Thanking is calling out now? I didn't see a guy with "Open letter to David Sariff" got suspended.
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Obviously sarcastic "thanking" coming out of being butthurn, Calling out disguised as this "thanking" just to prove what a smartass you are and how you're able to go around the rules won't save you from suspension/ The same way as "clever" disguising begging as "just asking" will still get you suspended for begging :>
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Why do people constantly call me rude and butthurt when it's just the way I am?
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What if I say that user X scammed me or were a jerk to me when they gave me a game I won? I make a thread complaining about X and then everyone starts hating him. But I was lying about the whole encounter with X. What would be the consequences? It sucks for X because he can't clear his name and the situation creates more drama in the community.
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Hmm, interesting. I dislike mentioning anyone by username as they can be back traced and then people might contact them with angry messages. I don't think your statement that band users won't be taken seriously, because there's a range of opinions in this thread about the OP.
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Are you implying I dislike Dayduless?..
Are you insulting my love?!
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I can think you're an idiot the same way that I san think you're breaking the rules. And that's fine in both cases - as long as in both of them I don't start creating publicly avaiable topics.
Think of this that way - no-calling-out rule is not only to avoid witchhunts (it's only one of the reasons) but also because we do not support public shaming. And both "Sighery is a rulebreaker" and "Sighery is a stupid idiot" is public shaming.
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yes, that's YOU! everyone doesn't think like you. I know a few people here that would be offended from being called out. You can say they are weak and needs to stop crying, but that doesn't change the fact that the world doesn't revolved around you and they don't think like you.
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I don't know. On other forums I've been on I've seen people make "call out threads" when the tilte of the thread would mention someone by name, and then the op would tell them what beef they have with them very much like this thread. Sometimes the threads would even be titled "Calling out UraniumFalconPuch" or equivalent.
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Those are on other forums though. They have different rules.
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Thanks. Do some giveaways now, we need to check it.
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I told about a possibility, I didn't told whether they "should" or "should not".
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no, you called him/her stupid for not doing the things the way you would, so you clearly intended to tell him/her what to do. And also were rude about it. And are still rude plus "smartass" about it now. You fully deserve what you got from GA creator and fully deserve all you will got from this thread.
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So I'm like the only one here who would ask a reroll for a regifter?..
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no, you're the only one that would insult a new member for not reroling instead of calmly explaining the rules. Maybe he didn't know, maybe he doesn't care (then you may simply report regifter yourself) - none of this gives you right to insult other member. You didn't get blacklisted by GA creator and all people in this topic for telling GA creator he could request a reroll. You got blacklisted for being rude aboput it, calling names etc.
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calling out and ridiculling other member not because (s)he broke the rules but because you're butthurt that (s)he for example didn't create it level required so you'd have a bigger chance to win? You sir are not only a rulebreaker but also entitled little brat and you deserve your coming suspension as well as all blacklists you just got yourself onto :>
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^^^ If you're going to break the rules and call out, especially don't do it to someone who contributed an excellent giveaway and didn't try to break the rules themselves. What a prick.
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this - plus the fact that it's a brand new member, just registered 4 days ago contributing non-fake preorder or high-anticipated AAA game, so exactly the reason we have no-calling-out rule - not to disenchourage new users that can potentially become awesome contributors in close future.
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Yeah, but it wasn't necessary to be a smartass about it. Simply explaining how to check a winner and how rerolls work would have been good enough.
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still it's not the reason to call a new member (registered 1 day before sending GA) stupid - he could calmly explain how SG rules work instead - probably wouldn't get blacklisted then. And surely it's not the reason to create a publiuc-shaming topic for this new member who didn't even break any rules.
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Preorders won't show up in library until game release.
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OP got butthurt that a new community member, potentialy a great contributor (starting his/her first day for example with non-fake Fallout 4 GA) blacklisted him for calling him/her an stupid for giving GA to regifter (as it was on his/her 1st day on SG he/she probably didn't even knew how to check, but instead of explaining calmly he went with calling him/her names so in the end got blacklisted). He is also butthurt that he/she doesn't create level restriction to high-quality GAs (preferably lvl 6 restriction so OP could still enter but would have uch higher chances). He is also also butthurt for mentioned blacklist, and for being called sellfish.
So out of all his butthurt he decided to get even more butthurt by getting into hundreds of other blacklists and getting suspended. because if you're already butthurt you may as well go all the way in the level of butthurt.
Also butthurt. Because I didn't say butthurt nearly enough times in this post :D:
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I thanked a girl and suddenly everyone loses their minds everyone thinks I'm butthurt, rude and calling out.
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Anyways I blacklisted that user who did not activate his wins, but there is another user who won Fallout 4, and that game won't show in library, so some ppl may wrongly accuse him too of not activating or even report(and he has all other wins activated, so no reason not to activate) because of your calling out.
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thankeddumped a bucket of sarcastic snark on a girl and suddenly everyone thinks I'm butthurt, rude and calling out.
Fixed that for you
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Shit. You got me. Yes, I'm actually a horse in real life.
Well, there goes that little secret I suppose
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I love the big yellow things,but i am not a fan of that thing with the big teeth.
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I use a different set a rules. Everyone on the internet is exactly who he/she says he/she is.
I met a Space Marine from Space Wolfs chapter yesterday. Glory to the Emperor!
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Is your throne golden because if it's not, it looks like a heresy?
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And what clue may this be? As even the clue can be wrong
As you can grow boobs even if your a male and so on....
You just never really know,but i know one thing this is the internet and everything is truth,wait the cake is still a lie,but it is so delicious.
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if you're actually gonna play it.
Hehe. Thanks for Exists in account!
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Don't call out. And the way I see it, you were the one in the wrong... That insult in the end certainly wasn't necessary.
Personally, I would have done the same in that situation.
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What told you I did not create a "support" ticket?
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real life problem bro. whitelisted you because i feel you.
lucky me that I did not find people like that so far.
i think nothing here is more unfair than cut down CV from users...
this is why there's crappy games everywhere. :(
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I really hope this thread is closed pretty soon and that the OP is banned, because he deserves it.
Calling out two people at once, while also being wrong, is why calling out is ruled out in the first place.
The winner of Dayduless' GA probably activated the win, but the Fallout 4 doesn't show up in the library, even if you have it. So now the guy who won that is getting blacklisted and reported for nothing and support has to deal with a bunch of unjustified tickets. All because one person was too butthurt, to even get his facts straight, before crying out in the public.
Anyway, I've created a ticket about this thread and hope that it will be closed, before this spiral of hate towards innocent users unwinds even more.
EDIT: Aaand it's over.
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naah, he was talking about other GA that got actually won by a regifter, still it does not give him the right to 1) calling new member Dayduless stupid instead of calmly explining site rules, 2) creating a public shaming topic because he got blacklisted by Dayduless.
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This isn't about "banning this person instead of this one". Everyone who breaks the rule deserves a ban, which means that regifters and OP both deserve a ban.
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Of course he does. Rules are rules.
I'm not the one to decide the degree of the punishment and I also doubt the support would get to such desperate measures in preventing regifting, however, the permabans come often (when the 'crime' is repeated), as far as I've noticed
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Why are you treating someone who gave away a 50£ game when they just joined like shit because someone didn't activate it?
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"). Also, congratz on 7k entries :3Gifts sent: 0
"I will love you forever
!"forever" here means untill I'll have a dinner or something
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