From time to time selfmade food from myself.
Often with a direction by the price and sometimes with a needed time to make it.
Not presented professional and the pictures are made with a weak camera but i hope sometimes you feel the mouth orgasms that a part of the food made or at least you are hungry and cook then for your family or yourself :o)

I have the permission from to use exactly this title.
Very late jatan but i don't had forgotten it :-D

At least in germany are the most women love it when you are able to cook good. All my fem. friends and girlfriends too.

Let's start with the last one. More food are at the comments :o)

Wagyu Beef burger with black forest bacon, cheese and salad.
I can recommend Wagyu beef mine is not from Japan - Kobe, it is from australia, its really worth the 5,50€ for 2 patties.
All together the burger costed me around 3,50€/each. At McDonalds you pay here over 5€ for a "better" burger and it is from a much lower quality then the self made. You need around 10 Min. to make them.
Don't look at the chaos around the plate, i paint at the last days in my flat~

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5 years ago*

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3,50€, how much is that in muggle?

5 years ago

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I love the baked taste of the things that are meant to be boiled/stewed in general.
I rarely make "photogenic meals", but sometimes they come along decent. Here are some recent ones.

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5 years ago*

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Cheese are always great :o)

5 years ago

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I should NOT be watching threads like this with an empty stomach T_T

5 years ago

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You should IF it animates you to make yourself some food :o)

5 years ago

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My latest try on my lazyman's thin-crust pizza is the most successful one!

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5 years ago

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Not enough cheese.... obvious :-D

5 years ago

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Okay, I can't take it anymore! XD
I have to share something too. My first time doing mussels on white wine with lot of vegetables and lemon, with toasted baguette.

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5 years ago*

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Right decission to join in ;o)

I never made mussels and know only the cheapest ones on a pizza. For sure no competition for your great looking food.

I am known for making hungry ;o)

5 years ago

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Haha, thank you. :3

I was really afraid of preparing them, but it turned well and it was sooo delicious! ;)
I will post some more pics during the week, need to put them on comp and pick some pretty one. :D

I am going to stuff myself! ;D Also gather up some inspiration from those yummy pics!

5 years ago

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I have this issue where I'm naturally talented for cooking, have experience since I was 7 yo in making anything from basic dishes to pizza in a brick oven, then throughout high school and university... and now living alone I'm kind of... tired of cooking and cleaning up. Will rather make a sandwich than prepare a nice dinner. UNLESS I have guests, then I'll amaze them with my magic. But the next evening when alone, I'll go back to my boring routine.

5 years ago

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I understand you very well.
I must force myself to cook when i am alone.

I like to cook for a girlfriend, group of friends, family.
I like to talk when i cook, to make jokes, to be relaxed. sometimes to be concentrated and silent too but that is much more rare.
I like it maybe because i like when they like the food, for sure the compliments from time to time too.
It's more of a "event", something "special" and not only the food/eating, feelings are involved and such things.
When i cook for myself it is "work that must be done".
It completly feels different.

5 years ago

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Perfectly described. And there's always other work I'd rather do than this work.

5 years ago

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You describe it perfectly. I love to cook and bake. But doing it for myself especially after work 😑
But when there are friends or family involved I love to cook with them or for them. Not so much for compliments (they are nice but not necessary) but more for their enjoyment of the food.
When I'm alone I rather just reheat something I previously cooked or make a sandwich or a bowl of cereal.

4 years ago

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you have to find yourself someone who will clean after you in exchange for your cooking ;p I'm personally in a good spot, as I love to cook, but hate cleaning, but my fiancee cannot cook for shiet, she will burn a simple scrambled eggs, or oversalt/underseason everything, but she loves to eat, so we have a deal - I cook everything we eat, but she's responsible for all the cleaning ;p Been working for us for over 10 years ;p

5 years ago

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I thought I did, but my fiancee is getting really good at cooking lately (few years ago she'd fit your description) and I'm amazed at her willpower to create 4-7 dishes for just one meal, and then clean it all up as if it was nothing.

