
First exclusive PS4-VR DLC announced too - "One of these games will be a special version of Star Wars Battlefront produced by EA, LucasArts and DICE exclusively for PlayStation VR" :P

8 years ago

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wow, impeccable logic. WIns in what too? shittiest VR against the other 2?

If we follow this logic, then people should've stick with those barbie/hot wheels pc with their juicy cheap price.

8 years ago

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IF! If VR won't turn out to be as bullshit as 3DTV, then mainstream will buy Sony VR, even if they'll have to buy PS4 along, then $2000PC+$600 VR. \

And then mainstream will tell us what games we'll play. Just like now, where all games must be playable on consoles and we whine about downgrades.

8 years ago

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Why are you being inconsistent? You went from $1000+$600 in your first post to $2000+$600 now.

8 years ago

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$2000 is overkill lol $1000 pcs can run the VR at recommended settings in 1080p

8 years ago

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I hope people who buy it enjoy these VR paid demos.

8 years ago

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This VR thing is just going to be another 3D movie thing....gets a huge push then runs out of pun intended..

VR is the same gimmick is was when they tried to launch it years ago.The price is not the biggest factor,it the convincing millions to add yet another device to the over crowded marker of trinkets.

Also a lot of people talk about the Wii but they forget about the PS2 being the pinnacle of console sales which last i knew was 150+ million

Either way it comes down to profit games sold per unit is more important then actual units sold,as what good is selling millions of units if nobody is buying games.?

Anyhow i still think VR will not be what they hoped the same way they used 3D to try push more tv sales,now 4K which is a fail the same as 3D was.

So unless they get the cost of these way down and improve how they work and to work on a 150-200 dollar card which is what most people tend to buy then i see this as just a hey look what i have novelty toy.

I could be wrong i mean after all plenty of good shows get canceled while crap like Keeping up with the you know who keeps on airing....seems to be the norm now.

Also they are still plagued with cyber sickness as before just not as bad,in short if you suffer from motion sickness playing 3d games,this will not do you any favors,and a lot still reported headaches after being used.I would guess from eye fatigue or strain.When i say this i mean VR's in general not stating this just for the Sony VR.As i give credit for Sony for trying but i think consoles are to early for VR yet.And i am not sure Sony would be the best at this giving there past fails at stuff like this.

8 years ago*

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Im not sure why you think 4k is a failure. Resolution of monitors increases since the start of gaming and is a very natural process.
Futhermore you should try out VR yourself and you will probably change your opinion.

8 years ago

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It is a failure as a feature to sell tv's

Sorry if how i said it came off as failure all together as 3D is not a total failure you can still get 3d content...

Both just failed in the sense that it did not do what it was intended to do....

The same could happen to VR it could become a niche thing the same with 3D and 4K.....and even in gaming 4K is not ready for prime time and by the time it is mostly something better will be out ...just the way it goes.As they are working on 5K for TV ...

Stuff evolves to much and to fast in the tech world to invest 400-900 for VR without it proving to be a thing.I could spend that on a really nice PC.And to fully enjoy VR you will need a beefy pc.Other wise it like buying a lambo to drive to the store,sure it looks nice but you never really get to enjoy its full power.

I am not saying VR is bad i just do not see it being the next big thing and i have no interest in VR and wearing such a device,hell i can not even wear head phones very long without getting to warm i could only imagine what kind of heat trap VR would be for me.

8 years ago

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I said the same thing about 1024 x 768 resolution when I was using 800 x 600

"What the point ? it's just more pixels"

8 years ago

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Well it still is just pixels so you are half right lol

i have seen 4K and 1080p and to be honest i was not all that impressed,then again when the action starts on the screen you will not know its 1080p or 4K unless your taking time to take all in while being shot or attacked.

So while i see it will look nice on say turned based or games where you can take your time,any thing else and you will not notice it if you are actually playing the game or maybe you will notice it.Though at this stage i would rather have high fps and max setting then sacrafice both for the sake of 4K.

Anyone is free to 4K and enjoy it if they so desire,but i prefer smooth FPS over 4K any day,plus i play games to have fun,not sit back and stare at how pretty it is.

8 years ago*

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Except for the main reason I ditched console gaming. Once the PS5 rolls around you won't be able to use this on it.

Granted by then all the currently-planned VR headsets will surely be out of date but still, at least they'll still be usable on PC :)

8 years ago

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-So, most people get sick if the frame rate is sub-90 fps when wearing a VR headset. Let's make that 60 for argument's sake.
-To get an actual 1080p looking picture, you need two 1080p screens rendered at the same time. Let's make that 720p for argument's sake.

Can the PS4 run two 720p screens running at 60 FPS at the same time, when it is proven that it can hardly keep up the frame rate above 30 even when running a single screen at 1080p.

I wonder how shitty these PS VR games are going to look. Unless they are magicians, very shitty I reckon.

8 years ago

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hardly, what worries me is that average joe is going to get interested in VR see the samsung VR and those and think "ohh those are the entry level ones i want the full experience of VR" and off-course you and i know that the best you can do with VR is a very powerful PC using the HTC, but average joe here is going to see the Sony and Playstation logo on his local radioshock and think that is the best money can do, and that the lack of power the PS4 is going to create a supar VR experience, with low quality image, low framerate or low resolution, you and i know its because you need a lot of power to feed VR headsets,to create the best experience possible, but average joe is going to puke all over the floor and trow his headset to the ground and bam, VR is dead, people think it sucks and its not "just quite there yet", thanks to Sony.

Off course this all is hypothetical, maybe sony will "unlock the 8th core" and use the cloud to double the power of the PS, i just hope this dosent ruin VR before it even properly starts.

and EA and LocoArts are going to create a VR experience, how cute, will it look at least half as good as this?

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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