alright i get that, sorry for the unorthodox communication, thanks for removing me from the bl, let's keep the threat going.
Overlord Level 4+
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He must have been referring to the threat of blacklisting. Let's keep it going.
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edit 3: yeah definitely replied to wrong post :D gonna copy it down under -.-
edit: 457 done
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Found some cheap junk in my wishlist, hooray... :)
Hard West (Level 1)
Unlimited Game Works (Level 1)
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This is the thread where many can check if they are blacklisted xD
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well acording to his explanation i guess its fair? xD well i'm poor so i give when i can wich isnt often... manged to buy hb jumbo bundle and giving almost all games only kept 4 for me xD so meh.... and wont blacklist him cause i dont have anyhting against user hell i encourage him to join the ga i made for this thread xD
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Well, actually that kinda makes sense. Let's say that a person adds the game on their wishlist, they may want to get it off their "queues" since they already have it a click away.
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It's a little silly that Steam, by default, will constantly recommend stuff that's on your Wishlist. I want to see new stuff...
Anyway, consider this my bump! I might be back later.
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as I said... was able to scrape something up... here you go:
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payday2 lvl 4+
Great idea on the buying a wishlist giveaway. Actually wanted to buy something(banner saga) that is on discount on steam since i sold some more csgo stuff but feels that making a region locked giveaway will not be fair to the others. So here goes a key that i was saving for cake day, my last good global giveaway before i get more bundles(humble monthly?).
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Well, let's see...
GOT IT!. Level 2+
Thanks Great Random, I have a lot of cheap games in wishlist (even some free-to-play, just to remember I want to play it someday)
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At what point does the cat realize, "hmm, this awesome move does not seem to be scaring the crap out of my adversary...better come up with Plan B."
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I have waaay too many games wishlisted. Sometime's it's bad, but sometimes like now it means I'm bound to have something cheap to buy with wallet leftovers :D:
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same, but I abuse it as a general reminder , for content, games I find interesting or hyped :P
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Sudoku and Scrabble!
No, it's nothing like Scrabble. :/
It plays exactly like a crossword puzzle game, except instead of written hints, you get hints via Sudoku style grid association.
It plays about exactly as you'd expect a Sudoku game with letters to play, but I didn't like it for one very distinct reason:
All the words are completely random in a puzzle and have no theme, meaning there's no ACTUAL puzzling involved [ie, word association, vocabulary expansion, etc].
It ends up being the same common words [gone, fish, etc] repeated irregularly over several puzzles with other random words thrown in.
I'd much rather have one puzzle with [carp, flotsam, jib, etc] for a marine theme [for example], and then another with an entirely different theme, and so on.
But since it's just common words arranged haphazardly, there's none of the usual crossword-style vocabulary/riddle-based puzzling involved, making it far more simplistic than even a most basic crossword game.
But if you're heavily into Sudoku, it might be a nice twist to the usual formula for you
[Though I like basic Sudoku more than Lexica, so :X].
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The reviews for this are great.
"Being a lady with with lady bits I am perticularly good at playing these kinda games. Except I can't tell the difference between hipsters and nerds. Actaully I'm not very good at this game at all. And my friends bully me for playing it. I don't know where I'm going with this. Send help."
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for a moment I thought the name was called "Kitty Powers, Motherfucker!"
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Trine Enchanted Edition LV4+
This game in my wishlist long time, i still can't find time to play it. XD
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^---- Seriously, what he said. Girl gamers make the world go 'round.
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I like this idea! And I couldn't resist :-)
Shower With Your dad Simulator Level 3
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I cry ROW tears everytime I visit Steam Store to make a giveaway. :(
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I ran a double-check on the possible reasons according to the blacklisting date and found none, so you're no longer blacklisted. Might've been a mistake, I made a couple of experiments exactly when you were blacklisted, but you were not a victim of them. Apologies.
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Since you asked: your profiles' (both on here and Steam) history, friends and obfuscated groups, along with the way you entered some giveaways, did nothing to foster my faith. Also I tried to reply by leaving a comment on your profile to avoid derailing this but couldn't, which brings me to one last thing: 79 pages worth of "+rep" comments, 5 friends only, public comments disabled and you're wondering why one might find you suspicious? I may as well be wrong about you entirely, granted, but those are my reasons. /fin
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Hello Delta! Can u pls count me in?
I've been chasing blackguards 1&2 recently but i was no succesful . After seeing ur thread, i thought why i didn't buy and give them to my buddies here? :ppp yes, i shoudda done this! Go on guys;
Blackguards Level1
Blackguards 2 Level1 too
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Oh! Adam, u re the man! Seems i have had more groups to contribute&enjoy :)
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Here's one that I don't see being given away: Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
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Not entering as I have it already, but nice choice!
