
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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A toupee? :P

7 years ago

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Your dad has one.

7 years ago

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What are you on, where can I get some and is it safe for human consumption?

7 years ago

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not as good as trump's toupee

7 years ago

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trump party

7 years ago

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No, minedas, we are talking about trumps hair

7 years ago

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i meant our profile pictures but ok :(

7 years ago

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oh, yeah, now i see it :P

7 years ago

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Wouldn't be surprised if it's Trump, lol..

7 years ago

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me too

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yuk. He makes my skin crawl.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The President is very much a figurehead - he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.

On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had. He spent two of his ten Presidential years in prison for fraud. Very very few people realize that the President and the Government have virtually no power at all, and of these very few people only six know whence ultimate political power is wielded. Most of the others secretly believe that the ultimate decision-making process is handled by a computer. They couldn't be more wrong.

Suddenly all of the Clinton/Trump rubbish makes sense.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hillary. At last a woman in the White House.

7 years ago

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That would be a shame if she becomes the first woman in the White House... not that Trump would be better as a president, of course.

7 years ago*

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Hillary's only redeeming quality: a vagina. How inspiring.

7 years ago

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Trump has absolutely no redeeming qualities.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Which candidate differs from the status quo?

A) Rich old white person who has always used the system for self benefit
B) Rich (but not as rich) old white person who has been part of the system for 30+ years

Yep the U.S. has never had a rich old white person who is either part of the system or used the system for their benefit before. Well other than 99% of the entire history of Washington DC.

What's the line from the Who? "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss"

7 years ago

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Lol. Funny. I have had to put up with crap like Trump all my life, (dirty old men), and find the reprehensible, disgusting, untrustworthy, and sadly, no moral fiber. Yup that includes Mr. Clinton too. And as Trump himself, said of what he admires of Hillary, she doesn't give up. Of course, sad to say, there are those that love Trump. That is their right, but I much prefer Hillary. I respect your opinion, why can't you respect mine.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I like your response. Thanks.

7 years ago

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A woman who has spent a career relentlessly smearing other women. If Hillary is pro-women then I am pro-eating shit sandwiches.

7 years ago

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That could be true, but fact checking hasn't proven it. Besides, if you were a woman and had a husband that did what her's did, she had a perfect right to be upset. No, I don't like her husband, but I do admire Hillary and think she would make an excellent President. Much better than "dirty old man" Trump. Yuk. What a disgusting individual.

7 years ago

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fact checking hasn't proven it? is that the fact checking from Hillary's website? lol. Here is what is PROVEN:

Hillary defended a child rapist in 1975. She was able to get rape charges of this very guilty individual dismissed and he was ultimately convicted of the lesser charge: Unlawful Fondling of a Child Under the Age of Fourteen. Then later in interviews laughed about multiple points of the case.

As for the Bill Clinton raping of women... well let's just say this - they settled the Paula Jones case and paid a huge sum of money to her. All the women that have gone on record as having been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton also say they were viciously attacked by Hillary Clinton in attempts to cover it up. While you may not be able to 'prove' Hillary attempted to smear these women behind closed doors - there is a very reoccurring coincidence about Hillary's character and interactions with other women well before she herself started her Presidential candidacy. What we can say for certain is that Bill Clinton is a habitual womanizer and rapist - that is just a fact - and all the women who were assaulted by him all have two things in common - but I suppose to the liberal mind those women are just liars?

7 years ago

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Not disagreeing with any of the points that you made against Clinton... All of them are pretty much proven to be true.

Just have a problem with that last sentence. Can we stop using words like liberal and conservative as insults?

All liberal really means is a person who is open to accepting new behaviors or opinions while discarding traditional values.
All conservative means is a person who holds onto traditional values and is cautious about change or innovation.

Both mindsets have a role in society and have been helping the human race advance for centuries. I just hate it when the words are used as insults and it ultimately only causes polarization. Conservatives and liberals are equally important because they help establish a middle ground (when they aren't acting like babies and work together) that helps civilization advance at a manageable pace. Liberals drive innovation and technological advancement, while conservatives make sure we do not bite off more than we can chew.

Saying stuff like, "I suppose to the liberal mind those women are just liars" does not make much sense given the actual definition of liberal. Wanting change has nothing to do with whether or not a person believes someone else is a liar. Actually, in that particular scenario, liberals would be the ones who are more likely to take up the women's case since that is a social justice issue relating to the women's rights movement and liberals pretty much always back up movements relating to social change.

