We will see how "fair" is this if you ever want to emigrate to another country. Or at least to travel. I hope you would be glad to lose all your library.
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Good for you not having plans to emigrate. But, you know, you are not the only one. There are many people who plan to. And they would be very disappointed to lose whole game library.
As for "offline mode" in travels... you know, there is such thing as online games...
Yes, this is not a problem to everyone. But I would not call it "fair".
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I agree with this. I know several people who moved to America from other countries. In fact, my late wife was Australian. It is a fact that people do on occasion move. So, no...I wouldn't label this as fair. Though, I wonder if someone contacted STEAM and provided proof that they were living in one country, and are now a resident of another, if they would switch regions?
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Valve used to have my account set to "China" because I first made it while here. I told them I am not Chinese and they set it to my home country, USA.
If you move, Valve support can change your account region (provide proof of residency).
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Valve can and will change the region of your account if you move. Valve won't change region of your cheaply bought locked games if you move. All they will do is delete them from your account if you ask, so you may buy new ones for your new region.
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Yep, my games are all ROW/USA, so the only issue i have now really outside of the US is with MMO type games that I care nothing about, but have some dlc or whatever, and they show up in my library when my vpn is on. It would be more of a concern from someone from Russia or w/e like you said when all of thieir 90% discounted games got locked. It would probably be more logical/easier to start a new Steam account rather than have support delete them all in that situation.
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Honest people must not suffer because of liars, I believe.
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I don't like traders. I don't mind if gifts from Russia won't activate in any other country. Why can't they fix it? But, if I bought a game in my country I wont to play it if I change country. Is that too much?
And, regional pricing not that fair. If there was no regional pricing there would not be the problem with traders, you know...
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If there was no regional pricing, people from less powerful countries e.g most Asia and Africa ad Rusia would not buy games as many as they're now on Steam.
Business perspective. The reason why it's happening is because it's the correct strategy nowadays. Many of the customers affected by regional pricing DO like it.
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Wrong. If there was no regional pricing people from more powerful countries e.g. USA and Europe would buy much more games. Because, you know, if developer still have enough profit from the lowest regional price - it means this is what price should be, and now games for USA etc. greatly overpriced. The only reason for regional pricing is to get MORE money. It's business.
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You still not understand what I write. People who affected by regional pricing - is the people who have maximal price - it's USA and Europe citizens. Did any of them like regional pricing, as you said above? Did you even read what I said?
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People in Africa pay the same as people from the USA.
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People in ex-Yugoslavia also have to pay full Euro prices even though average sallary is 200-250 euros. Russia gets low prices because of how big the country is and rampant piracy so they can at least compete with warez shops.
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So russians are guilty, not people who was buing games from russians?
It's like to say drug takers aren't guilty, but only drug dealers are.
People don't buy, russians don't sell, right?
Or may be you're jealous. So now you can sleep with smile, right? =)
Or ma be you're just a troll?
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There's a reason why drug dealers are punished more severely than drug users. I don't know, use your own logic to comprehend? Or English too difficult for you?
Whether I'm jealous or not, doesn't matter, because at any rate, (Steam) business for Russians are gone. :)
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Ok, you can talk to me in armenian, if you wish.
And one more thing, i argued to you with drugs example. let it be alcohol, if you want, to ruin your argument.
Who is guilty if somebody will become alcoholic? Man who became drunk, or store where he go to buy alcohol?
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Becoming addicted to alcohol has never been a problem, as it is not against the law. Except if he becomes criminal when he goes attacking people after that.
Drinking when you're not matured enough as regulated by law is the problem.
Stores that selling alcohol to adults are also not the problem, selling to minor is a problem. I believe it's not allowed in where I live, dunno about other countries.
Any other questions?
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Not a problem? You're substituting the concept.
Alcohol is a drug, it's just legal, and you know why? because it's profitable for state to has legal drugs, not because alcohol better then lsd or weed. So we back to our situation. Not only russian traders are guilty, but buyers are too.
And your comment: "That's why Valve implemented regional pricing AND regional lock. Cuz of Russian Traders taking advantage right and left." just says about your envy and racism.
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Alcohol isn't a drug. Are you bloody ignorant or what? Or is your vocabulary too limited? So wtf. Go fix your English then we talk again. Unbelievable.
And indeed my statement WAS a fact. Valve even acknowledged it in a post. Learn again. Research again.
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Well, it seems that this got a little off topic, but for your information Ethanol (commonly called alcohol) is a drug, like for example the Nicotine and even Caffeine. The only difference is that they are mostly legal.
