Do you think ban for non-actibating gifts should be permanent?
Yes it does seem to be out of control atm. More teeth needed ̿ ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿''̿ ̿
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But if someone made mistake - he should fix it, doesn't he? Waiting for 7 (or 14) days would not solve the problem.
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It's unlikely that the guy banned for 14 days will learn nothing and do the same thing. And if he does, we can then ban him with a clear conscience that he did that intentionally and he didn't learn anything.
Your idea would just increase the amount of support tickets if banned guy would be told that he can appeal.
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As far as I know, people already asking for unban now, so this would not increase it a lot.
And I don't agree - it's very likely that someone who got profit for just waiting (i.e. for nothing) 14 days would do it again.
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I would suggest progressive scale instead: 5, 10, 20, 35 etc. days of ban.
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terribad idea mon with such a low scaling. Imagine you're a level 0 - perhaps even more, you're a level 0 alt account made solely to farm gifts for your main to regift or trade. How often do your level 0 account win a public GA (because you obviously won't be wasting time for puzzles etc to get sth you don't really want in the first place)? Maybe once a 2 months - in this time you will enter 1000+ GAs so statistically will win something. So how does your 5 day ban affect you? Not at all - it's unlikely you'd win anything in this time? 10 day? The same. 20 - maybe a little. 35 - ok, it's 50% chance for 1 game loss. So you basically were able to stole 4 games before you got actually punished.
Current punishment system is only punishing ppl who win a lot - and these people don't usually get punished as they activate their wins.
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Well, that idea doesn't consider permabanning fresh alt accounts :->
And if you're regular SG user with one main account and you don't plan to waste it in massive bans - it would be ok :-/
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This seems the best solution, although I think the bans are already increasing when repeating.
Another scale could be 1 week and then multiply by 2 every time (1,2,4,8,16...) someone banned for 8 or 16 weeks probably won't come again.
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That's nice idea too ^_^
Current ban system is like:
+5 days ban, +5 days ban, +5 days ban (+ small chance of permaban), +5 days ban (+ small chance of permaban), +5 days ban (+average chance of permaban) etc...If permaban chance is critical -> permaban.
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+1 Nobody would ever accidentally do this twice...heck even once would be rare, but never twice.
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I've done it by mistake twice already. It happens when you have a lot of wins. Just accidentally clicked "Add to Inventory" instead of "Add to Library" and didn't realize until a couple of weeks had passed and I was looking through my inventory.
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So, one can win two or three AAA titles, trade them away, and just wait for a week or two, then continue using the site? I don't like it, hence the suggestion.
See, my suggestion would make bans less in time, for people who actually learned they lesson. Like this:
Not activated -> banned -> activated game NEXT DAY, asked for unban ->unbanned, but with lesson learned.
And now it's like:
Not activated -> banned -> wait for 5 days -> believe that he did all right.
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I suggest there is better way:
And give little instructions for unban if user banned for this.
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How is it totally fine working system when support team don't know about multiple wins until someone creates a ticket about it? Can't that be dealt with automatically? The same goes for not activating gifts. That's sole thing with synching - compare won and games on account, what's wrong with that? Dealing with those cases automatically would reduce the number of tickets and also would give more time for the support to deal with more difficult cases.
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I think the system would "run" better if support would be strengthened with a lot more support staff so that for example a clear cut scammer report would not take for ages to go through support. The faster that bad apples (trade scammers; repeatedly regifting and non activating) are taken out of the basket the less chance that they can taint the other apples in the basket...
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Your auto system could be flawed also..
As what if for some reason the auto part does not detect the game on your account despite you owning it?
The same way i can still enter some GA for games i own despite SG checking for and only showing games i do not own for GA.
So how many people like me might get the ban for winning a game that might not return a proper activation?Hell Steam itself last i checked still will not let me leave a review for Arma II despite playing several hours,saying i do not own it lol.
I think unless SG can prove the auto checks could be pretty damn accurate then i do not see where this would lesson tickets and support issues,and would cause more anger then do good,as i must assume the auto checks would check the same way steam now does checks when you sync your account to mark games owned and not owned.
Support would be better if they had more,i think the site is way lacking on support for the size it is,hell i have seen forums smaller then this have more support.
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There was a post a couple of days ago about a guy who did not activate more than 5 wins and was finally suspended, but no permabanned, because he was caught too late and it was his first suspend. I understand both sides of the story, but that's not a good system.