I think I'll end up buying a dishwasher (we're not living together yet), even if she's arguing it's wasteful.

5 years ago

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oh, I'd find it amazing as well, maybe not creating multiple dishes, as I do so myself (still, my max is 5, so 7 is impressive ;p), but cleaning after all of that? that's batshit crazy ;p

5 years ago

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Here I go with hamburger as it's pretty popular as I see. ;D
Excuse the quality, I used my phone...

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5 years ago

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That looks fkn nice! The buns look perfectly crispy, and the anti-soggy lettuce is at the bottom. GJ! Am envious... :D

5 years ago

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Thank you. :3
Of course lettuce is at the bottom, we don't want our crispy buns to get squashy. ;D

5 years ago

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Curds dumplings with blueberries.

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5 years ago

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I like blueberries :o)

5 years ago

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mmm, looks similar to polish "knedle", which reminds me I should make some knedle, as it's high season for strawberries right now and they are the cheapest :)

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5 years ago

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Yep, that's exactly it. :D I wasn't sure about the translation of our "knedlík". X)
Also, I usually make them from potatoes when they are stuffed with meat. ;)
Nom nom, strawberries are best too! Oh and also with plums! :D

5 years ago*

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In Poland when we make Knedle, they are usually sweet and stuffed with fruits, not meat, most commonly strawberries in late spring / early summer, and plums in late summer. Meat is used in other kind of potato dumplings, "Pyzy Ziemniaczane" or just "Pyzy", where unlike in knedle, you leave half of potatoes raw, plus you use much more potatoes and less flour, making ending result much softer and fluffier :)

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5 years ago

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Oh, that's exactly what I meant! :D

5 years ago

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We have that locally as well, kneddelen.
As for the strawberries, they are starting to turn red now.

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5 years ago

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Your own garden? Nice, would love to be able to grow and something of my own, but living in small 30m2 flat makes it basically impossible besides growing some basic herbs on windowsill ;p

As for strawberries, right now they are very cheap here, so since this weekend I have a big jar of strawberry tincture slowly preparing :)

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5 years ago

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Yes, own garden.
Strawberries work ok in pots, but 1-2 plants probably won't cover your needs.
You could also try hanging pots outside a window, depending on the facing.
Or if you want more inside, see 2nd picture.

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5 years ago

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sadly like I said - 30m2 apartment, only 2 windows, so not gonna cover them up with pots hanging and ending up with even less light in already dark rooms (not to mention kitties would totally anihilate hanging pots ;p) also not enough place to store lots of pots on ground or furniture, so gotta stick to buying most of my stuff instead of growing it myself :) at least I have pretty big cellar under building, so I have place to store preserves and age homemade alcohol, which is already big improvement from my previous place ;p

5 years ago

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Understandable. :)
A cellar is nice.

5 years ago

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knedle with strawberries? heresy! only with plums, strawberries are for pierogi ;p

4 years ago

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I prefer strawberries in knedle over plums. And fruit pierogis are best with blueberries! ;p

4 years ago

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Everyone, you have outdone yourselves!!!!! This is the best looking and I bet best tasting food porn. You are all the greatest!!! Thanks for sharing. Yum, yum.

5 years ago

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I don't really kmow how to make a viaually appealing meal, but I am suscribed to the best one when food porn is the goal, look at this beauty:

5 years ago

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Normaly i like food made over a open fire.
But with that video i have a few "problems".

The biggest one is that:
Put a lot of oil on the "tile", that drips down into open fire is stupid because it make toxic smoke that make cancer.
I don't think that only people in germany knows that fact.

The look is good, no question about that but in my oppinion the meat was to thick and they play the "poor, alone in the woods, freedom and peace" card but use a high quality camera and a lot of stuff that must be brought there too (and isn't all needed).
Lets say they want to make great videos and push all energy into that and i am to hard to them right now because i think in front of the camera is a nice nature but behind the camera stand their caravan with all there tableware, equipment and all needed food stuff^^

5 years ago

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Sourdough bread.