That being said, I am sure you meant no harm by what you said and I am sorry for going off like this. I just get annoyed when people use the two words like insults. Also, generally people are not all liberal or all conservative. People tend to be a bit more complex than that and are willing to accept change in some areas, but are unwilling to accept change in other areas. (Thus, they are a mix of both mindsets)

7 years ago

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That first one was dis proven pretty thoroughly:

7 years ago

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Yeah, I guess she was just doing her job. Maybe we should look more at the judicial system since it allows crimes like that to be punishable with such minor sentences.

Also, I was kind of surprised that they were even using a polygraph test. (Modern) Lie detectors don't work people! They are complete bogus and are only used to scare suspects into confessing.

7 years ago

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What's your take on the dozens of "accidental, coincidental" deaths linked to Hillary?

7 years ago

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  • to be fair to Trump, surely voting for someone just becuase they are a women is the oppisite of gender equality
7 years ago

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Sorry. I find Trump disgusting in many ways. His only redeeming value is the fact that he has, and as Hillary said, wonderful children. His way of thinking , and his values, are those of someone from the 50's. Disgusting. This is my personal opinion, but I respect others even if I disagree. That's one of the wonderful things about the USA, we can totally disagree but still respect the other person.

7 years ago

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i dunno, i've seen some of the things his children have come out with, and that has been a little bit dodgey.

  • But again to be fair to trump, Hillary probably hold extremely similar values but has changed alot of them to pander to her voters, remember last term when she was a hardline runner against same-sex marriage and now she suddenly loves it.
7 years ago

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Look, here is the real problem with America. You 'admire' Hillary and think she will make a 'great president'. She is one of the last people on this planet that should be 'admired' and she most certainly will not make a 'great president'.

This is the biggest problem with liberalism - you refuse to acknowledge reality. Hillary is pure shit. Trump is ALSO pure shit. But the conservatives have no problem admitting the truth. Why then do people feel this need to continue the charade? Simply say - Hillary is less shit than Trump - you don't have to go out of your way to claim how amazing Hillary is when that is clearly not based on fact.

7 years ago

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I like how you want a certain president because of their genitals. Shows how "equality" is handled these days.

7 years ago

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A nuke hopefully. ;_;

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7 years ago

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nice meme

7 years ago

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  • to be fair to America, they will always be better than a large majority of the other countries who still Stone Women to death etc
7 years ago

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Thank you. ;P

7 years ago

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Lol. Love your reply.

7 years ago

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Heh, thanks. xD

7 years ago

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Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

7 years ago

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or "not sure"

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It's like either getting the plague or cholera... So i don't care, both is shit. Could be fun for the US...

7 years ago

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But still, it's different. Even though you'll die with any of them, still the symptoms are different. :P They're 2 wolves in a nation of sheep and one of them is a very bigoted wolf. :P

7 years ago

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one is a dog on a foreign leash

correct me if im wrong, but there are more than 2 candidates right ?
but sheeps are voting, we had the same last elections in my country

7 years ago

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Yes, there are more than 2. I'm not American though, so I don't know the candidates. Both are a disease that will spread fast across USA. But I especially hate Trump because of his bigotry. But I hate Hillary too. :P

7 years ago

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The Trump is a bigot line is getting rather old. If wanting illegal immigrants removed from our country is racist - then I guess I shouldn't be in an inter-racial relationship since I would also be considered a racist.

7 years ago

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Which are the illegal immigrants you're talking about? The refugees?

7 years ago

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The refugees are not entering illegally, they are invited by the state department and are in our country legally. The refugees are a different issue all together.

The illegal immigrants are those people who cross our borders (mainly although not exclusively) from the south. We get many people crossing over the border with Mexico (and some of those people come all the way from south american nations by foot to do so). I think anyone should be able to agree that - legal immigration is good and illegal immigration is bad.

7 years ago*

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Thought for a moment you were referring to refugees, that's why I asked. Anyway, he has said many racist and bigoted comments in general. He has a far right wing ideology.

7 years ago

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I would be more than happy to discuss those "racist and bigoted" comments that are taken out of context by the liberal media.

The problem for many people in our country - and even for those far removed from it, is that news today is entertainment and carries an obvious political bias. There is no more 'real' journalism that reports just the facts devoid of personal opinion and bias - it simply doesn't exist in the world we know today.

