They want you to pirate it so they can have an excuse for not making a pc game because of piracy
is a conspiracy
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Because Steam has 100m+ users who would need a key? And you would need to disable keys afterwards (and enable if user buys game alter).
Nothing that can't be fixed, but Valve tries to get publishers use more user friendly methods. (SteamAPI for ownership check)
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No you can't.
While I can trick Steam to get to the text entry, you will get this trying to post a review.
You need to have used this product for at least 5 minutes before posting a review for it (0 minutes on record).
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Uhm, thanks. <3 I think it is a first for me. ^^'
But it is quite an old trick, honestly:
Also, I'm not 100% sure Steam won't block you if the product is not associated with your profile. And even if you can review, Valve may be unhappy. So while the option is there, I advise caution. Sometimes Valve suspends accounts for the dumbest reasons (strangely though, not for scamming, because yeah).
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Simple as complaining about anything Valve-related. Although those are community suspensions…
To be honest, I never tried to mess around with game times outside my library of stuff I had, but their ToS is a piece of work. The craziest one I ever heard was due to the new region-restrictions, where if you travel semi-frequently, they can block you from using the store, because cross-region. When it started, I had a window displaying I cannot buy anything from my workplace, since we use a VPN-like connection to the company's Swedish servers, so it looks like as if I'm jumping halfway across Europe every time I go to work and go home.
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VAC can take care of cheaters, bans for mod in single player or just for skins is a lame reason to ban someone.
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I tend to only play with friends , but it is still a big problem - I still think VAC cuts down on the problem .
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So I bought CSGO, can I install hacks ? It is mine after all, I can do what I want, isn't ?
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If you cheat online you must be stopped, I've paid 60€ too and I don't see why you should walk around in god mode and ruin my game ;D
If you modded the FOV you are not cheating, but it's hard distinguish a FOV-mod from a cheat.
That's the price we must pay for script-kids
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yeah but apparently they also banned people playing solo...
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It's not always as simple as modding FOV isn't cheating. If you increase your FOV you can see more and whilst that might not effect much in this case consider making the equivalent change in say Diablo 2. The equivalent change in Diablo 2 would be using mods to get a higher resoution than the game allows and which is something that is bannable because a lot of the abilities in the game have a range that is only limited by view distance. If your playing at the games allowed 800x600 resolution your view distcance is a lot more limited than someone who has modded the game for a 1920x1080 resolution.
Whilst I agree that people should be able to play single player games as they see fit they did agree not to mod their games and Rockstar aren't reqired to differentiate between QoL mods and ones that effect other peoples play.
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That is the main reason why I didn't buy it yet.
I'd love to buy that Elder Scrolls Anthology or, alternatively, just the Legendary edition of Skyrim but I don't like the idea of having a collector box bonded to Steam.. the compromise I've set in my head is: I'll buy the legendary edition when it has 75% off
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Yes, but I liked more how it was in the past, where you could play a game whenever and however you wanted once you had bought it.
Indeed, Steam has its advantages, but I'd like to have the power to choose. Hope GOG will rise as a strong rival.
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afaik singleplayer and multi are not 2 standalone, so modding sp is a risk
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In GTAV's case, yes. It is a completely different question WHY are the two not separate, as it was originally planned, when the online portion literally was called GTA Online as a standalone thing.
Sometimes I don't understand publishers. And Rockstar used to be moderately user-friendly.
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They should have put 2 entries on Steam, one for Single Player and One for MP. I saw this kind of thing happening months ago. I expect they will revert most of the bans however they should have put better FOV options in the first place.
I don't agree with mods for MP but I agree SP should have mods.
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A lot of friend of mine used fov on sp ONLY (dunno if switched to default files before joining online or something like that), and they are not banned.
People banned used FOV or other stuff in online (or the trainer was running while playing online, maybe wasn't even working in the online, but R* caught them)
They didn't cheat, but they modified a part of the game. How the game is supposed to ban malicious mods and forgive visual mods ?
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it's not really extremely efficient as that requires that everyone on the server has the same mod.
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Didn't know it could run without steam. In that case GTAV buyers are just another tack on the huge list of "let's port this game to this console called PC to get some extra money" gamer victims.