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5 years ago

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Has anyone tried this?
Haidilao Self-Cooking Self-Heating Lazy Small Hot Pot
How much does this package cost in China?

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5 years ago

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I never seen that in germany

5 years ago

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I've tried quite a few instant noodles when travelling to Asia, some are very good quality tbh, especially compared to what you can usually get in the west, but I've never seen self-heating ones ;) I'd say it's prolly not cost effective, boiling a hot water yourself will always be cheapoer than complex heating system you have to additionally pay for ;p

5 years ago

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4 days without food, I'm starving.
Naan bread with tuna and red beans in chilli sauce.

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4 years ago

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Naan bread is tasty :o)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Okay I cave. Most of the photos are not shot with good light and the food is not cooked to present it to others, but to taste good.

The last one is a pretty local dish from where I'm from. Eggs with potatoes (I did not colour them there are violet potatoes out there) and "grüner Soße" , which means green gravy/sauce

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4 years ago*

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All of it looks so delicious! :3

4 years ago

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You can trust me, it was.
I mostly like to cook for others, since cooking just for myself is more of a chore than fun, especially after work. So mostly only reheating during the work week for me and I only cook when I'm off shift.

4 years ago

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They look good and i would eat a lot of them right now (its 9 AM here) :-D

Ich kenne Grüne Soße, eine meiner Ex kam aus Südhessen (Limburger Gegend) und da wurde mir das auch mehrfach vorgesetzt (gekaufte).Aber war definitiv nicht meins. Kalte Soße mit ziemlich viel Grünzeug aber trotzdem nicht lecker :-D

Bei uns in Baden gibt sowas ähnliches das man Bibbiliskäs nennt = Quark mit Schnittlauch und Salz, wird auch zu Kartoffel gegessen.
Quark ist aber auch nicht meins :-D
Bibbili sind übrigens Küken und Käs ist Käse. Nur um mal ein wenig Dialekt zu vermitteln.

4 years ago

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Bin aus der Frankfurter Gegend. Ich denke grüne Soße ist was, dass magst du oder halt nicht. Genau wie Handkäs mit Musik oder Äppelwoi (Apfelwein für die nicht Frankfurter 😅).
Wobei die Qualität von gekaufter grüner Soße auch recht unterschiedlich ist. Gibt da ein paar leckere Sorten und einige gehen gar nicht. Und das sag ich als jemand der die Grüne Soße noch von der Oma gelernt hat.

Und Quark mit Schnittlauch und Salz ist doch lecker. Wusste gar nicht dass das einen speziellen Namen hat. Da sieht man mal man lernt nie aus. Bei uns wäre das einfach Kräuterquark, den man zu Pellkartoffeln isst.

4 years ago

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Die gekaufte grüne Soße war aus der Kühltheke vom REWE.
Die fanden eigentlich alle lecker. Nur ich halt nicht :-D

Ich mag den Geschmack von Quark grundsätzlich nicht, das "bittere". Und da ich nicht abnehmen muß sondern das Gegenteil, bevorzuge ich Milch/Sahne :-D. Ich esse auch Quark wenn es sein muß aber da kann es auch passieren das ich dann sage "verzichte" und lieber nichts esse.

Ich hab mich, durch die Ex, fast 5 Jahre teils in Hessen aufgehalten und auch dort gearbeitet.
Ich bin vertraut mit Äppelwoi, Federweisser, Schnupsel, ma laafe/rumkruppern (letzteres kennen kaum Hessen :-D ... heißt aber auch das man läuft) usw..
Hier bei uns würde man sagen das man vielen von den Hessen beim laufen die Schuhe besohlen kann. Sprich sie sind nicht die Schnellsten^^. Zumindest für die Limburger Gegend (+30km) und besonders kleine Dörfchen zutreffend :-D

Frankfurt war definitiv nicht meins. Bankenviertel sah gut aus aber immer Stau, Autobahn immer nerviger Verkehr, Innenstadt teils extremst teuer, ok teils auch normal, und etwas außerhalb teils totale "Slums/Ghettos".
Ne andere Ex war aus Weiterstadt (bei Darmstadt) und beide hatten auch Freunde in Frankfurt, deshalb kam ich auch ab und an dorthin.