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i choose Lichdom Battlemage!
I think its a fun game, even when many say bad things about it.
EDIT: and its Lvl 5, sorry.
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[Flame Over ; lvl3+](
Flame Over ; lvl3+
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thumb up! and yes.. would be nice maybe someone should tap her on that idea...
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Valkyria Chronicles, lvl 0.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with this on my wishlist
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This looks like a great game, thank you!
Unfortunately the current steam API stuff-up just set my CV to 0 for five old giveaways, and I dropped to lvl 3. :(
Here's hoping it's fixed before your GA finishes. :)
Yay! Level 4 again. :) :) :) :)
But I missed the GA. :( :( :( :(
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got to agree with uvatar :P but it is an awesome giveaway man :)
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There are plenty of "cheap" giveaways in the thread, but of course it's not about that. It's about giving something from your wishlist so others could enjoy it. Anyway, not telling you anything you didn't already know. =)
But don't feel bad! =)
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Thank you for these kind words :) It's true that it wasn't something new to me but it's still great to hear something like this, so thank you! <3
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Hi. Back when I blacklisted you (4 months ago) most of your giveaways were group only or invite only while you yourself won way more giveaways than you created your own (which still hasn't changed). Basically, it's because of your poor ratio, no hard feelings. Feel free to blacklist me too, if you want!
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I didn't say it was because of "only private and group GAs" but for the fact that you have won far more than what you have given.
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You're not the only one on my blacklist, just so you know. I don't blacklist everyone who won more than they have given obviously, but in extreme cases I do.
I don't have to say anything else to this, so have fun compaining more about my principles because I don't care.
PS: Also, you once won a giveaway of mine which you didn't even play btw, so please quit whining. Thank you.
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NOT A HERO lvl 4
I have this game in my wishlist since april, when the game wasn't even released yet. Hope the winner will enjoy the game for me!
(This is humble Bundle gift, because if I purchase gift on steam it will be region locked)
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In my wishlist Magnetic: Cage Closed Collector's Edition. Level 5
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There, you have done it!
I cannot afford many of the games in my wishlist right now, so I'm giving away bundled ones that I still do not own even so.
I was very tempted to keep at least one for me but I went full selfless in the end =P
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Wishlisted this for long:
Sorry, RU+CIS
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Something rarely given away for some reason.
Aarklash Legacy (5+)
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I bought Aarklash ages ago on sale and only got around to playing a couple of hours last week or so. It's pretty good, and I think this is the first time I've seen it given away.
Obviously I'm not entering, but thank you very much for the giveaway!
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Dracula Origin - Lvl.2
I can't recall buying this for my personal collection, but yet njoy it people :)
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This game is from my wishlist: Never Alone Arctic Collection (Level 5+)
And this game is from your wishlist (i hope it is ok): Disorder (Level 5+)
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Never Alone is a great game to share for this, but alas nowhere near level 5. One day :).
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Porcunipine lvl 3+
Good luck! :) And yes, it's actually a game I don't own myself. :P ...yet >:3
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Aw, did you miss the IndieGameStand deal? It was featured a few days back for $1 with Steam key +DRM-free version (as low as $0.25 for DRM-free only). BTA even included source code, for the programmer types. It's a fun game, btw, though certainly a lot more so when you get some friends/family together.
I do get the feel though that it may be in some more bundles soon...
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I know, it's all over the site already, but Contagion was on my wishlist for ages until I bought the bundle, too.
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New GA Level 2 required
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The Walking Dead: 400 Days
Super Motherload
Apparently I can't give away Planetary Annihilation by itself anymore?
Endless Space
Freedom Planet
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Only time I've ever bothered changing Steam avatars is when I made a new account.
At 5 years in and 700~ games on this one, I think I might just stick with it a bit longer :P
Ditto for how I approach name changes, so you're at no risk of confusion any time soon :P
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"Apparently I can't give away Planetary Annihilation by itself anymore?"
It got pulled from the Steam store. May want to submit a ticket to get it re-added to the list on the site
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Do you know why Planetary annihilation has been taken down?
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Holly Shit. And I was getting myself up to buying the vanilla. F*ck devs then, no money from me. Thanks for info Adam!
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Well... that's unexpected :D Yeah I did hope to get it in the future soo... but damn asking so straight forward is weeeird xd
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That was one and two man. And those were this year. I've never seen 3 in a bundle at all.