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What about the games and DLC that don't show up on your account? What about every time the Steam API glitches (which, unfortunately, is fairly often) and the game you own didn't sync correctly?
I used to be a proponent of a similar system (ie not e able to join giveaways if you have non-activated gifts) but all those problems with the Steam API would actually create more work for support than the current system.
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Not activating is more of a nuisance than a 'crime', though it's a pretty big nuisance to keep tabs on. Still, nuisance, so temporary ban-
In the sense that, once they activate the key, their ban becomes temporary.
If they can't activate the key- say, because they traded it off or gave it away- that's a deliberate contradiction of site rules and respect for the creator, and that seems a valid reason to place a long-term (or even permanent) ban on the user in question.
On the flip side, marking it as received while at work and forgetting to activate it is a mishap, not an intentional misdeed.
Of course, you really SHOULDN'T mark it as received until you activated it..
But still, a permanent ban seems extreme, in that case, regardless of circumstance.
Humans make stupid mistakes, after all.
Of course, if it happens repeatedly for a user, then it's no longer a 'stupid mistake', but a pattern of unfavorable behavior..
That all said, I'm totally with you: The intent of games being given away here, is that they get played. Maybe not immediately, but they're theoretically being given to someone who cares about them enough to keep tabs on them.
If someone doesn't activate it for a while, for whatever reason, that suggests they were only in it for the +1 steam library size, and that's..
So yeah, mistakes and mishaps aside, I'm of your perspective on it.
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But if one activated gift after ban, and this is first time violation - he becomes unbanned, I don't think it's extreme or too much to ask for.
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I think we might be saying similar things :)
A pattern of bad behavior, or intentional regifting, are bad;
But some degree of leniency should be given to people who just forget once or twice to activate and can do so when prompted.
That sound about what you were thinking?
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Yes, that's what I mean. But I also believe that only if the user is activated gift retroactively he should be forgiven, not just for waiting some time.
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You make it sound like activating gifts is easy after getting banned. People who are banned don't have access to their key page after being banned, so we have to manually remove the suspension for them to activate. Then we have to monitor to make sure they activated the key, otherwise reapply the suspension. You have no idea how much work this is already.
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Well, that's actually a problem. But it's more like a technical problem, and can be solved if banned people could see their profiles, just were unable to enter new giveaways. Probably this is a reason for another suggestion.
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It's not a technical problem. If you win a game then get suspended before you receive it, you are no longer entitled to that win and the gifter may choose to reroll you.
So for example, you win a giveaway, the key is sent to you while you are offline, then you get suspended. We don't want you to be able to see the key because the giveaway creator might want to request a new winner.
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Don't see a problem with how it's handled right now. Dont get people banned permanently when they violated the rule several times?
A ban for their first infraction is not reasonable, as everybody may not understand fully how this works.
For me it is clear: When I receive a game I have to activate it, because this person wanted to gift something to usesr of this site - to this community. For someone who is new here, it might not be so clear.
One could think that with winning the game, he/she owns it and is allowed to do what he/she wants with it - and I understand that somehow. Because maybe he/she has a friend who would LOVE to play that game.
A simple suspension is enough punishment, so the person now knows how it works. A perma ban would be just discouraging for said person. Also, games can often not activated retro-actively as they were given away.
With a perma-ban, people would just not come back, and this site may lose some friendly and active users, just because they did not read the FAQ initially.
We as "senior" members should know how to make sure that a gift is received by someone who understand how the site works (Level GA's, groups, hidden links). When I make a public GA, I know that probably 10% who may win, don't know the site faqs - and I can live with that, maybe they become smarter after I reported them to support.
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In fairness, it's on you to read the rules of a site when joining it, that's common sense [regardless of how rarely people do it :P].
Otherwise, yeah.
If someone just misunderstands, forgets, etc, it's an extreme thing to just perma-ban them outright.
Especially given how many known rule-breakers manage to get themselves unsuspended after pages and pages of bigoted/harassment behavior; and how many people 'game the system' but manage to stay active on the site without any problems whatsoever.
Perma-banning for something like a single regift, seems uncalled for by comparison.
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What false positives are you talking about? Everyone is banned by hands, and noone was banned for nothing. I never seen any false positives here.