Said previously and will say it again and again: indie developers making good games are doing far better than every other AAA developer, nowadays.
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Romeo One-One: We’re going deep, and we’re going hard.
Charlie One-One: Surely you can’t be serious.
Romeo One-One: I am serious…and don't call me Shirley.
Sorry, couldn't resist the MW1 reference :P
And it can, because several games like Call of Duty come with separate SP and MP versions. The fact that Rockstar hasn't implemented it and yet they want to ban for SP mods anyways sucks
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Does it make much of a difference? Like someone else said, it's probably a reaction to the rape mod, so I can understand Rockstar's side. Really, so much whining these days. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.
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I guess the only mods allowed are Paid Mods. But the community got rid of those.
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Please stop referring to some script-kitties as hackers. Hacking is quite difficult and demanding operation.
And it will not decrees number of those who are ruining the game for others. For that you need better online coding/security, which apparently RockStar lacks of.
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There are a lot of immersive and lore-friendly mods for fallouts and TES games.
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I was so hyped about the first person view in GTA5, tried it for 20 minutes and finished the story line without ever using first person view again. Driving is very awkward with the standard FOV and while walking there is no overview of whats happening 1mtr next to you.
Rockstar should have known before releasing the game that pc gamers would not accept such a low FOV.
But that said, the game itself is awesome. Haven't had so much fun with a game in a while.
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This should answer your question. Well, at least I assume they used the new feature for those bans.
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It's really easy, these so called "mods" aren't mods at all, simply put instead of having "modded game files" they inject code into the running game which technically allows you to do whatever you want there's no way for R* to tell what you used it for.
They warned people up front, people just had to ignore it and I've seen dozens of kids cheating in online using that method + tons more who thought they were o so smart by not using the trainers themselves yet go around ask everyone if they are "a hacker" and if "they can shoot money at them"
And for anyone thinking an "FOV mod" should be acceptable, it's the same technique the cheaters use so there's no way to differentiate them, not to mention that a FOV mod gives you an advantage over other players.
How sad is it to write a negative review not because the game is badly optimized or just plain bad but simple because you yourself were stupid enough to disregard all warnings, people should count themselves lucky that they got a 2 week ban which is just a slap on the wrist when compared to the consequences of getting a VAC ban.
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They were probably too stupid to remove the mods before playing online and got banned, not Rockstar's fault. ALL mods are cheating, including FOV mods and I'm glad they're getting banned it's just too bad they're lying about their banning and spreading misinformation.
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Well, time to be "that guy". Inb4 hate comments.
This is taken from their EULA, which was last updated October 1st, 2013.
NOTE: GTA IV was released in 2008.
"You agree *not* to:
reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, display, perform, prepare derivative works based on, or *otherwise modify the Software, in whole or in part;*
"Licensor may limit, suspend, or terminate the license granted hereunder and access to the Software, including, but not limited to, any related services and products, *at any time without notice for any reason* whatsoever. "
It's not cool, but they have full rights to do what their doing.
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I do not have a problem with it,am i disappointed for single player but i am not surprised.I should add a problem with R* banning for using mods/cheats not the whole Steam new ban system.
I get it not all mods will be cheats but since single player and online use all the same files hopefully this will avoid most hackers/cheats online.
They should have made it them separate but they did not maybe for ease of use.?Who knows though if R* will ban social club keys for using mods/cheats offline but i am not taking the risk,sure i will miss out on some cheats for now but i can enjoy the game without them,
Though i am not sure if R* has taken steps to ban those using cheats while offline,but on Steam i suppose they could and i do not like the whole way Steam went about that,another thing Steam is doing that will just give more power to publishers and such to ban you from the game for any reason like saying there game sucks.
People praise Steam like it is so great and better then other platforms yet it is more region restricted then others and keeps finding ways to make more money off you and give banning power to publishers,If they wanted to have anti cheat then they should have used VAC but they also have the choice not to,i doubt to many single players game will be effected it would be silly,but any with online tied to it like Payday 2 could be an issue even if your playing offline..
The others like Origin and that are looking better and better with each stupid move Steam makes,glad i got my key on R Social Club i have to be banned directly by R.
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single player affected also ^^
proper thread for this topic :)
P.S. Anyone remember when buying a game made it yours? :P
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