad anime via Crunchyroll, Hulu, and Netflix. Those three alone cover most of the ones to release of the last few years and many of the older. The next season of anime, which usually has 20-30+ series, is starting next month you can Google a preview chart of all that is coming for it if care.
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Maoyuu and Spice & Wolf had the same I know that,checking MAL looks like you are right it shares creator with Log Horizon also.
In for a long wait on Log Horizon, it is still ongoing. But understandable, it is somewhat of a love letter to MMO players though with how it explains the mechanics and how the world works. Think I heard somewhere Accel World is the future of SAO, but couldn't find the mention again.
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Hmm... spice and wolf was written by Isuna Hasekura and ilustrated by Ayakura
Maoyuu was written by Touno Mamare... so no they don't have the same artists... I've heard that “myth” somewhere before, can't exactly explain why people think like that. It is not true, unless I’m missing something.
Accel World was created earlier than SAO… some people think that it MIGHT be sequel due to the fact that heroine looks partially as Asuna and Kirito… but I don’t think that it is true :/ It was written way earlier than SAO… similarity might be because of exactly the same art style. And as for AC main character one word – LAME… not interested in reading it or watching it
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Ya, as I said I couldn't refind where had seen that said. Just that Accel was set in the future of that world. Seems I may of been misinformed in some things. Checking Mal Accel World and SAO do share their creator but that doesn't mean much.
The only connection between S&W and Maoyuu, aside from historical economics theme, is the director. So I was only partially correct. Still hoping for more.
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The Only link between Accel World and SAO that i can remember was that in Accel world the Nerve Gear was a precursor to the technology that appears in the series. the author comments in this link that he considers them separate series
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Fate/Zero, since you liked Fate/stay night.
Death note. I assumed that the "not really" means you didn't actually watch it.
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
Darker than black
Didn't explain any of them so I don't spoil anything. Not sure if they were suggested before. If you like any of these, I can suggest more. Irrelevant, but currently watching Zetsuen no tempest. Not too bad, so far.
Edit : Forgot to mention Noragami. It's still ongoing but loving it so far. Also, pretty amazing OST.
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I recently started to watch anime, and I really enjoyed. But I don't know what anime should I see next.
Here's what I've seen so far(this may contain spoilers):
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru(I started with this one because a friend said I am like the main character, and I really am. I was watching some sort of mirror)
Sword Arts Online(it may be a bit over-rated, but liked anyway. Waiting for 2nd season)
Psycho-Pass(my favorite characters died :(, besides that it's awesome)
Ergo-Proxy(the heck is that, the heck is happening, the heck is he. most of my thoughts while watching, but looking if looking closer, you can find many philosophical and psychological theories. Just loved this. And the soundtrack...)
.Hack/Sign(it was weird to see, the human behavior in that situation, and the evolution of the same. Weird but enjoyable)
Trigun(This made me laugh, so it must be good. SPOILER But I never imagined Milly's cry to be so painful, maybe because I was also crying inside)
Fate/Stay Night and the movie(I just loved this, the story, the combat, the love)
Death Note(well, not really. But some evil guy spoiled everything. I want that notebook to kill him)
I'm looking for some anime with a good storyline and not weird physics for boobs. Or just good storyline, I can't see how they can be together.
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