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dam, 4 weeks is a long time :o how are you holding up man? :) you can do it ! say no to sg ! say no to barbie ! ok that one might be a bit harder to do though (:
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Little somethng from me... and even more. Actually I have no idea why it's still on my wishlist... Both level 1.
Anyways, thanks for awesome giveaways people!
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BattleBlock Theater (lvl 4) added on April 12 on Oddllama's recomendation
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I've never actually gotten around to making a wishlist, but I recently picked this up for myself. Seeing everyone's generosity here, though, I'd much rather give this one back to the community. :)
Shadow Warrior: Special Edition (Level 3 required)
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My contribution. Money is a bit tight right now. Thanks to all of the contributors so far!
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small Level 3 GA from turtle
its something i played when i was just a little turtle and i loved it (well not that little, just a bit younger one !) and since i managed to get 2 copies of it in a very decent...ish trade, thought its very fitting for this topic.
edit: i might also have replied to wrong comment, but site is being super slow atm, so im gonna check it out later today and fix it if needed >,<
edit Jr: its lvl 3+ btw, i didnt feel that making it 4 or higher would be fair, because of recent cv disappearances :P
another edit: moved, now i have similar posts at 2 places, but just this one has a hidden ga, so i suppose its cool ^x^
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Sorry for the bundle game, but don't have much money right now. It was on my wishlist till I won it here on SG not long ago, ended up buying the HB bundle to get the second one, so here you go:
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So i finally made it!!
South Park: The Stick of Truth (Level 5+)
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That's an incredibly awesome GA! Thanks very much :D
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Finally got around to making this. Their other game, Big Pharma, is also on my wishlist.
Democracy 3 (Level 5+)
Good luck to all entrants!
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I'm late to the party! (Level 3)
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Hope there are still some people, like me, who don't own this game :).
Star Wars: KOTOR (Level 3+)
Good luck
P.S. Thank you to all the awesome people who have contributed so far!
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I decided to get a copy of the Standard Ultimate Edition and make a Level 6+ giveaway for
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But not change region.. O well, I have the base game so probably shouldn't enter anyway
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Hehe this DLC might be judged ;) but it's legit on my wishlist...
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shame on you , shame on you,,,, don;t call me anymore when you see me on the street
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Wishlisted since March, hope you're gonna play it since I just bought it for you instead of me!
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Sorry everybody for being so late. I had to sell some stuff to get some funds together. and Luckily there still was something on sale from my wishlist.
Here you go: Pneuma: Breath of life
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This has been a wishlist game of mine for a long time
Back to bed lvl 3
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this one is one i wait for quite time only avoided to get it as i save the few $$$ i have for XCOM 2 (im unemployed so no $$$) but this is a good cause so i really hope you will enjoy it, and maybe i will also further on the way ^_^
Breach & Clear (no lvl limitation)
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My little contribution. Hope you like it. ^y^
A friend of mine told me this is a great game.
Divinity: Dragon Commander (Level 4+)
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In my opinion this sounds awesome (It's about Dragon Commander :) )
Comment has been collapsed. teslagard recently taken out of wishlist
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Well, I had a lot of difficulty with this. I didn't really want to "go cheap," so that crossed a lot of my wishlist off the list. Also, I don't like giving away bundled games, so that eliminated another huge section of my wishlist. On top of that, I wanted to give something away which a lot of people would like to own, so that narrowed down the field of contenders even more. Finally, it had to be a game I could afford at this time, and since I'm pretty broke, right now, that leaves only a few games from which to choose:
Multiple people have already given away Air Brawl, so that was crossed off my list leaving the other two. I believe Forward to the Sky is the more popular of the two among the SteamGifts population, so I decided to go with that. My giveaway will run for a bit over three days with a level 1 entry cap.
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I know I'm late. But, I'm fashionably late, right? Right??
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One that was on my Wishlist for ages until a friend gave it to me this summer sale:
Valkyria Chronicles (lvl 3)
And one I just snagged to give away here that's still on my Wishlist:
The Banner Saga (lvl 3)
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I hope it is not too late.
This is on my whitelist until now XD
abyss odyssey
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this seems like fun, i will try to pick something out ! ^_^
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Awe, shucks! As I was purchasing my wishlisted giveaway for y'all, I accidentally chose to redeem it to my account instead of storing it into my inventory. Too bad I guess! ¯(°_o)/¯
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Even if I kept track of it, I wouldn't be allowed to say here. At any rate, it isn't to do with wins, so no clue.
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Damn it Delta, didn't recognize you again -.-. You are the bane of my existence XD.
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I'll try to get at least one game to add to the chain.