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The system determining whether or not someone activates a gift is a flawed automatism. I've been banned even though I had activated and played and had to appeal and it took me days. Based on that evidence, permanent bans are just as stupid as they are reactionary.
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You know, there is no auto-ban system. Your case is just a mistake of someone of moderators. And, with my suggesting nothing would change - you were banned before it, an someone can appeal as you are even after it.
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To what good? I also had the issue with a non activatable gift (a turkey only gift). I contacted support when i noticed that. Later got banned although i made clear that while i received "something" it was of no use. When i complained about the case mods were to respond within 2weeks frame. Easy banning and (sry but 2weeks is out of frame so i have to assert this) unwilling support seems the best way to promote alternative sites like steamcompanion.
Btw i still struggle with returning it. The ga creator is pretty mad at me now as i've removed credit.for him. This banning around causes so much friction... how about a more chat-before-banning attitude?
I've personally encountered quite a few peops over at regular steam which denied me giving trade credit because they simply were banned here. For me this is totally a plague. And i wouldn't believe they are all serial regifters.
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Oh, come on. If you got something unusable - why do you even marked it as received? If the giveaway was not marked as region-restricted, and you got restricted gift - you have to inform giveaway creator, give region-restricted gift back (or even not take it at the first time). And, if giveaway creator don't give you gift that you can activate in a week - mark giveaway as "not received". It's all your fault, and you speaking bad about support... They are not unwilling, just very busy - you know, steamgifts had like A LOT of users.
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A support who has time to ban needs to have time to unban... its basically called responsibility.
I indeed market it as received as i factually received something. This very peculiar interpretation of justice (to the ga creator) surely is debatable but was the best solution i could see back then. See the source of mishap is obviously valve themselves which introduced region locks "bans". It just bubbled up here to SG. As a GA creator who runs an actual ga, eg non fake expects a token in return for its charitable service to actually give away things he owned. Don't you think thats a right he deserves. Please think before answering.
I've added more thought in this case and ultimatedly removed credit but only as he forgot to mention the region ban in his ga description, effectively tricking me into spending points to begin with.
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You know, before region restricted giveaways here on sg were announced - there were forbidden by the rules to give away restricted games. So, if a giveaway creator did giveaway - it's his responsibility to provide gift, that winner can activate. If he was so charitable and wanted to give away restricted gift - he could just give it to some friend, or at least made giveaway to some regional steam group, where everyone could activate it (it would be still against the rules, but I believe it's forgivable, because no harm would be done).
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Thats actually a good point you make which reinforces my redecision.
(Somewhat OT but fitting here: usually find it to be very stupid idea to require a ga-creator to acquire (spell: buy) a replacement copy in case the first didn't work out. GA are typically leftovers.)
While you doubt the ga-creators motives i'm happy you followed my point of view regarding that he would deserve credit if he gives away stuff regardless of his rationale and motive.
Going to suggest him to start a new GA when i return the gift, now.SG has region "ban" filters. So he finally can get proper credit (CV) for his GA.
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Also, if I remember it right, if the winner is agree - creator may ask support to delete giveaway even after it ended. So, this also can be a solution if winner is unable to activate it.
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Support does a lot of banning but doesn't have access to the unsuspend request queue. Not to mention that Support can't remove bans that were given by another Support.
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First non-activated gift -> 5days
Second -> Permanent
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And again, Can I win AAA game, trade it away and just wait for 5 days? Great idea, must do.
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If it's your first time doing it, why not?
I mean, the game is going to someone, how is that any worse than someone throwing it in their library just for a +1 library size?
Maybe it WAS intentional, but what's your reasoning for perma-banning someone for one (comparatively) minor misdeed?
Now, there IS an argument that supports your viewpoint, however:
What if someone makes a bunch of alt accounts, wins a bunch of games with them, and then regifts them to their primary account?
So the current system does (theoretically) have a potential element of abuse in it.
Of course, there's not much difference between an insta-perma-ban or a one-ban-delayed perma-ban in that case, so your arguement seems to still be lacking.
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that's not impossible, but it's more probable that the first win is a random indie game and the winner doesn't know the rules of SG
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^ This
Someone can make a mistake and should be able to learn from it. A repeat offender had his chance and didn't learn, so goodbye.
