Do you mind if i add you on steam? I really like your music and i want to talk to you
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I use FL Studio 11, I used to use FL Studio 10, but 11 seems a lot easier and faster to work in :)
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I know, right? I tried to use Ableton because a lot of people said to me that it was way easier than FL, but when I tried it, it was evry rare, maybe because I was very used to use FL instead haha
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Exactly, the best DAW is the one you use and feel comfortable :)
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Cool! sadly i can't play or write or anything about music. i'm good at listening ;)
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Yeah, I started knowing nothing about producing, I'm still learning stuff.
If you would really like to learn, try to watch fl studio remakes and how-to's on youtube, that's how I got to know how to use FL Studio :)
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UPDATE: I just hitted 562 plays on SoundCloud! And 2 people bought my Album! Thank you guys so much! And thank you SteamGifts! :)
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[UPDATE 2: The giveaways has started!]
Feel free to join any giveaway from me!
Stealth Bastards Deluxe:
Air Guardians:
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Congrats, buddy! Will listen to it when I get home, and thanks for the giveaways! ^^
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Hey, congrats on your life's achievements that you unlocked! As for the music, I listened to it last night and I hope you might tolerate some feedback on that?
First of all it sounds alright, not my jam, but at least you've got some of the basics figured out. My music was always mixed poorly in the beginning and later on as well. I just were lucky with some tracks and mostly labels would master tracks for me so they could put them online on Beatport and what not.
I know being a gamer and a music producer is your thing but I'd highly recommend to join a music forum although you can still post it here! When I was like 19 or 20 I joined a forum, that is now shut down called The New French Touch back when Ed Banger were growing strong and such.
It was really the driving force for most of us back then and we partied together also, I had the best time of my life back then. We would all post our tracks and give feedback on producing et cetera.
Some people from the forum became resident DJs in some popular clubs around Germany, one made it to Boys Noize Records, one is signed on Wanrer Bros. label, I think it's called OTWA something. They really made it big!
We had everyone in this forum. Casual music enthusiasts, DJs, bloggers and producers. With this combination we were able to support each other.
I myself got blogged a few times making the Hypem Top 10 twice and getting a record deal in the end and other crazy stuff happened to me in the process. I quit doing music due to the lack of creativity but joining a forum for producers and music lovers is the way to go!
As for your production. I used FL Studio. I think I started out using FL8 and ended up using FL10 later. Get some more VSTs and sample packs to up the quality of your songs. Sylenth1 and FM8 are good Synths for starters, or actually they are used by pros too but you get the point. As for samples for drums etc. I can highly recommend Deadmau5 XFER and Vengeance, maybe Maschine if you can get your hands on that too.
And good motivation on what you want to achieve with your music! Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to see your progress in a few years!
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Thanks for the feedback! I'm trying to join music forums like the Music subreddit and some other forums, but I haven't got that much plays since.
I know that this isn't a music forum, but I posted this here because I've seen amazing producers who don't get enough attention and use SteamGifts, I wanted to give them ideas to promote themselves here, just as I did.
Still, I would LOVE to hear your work, it looks like you have a lot of years in the industry (Or at least a couple more than me haha), if you could link me your SoundCloud or Beatport account, that'd be nice :)
And again, thanks for the feedback! I love when I get this kind of tips from bigger producers, it helps me a lot :D
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Don't call it industry, haha, the label I was on was rather small and getting on Beatport and iTunes is not that hard nowadays.
Just search Beatport and iTunes for Homeboi. Here is my old Soundcloud. There are only 3 tracks that got some attention tho, after that I didn't release music on any label anymore despite having some little labels interested and other stuff happening.
You will find more on YouTube and Beatport tho. Really old stuff. This is from 2009 for example.
Edit: As for the forums. Going to large forums is a really difficult approach, you basically have to make a name first, just like in any other forum. Comment a lot and get people to know you and remember your name, then your own posts gain more attention and people are more likely to comment on them and check them out.
Reddit is pretty big, maybe find a smaller one? I think I was lucky with TNFT back then. Everyone basically knew each other and most of the time even in person.
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It sounds really oldschool, but new at the same time haha, It sounds great though, for what you're saying I supose you're not producing anymore, right? If that's the case it's really a shame, because your songs sounds great! both the piano solos and the chill ones :)
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Yeah, I don't produce anymore. I've done a lot of stuff for myself collecting up to 1000 projects for FL but I never finished any of them.
Now that I have a new PC I haven't even download FL again, as soon as I gain more motivation and creativity I will try it out again, thanks for the nice words tho!
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If you ever need inspiration, just believe in why you started producing, if it was becaus eof a good cause then you'll easily get inspired.
What I would recommend you is to listen to a lot of music, not only electronic or classical music, but to rock, pop, electronic, blues, any music in general, that might give you ideas to what you would want to produce.