7 years ago

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Politics in the USA is rough - we mostly have a 2 party system. The two parties have their candidates on every ballot nationwide. There are 'smaller' political parties in the USA though that also have agreements with certain states to have their candidate on the ballot (in that state). Gary Johnson is running as a Libertarian candidate and is not a voting option on most state polls. Sometimes we do have a rather popular candidate from the Interdependent party (like Ross Perot) who I believe was an option on every ballot nationwide.

The problem with the third party candidate is simply that they do not have a large enough party to elect them. That being said that when a Democrat or Republican votes for a third party candidate who essentially has no chance of winning then that vote is a vote that didn't count in the larger fight. Some would say it is a 'wasted vote'.

Full circle, yes we have more than 2 candidates but we really only have 2 that have a chance at winning (in any given election).

7 years ago

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That's the problem with the so called First Past the Post voting system. It pretty much always guarantees that after a few elections there would be only 2 parties left in the running and any 3-rd party would have close to no chance of success. It's explained in more detail in this video.

7 years ago

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I have always admired your country. As a matter of fact I married a man that was Polish and had two fantastic sons. Your country has always been dear to my heart. After all, Madam Curie was Polish. I just hope that someday we all can have good candidates to run our country.

7 years ago

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What you admired if i can ask ?
History of poland is ...no, i dont have strenght for it. Its disaster now. and the growig wave of hatred towards ppl from other countries and each other. It wont end well, AGAIN.

7 years ago

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I'm so sorry that Poland isn't going well. It's a shame. You are a lovely people. If only people would just, as I used to say to my staff, "be nice to one another". My heart goes out to you. Just wish I could do something to help. All I can say is be true to yourself. You'll always have a friend in me. xoxoxoxoxox

7 years ago

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thx, i have no words
its so beautifull :)

7 years ago

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Hillary Clinton will win.

Trump is playing dirty politics always attacking Hillary and never answering tough questions during debates.

7 years ago

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that's because he can't answer the tough questions

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

7 years ago

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  • to be Fair to Trump, Hillary often and proveably so uses the exact same smear tactics whenever she talks about him

also super cute husky i have one myself

7 years ago*

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She's just quoting what he said. And has the videos and tapes to back it up.

7 years ago

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She has also used every 'ist' word to describe trump and his supporters.

It looks like they prefer to smear each other rather than actually win based on their policies.

7 years ago

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A better question is:

"How many people will abstain from voting in this election (or more importantly, any local/congressional election ever), yet still feel entitled to complain about the state of affairs?"

7 years ago

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This is the type of bullshit that rubs me the wrong way. I was raised with a strong sense of civic responsibility, so voting as soon as legally possible seemed to me a no brainer. It always baffles me when peeps say they don't bother voting because it doesn't matter. Every vote matters and there have been many races decided by a narrow margin.

Think everyone is shit? Fine, cast a spoiled vote then. Abstaining just tells the world you don't care enough to spend a few minutes of your day deciding who will make life altering decisions on your behalf.

7 years ago

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How does spoiling a vote means more than not voting? It surely hints a more active role in it, but at the end, it doesn't help anything. (Trolling a disliked video also more active than just ignoring it, but definitely not the better alternative)
Not arguing, I just seriously don't get it. For me going to vote and spoil it just sends the message that someone spends his/her time create something irrelevant - like trolling. ( and how a spoiled vote sends the message "deciding who will make life altering decisions on your behalf." ?)
If you were talking generally and someone does have an opinion: that's always worth voting for, but when the situation is to pick from the two evil... that's a really shit situation.
I don't feel any of the two ways is better than the other, one says fuck your system from the system, the other sends the same from the outside In Hungary we're past a really manipulative voting about accepting EU's decision about the emmigrant-question. The governing party always ask in a way that the tone suggests that if you vote against their wish you're a traitor. In our case you either vote and serve a supercorrupt system, or vote against them and get labelled and publically referred as a traitor who wants the doom of the country. Maybe you have a more developed political culture there, but here recenly there is only one bigger, viable party, the governing one. If you vote anyone else, you give +1 legit vote, and if it collectively reaches teh minimum amount, the highest count votes, which will be them. As there is no focused opposition and government propaganda is aimed at ignorant / pensioners who only get news from the government's channels, every legit vote just makes it easier for the majority of the manipulated mass' votes will counted. Nice catch 22.

7 years ago

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Not sure if this is the case for the US but it is part of the count here in Canada. To me, a spoiled vote isn't so much as trolling as it is making a statement: that evert single person on the ballot is a piece of shit. It may not matter in the grand scheme of things, but it is a matter of principle. I rather raise a middle finger than cave on a matter like this.