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It's the same, as zomby said everyone can make a mistake
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I wouldn't perm ban anybody for the first offense, but I think there should be a serious time out (like 2 or 4 weeks) on the second ban and if you really don't get it afterwards and break the rules for the third time I'd consider a permanent ban. Permanent bans after the first violation is really too harsh in my opinion.
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That's exactly how it works. Minimum 5 days for first offense. Then minimum 12 days for second offense. Permanent for third offense.
There are exceptions where they may be permanently banned earlier for especially egregious cases.
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Good to know that's how it works. Thanks for the reply :)
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Ban for 1 month or longer or permanent-ban on entering GA's ... but perma-ban the whole account,
for that is an utter exaggeration the site can still be used for trades or commenting on discussions.
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I agree that punishment should be bigger as it is right now - 5 day suspension means nothing for a level 0 account that wins once a few months anyway. But I don't agree with 1st crime = permaban. It will just drive a lot of people away from site - people who started on wrong foot with one error but then it never happened again and they became good community members.
What I'd like instead is motivation for them for making things right - but not motivation through permaban - because permabanned person will never look deep into community and won't find out it's worth for him to make things right.
My idea would be - we have reason for requesting a reroll "Didn't activate won game THIS MONTH". I'd like to see rerolls granted on request if he didn't activate his wins anytime in the past. This way he can still be in the community, dig into it, learn about it but he will be aware that untill he makes things right it's possible that some Contributors will deny him his prizes - it will be their choice. And then it will be his choice to buy the game he stole with his own money and to activate it.
But with both mine and your proposition I see one big problem - hat about the cases where he cannot make things right? Game he regifted / traded away gets removed from steam - regifter will no longer have any ways to aquire it and to activate it.
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No ways? Tell this to rare game collectors! Even me, not a collector of rare games, have bought two games that's removed from steam. And not for great money, I'm poor. So, it's not a big problem, it's hardly a problem at all.
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then you are unequally punishing the same violations, which is also unfair. ofc you can buy removed game from collector - and pay multiple times it's price. Some of these goes to insane prices - one regifter will have to pay 10$ for a game - and maybe he will, but another will have to pay 100$ let's say for something that skyrocket in price - like 007 legends for example, and he will not because he's not able to.
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But regifting/trading cheap and available won game and rare one - it's not the same violation also!
for something that skyrocket in price - like 007 legends for example
you know, 007 legends are in the bundle list now, because it was too cheap.
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it was, but for a long long time it was crazy expensive.
And yeah - for price you are right, but you don't see one thing with removed games: if you regifted 1$ bundle game you trade for 1$ bundle game to get good profile, if you regifted 20$ new game, you pay 20$ for new game. But if you regift 20$ game it gets removed from steam and suddenly gets traded for 50$ - you pay 50$ for the same thing that previous person paid 20$ for.
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"My idea would be - we have reason for requesting a reroll "Didn't activate won game THIS MONTH". I'd like to see rerolls granted on request if he didn't activate his wins anytime in the past"
thats a point!
Support member ask us gently to check winners, to help this site work ....but It would help also much...if a reroll-request or report would make sense.
You report someone that did not activated multiple wins, even traded one or two of them and after a 5-6 weeks he is a back in the game Maybe those people lern their lesson, and of course we can blacklist people....but it should be our decission if we want to give to people that violated the rules in the past mutliple times....and we should not get punished if we give those not (if we don´t get a reroll and don´t give...we will get punished).
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I wouldn't make it permanent but I would definitely make it more severe. As it stands right now most 'punishments' on this site are generally little more than a slap on the wrist. There is very little in the way of meaningful consequences or justice sorry to say.
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Personally i would love to see a first timer getting a temp ban for a month and 2nd time permaban. This topic has been discussed way too many times before alrdy but lets not forget the GA creators can help stop the regifters as well by CHECKING if they activated the game on their account [wich some can say they got a duplicate /used links for an other account or say they didnt receive in the first place if u dont have enough proof] or if they had any previous crimes done. Now this doesn't mean they wont regift it anyways but by reporting them straight away after the 7 day activate rule u can get the attention of the support /mods faster and these regifters will be stopped sooner instead of being found out after 5+ regifts.
Majority of the new people i think just want to see a mark as received asap and as long as they get their CV they hardly care what happens to their gift or think the gift is in a good place [the games library of the winner]. If more people wich many of the steady SG community on forums i reckon already do just check the winner properly than we can stop these regifters and maybe even minimize maximum ''dmg''.