In meiner Gegend bekommt man "Neuen Süßen", das ist quasi nach dem Federweisser (den bekommt man hier kaum), wenn es schon kurz vor dem Wein ist. Süß aber schon kräftiger als der Federweisser.
Kann ich sehr empfehlen, besonders zu Zwiebelkuchen.

4 years ago

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Die vom REWE ist eigentlich recht gut. Da muss ich dem Rest zustimmen. Dann liegt es wohl daran, dass du keinen Quark magst XD

Ja du hast Recht den meisten Hesse kann man beim laafe die Schuh besohle, das war mir übrigens durchaus bekannt. Ich hab genug Verwandte im Rheinland und Badischen ;)

Und deine Meinung zu Frankfurt teile ich sogar. Es gibt zwar auch echt schöne Ecken, aber wenn du jetzt von der Innenstadt redest, die ist entweder modern und sau teuer oder heruntergekommen. Ist halt eine Großstadt.

"Süßen" gibts bei uns auch. Das ist hier allerdings frisch gekelterter Apfelsaft, naturtrüb und ungefiltert bzw. unbehandelt. Der schmeckt echt lecker, aber man sollte ihn innerhalb von ein paar Tagen trinken und unbedingt kühlen, sonst hat man ganz schnell Rauscher, d.h. der Gärprozess setzt ein, er schäumt leicht und ist definitiv recht alkoholhaltig --> man bekommt davon einen Rausch (wird besoffen). Lässt man das ganze dann länger stehen (und gibt ggf. noch Hefe hinzu) hat man dann irgendwann Appelwoi.

Und du hast Recht, Federweißer (egal ob rot oder weiß) passt herrlich zu frischem Zwiebelkuchen. Eins meiner Lieblingsessen im Herbst.

And for those, who don't speak German and were wondering, what we were talking about. Mostly about the region where I'm from (Hesse, especially the area around Frankfurt) and some local cuisine.

4 years ago

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Du hast Verwandte in Baden, dann ist noch nicht alle Hoffnung verloren :-D

Sicherlich gibts in Frankfurt auch schöne Gegenden aber davon hab ich halt nicht wirklich welche gesehen und ja Großstädte sind verglichen mit Freiburg oder dem Umland (Schwarzwald usw.) halt bähhh.

Roten Federweißer kenne ich noch gar nicht.

Zwiebelkuchen habe ich geliebt. Aber mittlerweile kann ich es aufgrund meiner Darmkrankheit nicht mehr essen sonst hab ich Blähungen ohne Ende und damit einhergehend Wunden die aufplatzen + viel geblute über einige Wochen.
Ist echt schwer sich Zwiebeln, fast komplett, zu verkneifen :o(

Wer kein Deutsch kann aber wissen will was wir schreiben, soll es lernen oder Google nutzen :-D

4 years ago

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:-p komisch, das sagen meine Verwandten im Rheinland auch über sich.

Deswegen fahren wir aus Frankfurt ja auch in den Schwarzwald zum Urlaub machen XD Naja, wie schon vorher gesagt ich bin eher aus dem Umland und bin mehr im Taunus unterwegs.

Habe ich auch erst die letzten paar Jahre bei uns bekommen. War süßer als der weiße und halt aus roten Trauben.

Das mit den Zwiebeln ist natürlich blöd. Und das wo die bei uns fast überall mit drin sind :(

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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That looks rather greasy, but at the same time yummy.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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3 days and no update?!?! That can't be.

Dinner right now. Mushroom risotto:

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4 years ago

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Ja, nicht in der richtigen Stimmung nicht genug Zeit für Food Porn ;)

4 years ago

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Für Food Porn ist immer Zeit :-p

4 years ago

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I do love mushroom risotto, but it doesn't look like it at all tbh ;p Reminds me more of eastern pilav. What kind of rice did you use?

