Going by isthereanydeal.com Nov. 2014 there was a 75% off sale. (Russians got 90-92.5% off total, lucky)
There was a short period of time when a limited amount of 75% off coupons stacked, making it 93.75% off (Russians got it for 95-98% off, super lucky)

I call for it to be removed from the bundle list only for the fact it has been SO long not on the list.

Many of us would not have made giveaways for Shadow Warriors if it was on the bundle list.

9 years ago

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relax. that's not something new: if a game is sold beyond 75% off and is accessible from russia - do not buy it to make giveaways because it will get bundled.
ps Shadow Warrior has been on sale with 90% off discount a few weeks ago

9 years ago

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That is not the point I was trying to make.

During those 9 months, many, MANY people bought the game expecting to get full CV because it was not on the bundle list and they would not of bought it otherwise.

I mean, no biggie for me, just an arse move by whomever just added it to the bundle list with a date nearly a year old.

9 years ago

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Well, according to isthereanydeal.com this game received 90% discount for the first time somewhere in december 2014. So the recent sale was just a little push for mods to add this game to the bundle list with a date when it got so deeply discounted for the first time. Instead they should have chosen date of recent sale when this game got so abused by cis cv farmers, but they didn't.
Is this a d... move? yep.
edit: i think we need separate "bundle list" for "cheap" regions.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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who cares about CV?

9 years ago

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as far as I know every game is available in russia :V

9 years ago

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Nope, for example Bloodrayne 1-2 is unavailable in Russian Steam. Lots of other games, too - Path of Exile from the more recent ones.

9 years ago

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That's not what he meant...

9 years ago

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Dafuq, im GA shadow warrior special edition, from 50CP to 7.5 sad

9 years ago

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doesn't really matter though right? I mean, if a game switches to bundled it alters all past GAs CV as well right? So, if something is listed as bundled tomorrow..someone who bought it full price and did a GA a few weeks back, still have their CV reduced for that game right?

9 years ago

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If GTA5 is listed as bundled tomorrow, dated on 1 december 2014, all GAs post 1 december 2014 will be considered bundled stuff

9 years ago

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No, they add a DATE to the bundlelist, if your giveaway was before said date, you get full cv.

But Shadow Warrior was only just added to the list, with a back date of Nov. 2014 :/ (it has then been 90% off 3 times I think , and twice with regional trade locks)

9 years ago

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there was no region lock I believe, I got my copy on a RU/CIS trader on pre-order

9 years ago

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Shobo when seeing all these complaints about new additions to the bundle list

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9 years ago

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Shobo so OP, he can set the forums aflame with a single click.

9 years ago

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Lol, I wish Tokyo Jungle would come out on pc.


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9 years ago

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You really should have a PS3. It was even for sale on PSN at the price of US$1.

9 years ago

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$1 sounds really good! I do own a ps3 with many games still in their original shrinkwrap, damn backlogs :/

9 years ago

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None of my physical games are wrapped, though they were all used. Digital though, there have been games left untouched... But hey, downloads require time and space. I really need to replace the hard drive, it simply isn't big enough for more than 50 games (and I've close to 200 PS3 games on PSN, plus around another 100 PSN titles when you include the PS1 and PS2 Classics).

You need to watch the flash sales. There have been several with $1 games. I got 28 games during the last one. :D

9 years ago

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are there any you're done with or considering parting with? i am missing some... also have 3 unused ones due to them later coming out on steam

9 years ago

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My current financial crisis is not bad enough I need to sell my very nice collection.
(Many were only released in Japan that I imported at great cost. <namly niche games and jrpgs>, and a few of those are limited/special editions)

9 years ago

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oh... nevermind :P the main japanese ones i'd want would be railfan

i'm just looking for older or out of print things i'm missing like heavenly sword, unch3, kz3, skate3, r3, ssx... maybe some more

9 years ago

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I thought I grabbed Tokyo jungle for free on PSN lol...maybe it was a $1... lots of fun anyway. Those flash sales can be crazy good and other times....eeeh.

9 years ago

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the problem with the bundle rule is that it isn't clear.

9 years ago

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In a bundle, or a discount of 95% of more from the US Steam store price (in any region). Pretty clear to me.

The problem is that its updated by one person. He can miss stuff and might only find out about it months later in old tickets.

9 years ago

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The bundle "rules" are not posted offically anywhere, mind you :P.

And if Shobo is having a hard time managing the bundle list alone, I'm sure others wouldn't mind volunteering.