When I'm not finding any inspiration to produce, that's what I do. Also, go out from time to time, with out I mean to a park, to go and see a movie, to a forest, to anywhere. Seeing places also can give you ideas.
Anyways, thanks again for the tips, I'm looking forward to use more VSTs :)
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Yeah, I listen to metal, rap, pop, house, future, jazz, classic, jersey club etc. etc.
Hit me up when you tried the new VSTs out! They seem difficult to get into at first, but after a while you gonna appreciate the sounds they can make. SynthPlant is also really nice as it doesn't use a normal UI for oscillators but a... Plant. :D
Edit: Let's not make this about me, this is your thread. :)
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[EDIT 3 : We're almost at 600 plays on SoundCloud, in less than 1 DAY! I'm deeply thankful with all of you, thank you]
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Some good stuff there-- keep it up and follow your passion! =)
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I listened to some old stuff and I figured something else out that might help you! Enter remix contests!
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I've tried remixing songs once, but it didn't felt good, but I've tried to remix more songs lately and I hope I could make a playlist of remixes only in the future. Great idea! :D
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Yeah, remixing can be very difficult especially with vocals you don't know the key from. Get Melodyne! This VST is magic. You can't only pitch correct with it but also extract MIDIs from songs to alter melodies for remixes or see what the melody of the vocals is.
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Thanks for the advice! I'll check it out right now :)
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I've seen the video and the dude has good points, but this is the way I see it like this:
I need time to do music
School's in the middle of it
I need to get rid of school without dropping off so I can have time to have knowledge AND time to produce
I need the paper that states that I've finished school to eat and live anyways
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At least you're dropping off of Uniersity, it would be far worse if you were dropping off of High School haha
But jokes aside, everyone can choose whether if they want extra knowledge or not, and anyways you already have enough knowledge to get in University.
I'm from Mexico and the quality in schools is crap here too, but here the best jobs demand having at least Preparatory school finished, that's why I'm getting into it, and either way, my parents would be mad as hell if I don't enter haha
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Live to the fullest, don't let your dreams be controlled by someone or something but YOU :)
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[EDIT 5 : We're over 650+ plays on SoundCloud, in less than 1 HOUR! I can't express in words how grateful I am with you, just Thank You :) ]
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I would like to thank each and every one of you, This single post has made me the happiest dude in the world, all the nice words and tips, it's just amazing (Not to mention that thanks to this post I've sold 2 copies of my latest album and also got over 650+ plays on Soundcloud!)
If you're reading this, I would like to thank you for your kind words, it has made my whole week a lot better.
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[EDIT 6 : We're over Subscribers on SoundCloud! I seriously can't express in words how grateful I am with you guys, just Thank You :) ]
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[UPDATE 7: 200 plays in one single day! This is a new personal record for me! I'm so thankful right now!]
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[UPDATE 7: 200 plays in one single day! This is a new personal record for me! I'm so thankful right now!]
Hi SteamGifts community!
My name is Ari, I'm a Mexican music producer and also a Gamer! Recently I've had a lot of good days, for example:
I got to admit it, I wouldn't be nothing without SteamGifts, let me explain:
I produce Electronic/Hip-Hop music and I use my giveaways here to promote my music. If you've followed me since my beginnings you know that I LOVE to give away stuff, and what puts a smile on my face is giving away stuff that I've made, and even better when someone enjoys my works!
I give my music away for free because I don't do music because of the money, not even for being popular, I do it because that's what I love, and this is my message to you: Don't let your vision to be distorted by someone or something, let money come when you do your work, money is best won when you don't think to do your work to get money.
Ever since I started promoting my music here I've received nothing but nice words, it's either because of the giveaways or because of my music, and that's just amazing to think about: someone somewhere is enjoying something that I've made! It's just mind blowing to think that there's people all over the world that listens to my music, and that enjoys my giveaways.
I'm in debt with this site and all of the users who keep it up and running, just... thank you!
I will leave links to my work if someone wants to listen to my music, I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy this site!
Listen and download for FREE on Soundcloud:
Listen on YouTube:
Follow me on Twitter:
Donate on BandCamp (This is completely OPTIONAL, you don't have to buy my tracks, this is just if you want to donate to my message to the world):
If you've got to the end of this discussion, don't worry, the giveaways will start in 12:00 a.m. CES, but you can enter in my profile to see the upcoming giveaways!
Also, I know it's been a long text, but hey, don't think that it's just a simple "Thank you" text, here's some Steam Keys for you ninjas ;)
Soul Gambler:
Mechanic Escape:
Fearless Fantasy:
Savant - Ascent:
If you want to ask me anything, you can do it in the comments section! I'll answer to each and every question!
Thank you SteamGifts, just... Thank you :)
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