I only have a handful people on my whitelist and I'm about to make some giveaways so I figured why not do some WL ones!
I'll probably do this a few times with different requirements each (even though I'll keep it fairly simple).

  1. Don't have an obvious leech ratio (like winning $1k worth games and giving only $10).
  2. Name your favorite game with an LGBT character.

I'm curious about how many are out there. To start off mine's Dragon Age (Dorian and Leliana are just cool regardless). Guess there's plenty of them there so you could probably rip off that answer if you don't know any others :p

Edit: one GA is up and running now and you can join here.
It's a small one and I published it by accident as I was planning on scheduling a bunch for next weekend but I'm too big of a clutz I guess. I'll just put the others up when it's time and avoid more accidental postings lol

Edit 2: Second giveaway is up and running so join here.

5 years ago*

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I liked Bill from TLOU and idk if this counts because i guess he's bi but in Bully (the school GTA :P) Jimmy can kiss boys, i remember when i did that by mistake and it surprised me lol

5 years ago

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Oh yeah, that was that guy who had written a letter to his lover or something? I vaguely remember that. Though I don't remember Bully kissing guys when I played it back in the day, maybe I just missed it haha

5 years ago

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Hi there. Can I join your WL?
Poison from Final Fight. Dev said she's a transgender. Some guy told me this and Wikipedia confirms It :P

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5 years ago

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Never heard that but that's neat! Also congrats on being the first commenter to list a trans character :)

5 years ago

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I can't think of a favorite game with an LGBT character atm...but yeah Poison.

5 years ago

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Favorite game, not favorite character...

Ok, then it would be Mass Effect 2. Well, "alien race were gender is not taboo" kind of fits with many LGBT principles, right?

And Sheridan was bi. Best sex scene was with Garrus, believe it or not.


5 years ago*

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Hm, maybe I should've let people say their favorite characters too. I'd take either so it's fine lol

5 years ago

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apart from life is strange i cant really think of lgbt characters in games except from of course stories i read. but i did love both those games and i cant wait to play life is strange 2!

5 years ago

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me too! I'm really curious about how I'll like the gameplay compared to the first game

5 years ago

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I am curious why its like double the price though. But either way ill buy it so why not just have it extra

5 years ago

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1) Yes i think i can cover this.
2) I have no idea... I am sorry :(

5 years ago

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Could I join your WL? One of my favorite games is Slime Rancher. The main character, Beatrix, has a significant other back on Earth, but their gender is left purposefully ambiguous. I don't really know if that counts, but I like to think that it does.

5 years ago

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Eh I'll let that squeeze in, but usually I wouldn't say it really counts :p

5 years ago

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oh? never noticed that!

5 years ago

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Girls from LIFE IS STRANGE: B.t.S. are gay i think.

5 years ago

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Would like to join the WL :)

As for the question:
I really liked Amber and Marina from Highway Blossoms.
Though in my view it is kind of a stretch to call Kinetic Visual Novels "games" because other than reading and clicking to progress the story there isn't any decision to make or any other "gaming" involved.
Nonetheless a really good Visual Novel and I'd fully recommend it.
If it doesn't count, my vote also goes to Zevran and Dragon Age...that guy was the best๐Ÿ˜

5 years ago*

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Well I get that, but you also have tons of walking simulators that are called games and sometimes I have more fun with a VN that that so... I guess it's hard to define what a "game" really is.

5 years ago

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Hm not that many to pick from although it did get better over recent years but I'd say Mass Effect 2. Also Dragon Age Origins. I'd love them both regardless but I think it's telling that interesting RPGs also have interesting characters and open minds.
It also adds layers of replayability for players who want to experience the game in different ways.

5 years ago

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Totally true. If the characters are all the same they're bland, and that makes the games boring. Here's to hoping bioware doesn't mess up with their future releases then.

5 years ago

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One of the main characters in Dreamfall Chapters is gay. The Longest Journey trilogy has a great story.

5 years ago

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Oh that's cool, I've been interested in playing that game for a while (though low on priority list) but didn't know that!

5 years ago

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I'd guess Borderlands or Mass Effect. I didn't realise either had characters that were LGBT to be honest though until they were mentioned above as I've never looked at sexuality as a defining characteristic especially in a game.