9 years ago

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About more users, that is up to CG. He added several users a few months ago, like Sleepy, Crazee and Jatan, but they have limited power compared to Bobo or Lina. As for the bundle list, others can't help, they simply don't have access to it.

9 years ago

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A couple of us have been upgraded recently, so we've started working on the User Reports backlog.

9 years ago

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A couple of us have been upgraded

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9 years ago

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cg: beep boop boop

9 years ago

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You got nano-augs when you were added to support? That's not fair! I only got mechanical :(

9 years ago

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Whoah, just noticed the tag next to your name. Congratulations!
Time for some public giveaways.

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9 years ago

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Grats on upgrade! Just noticed it. =)

9 years ago

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That's nice. Maybe you will uncover some long-lost treasures under all those reports.

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9 years ago

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see, there's a problem because i assumed that was all. but yesterday i received a support ticket with more info, like "Russian price exploits bringing the discount to over 95% off" (jatan :3 ).

so now if i want to give away a non-bundled game (because i really dislike giving away them) i have to check russian price histories and be sure there's no 95%+ discount from the base US price. -_-

9 years ago

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Or you could just not care about the value. :P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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When levels go down, gift more. Gift in bulk if you must. :P

I've watched my value fluctuate between 8.58 and 8.68 for months now, every time I've gotten back to that .68, value has dropped, so I just do even more gifts.

9 years ago

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it's the first time i read that "in any region", this makes more sense now, but still looks... dunno, something like "okay, you can abuse russian prices, but not so much"

9 years ago

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Yeah, its because even though many of us aren't Russian, there is nothing stopping us getting some cheap RU copies from traders and gifting them.

9 years ago

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I know, I've seen a lot of people doing that, but I still think this hurts legit "RoW" users more than abusers.

9 years ago

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Indeed, but we already know abusers will hurt things for everyone.

9 years ago

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And I doubt you can find russian priced ROW steamgifts anymore.

9 years ago

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There's a lot of CIS-countries users on SG, pretty sure at least 10%.

Which means 10% of SG users can easily abuse SG if all those cheap Russian games won't be added to bundle list. And still those 90% who isn't from CIS could make giveaways for CIS.

9 years ago

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All the low priced region copies are automatically locked at the purchase now so if you get a Shadow Warrior copy from Russia its locked for that region now.

9 years ago

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I'm well aware of that. I never said activating it, but gifting it. An RU giveaway can be made by anyone.

9 years ago

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I haven't thought about it that way, I guess SG can give reduced points for lower priced regions only giveaways or some system like that since giver is not actually paying the price that in points he gets for the giveaway?

9 years ago

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And that it is not done in a timely fashion.
1 week is understandable, but 9+ months?

9 years ago

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i understand it can take time to update it, since it's all managed by volunteers.

all i want is a way to find out what is going to be bundled.
i don't care if they want to bundle gta 5 because it's 15% off, but at least let me find it by myself...

9 years ago

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Only a single member of support, Shobo, does it. CG would also be able to, but Shobo is still the primary list updater. They won't always notice the stuff themselves, and might only find it months later in a old ticket. I know I submitted such a ticket in the past. :P

9 years ago

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It's simple: review the fricking tickets.

9 years ago

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Games are typically added to the bundle list within a week after the ticket is submitted. The problem is that the tickets are not usually submitted until the game goes on sale for the 3rd or 4th time and then the bundler has to backfill to the first sale.

9 years ago

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What? You mean The Shobo on his own can't go check all Steam games, all their DLCs, and all the packages they all come in, including collections and multi-packs, third-party prices, deals, exploits, and bundles, and keep it up to date on an hourly basis? I think my faith in the unbelievable is totally shaken now.

9 years ago

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personally i prefer games to be more available through bundles then to get more CV, as a lot of people (me included) cant afford them otherwise... but that's just me...

9 years ago

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That's not how it works.
If a games is bundled after a 90% on steam (and not bundled on humble bundle et similia)
you'll surely see less giveaway of that game on the next 90% discount.

9 years ago

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true, but it will be available to more people to perches in a reasonable price ^_^

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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thank you ^_^

9 years ago

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personally i prefer games to be more available through bundles then to get more CV, as a lot of people (me included) cant afford them otherwise

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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If that was for me, I'm not angry at the value, nor am I angry at the super late timing being added to the bundle list.
I beleive the bundlelist issues should be addressed. (late additions, only 1 person keeping track, etc.)

9 years ago

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It's an efficiency issue; not a valuation issue basically.

