In my case, Yirg is a short for Yirgacheffe - my favorite type of Ethiopian coffee beans.

What's the meaning of your username?

Oh, and meet Millie, Pester and Pongo :-)

Update: All GAs ended.

Contributed giveaway by MBcoder: Invasion

8 years ago*

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It means little monkey

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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easy enough on mine xD i'm goth and my nick name is rana wish is frog in spanish thou i'm portuguese xD

8 years ago

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Darveshpreet (Darvesh means "fakir" or Saint and preet is short for my name Gurpreet)

8 years ago

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I am a budgie, but "Budgie" was already taken.

8 years ago

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I guess you're just the sexier version of 'Budgie'

8 years ago

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When i was young (well im only 16 xD but lets say younger) i had a stuffed animal (a beagle) and his name is Vlekje. Translated from dutch to english it can be Spot or Dot. When i was 8 i started playing Club Penguin and had to come up with a name so it became Vleker. I also use MrVleker on steam cause that is what youtube came up with for my 2nd YT account :D

8 years ago

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Mine means nothing. Awhile ago I spent a day or two trying to come up with a decent, completely unique name by using (because why not?). I eventually found this, thought it sounded cool, and reminded me of old-school video game bosses and decided to go with it. :) It feels good nowadays when the "username taken" sign doesn't come up and you get to use the name you want. I now use it everywhere, and if you see this name it's undoubtedly me. Literally, you could google it and all profiles that come up are me.

The only website where this name is actually taken is Twitter, but that account is forever suspended and it'll be released soon. (Muahaha!)

8 years ago

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That's a cool sounding nickname and original to boot. I can see why you'd want to use the same nickname everywhere, but I'm actually doing the opposite - I use a different nickname in every forum ...paranoid much?

8 years ago

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Could you please explain me how to use the site, I want to find a cool and unique username, the one I have now suck and i dont like it that much :/

8 years ago

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Hey, sorry for the late reply man. The site is pretty simple to use, and very tedious. Thus it's only really useful if you want to find a completely unique username. This is because it generates completely random pages of letters. :)

Library of Babel is cool because it has every combination out there, you could search "For Venturio" and it will come up with a page called that. It's pretty cool because knowing this, you soon realise there's a page with the name of your future wife, or the meaning of the universe, etc, etc.

Your best bet on how you should use it, is to simply click "Random" and go through the pages on the book it brings you too. Look for a set of words you think would be a good username, and Google it to see if it's been used a lot before.
Can't find anything in the book? Go back to home (by clicking "Back to Portal") and click "Random" again and you'll get another book. It's by no means time effective, but it's your best bet on getting a unique word for a name.

Here's some quotes from the site:

"The Library of Babel is a place for scholars to do research, for artists and writers to seek inspiration, for anyone with curiosity or a sense of humor to reflect on the weirdness of existence - in short, it’s just like any other library. If completed, it would contain every possible combination of 1,312,000 characters, including lower case letters, space, comma, and period. Thus, it would contain every book that ever has been written, and every book that ever could be - including every play, every song, every scientific paper, every legal decision, every constitution, every piece of scripture, and so on. At present it contains all possible pages of 3200 characters, about 104677 books."

"We do not simply generate and store books as they are requested - in fact, the storage demands would make that impossible. Every possible permutation of letters is accessible at this very moment in one of the library's books, only awaiting its discovery. We encourage those who find strange concatenations among the variations of letters to write about their discoveries in the forum, so future generations may benefit from their research."

"The library is divided into hexagonal chambers, each with 4 walls of bookcases, five shelves per wall, and 32 volumes per shelf."

8 years ago

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One of the key reasons I used it, is because it's very hard for the human brain to come up with something completely unique, if not impossible. Because every idea we come up with is inspired by other things. :) And I couldn't think of any few meaningful words that add together to create a cool, unique name I could use.

8 years ago

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Are you a marine biologist?

8 years ago

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I am zoologist, specialty crustaceans.
Loved the name kellicottia and removed the second l.

8 years ago

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You guys seem to have an endless database of names you can use as nicknames. Not a zoologist here, but my brother is an entomologist and he once told me some fascinating stories about Scathophaga (yes, shit flies), so I used that nickname on wikipedia for a while... :-)

8 years ago

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I'm a Dick, and an Ass, but not a Thief

8 years ago

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Thanks for Skyrim

8 years ago

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It's from Greek mythology. She was a witch and she was crazy. Read up :D

8 years ago

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Andy is short for my real christian name, Andrew. Shandy because it rhymes with Andy and is an ironic reference to my liking for strong tasting beer - Shandy in the UK is a drink traditionally half beer and half lemonade, so usually sweet and lacking in taste but a thirst quencher.

I used to use just Shandy but it's usually already taken so I started using ShandyAndy for most web sites as a nickname

8 years ago

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As some of you may have noticed, I am found of physics, so choosing a username, I took Oppenheimer. Not so much for his work in the Manhatten project but more for the physics research before.

8 years ago

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I love his quote from the bhagavad gita "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

8 years ago

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Yeah. That was also part of the reason. But tell no one.

