I just won the game Schein today. So as usually, I entered the code in Steam, saw it was ok, marked the game as received...
And forgot to say thanks.
This evening, I tried to go back to the GA page to thank the gifter... and couldn't access it since I had been added to his blacklist.

This could be an error.
This could be because I was lvl5 when I entered and am lvl4 now, thanks to Daedalic.
This could be because I cleaned up my whitelist to give more chances to people who have incredible ratios.
This could be because I said something.

I shouldn't give a f^$ยฃ.

But actually I do.

EDIT : Thanks for all your answers !
Since I can't answer to everybody :

  • I will leave it be. There are many good (and several bad) reasons why I could have been blacklisted.
  • My intent here was to talk about the feeling of being blacklisted. And honestly, something down in my stomach ticks when it happens, however good the reasons might be. I'd like to think about myself as detached from something like this, but I'm obviously not.
  • Thanks again for your answers. This community is awesome!
  • Now I want kitties and hugs !
8 years ago*

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How do you feel when you learn you were blacklisted (and don't know why) ?

View Results
I don't give a fยจ$%
You can't please everybody. Pissing people off without even noticing is the trait of a great personality.
Why do you care weakling ?
I hate polls.
Sweet potato

This could be because some people block winners so others get a better chance next time.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day, Ninja! xD

8 years ago

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I see the factory! It's a cake factory! ^^ Congrats!

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8 years ago

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Thinking like that is a little....

8 years ago

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This and Happy Cake Day

8 years ago

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This makes sense.
Happy Cake Day !

8 years ago

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I do this in public GAs

8 years ago

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Because there is enourmous chance someone will win again? :)

8 years ago

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make sense, happy Cake day

8 years ago

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happy cake factory day :)

8 years ago

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I've heard of people blacklisting all winners of their GAs so that nobody wins a game from the twice.
Or it could be because of lack of thanks. I have been known to do that, but I'll give it a week or so after marking Received.

8 years ago

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no thanks and missing lv requirement, that's enough for some people.

8 years ago

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^This and Happy Cake Day :D

8 years ago

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I couldn't tell, I only blacklisted 2 persons. A scammer and someone with Adolf Hitler as his avatar.
But I imagine it can be enough.
Happy Cake Day !

8 years ago

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Don't worry, i've been blacklisted under the same reason probably. Won a gift, activated it and wanted to post thanks on comments but nope, was blacklisted when that happened. I was only 3 hours late on activating the gift too, i wonder if people expect winners to activate asap and get picky when it doesn't happen. (i've read GA descriptions of the kind, so i bet people blacklist for not activating asap)

Anyways, we are on the same path, blacklisted without having a clue as to why it happened. My advice is to keep on walking forward and give no f*cks about it.

8 years ago

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Happy cakeday!

8 years ago

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Maybe just ask him? If he cannot accept your steam invite, you could send him a trade offer asking him there. Maybe he will respond you :)

8 years ago

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if he doesn't accept your Steam invite I don't think it's wise to go around that and try talking to him through a trade offer...

8 years ago

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Agreed. And anyway, since I'm blacklisted, I can't even access to the GA to know who he is.

8 years ago

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Finding out who he is isn't hard at all ;P But it's up to you either way, you could just leave it be I suppose

8 years ago

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I was planning to leave it be. It was just the first time that this happened to me on SG.
I mean, I know how to piss off people and I feel I never really got the chance with him... :)
You know, this strange feeling when you just ask yourself "why, what did I do?"
But enough people here gave me enough good reasons for what he did, so I can sleep now. :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, people blacklist for a variety reasons, some that make sense and some that don't, I just don't question if I find someone that blacklisted me, which I think I have 2 or 3 times.

8 years ago

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edit: I see I'm late, sorry for bothering. Open link in incognito mode / copy link, and open that in incognito / private browsing?

8 years ago

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Why? Whe worse that can happens is cancelling offer. Still worth to try.

8 years ago

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It's not that I think you're afraid of what the person might do but they clearly don't want to have a talk so I think it's better to leave them be rather than find a way to try and have the talk.

8 years ago

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Maybe you are right. OP decides

8 years ago

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I have heard where winners have waited to mark as received until the very last day to counter giveaway creators from doing this as it prevents them from having fresh open giveaway slots to do more giveaways. While this may not be an issue to some it is to those waiting for winners to mark received so more giveaways can be created by them. You can also say thanks BEFORE marking received to avoid being blacklisted until you get a chance to say your thanks. It's unfortunate that the feature has turned into a weapon this way.

Definitely one of my reasons why I think the blacklist feature is toxic to the community. While there are also good uses, if the bad like this can't be prevented then the option shouldn't be there at all.

8 years ago

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Well, this was at most a matter of a few hours. I won today, marked as received today and tried to thank him a few hours later.
Anyway, I know there may be hundreds of good reasons to blacklist me.
It just... hurts. :)

8 years ago

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This is one of the very few comments i've seen as of late that i can agree with. But i must say this, these people that BL winners, they usually do it right after the giveaway ends. Alot of people are probably like me, who thank when they see that they won something, when i see i got a win, i'll thank the person via steam or giveaway comments.

