No giveaway here,just wondering what people thought were good movies released in 2016,looking for something to watch.

7 years ago

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The best movies I've seen this year (although I still haven't seen a few acclaimed movies yet, like Manchester by the Sea, Hell or High Water, Sing Street, Silence, and The Handmaiden):

  • La La Land (My #1 pick by a landslide, possibly one of my new favourite movies ever)
  • Moonlight
  • Rogue One
  • Deadpool
  • Arrival
  • Zootopia
  • Dr. Strange
  • The Nice Guys
  • Kubo and the Two Strings
  • Green Room

Do not under any circumstance watch Suicide Squad (avoid Batman vs Superman too, but at least that one arguably has some redeeming features). It's terrible, and not terrible like 'haha it's so bad it's good', no... it's just a plain waste of your life.

7 years ago

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If you haven't already, see Whiplash by Damien Chazelle, the guy who also directed La La Land. His being director was the reason I went to see La La Land, because it is quite apparent that he has a talent for wonderful direction and cinematography.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Checking this out now as I am leeching the suggestions from this post. Looks really cool from the IMDB page.

7 years ago

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Panfilov's 28 Men

7 years ago

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Zootopia was fun >.>

Thats pretty much the only movie i watched last year .

7 years ago

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Definitely agree that zootopia was fun,i just wasn't expecting it to get the huge following it has.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hacksaw Ridge

7 years ago

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Cloverfield Lane, War Dogs & Grimsby brothers, other then that too much of the same stuff. If it weren't revivals of dead franchises it was either a Superhero movie an Animation movie for kids or a cheesy romcom.

7 years ago*

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10 Cloverfield Lane was surprisingly very good. Fun fact: The protagonist girl played the villain girl in Sky High.

7 years ago

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I think Sausage Party came out in 2016. It was funny and very entertaining. It has a lot of vulgar language and has some not very well hidden anti-religion messages. If you don't like those things then don't watch it, but if you don't care then go watch it.

7 years ago

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I don't see 2016 movies much, but my favorite goes to Our Little Sister (Umimachi Diary) by Hirokazu Kore-eda. But yeah, I'm a big fan of Kore-eda's works ;)

7 years ago

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Kubo was great

7 years ago

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Eddie the Eagle is a feel-good biopic based on the events of Eddie the Eagle in the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics.
Loving is a film based on the events surrounding the Loving v Virginia case.
Sausage Party is an adult parody of Disney Pixar films based on the concept of inanimate objects being animated (no pun intended).
Your Name. is a Japanese animation that is not directed by Hayao Miyazaki or produced by Studio Ghibli about a teenagers mysteriously swapping bodies.
A Silent Voice is another Japanese animation not directed by Hayao Miyazaki or produced by Studio Ghibli exploring the issues regarding disabilities and bullying. (This was only released in Japan, but it had several English subtitled screenings in other countries at certain festivals)
These are just some that I've watched and enjoyed.

Here's a list of all the films in 2016 released in the west.

7 years ago

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Thank you for the thorough recommendation list,i've got my hands full at the moment,but i'll come back to this once i'm done,for sure.

7 years ago

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Rogue 1 and Passenger

7 years ago

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I would add "Warcraft", "The Finest Hours", "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" and "Passengers" as they are not mentioned above.

7 years ago

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But none of them are good movies, that's the point. Sure, it's your personal opinion and all, but

a) Warcraft - Mediocre film by all standards, neither good nor completely a train wreck.

b) Suicide Squad - It seems the director really had no idea what he wanted to make, this was a complete mess of a movie.

c) Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - I wanted to like this one, but I can't rate it anything above an average. Could've been better.

d) Passengers - Oh man, fuck this movie. The big twist that's supposed to happen does so in the first 20 minutes, and post that is a collection of some of the most overused tropes in every single movie ever. It was oscar bait, through and through, and it gloriously failed at that.

7 years ago

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Any of us have his own evaluation criterias.
Personally I mostly like movies either they're taking me to world/atmosphere I'm excited with or they're bringing me to thoughts I can think deeply about.

7 years ago

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Sure, it's your personal opinion and all

I understand that, that's why it's the first thing I state. But all of them have been reviewed terribly, or mediocre-ish by both critics and viewers, so it is a fact that they're not the best of movies, although nobody can prevent you from enjoying them

7 years ago

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Still I do not consider IMDBs 7 as a terrible rating...

7 years ago

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Arrival and Nocturnal animals were pretty good.

7 years ago

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I've only seen Rogue One and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. They're both amazing movies. Rogue One might actually become one of my favorite Star Wars movies.

7 years ago

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I think these were my favorites movies 2016. I hope I didn't forget any (I probably did ^^).

  • The Neon Demon (probably my favorite this year)
  • The Shallows
  • Captain Fantastic (it was - well, fantastic!)
  • Midnight Special
  • The Witch
  • 10 Cloverfield Lane
  • Irrational Man
  • The Nice Guys
7 years ago

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Didn't see many movies this year and most of them weren't really good.
Cloverfield Lane is the only one I've seen from the one's you've listed and I liked that one a lot,
except for a little scene near the end. that stupid convenient molotov :)
Thanks for your suggestions, I'll probably check them out sometime.

