I am just curious what will happen to my current CV after I give Arma II

I can't understand how this system works so I will just test it that way.If any of you can calculate how I got $107.94 CV right now,or what will happen to my CV pls tell me I wanna know .

It is not like I care of my CV ,it just increases by itself.I just want to learn how is it calculated :)

Okay nothing changed...Let's try this with non-bundled one now.Good luck.

1 decade ago*

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I don't think your CV will raise by giving Arma 2 since it's been in a bundle.
However, its value will be "saved" and part of it will be added to the non-bundle CV you'll get someday when giving non-bundle stuff.

edit : not sure I understand the CV system right, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

1 decade ago

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Only thing I know about CV is you need to give a non-bundled game in order to pass 30CV limit :)

EDIT:Looks like you are right ^^

1 decade ago

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CV calculation is pretty simple.

CV = N + [min(B) or (0.2N)]
...where N is the total value of non-bundled games and B is the total value of bundled games.

1 decade ago

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...With the tiny adjustment that the first 25 bundle CV (B) counts as non-bundle CV (N).

1 decade ago

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Okay my N is 55+25 = 80

But my CV is not 80*1.2 = 96?

1 decade ago

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This is how you correctly calculate it.

1 decade ago

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I was reading your comment just now :)

1 decade ago

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Your CV is 108; so your N must be 90 = 65+25. You must've missed a $10 game in your calculations :)

1 decade ago

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Hmmm maybe surgeon simulator wasn't bundled when I gave it O.o .

If that is true my CV will rise 12 now.Let's wait and see .

1 decade ago

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CV is overrated. It doesn't raise your chances of winning THAT much so you shouldn't be concerned about it. Unless you gave away $1000-2000 worth of games, then you might have 10% chance of winning a giveaway with ten entrants.

1 decade ago

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Indeed it is.Glad I am not just giving games for the achieve low odds.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by alpshrk.