7 years ago

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+1, totally agree with this.

I live in Brazil, voting here is mandatory, and at first, I started voting for minor polictical parties, that would never get elected, but I tried to make the whole "party" have a meaning: if the politicians are divided in parties, I'd rather vote on a party that I'd have some faith/belief, and the candidate shouldn't matter.

In the end, my votes didn't count. I wanted them to be elected, always try to participate on discussions, but always the same majority parties were getting elected, the same people, the same families.

I just got fed up of that, and started spoiling my votes. I don't want to feel obliged to vote for someone I don't want, don't support, don't believe. I don't want any of them, I'm sure.

So yes, a spoiled vote may be a protest. Doesn't necessarily mean "I don't care" - in my case, means I don't believe in the system, in politicians, in polictical parties anymore, and ultimately, that I don't belive my vote really matters.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I have a better solution than casting a spoiled vote: Vote for the lesser evil. If you can't decide which one is the lesser evil, read and invest some thought into it. You'll figure it out eventually.

And if you still can't decide, look at other candidates even if their chances are slim. There's absolutely zero chance that a voter who does some reading about all 4 candidates will reach the decision that they are exactly the same and that none of them would be the lesser evil. Heck, he/she may find a candidate that's actually good.

7 years ago*

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Unfortunately, a lot of peeps don't even bother reading the news to know what are the most relevant issues. :/

7 years ago

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As someone who works in television, I can attest to just how scary this is. It's mind-boggling how many people form concrete opinions of political issues solely from watching 30 second attack ads.

7 years ago

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That is so true. Unless you have either been there or done real research, must people do arrive at their decisions from "watching 30 second attack ads". I don't. I do my research. It's not easy many times to make a fair judgment but I try. Thank you for posing these questions. The comments are extremely interesting. Especially from those that can't vote here in the US.

7 years ago

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I would tend to agree with you in principle, but with how your election system works, not every vote count, millions of votes don't count. For a detailed explanation see this video: CGP Grey

If you want that every vote to count, the Electoral College has to be removed and instead every vote goes directly to your candidate.

7 years ago*

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Yes, the electoral college itself has long grown past its intended purpose and shouldn't be valid in our current political system.

Therefore, if you really want every vote to count, your priority should be voting in local and off-year congressional elections. It is these elected officials that will someday seek higher office via the electoral college (and hopefully will work toward dismantling it).

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Trump will win, but Hillary will be the president.

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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  • to be fair to Hillary, it's not like she doesnt actually have many voters which we can show will the last SG poll
7 years ago

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Soooooo true

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Trump all the way

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I think Trump will enter even if he doesn't win. :P

7 years ago

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NOPE last time I said anything political people got mad. The Rock 2016 peoples prez

7 years ago

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I will.

7 years ago

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Gary Johnson........... I couldn't even keep a straight face while typing that.

7 years ago

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Gary "what is a" Johnson?

7 years ago

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I was debating on putting Gary "Aleppo" Johnson at first :P

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It would come as no surprise to most Americans that the actual race will be much closer than the polls suggest as many people are afraid to publicly voice support of Trump after seeing many of his supporters assaulted in public upon leaving his events.

7 years ago

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  • To be fair to Hillary supporters, i have seen several sources of violence/ harrassment from trump supporters also
7 years ago

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Much less.

7 years ago

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How would one judge this mesurably/quantifyably.

we'd need someone unbiased to do a deep in depth analysis

7 years ago

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Almost impossible to do imo, almost all mainstream media etc is for Hillary.

7 years ago

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Plus even if the results were 100% unbiased, whoever lost would cliamed the other side rigged it anyway :p

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This whole election is rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton. Literally anyone else would beat her in the polls but they put the most ignorant bastard up against her. Meanwhile there are other candidates running but the media decides to ignore them completely.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Lol. Love your image dingbat.

7 years ago

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I like to know as well.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It seems to be both ways to me: both parties tried hard to put the worst candidate possible. At least you'll have a president elected, unlike here.

7 years ago

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As always:

Cthulhu 2016: Don't settle for the lesser evil!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Billary or the Troompa Loompa.

Whoever wins will be the worst, and least popular President ever.

7 years ago

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Alfred E. Neuman for president!

His motto- What, me worry?

7 years ago

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59% are probably not following the news...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Need to be more specific. Is that just the Americans, or the world?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Or, like their chosen candidate, simply delusional.

7 years ago

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