7 years ago

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if you remember this thread then, feel free to tell me which ones you liked and which not. would be very interested in hearing that. :)

7 years ago

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I just bookmarked it, because...yea...I will probably forget about this thread otherwise :)
Any tv-shows you'd recommend?

7 years ago

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Didn't watch a lot lately. But Dirk Gently was awesome. sense8 was also pretty great, and the second season will come in May, I believe. Stranger Things was nice. And in case you haven't seen it yet - my all-time favorite is Lost. Watched it 3 times already. :)

7 years ago

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Haven't seen Dirk Gently yet. The one with Stephen Mangan or Samuel Barnett?
I have mixed feelings about Sense8, but it certainly had an interesting concept and some great scenes.
Stranger Things I enjoyed quite a lot.
"Lost" is a difficult one to review for me.
I did like it a lot at the time, but it was a bit uneven. Over the course of the series it got more and more apparent that the writers themselves didn't know where it was all headed. Then the original writers left and the others had to pick up the pieces and end it somehow without angering everyone who dedicated a lot of time watching the show.
Considering that, they actually did a fine enough job.
If you haven't seen Westworld yet, do yourself a favor. In my opinion it is as perfect as a TV-show can get.

7 years ago*

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The one with Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood. Didn't even know another one existed, until now. ^^ Now that I know that, maybe it makes sense to watch the other one as well.

That is the common critisicm for Lost. I heard it so many times, but I just can't agree with it. I just didn't feel this way while watching the show. I thought it was great from start to finish. But that's just my opinion, of course.

No, didn't see Westworld yet. Will have a look at it, thanks. :)

7 years ago*

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I actually didn't know there was one with Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood :)
I just watch a lot of british shows and I know Stephen Mangan from a few of them,
so I imdb'd him one day and found out that he also stars in "Dirk Gently". Now I have two versions to watch, apparently :)

I enjoyed Lost a lot when it was airing. Loved the mystery, the characters, the ideas, the ARG, the hidden things and all the Easter Eggs,
but there was a point where I just asked myself: How can they possibly have an explanation for all of this and wrap it up neat and tidy?
And tbh, they didn't really. There were quite a few things that didn't make sense or were completely unnecessary and/or misleading.
The journey was far better then the destination in my opinion and as a complete work I just can't rate it higher than 7/10.
I'd still recommend it though, because it was quite the journey :)

7 years ago

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I watched Westworld. Wow, it was amazing. Thanks a lot for the recommendation!

7 years ago

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Wow, that was quick :)
Glad you enjoyed it.
I'm having a vacation next week, so I'll finally get around to watch some of your recommendations.

7 years ago

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i actually watched it from 5th to 7th. just couldn't stop watching it. ^^

7 years ago

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@both of you, so hopefully Heisenbear sees this...

Lost spoilers below...
If you can find it, watch Chronologically Lost. It's a fan re-cut of Lost where everything happens in chronological order.
For me, it pinpointed exactly what I realized I didn't like about Lost. And that was the alternate timeline, which isn't shown in Chronologically Lost until the very end, after the show has already come to a surprisingly satisfying ending with Jack in the bamboo forest.
I used to think I just hated the ending, and that a bunch of things went unexplained. But I actually just hated that small portion, and I was surprised at how much stuff actually was explained. (Part of the explanation is basically "magic", but it's mostly just magic water.)

And thank you for the heads up on there being a Dirk Gently series! Enjoyed the books long ago. :)

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot, sounds very interesting. maybe I will watch Chronologically Lost when I have the time. :)

7 years ago

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Most I watched and thought were good have already been mentioned, but two I haven't seen yet in this thread yet are:

Weiner - Interesting documentary. I watched better ones over the last year, but this was the only 2016 release.
Masterminds - Better than I expected fun comedy.

TBH, I didn't think it was a great year for movies, but I'm always at least a couple of years behind and am always finding much older movies that deserve my attention more than new ones.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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2016 movies I liked:
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
10 Cloverfield Lane
Hardcore Henry
Doctor Strange
Sausage Party
The Handmaiden
The Witch

2016 movies I disliked:
Suicide Squad
Star Trek Beyond
Independence Day: Resurgence
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
X-Men: Apocalypse
Captain America: Civil War
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

7 years ago

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The Witch was 2015 but it was freaking AWESOME. I have a friend that just moved to the country and I gave her a copy of it recently. It scared the hell out of her. Great movie and it also made a great gift!

Sometimes I ask her in a whisper voice, "wouldst thou like the taste of butter" and it freaks her out. Good times.

7 years ago*

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you generally count release date as theatrical release. The Witch was screened at the end of 2015 on festivals but technically it does not count as premiere, theatrical release was in Feb 2016 (and only in May in my country -.-), so I count it as 2016 movie ;)

7 years ago*

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I was going by the (2015) after the title. It was in Sundance in January of 2015 so I figured that was the official release date, but you're right it didn't hit theaters, and I didn't see it myself, until the following year.

7 years ago

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Alice Through the Looking Glass ( there are two part you should see this too before see this one : Alice in Wonderland 2010)
The Witch
The Shallows

7 years ago

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War Dogs was pretty good, the incredibly low morality of lots of the characters and it still being funny the situations they were put in was good.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks once again for the suggestions.

7 years ago

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Jason Bourne, Kubo and the two strings .. Watch em.

7 years ago

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