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Picked up something from my wishlist during this last Hallowe'en sale, but I doubt I will have time to play it before the winter sale comes around. It will go on sale again, I'm sure, and this seems like a much better use for the game since I probably won't have the time to appreciate it properly right now. Thanks for the idea!
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About Steam allowing adding games to be added to both the Wishlist and Not Interested list (I didn't want to reply above), I agree with you it makes no sense. I actually (ab)use this "feature" to tag games I own on other platforms (GOG, Origin etc) so that if I forget about that I won't buy them on Steam by mistake, but for sure I don't own this game (Roundabout) anywhere (except the gift copy for this event). Could it be I have split personality and I'm not aware of it? Right now the game looks nice...
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I see.. I can suggest you to something like backloggery (link to mine) to control your game collection. :)
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Interesting, but unless it's a single client that automatically retrieves all my libraries and displays them in one place (like this mockup I created a few months ago), I don't see myself using it. One of the benefits of using Steam is it's so convenient. Additional manual steps are not something I'd to go through regularly.
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I can't make myself using it because I see this tool as completely manual. Which advantages does it have in comparison to AStats (link to mine)? Of course except the fact that AStats is Steam-only and is focused on achievements. You can also add categories for games like "to-play" or "finished".
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I have set myself the kinda stupid mission of collecting every single PAL PS2 release plus a few choice NTSC games that I can't get over here.
Backloggery seems pretty good for controlling your collection. So far I've used Evernote to list every console and handheld game in my collection, don't really see the point of doing that with Steam though
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Hehe, that's a bold mission... Do you actually mean every release? Or just of a genre or something? I mostly have RPGs, that's what I used to buy.
And yeah. I use it also to control what I've played, what I have finished etc etc. Backloggery has an update planned that'll introduce some new things, but I'm still not sure of what it will be. :P Maybe they'll add some more useful stuff.
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I mean every PAL release, I'm aiming for limited editions instead of standard editions where available. I don't really limit myself to genres tbh, I like something from pretty much every genre.
I'm going to stick to Evernote because there is no way I'm listing all my games again, it took me so long to type the name of every game I own.
I might check it out again at some point
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More like having trouble keeping track of games I bought outside Steam.
This is why I would prefer to have a single client/UI, not necessarily Steam. However, since no unified client is available, the next best thing is the Steam client, where most of my games already are. If you could move the few GOG/Origin/Uplay games to Steam (solely for the sake of unified view) I would, but not if I had to pay much for it.
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However, since no unified client is available, ?
Not sure how its launch functions are, but it seems you can easily organize by system, and even if the option doesn't exist otherwise, create a virtual wishlist by creating a 'Wishlist' system tab.
If you just want a single place to manually organize games, that'd be a good one, I guess- though it looks like there were two other suggestions above, as well, that you turned down :/
Though: LaunchBox includes automated import processes for your MS-DOS games, ROM files, and Steam library
You'd only have to manually add in GOG games, here.
GOG Galaxy is trying to get to the point of being a unified client, but it's a far way away yet, and it'll always have some limitations when it comes to Steam games, since they're direct competitors.
I don't have any problems with having separate clients, or with the way Steam works currently, though.
Guess it's really only an issue for people who favor having games on Steam, and don't mind duplicating them for that purpose?
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You made incredible giveaway with CoD, I think that's over the tops.
Edit: ok, I didn't see the timeline :x
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Do games that were wishlisted before I got them count? I have a spare key or two of such games.
Thanks for doing this though.
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I was thinking current wishlist titles, but I'm not your boss. I won't stop you. :P
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7 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Noobdynone
104 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by DeliberateTaco
77 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by CulitoRiko7u7
1,046 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by sensualshakti
79 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Reidor
16,412 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Elgbert
40 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MeguminShiro
69 Comments - Last post 35 seconds ago by Zelrune
3,439 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by KPopPoyehavshiy
647 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by LohnJennon
117 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Lugum
9 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by antidaz
2,743 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by WaxWorm
9,626 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by CurryKingWurst
Nothing special happening, I just wanted a big pile of giveaways to happen because I have nothing better to do.
To make he topic special, here is the deal. Go to your wishlist, pick out a game, and buy a copy for a giveaway. Easy as. Lets see some of the games fellow users want for themselves.
I'll start this off with a giveaway for ENYO Arcade (Level 1 required). Just chain your own giveaways as a reply to the first comment below.
My own has already finished, but since people have been adding, people should still enter those.
Here is a link to the most recently added giveaway. Scroll up from here to check for others. And scroll down if anyone else has added some. :P
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