8 years ago

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that's where I've heard it for the first time, long before I even understood English enough to know what he said (and actually to know that it is Oppenheimer as well ;P)

8 years ago

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For me it was probably one of the tech quotes in Civ 4. In epic fashion, performed by Leonard Nimoy no less.

8 years ago

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Why the 4 instead of a 3?

8 years ago

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I heard a report about the evolution of german surnames in the radio the other day, especially about the names Meier/Meyer/Maier (see e.g.). Having that in mind, I intentionally misspelled Oppenheimer -> Oppenhaimer, so the 4, not the 3.

8 years ago

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Ah. Interesting. Thanks!

8 years ago

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It's never intentional, but some SG users from France told me it means "I love you"

8 years ago

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The full phrase is: 'Je t'aime' but French do not pronounce 'e' at the end. And if you prounce your name as letters in French alphabet, it sounds exactly as this phrase :) It's like English CU ('See you') etc.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the explanation! :)

8 years ago

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I normally use -TexWiller- or TexWiller if the first isn't allowed, the last i I only use if username is already in use.
How I got it was when I started playing America's Army long time ago and had to quickly come up with some username and I just saw an add of Tex Willer cartoon. Played that game competitively too long so the name just stuck.

8 years ago

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Hey, where are Kit Carson, Kit Willer and Tiger Jack?

And great avatar: I love the "Texone" drawn by Magnus!

8 years ago

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Jonathan Kalo is the main protagonist of my unfinished book.

8 years ago

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I take it you couldn't tell me the plot of it? :P

8 years ago

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Well, I doubt I will ever finish it so I think I can tell you.
The story is about a dystopian country where whole system is built on rasicm and nationalism. Well maybe not that much dystopian cos it turns out this system actually works in terms of society togetherness and the growth of this nation. The whole plot however concetrates on some kind of police department and their investigation about rebels who wants to get rid of the system. Rebels are lead by the guy named Hunt who is idealist and wants good but it turns out that every great idea finally goes wrong and rebels start terrorize society. Kalo is one of the policemen who chases rebels. In the end you can see that both sides are blind and noone here is really good or bad person.
I wannted this book to be original in terms of composition plus I wanted to concentrate on building authentic characters (so it won't be black or white only) and characters' relations.

8 years ago

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That sounds amazing, if you ever finish it i'd love to read it or atleast finished part of it :)

8 years ago

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Thank you :) Your kind words were really motivating to start writing it again :)

8 years ago

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I thought it was your actual name... :-D

8 years ago

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I used to that name I even managed to unintentionally sign myself "Jon" in real life when I was sending an e-mail somewhere :P

8 years ago

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I was once rolling by the ID Faragon, then one day I forgot my password...

8 years ago

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When I was 14, I needed a name for my first WoW character (private server tho :3). Randomly started writing letters until I had a good result. Was too lazy to make a new one since then.

8 years ago

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I like your name. :) It's unique and I think that's the most important thing for usernames.

8 years ago

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Very good result for something random!

8 years ago

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My name was created out of the necessity of my first WoW character too :p

8 years ago

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David Sarif is a character from Deus Ex : Human Revolution.

8 years ago

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hm.. let me see - Koko comes from Konstantine just because its shorter and Sabre was given to me by my classmates( Sabre=Saber but Sabre just sounds better in bulgarian) . Lets say that I was just running a bit too fast than rest of the school and once I broke a friend's leg by tripping in him(go fucking figure how did this happen) . Sadly now I'm fat but still quite fast so maybe I should change my nickname to Cannonball?

8 years ago

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Sadly now I'm fat but still quite fast so maybe I should change my nickname to Cannonball?

I would keep the nickname and make it relevant again if you know what I mean ;-)

8 years ago

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All of my friends are spread around the globe and cant find new one for football games sadly ..

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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That's one badass surname.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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So is it "şöhret meraklısı"? Because that's what I get when I type "fame taker" into Google translate for Turkish.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Ah ok. I know what you mean about Turkish grammar because my husband is Uzbek. Very similar language :)

8 years ago

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Agreed. It's like naming yourself "King Killer" or something. I'm kinda jealous.

8 years ago

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I dunno

8 years ago

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You know there is only one true God...

8 years ago

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Burned anyone lately?

8 years ago

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Zelgadis is a character from anime Slayers i watched as a kid. When we got internet, when setting up my 1st nickname zelgadis was taken, so I chose zelghadis cause h is silent ;)

8 years ago

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Love it man. :D

8 years ago

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Love your hair!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Ha, I'm more used to the Elven from Dragon Age, and there, "fen" means wolf...

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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It's Sq1rr3l cause I like squirrels :D
And leet speak is cool isn't it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also I left out the "u" after the "q" cause "Squ1rr3l" just looks like crap.

8 years ago

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I did not realise the 'u' was left out until you mentioned O:

8 years ago

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Do you really asking me:P? hehe. i took it a long ago from novels when it would not popular:P (an no game no books (just short novels) etc)

8 years ago

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