Don't know your definition of drugs and maybe you can write it here so we can discuss, but call someone "bloody ignorant" isn't very nice and even less when you don't have a real knowledge of the matter
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Yeah there are quite a few peeps that move countries & shit this would screw them up, I don't know what my plans for the future makes me question putting more money in steam if it can screw me over like this
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like i mentioned above i heard a couple of tales about people movign to another country and it looks like it's quite easy for Valve to change your region and you get to keep all your games, you just lose a bit of your Steam Wallet if you have any due to currency conversion fees
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valve also buys stuff in foreign countries, if it's cheaper. so does every other company. i live near the netherlands. people sometimes go there and buy stuff that's cheaper there. that is completely normal behaviour. it's not greedy, it's not illegal, it's smart. so tell me, why the fuck does valve think i am not allowed to do the same? and why do you think i should not do that? honestly, why do you even care what i do?
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Are you admitting to taking advantage of regional pricing and now being a bit pissy about how it is affecting you and your CV or trade rep/ability? You typed a lot of words, but what you said is basically from the standpoint of a bratty consumer not being allowed to be correct at checkout and trying to be a global business entity, yet just a single individual that pays taxes as such.. Economics my dear wannabe dark lord. Economics. And also, do you take your PC across the border to purchase these games? As you wish to provide that as a thing that happens with actual physical goods. It is whatever. Do you to the best you can and allow the hate to flow through you.
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You Blacklisted me from the one giveaway you did 2 years ago..
Good show young (dark lord) chap, good show.
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LoooL, (as if thats relevant for the topic) but no, not done that now, I have exactly 2 people on my blacklist, and you know the other one likely too well ;-)
Your comment battle in the one thread some weeks ago, let's say you both didn't behave too well ;-) and I didn't succeed/care to find the post showing who's started with the insults to get the "guilty" one
It's just as a marker (miss the SG+ tagging..) and totally unimportant, but hey I've removed ya, so you can check my GA description, it may be a bit funny ;-)
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And even with that, you still don't have a good argument to fight why companies can and do go to third world countries where labor is cheaper, but buying from that countries makes you a greedy bastard.
I really don't mind that you can't buy outside your region, it's an okish rule, but not playing outside oyur country? that's just plaing stupid, imagine if you bought games for a PS4 that would only work in 1 region where you bought them. Distribution goes to hell.
This rule is plain stupid, there's nothing to defend of it, you surely have to be an egoist motherfu*** to support it. There's people who'll be affected by this measure, good and honest people who are not taking advantage of anything or anyone.
People like you and zeroxx just shows no brain.
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You're funny lol. Reported for personal attack hahaha ^^ Dude why are you so mad about this?
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I have no interest in debating things with you. And I never asked for you to reply too me. How dare you insinuate I have no brains, when that is all I eat!
You peasant puppet, proliferating peoples profound pathetic perception of procedures to protest problems properly and without prejudice.
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oh, come on... don't give me that "but it's my opinion" bullshit. bring arguments (or react to mine) or live with being the most unimaginative troll on SG...
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It is a big deal for people like me. My work involves me having to spend time (upto 4 months + sometimes) in different countries and involves a lot of travel. Things like this would make it impossible for me to play certain games from my library for long stretches of period due to me being in a country where it is restricted.
Right now, I'm working in the Middle east, so its not that bad but if I get my nest posting in some country like Russia or Japan something, then I would guess restrictions like these would affect my library games.
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If someone wants to game while traveling instead of making the most out of their stay abroad, he really should think about his addiction. Real life and gaining experience in life should always be the highest priority and I think it's so so sad many gamers only care about their virtual "life".
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The longest stay I've been abroad was 1 year and I was pretty good without gaming :) If you make friends you can even go to their home and play, seriously.. And if you're stuck in a snowstorm without electricity in a lonely house in the mountains as I was in Iceland, there's always a good book to read. Just my 2 cents.
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I agree with you that there are better things to do than play your collection while traveling, and often times even while staying wherever you call home. I'm not overly concerned about the loss of the ability to play games while traveling, as you say there are plenty of things to do.
What concerns me is the principle behind it. If I bought the license to those games legitimately, I'd like to have the right to use them wherever I might find myself. Instead, because of the abuse of the system by a relative few the many must have the added restriction that you are buying a game that is to only be used in X region. I'd much prefer that purchase and activation methods became much more strict to try to weed out those who would abuse the system, and let the few who get through use their licensed games anywhere.
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You make good points here, since Steam we are not "owning" the games anymore, only licenses. It used to be better when we bought CDs in shops, activated them on our PC and had no problems / restrictions. The trading restriction is a good one, it's simply unfair and they should improve the activation process rather than adding this "playing in x country" thingy..
I just want to open some gamers eyes and tell them to forget about their games while being away from home :)
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I don't think it affects holiday people as much as people who have to travel to different countries for their work related stuff and end up spending a long time in different locations.
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What UncleLothar said was my point, too. Should the "seller" be the one restricting you?