4 years ago

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My dad bought "Risotto"-rice which turned out to be Basmati, which might count for the different look though it tasted great. This is what you get if you let men, who do not cook,buy your ingredient XD

4 years ago

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well, most important it tasted good, who cares if technically it was risotto or pilav ;p

4 years ago

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Indeed. 🤣

4 years ago

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I see your bami and raise you nasi.

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4 years ago

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this looks yummy... 🤤

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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All that food is making me hungry.

4 years ago

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I don't make German Pancakes (US style), but I do make Apple Pancakes.
Uses the same batter and cast iron skillet. But you cook apples with cinnamon and then pour batter on top and bake.
Can be eaten breakfast or dessert. Original Pancake House in US is famous for making these.

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4 years ago

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It's very hot in our apt right now, so I try to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible (our kitchen is not only very small, like 3m2, but also poorly ventilated - yesterday diring cooking it was 42C in there!), so this weekend I cooked a little bit different, usually I like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but this time I made meals that mostly cook themselves, easy, simple, one-pot slowcooked comfort food, doesn't matter if it takes 3h to prepare, if 2h45min I will be out of kitchen ;p

  1. Breakfast - "clouded" eggs covered in Grana Padano cheese.
  2. 1st course - Broccoli and zucchini soup infused with sharp cheddar and eggdrop, served with crunchy tortillas
  3. 2nd course - Ham goulash, made on dry apple cider with tomatoes, brown field mushrooms, bell pepper and carrot. served with ptitim and picked cucumber.
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4 years ago

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It's very hot in our apt right now, so I try to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible (our kitchen is not only very small, like 3m2, but also poorly ventilated - yesterday diring cooking it was 42C in there!)

Sounds like you live in my apartment! I hope we run into each other one day lol

Now imagine you cook for a living. The temperature in the kitchen today hit over 50°. Someone in the front of the house fainted just waiting for a dish at the pass. ooops.

I cooked a little bit different, usually I like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but this time I made meals that mostly cook themselves, easy, simple, one-pot slowcooked comfort food, doesn't matter if it takes 3h to prepare, if 2h45min I will be out of kitchen ;p

Yeah that sounds very smart. Lots of cold food at home too. Tonight, cold ramen FTW!

I don't have a slow cooker but summer is the time my circulator works the most. I simply can't afford to have Pork Belly in the oven braising for 6 hours anymore. My oven is ventilated. My kitchen is not. So basically that's 7 hours of the oven blowing 150° air in the place. My girlfriend threatened to pack her bags and move with a friend. Not doing that anymore.

All those look on point! I'm definitely making pesto soup this week. Didn't even think about it! Duh!

4 years ago

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I don't have a slow cooker

Neither do I have slow cooker, I cook in normal pot :) After initial searing, when I add all the spices and liquids I simply lower the fire under the pot, cover it and let everything boil slowly, I will enter kitchen every 15mins for 1min to stir everything, make sure nothing burns or sticks to the bottom, check if there's still enough liquid, then cover again and leave for another 15mins ;p

My oven is ventilated. My kitchen is not. So basically that's 7 hours of the oven blowing 150° air in the place.

Same here, simple electric oven, I live in old building so no ventilation shafts not to mention such fancy modern thingies like cooker hood or AC, so I try to use oven as little as possible. I used it for eggs - but these are eggs, not meat, they are ready after 7-8mins of baking total, not hours like big piece of meat ;p I also have to limit the usage of my favoritue kitchen tool - my carbon steel wok. Cooking in it may be very fast, but it's so freaking hot that even standing near it for these 10mins of stir frying is too much for me ;p

4 years ago

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Same here, simple electric oven, I live in old building so no ventilation shafts not to mention such fancy modern thingies like cooker hood or AC

Yeah why would we want fancy things when we can have heaters that don't work and a spa in the summer at home? :P

Neither do I have slow cooker, I cook in normal pot :)

Haha you mad mad person!