9 years ago

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Does only Steam understand that regional prices are reasonable.

9 years ago

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If they were reasonable, each person's income and costs of living should be used to determine their personal, unique product price.

9 years ago

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Yesterday there was a big update on bundle list, and not only shadow warrior is a "late addition".

Since two days ago I keep track of bundle additions on sgtools, you can check them here

9 years ago

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Interesting detail: it does not list Shadow Warrior, just the SE and SE upgrade.
While http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games/search?q=shadow+warrior has the base game too.

9 years ago

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Base game was added loooong ago ;)

9 years ago

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I do not know, it is counted at full value for me: http://sgcv.tk/sent/tevemadar/newestfirst (3rd one from the top)

9 years ago

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Shadow Warrior in the bundle list : /app/261260/

Shadow Warrior when creating a giveaway : /app/233130/

9 years ago

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Excellent, I hope it will get "fixed" :s

9 years ago

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Dark Souls was just Humble Bundled... bet that one is gonna hit people hard when they update again... eeeshh.

9 years ago

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Games from tier 3 usually aren't added to the bundle list

9 years ago

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Huh, good to know. Thank you :) Lots of specifics to this whole bundle not bundle thing then.

9 years ago

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It all comes down to the discount % I believe. BTA was at around $5 or $6 I think, so it was $4 for DS alone - only about 80% discount.

9 years ago

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But had a price error in russia (IIRC)

9 years ago

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I think the USD/EUR 10-tier is safe from bundling.
DeadCore, Platformines, ENSLAVED, etc. were all added on August 4, or the extra game Star Trek a week later (Beware Planet Earth was bundled already).
Dark Souls is not there.

9 years ago

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Few days ago i was doing a ga for shadow warrior and it werent on sg bundle list, i checked three times before making ga. :/

9 years ago

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I really, really appreciate your tools ♥

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Nice! Your tool is more and more helpful :D

9 years ago

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The game was 75% and at alienware was a 75% discount code stackeable with the steam disconut i guess it is for this.


EDIT: I mean this: https://i.gyazo.com/0a6f7937fa5e9478cd7149ea7c76485a.png

9 years ago*

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This. It was worth pretty much nothing because of this coupon from Alienware which stocked up with steam discount

9 years ago

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Well, need advices how to prevent such situations. Don't buy games with 90% off and more in stores? Just don't want suddenly lost CV.

9 years ago

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there's no rule about this rule. that's why everybody is complaining every day.

9 years ago

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Yup, rule only says about 95%, while in should be "95% of USA price".

9 years ago

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where did you find that it says 95%?

9 years ago

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I found it on SGv1, years ago.
Checked FAQ and you're right, there's no info about it, at all, it's all forum knowledge.

9 years ago

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I'm pretty newbie here... didn't know that one. thought that I missed some info about it...
I think that's the problem that everyone is complaining... there's no rule about bundle.
games can be bundled any time, marked with any time retroactively, by any reason.
that way people can't prevent or expect nothing (which means no rule).

9 years ago

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I'm pretty sure long time ago FAQ was linking to page explaining that stuff in more details, now there's only info "Games may also be added to the bundle list if they're available for free during a promotion, or if they're highly discounted in a sale".

Which is not enough, because many people don't know that Russian prices are much lower, so in some cases even -75% in US might cause -95% in Russia. Or that there's -95% rule. Or that it might not even be -95%, but decision caused by massive exploiting/creating hundreds of giveaways.

9 years ago

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Personally I think the whole 'cheaper in Russia' thing should be removed. I'd imagine it takes a lot of time to check (hence the 9 months backlog..), it annoys a lot of users if games are added to the bundle list 9 months later (and probably spawns support tickets as well) , and what's the point really?

The whole 95% off is arbitrary anyway. Right now it's like: Ok, this $100 game will earn you 100 CV if you've bought it for $5 or more.. Wait.. what?!?!? you could've bought it for $4.50 in Russia!!!! That's 50 cents cheaper!! That is so unfair, I'll reduce the CV to 15 and cause all the consequences described in the former paragraph ;-)

Of course Steamgifts.com is not my site, so it's not my call, but personally I think it's not worth all the hassle..

9 years ago

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Personally I'm starting to think the whole CV system should be removed

9 years ago

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+1 the whole gamification of the site is borderline to annoying

9 years ago

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CV system is great. bundle rule (which there's no rule about bundle) is the problem...

9 years ago

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It really isn't that great.
It makes most people think "I have $5. What game(s) should I give away to level up the most ?" rather than "I have $5. What is the coolest game I can give away ?".