In my own experience with this, i activated my gift 3 hours after giveaway ended. Returned to the giveaway page to say thanks and noticed i was BL'd. Saying thanks on every giveaway sounds stupid, if there is a giveaway worthy of saying thanks, i will do it. Or a giveaway asking for a random comment about something, i don't mind. If people BL because of the lack of "thanks" on time, they are stupid and should instead put it on description as a rule. We have 7 days to receive the gift, so in my eyes, those same days can be used to thank the person back, when activating the gift. Which is what i do, when i get the gift and activate it, i'll thank the person and move on.

8 years ago

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I can't think of a reason why would anyone do that. Who would benefit from someone, who's giveaways you can access, not being able to create giveaways?

8 years ago

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usually, i dont care, its doing a great service as i often end up questioning "did i really want anything from this person to begin with?"
This is different, it's a whitelist giveaway and im not sure if i ever won anything here, but i'm still whitelisted, if anything, i would just be removed from the list.
I would add that person and question his reasons , who knows maybe you could talk it out, ive been on both ends of the conversation myself

8 years ago

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If this is the worst thing that happens to you today, you're doing pretty damned well.
I wouldn't worry about it. ;)

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8 years ago

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You're absolutely right !

8 years ago

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Did I notice an irony against Daedalic? I'm bringing the pitchforks. :B

8 years ago

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Don't go blaming Daedalic. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realise that there must be something up when Deponia is going for 100p.

8 years ago

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As long as it lasts, who am I to complain ?

8 years ago

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Funny, had this happen last night. Won a GA, logged into SG, saw I'd won, redeemed the key, amrked as received and went to leave a thank you... and blacklisted. I don't mind if it's because the guy doing the GA figures I've won enough from him/her, but it's frustrating that I can't say thanks to them. So, if you did this GA that I won - http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/VztbC/the-last-door-collectors-edition - then thanks!

8 years ago

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Now you get it !
My problem must be the same: I'm a polite person and feel unbalanced when I can't thank for a gift. I guess I have to blame my damn education. :)
So here's what I did : I just thanked him for you.

8 years ago*

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Thank you for the proxy thank you :)
Unfortunately I'm not on that guy's giveaway whitelist, so I can't leave a thank you - perhaps some other kind soul will!

8 years ago

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And I just received an answer from GameOfThrow who says that you are not on his blacklist. Check again. Otherwise, there's a bug.

8 years ago

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I'm a victim of my own success - I won 2 GA's yesterday , this is the blacklisted one http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/TSlMJ/cook-serve-delicious
I must have got them mixed up

8 years ago

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;) Done.

8 years ago

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Karmic balance of the Universe is restored, I think!

8 years ago

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I am on that whitelist and that GA has a new message now:

Hi there again. I'm just leaving this message because TrevorGoodchild wanted to thank you for the game ;)

8 years ago

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Thanks Somar !
As Cheeley put it

Karmic balance of the Universe is restored !

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No kitty, no hug, just this.

8 years ago

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Personally I look at blacklists, whitelists, groups and SGtools all the same. Sure it's nice to be in a group, or someones whitelist, but basically they are blacklisting everyone not in that small group for those specific giveaways. It doesn't really bother me to see "you are not in this group//person's whitelist" I feel the same about seeing "you have been blacklsited"

Although I have only been blacklisted by one person as far as I know. My opinion is that most people think the blacklist is bad because it's just portrayed as this evil list that bad people go on, when in reality, like most everybody will tell you, it's not. Sure it CAN be used for that, but it is just another filter like using SGtools.

8 years ago

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10 entries 9 comments. Were you the one guy that didn't comment? :P Could be the reason since it was a whitelist giveaway.

Also I think thread might be calling out. So maybe remove the game you won. So it isn't calling out.

8 years ago

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Maybe. Maybe it's that.
I will whip my back with fresh roses for a month to make penitence.
EDIT : and I corrected the thread. My intent wasn't to call out but you're right.

8 years ago*

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Obviously it was because you took too long and didn't thank for the gift after you received it, and that's important. It's common manners. Personally, I really hate when people do that. I don't care if people comment or not while my giveaways are open (although I always read every comment), but when the winners don't thank after they win, that's really a mood killer. I guess the same happened to giveaway creator.

Now you know, so don't forget to thank all the next times you win ;)

8 years ago*

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It took a few hours. I was in a hurry. I was sick. I... I am sorry. Ooooh, what have I done ? What have I done ?!
Anyway, I learned many things about the etiquette on SG today. I promise I will be more cautious in the future.
Cheers !

8 years ago

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I usually blacklist if the winner doesn't thank within 24 hours of redeeming/receiving the game. It just bothers me.

8 years ago

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Hugs and kitties coming right up

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8 years ago

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Here have more hugs and kitties

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by TrevorGoodchild.