Cooking in it may be very fast, but it's so freaking hot that even standing near it for these 10mins of stir frying is too much for me ;p

Yeah that's why I use my circulator so much in the summer. I never spend more than 5 minutes in the kitchen. I set it up, let it run, take everything out, sear if I need to (doesn't take more than a couple minutes at high heat) and plate, that's it.
Lots of bowls of sushi rice, fruit and poached eggs in the future weeks.

4 years ago

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Duh... the heat is melting me or something. Sorry about that.

4 years ago*

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You don't answered him direct ;o)

4 years ago

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🤣 that's what a 10 hour shift in a 50 degrees kitchen will do to you. My brain is liquid right now lol
Sorry for the inbox clogging, man :)

4 years ago

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I couldn't even imagine spending 10h in 50C ;P

4 years ago

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Yeah that's where "can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen" comes from lol

Our chef doesn't mind pushing us but he is a stickler for safety so he was after us all day to make sure we stayed hydrated. He doesn't like orders to take more time than they should but what he likes even less is one of us fainting while holding a knife or a scalding pan so he forced us to take turn icing ourselves in the walk-in.

Apparently yesterday he even had the kid who does the prep armed with a mister and spraying the guys on the line while they were cooking but they were mad he kept spraying water on their food and things got slippery quick so that didn't last. Wish I'd been there to take pictures though lol

4 years ago

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I've had 40C in my kitchen yesterday and I only spent 1.5h there.... I thought I would die... Seriously cannot imagine sitting half a day in 50C o.O

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4 years ago

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Don't spend even half an hour there, man! After 40° in small non ventilated places, it's the air that's missing, don't go fainting with knife or pan in hand! Rotisserie chicken, cold pasta, lots of fruits and veggies!

Yeah my place is better than most because we have a state of the art ventilation system so the air is renewed. It's still hot as hell but we are ok. Heard of places have been closed down by the national medical board for unsustainable work conditions though. At least until next Sunday. Maybe that'll get the owners working on their ventilation in the kitchen. Serves them right! A lot of them are slave-hiring illegals who can't afford to complain so they don't put a lot of effort in working conditions.

4 years ago

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No problem, i mostly read all in this Thread, sooner or later :o)

I have partly 45°C in my flat in the summer... so i understand very well how you feel.

4 years ago

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Yowza! Meanwhile there are people in the US pushing their AC to 18°C to be able to wear sweaters indoors and instagraming themselves and you can thank them for global warming :P

4 years ago

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I better not say what i think about that acting of them....

4 years ago

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Let's see a new day a new food porn picture :

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4 years ago

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And another food post

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4 years ago

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That looks great, i would eat it right now too.
IF i don't needed to stand in the kitchen and cook.
I have over 40°C in my flat and it is horrible. The breathing is hard work and before i cook i don't eat something.

that weather is the reason why i am not much active at the last days, thanks that you are active :o)

4 years ago

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I'm in Germany too. And my flat is not much cooler. We had 36 °C before I started cooking. Don't ask me what it was during or afterwards 🥵. But right now I have my little niece here for a visit and not cooking is simply not an option and she only eats some things. I was honestly surprised that she ate all the veggies in here without any complaints 🤣

4 years ago

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Ok in this situation was "no cooking" not really a option.

I educated all my nephews and niche that it will be eaten what i cook and i don't handle it like their parents with extra wishes or complete meals for each one. With 5 of such ones you get crazy after one meal.... :-D. No option if you jump in for 6 weeks when the mother lay in the clinic.
And because all of them known that they don't get something else and no sweets or such stuff if they don't eat A BIT of the normal stuff to say i don't like carrots, as example, is ok for me but i don't like ALL vegetables is no option was it never a problem besides the unmotivated "i try it anyway but have no hope that he make me a other meal" tries :-D

And before that i had a lot of them eaten a lot of stuff at my home, when they where a weekend here, only made different.
Onions cutted very small, mushrooms smaller made and "hidden" in a sauce, vegetables complete cooked and mixed for a creamsoup or "only" made funny animals, faces or whatever else that made them eat the food they never eaten before. Mostly only because they don't known it.