9 years ago

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that's why we have crappy rats everywhere from time to time...

9 years ago

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That one is bundled, so people are really just giving it away for the fun of it.

9 years ago

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you didn't get the idea...

9 years ago

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+1, but try to keep levels somehow.

9 years ago

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Levels are just "fancy way" of hiding whole CV system which is underneath them.

9 years ago

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Keep the levels, remove the contribution level giveaways ^_^

9 years ago

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But then I would have to go through and Blacklist every person who has never given away a single game.

9 years ago

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Well the reason why this cutoff exists in the first place was because there were people complaining about users exploiting regional price difference to gain obscene amounts of CV for very cheap. Why 95% was chosen as the cutoff? No idea, but there has to be a cutoff somewhere and 95% is as good a number as anything else.

9 years ago

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It was in the Humble Indie Bundle 14

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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say thanks that NOT EVERY GAME that was on sale / or purchased with any amount of discount ( mean u did NOT pay the full price ) end up bundled

9 years ago

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If they did that, the bundlelist would be changed to "lowest known price" list, which it should be like this now :P

9 years ago

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there is better site without any nonsense rules

9 years ago

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You do not have permission to view this giveaway, since you've been blacklisted by the giveaway creator.

ahaha fuck I shud NOT talk to u anymore

9 years ago

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Lol, that was like for 30 seconds :D.

9 years ago

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As Uroboros pointed out, though the dates are off, Shadow Warrior actually DID show up in Humble Bundle 14, which lasted from April 1st to the 14th this year. Whether or not it should count because it was the higher valued Special Edition is up for debate, however.

9 years ago

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Many games were in high tier bundles were not added to the bundle list because their price would not be such a huge discount.
(in fact, many high tier games are not even 40% off :P)

9 years ago

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Don't forget that you don't pay the highest tier's price for that game alone.
For example the Bandai Namco Bundle featured 3 games in tier 1 (0.30ea)
5 games in BTA (let's say it was 6$ - so BTA was 5$ for 5 games, 1$ each, or together with BTA 8 games for 6$ - 0.75$ each)
and Dark Souls was at 10$ tier, meaning it cost 10-6 = 4$ only (in fact cheapter than Steam EU ever had, because it was 4€ here). If you look at the whole bundle, 9 games for 10$
Anyways, it's a little weird that RU only copies causes a game to be bundled (had an overpriced high-tier at HB and 90% off at Steam) but sadly, everyone have to suffer because of the rules, to prevent leechers to get copies from russian traders and make a RU only giveaway for it. (Also, the bundling time is indeed a little weird, apparently it's not based on the HB appearance, or the date entered is wrong)

9 years ago

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what gbaz69 said - SW was in the 10$ Tier regardless if whipped together with other good/trash games far from 90%

9 years ago

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Yea, if you subtrack even the bta price, it was around $5, so around 90% off of SW:SE.

9 years ago

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GA games for 60$ ea, win cheap bundle shit for 0.3$ea = main steamgifts.com rule.

9 years ago

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^ this.

9 years ago

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Bundled on Nov, 2014? Mh,... meh? Maybe I can experience a level drop myself then.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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That Russian rule needs to go, it should be regional. And games shouldn't be retroactively added to the bundle list.

9 years ago

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This and the retroactive lose of CV when a game drops in price is beyond lame and discouraging

9 years ago

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I'm with BAZ on this one, this is beyond lame. SG has reached a new low in my opinion.

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9 years ago

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Adding games to bundle list with such a huge delay (few months) is a dick move on SG side, especially when there was only -75% discount in Nov. 4 2014. I don't care about shitty russian abusers who bought it in multiple copies for insanely low price. They should have different treatment because of a lot lower price in RU CIS region. In November I bought with 75% discount and gave away 3 copies of SW and now I lost 1 level of contributor's value. In this way, SG can add all the games to the bundle list and laugh at people that they lost their hard earned money spent on given away games. Screw you SG support

9 years ago

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totes GHEY. . .i bought it thru steam directly,in my own region,with a 75% off coupon from alienware arena,while holiday sale was going,so I basically got the game for 60 €cents.sure,I went on n got it when it was 97,5% off,and that's a pretty legit manner I obtained it thru imo;but I guess SG modding staff's mad-ass hindsight can't be juked,so shame on us frp trying to pull such tricks on 'em.

Yeah,suk eet,the aforementioned pps.OUT!

9 years ago

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