5 years ago

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Guess now you know :p

5 years ago

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Hmm, I can remember LGBT characters from Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Life is Strange, but people already told it and it's too obvious.
So, it will be The Witcher 2. Like this game, but not really like this character. Yeah, Dethmold is definitely gay. Not Dandelion ^^
And I'm playing GTA 4 now, where in one mission Niko need to pretend that he is a gay and even make page on the dating site. It was kinda funny :D

5 years ago

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Dandelion would've been too stereotypical and we can't have that :p

5 years ago

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Not a big suprise but I'll say The Last of Us, a true masterpiece :3

5 years ago

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Agreed :3

5 years ago

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I've actually forgot that Dragon age has LGBT characters:D
It's my fovourite one too, was dissapointed when I needed to choose between whitch and elf
And GTA as well (if Gay Tony counts)

5 years ago

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Usually kinda hard to forget, I feel like they made them all bi apart from 2 or 3. In their defense it definitely let tons of people enjoy the dragon dating simulator lol

5 years ago

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Thanks for adding! Added you as well (have some GA running, so it isn't useless:D )

5 years ago

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Thanks Slavic brother :)

5 years ago

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Np, Slavic sister :P

5 years ago

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I love Leliana, but my favorite game with an LGBT character is Life is Strange.

I also loved Tales from the Borderlands, that would be my runner up.

5 years ago

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Glad to hear someone else enjoyed Tales as much as me :D

5 years ago

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Knights of the old Republic, amazing game with probably one of the first LGBT Char in video games: Juhani a lesbian (maybe bi) Jedi.

Hmm, KOTOR, Dragon Age, Mass Effect: Looks like someone in Bioware really loves to add LGBT chars.

5 years ago

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I was never into space operas that much so I didn't know but that's cool!

5 years ago

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I honestly don't pay that much attention to this so I had to read some of the comments here to get some ideas. Now I gotta go with Tracer as Overwatch is probably my favorite game right now and I really like her character and her voice lines:
Cheers love, the cavalry's here, Oi, There's no time for waiting around

5 years ago

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Tracer is cool, though way too confusing to play for me haha

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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They did indeed :p

5 years ago

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hello, i'd like to join u'r WL
MMm. i remember Tracer from Overwatch, does that counts?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I wasn't aware but good to know!

5 years ago

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I know it's already been mentioned a bunch of times but it's gotta be Life is Strange, I loved it ๐Ÿ˜ข
I've not played the later BioWare games, but I remember Leliana and Liara well... ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)

5 years ago

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The "I loved it :'(" has to be the biggest mood when playing that game haha
Obviously the L in bioware game names stands for "Loving the Ladies" :p

5 years ago

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They were Lovably Lovely... ๐Ÿ˜

5 years ago

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Had to think hard about this one. Haven't played Life is Strange so I couldn't say anything about the characters. It's sort of a tie, I guess, between Undertale and Night in the Woods. In one you have two completely different people so crazy over each other but are too shy to say anything, and in the other is a couple of people who just...became the light in the other's darkness. The characters in both are adorable, although since NitW focuses more on the characters lives, Gregg and Angus are more fleshed out than Alphys and Undyne.

5 years ago*

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Oh I've heard of Night in the Woods! I'll have to add that on my list then :)

5 years ago

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I've watched 2 playthroughs of it. It's so good! ^^ Everyone who plays has their own choices that they make, people to talk to, events they trigger or don't, etc. It's a slice of life game centered on this cat who's come home from college to her deadend hometown, and reconnects with her friends. Although the spotlight isn't on Gregg or Angus you do have the chance to get to know them better. :)

5 years ago

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Well, there is a questline in The Witcher 3 in which we learn that the bard Dandelion (who is male) had a relationship with a male elve who dresses like a woman. Not sure if that qualifies. If not, you could make a case for Life is Strange, where Chloe is probably a lesbian. I'm not sure if I've played other games with LGBT characters.

Edit: Speaking of The Witcher - I completely forgot that Ciri is a lesbian, which becomes more clear reading the books.

5 years ago*

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I'd count that too, but yeah Ciri counts as well. Guess we'll see how the show will portray them too soon.

5 years ago

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IDK, Dandelion and the tailors relationship was platonic I remember the elf making that clear. I don't remember if the elf said he was LGBQT or if he just dressed in drag because he liked the close. Didn't know that about Ciri. Thanks for bringing up the books, I've been meaning to pick the first one up and then forgot all about them.

5 years ago

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Hi bro...I waaaant. May I join?

5 years ago

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I'm racking my brain for a LGBQT character in a game I've played, I guess I haven't paid it much attention. I didn't even think about the Dragon age characters until you mentioned them. I think the blue alien in Mass Effect, but being an alien that only had one gender, I don't know if she counts.

5 years ago

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