You know the "Was der Bauer nicht kennt, frisst er nicht" sentence :-D

4 years ago*

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Yeah I know that one XD

And it is not much different here. My niece does not like vegetables at all (well the only exception are tomatoes as long as it is in ketchup). And at my sisters she gets whatever she wants, even if this means shes gets an extra meal made just for her. When she stayed here the first time, she told me: "I don't eat that", "that" being vegetables. And she told me I should make her something different. I just laugehd and told her, that she can either eat what I cook for everyone or make something herself (like a sandwhich), but that I don't cook a seperate meal just for her. She had a small meltdown, throwing herself on the floor and crying how mean and unfair I was (she just turned 7). I ignored her and after 30 minutes (we were actually done eating by that time), she came back to the table telling me she was hungry and now she wanted ice cream.
I told her no dessert without eating the actual dinner. So she reluctantly started eating the dinner , which turned out to be so tasty that she ate everything and did not want a dessert after all.

I won't force her to eat anything she truely doesn't like. I simply try to avoid those ingredients or substitue them if possible (hideing them by cutting them microscopily small is also always an option), but if she simply has never tried something, then we came to the agreement, that she has to at least try it once.

My nephew on the other hand is sooo easy to please. He basically eats everything I cook. No questions asked. I just got told today: I don't care what is in this. You cooked it so it will taste great anyways.

4 years ago*

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Boys can be very easy and funny at the same time and girls are mostly far more nerves intense and time intense.

It sounds good how you handle it and yes mostly the problems dissappear if you made clear that not the child dictate what happens.

4 years ago

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So true.

4 years ago

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Oh and i learned that childs are very interested when you come up with stuff like all ingredients in buyed food that ends with "ose" are sugar. How much sugar is in ketchup, ice tea and such ones ? Where you can find food in the woods and what sort of ? All such things interest them more as the most mature people.
That was at the begin very surprisingly for me to be honest.

4 years ago

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When they were still living near here and were here more often I actually started to cook with them. They just had to understand that if I say no in the kitchen, it is not up for discussion since kitchen work involves so many dangerous things (heat, sharp knives etc.). I'd let them taste whatever they wanted (well as long as it is not poisonous) and let them help with stuff, teaching them about the different ingredients and how to prepare them properly. Cooking is an important skill that I think is best learned by someone teaching you. Yes you can learn from a cookbook or after years of experience, but it is so much more fun to cook together and learn in that way.
And a bonus is also that meals, that they have prepared themselves, are eaten usually without any protests.

Unfortunately nowadays they live about a 3h car ride away, so not much time is spent with them outside of vacations or an hour or two every few weeks when they come to visit. And my sister is not such a great cook. She never bothered to learn as a child and in early adulthood. It was easier to just visit me and eat whatever I made XD
And also she is not very patient so preparing food in her eyes needs to be always quick which meant in the past usually some premade stuff reheated. Though in the last year or two she is trying to learn more asking questions. So not all hope is lost ;)

4 years ago

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It's always good to let them help at the cooking.
At the beginning a "why did i must help, i don't want" and later they talk about that they cooked it and are very proud.
And yes, they eat without a problem all they had cooked by themself or were around and done something else from the food.
i mostly started with them and let them stir in the sauce. Normaly not needed but they had something to do, can't make much wrong (only a bit cleaning when they were adjusting their speed and directions :-D ) and have something to do that i can work with other stuff like cutting something. The result are always very proud kids, a "adventure" the can talk about and no problem with the food n the table.
And then step by step let them make a bit more.
Teach them how to make muffin or a egg in the pan and let them do that 2 things then after a few times complete alone but be around in the next room(s) if they need help.

I think too that cooking is a important skill for the health, to have energy (selfccoked food give much more of it), for the social life, to save money and ressources and to handle later the own life much easier as without that, at least basic, knowledge.

4 years ago

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