But also here lies the problem as majority of regifts are developer giveaways wich make like hundreds to thousands of GA. And i doubt these are up for checking every individual person to see if they activated their gift wich i can understand but this is a problem concerning regifters.
So yeah not sure how to solve that issue besides properly checking ur winners with the SG tool of your giveaway.
my thoughts when i see a serial regifter..
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Permanent banned is so stupid.
Think this : He / She that contributed so much so all of you here got the gift and happily ever after, and He / She got permanent banned because not activated the gift that he / she won. This is ridiculous.
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He contributed much and don't know that marking as received should be done AFTER activation? And you calling ME stupid after this? Ridiculous, indeed.
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You know, there is rules on this site. I recommend you to read it, it quite interesting.
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So you believe that "violation of the rules" = "no reason" ? You are really strange person then.
And, if you think rules are stupid, why are you even registered on this site? Some kind of masochism?
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The point is, if you don't want the game for yourself then don't enter for it. The point is that the game should go to someone who actually want to play it, and not someone who want to make a profit out of the generosity of others.
If you want to win games to re-trade later, then go try your luck on Playblink or GameMiner. You will soon realize that people are a lot less generous when giving with the expectation that their gift will be traded away. (Unless you're willing to spend $$$ to gain access to the better giveaways)
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The rule is that you enter for games you want for yourself. It's clear and simple. Not interested in the game? Then don't enter for it, taking a chance away from someone else. That's juts a dick move, plain and simple.
Whether someone plays the game now or it sits in their backlog for years, that's not a factor. Of course I prefer that anything I spend money on will go to someone who will actually play it sooner than later, and I make a point of trying to play all my wins within a reasonable time frame, but sometimes life happens.
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It would be way better, if folks just couldn't enter anymore giveaways until they've activated their wins. This could be enforced pretty much automatically, just like you can't enter giveaways if you haven't synced your account for a while. Now, I am aware that there is some stuff that doesn't report back from steam properly, like DLCs, for which we'd probably need exeptions. Imho, it's still better to have a way to force people to activate the majority of their wins than no control at all.
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Quite agree, such automatic system would be best solution. I suggested something similar in the past, but you can try to create new thread with this also, maybe this time cg would listen to you. I would gladly support you with this suggestion.
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The problem with this is that it actually can't be done automatically with 100% accuracy using Steam's API.
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Sure, let's give the overworked support staff even more job, that's gonna help.
Most packs and DLC are not "hard" to identify, they're impossible to identify since they don't show up on the user's profile. I used to suggest the same thing but it's not technically possible do in a reliable way.
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Permaban until they bought themselves the game they regifted seems reasonable, but I wouldn't mind an instaban.
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No. Live and let live.
Check your winners, and report.
Repeated offenders are perma banned, as it should be. As it is in real life
And no, this is not the real life. Its a great website, but still a fucking website.
I get that you want your ga to go to someonewho will play them, but may i ask, you are giving them, so you obvisiouly don'twant them, hence why fo you care?
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you are giving them, so you obvisiouly don'twant them,
Wrong. So, conclusions are wrong also.
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Great comeback.
If you want them play or sell.
This site is free... you are not really getting anything by giving away games. Except the warm fuzzy feeling.
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Yes, "as long as the game is still missing", that's what I have in mind.
And of course it should be checked only after winner marked giveaway as received.
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After all it's a GIFT to them and they should be allowed to do whatever they want with it.
NO. This site has rules, you know. All registered users accepted this rules. So, basically, winner PROMISED to activate it on his account, and didn't do it. What do you think of people who does not keep their promises?
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Most people here gift away games assuming it will go to someone who actually wants them, and not to someone who is just looking to profit and make money.
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Bans should be longer but permanent is a bit too far. If a user keeps doing it for 5 or more times then I agree.
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It's only till the moment user activated missing games, is this too far?
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What happens when someone wins a game that they simply can't afford to buy? Or that is unavailable to buy or activate in their country?
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He wins a game he can't even afford to buy, and DON'T ACTIVATE IT? What a jerk, he should remain in ban.
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Some people come here after using Playblink or GameMiner where it's fine and totally expected to trade away your wins. Not everyone read the rules even if they should. In that case they would trade away their winning, maybe for 4-5 other games they want, thinking it's perfectly okay to do so. They should definitely get a suspension so they know it's not okay, at all.
If after that they still didn't get the memo, then a more permanent solution is definitely warranted. You can't claim you didn't know the rule a second time.
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i think a bigger issue here is when someone wins a giveaway and you send them the key and they then give the key away or use it on an alt account then claim the key you sent was already used or no good and you have little choice but to buy the game again to give to them......i really wish steam had a way to check keys without using them so that you could keep confirmation of the keys validity before gifting it.
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When I giveaway games, I add them to steam and wait till they are actually there to give them the game. I then take screen shots of me sending the key to them, and them saying thank you and that they have activated it and hit received on steamgifts.
I will have the steamgifts site open in the background on the page with the names and the steam chat open and in the middle so that it shows them accepting it and it being hit as received. If they are taking a while to hit received (busy or because site is taking a while to load) I will still take screen shots of them accepting.
This takes a bit longer, but in the end I know I'm not the one going to get screwed because they tell support "I didn't get the game". I have evidence that shows they accepted the key.
I also expect people to put the key in right away. if I see them make a giveaway for the game I just gave them and I don't find the game on their library, well there is at least one way to make sure they get what they deserve. :)
Since I started doing this though, I haven't had to make sure someone gets what they deserve, they have all activated the game/DLC.
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i have tried it this way also but unless they say thank you and that they got the gift i still get no proof from them,just a screenshot of me sending it were i could easily hit cancel after taking the screenshot so still gives me no proof they got it,is there a place on steam that shows your gifts sent and received?
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Go into your inventory and on the right side there is a more button. Click on that and then click on "View Gift History"
It will show you all the gifts you have sent to people, when you sent them and to who. My history goes all the way back to 2011.
Doesn't work for keys that are sent, but as long as you have a picture of that in the chat window you should be fine.
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Well, this problem actually exists, but sadly we can't do anything about it.
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I don't agree with the 1 strike and you're out bit. But I do think that punishments for not activating and/or regifting a game should be stiffer.
For each time they break the rules this is what I think should happen. Also anything you win within that time that you are banned gets auto-rerolled. So the system would have to be setup to detect if the person who won has a suspension/ban, that should be pretty simple.
First time. 7 day ban.
Second time, 1 month ban.
Third time, 6 month ban.
Forth time, Perma ban.
BUT they should only be unsuspended even on the first one once they add the game to their library even if that takes years.
Now there are some issues with this, as we know there are some false positive (or is that false negatives seeing as how the games are there but just don't show) that happen and DLC has issues of not being seen on steam due to how they implemented stuff on the site. But both of these can be proven with a simple screen shot. The screen shot should consist of the page of the game/DLC in the background on a web browser with the "you own this game" banner on it, along with steam open in the foreground showing the game in the library or the DLC tab for the game open.
DLC though would really only be picked up if someone tried to regift it and before being suspended/banned for it they should have the chance to show support here that they actually do have it installed. Its easy enough to do and within 10 minutes of getting a message from support someone could get them a screen shot, but they should have up to a week to do it.
It would also be nice that after each win once received is hit a forced resync happens.
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BUT they should only be unsuspended even on the first one once they add the game to their library even if that takes years.
But that's what I want!
It would also be nice that after each win once received is hit a forced resync happens.
I want this too, even made a thread with suggestion while sg2.0 was in beta.
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36 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Serale
912 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by BlazeHaze
320 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by BlazeHaze
26 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by aquatorrent
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87 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by grez1
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29,690 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Penuzi
992 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Codric
We are giving away games for people who like to play it. Or at least have it. If someone re-gift their prize, or trade it away - it's a serious violation, I believe. So, I suggest:
I really believe that this would make our site better.
EDIT: I've read comments, and I feel I should explain more about the idea.
If someone made mistake, but fixed it afterwards - he should be forgiven (at least for first few of this mistakes). I mean, if user activated the gift he didn't activate before - he is all right. If he traded the gift away, he can always buy new to activate. I don't think that asking for this is too much.
BUT if user didn't fixed mistake, but just wait for a few days - that's not a reason to forgive him. It's a matter of good will, not a matter of time.
*EDIT2. When I say permanently - I mean "for unlimited period of time, before he activate missing games". So, it's really permanent only in the case user don't want to fix his mistakes.
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