Either way I think you see it a bit extreme though. You can still enjoy other places and play games. Maybe even play games with new people you will find.
Let everyone do it the way they have the most fun. I think no one would travel to just do what they do home anyway.
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"You make good points here, since Steam we are not "owning" the games anymore, only licenses. It used to be better when we bought CDs in shops, activated them on our PC and had no problems / restrictions."
Ah, I see in another comment you mention you are only 21. That explains your mistake here.
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That's one valid suggestion, but how would you set a price point? If it's anything less than the highest priced region's cost, then anyone from higher priced regions will just buy ROW making their regional market defunct. If ROW price = Most Expensive Region Price, then people will scream that "Country X gets copies that are not region locked, why aren't ours?" If ROW price is greater than any one region's price, then millions of people will complain that [Example] this western world country only has to pay a 20% premium to get ROW copies while we have to pay 200% [/example]
And if the ROW price is just each region's price + markup, then you're right back at the start. Buy cheap region ROW and trade to higher priced region.
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No thanks. If growing up means you lose the basic understanding of jokes and be offended by being called a casual then, no. People who don't understand the culture that is the internet and memes are called normalfags, you see. And by the looks of it, your views, logic and opinions of life moving on without games is just that -- a normalfag. Maybe you should look that up? You can keep your "grown" self. I don't want to be on your level nor be above it. I'll stick to my sad life of serious gaming.
And just in case, your normalfag-self does not understand what I am talking about I'll give it to you straight. For I. a pitiful internet/game dweller am scared that your normalfag-self be hurt. I wasn't insulting you. I was calling you a filthy casual. It is a coined term people call you when you do gaming (surprise!) CASUALLY. Meaning you turn it on, you play, you laugh, you finish the game, you forget about it. Weird unhappy and sad people like me aren't like you because for one thing, sad people like me are completionists and go for 100% or at least always try to on every single game. Perfection, achievement, attainment. But to you, that's just sad. I'm not even a grown up to you and also tagged as sad. So when Steam takes my library away when I immigrate, you want me... read a book and live life? Bich plx. Go tell a party animal to become a nun/priest and see life on the other side. They will react the same way I do. So again, keep your grown ass self. :)
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I'm wondering who's more offended, me or you? I don't care you call me casual, but don't use FILTHY in that sentence.
I have reasons for what I wrote, I've been sitting in a coach full of other tourists at the end of the world and I can't understand why some mid-20 guys thought it's more interesting to look down at their handhelds rather than outside to see the beauty of nature.
Do what you have to do, I will not stop you from perfection in games but I'm personally looking for perfection in life and that is a balance among work, going out with people, doing sports, playing instruments, developing stuff, exploring things, talking/discussing with people who have other opinions.. and gaming.
From my point of view, grown-ups don't tell some one to "GET THE FUCK OUT" and name them filthy. But I came across lots of gamers full of hate, only waiting for some "noob" to offend her/him. Maybe another reason why I don't want to become addicted and a "serious gamer".
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You cannot even understand what I am talking about nor do you try to. All you talk about and see is the beauty of "your" world. Every other world is sad for you, if not, just specifically mine, I get it. So I won't bother to explain anymore. In my opinion, you really are all grown up. You have the close-mindedness and the arrogance to go with it. In fact you perfectly nail it. Kudos. You didn't even try to understand what I was trying to point out to you. Google was made for ignorant people, you know.
Not only are you now labeling me as a sad person who lives in a sad world, now you're even calling me a person with the tendency to blow up and throw the word noob around. No. We call those as elitist gamers and they mostly are posers who try too hard and are frustrated with real life enough that they become total douche bags. I am not one of those. See what I mean? your ignorance of this side of my world is the reason I called you filthy casual. A normalfag. You put me in a category where I don't even belong to. I am what you would call a social justice warrior (SJW for short - yet another thing you probably do not know about). You didn't even get the whole joke at the beginning and went up to blow this up. A simple google search in the pictures section would have shut you up and maybe even made you laugh. As I've said, ignorance. With that, my "hate" for normalfags has been reinforced to epic proportions.
I personally respect that you have a great life and have chosen to live among the real people and are successful in leading a normal life. But you then go off and say you don't understand people who are "different". People who do not have your life or culture or even share your views. You don't see me going off about how I don't understand normalfags like you who condemn my way of life. You know why? Because I understand what you are talking about and I probably would have been a normalfag if I chose to. But I won't. So, again; You can keep your "grown" self. You ever think about how very unfair it is for people like me when you put 'addicted' and 'gamer' together? Why such a degrading remark? What about you? You're addicted to life and travel. What's so bad about that? NOTHING, right? Yet you seem to think it's bad for people to get addicted to gaming? NO. People who are already innately "bad" and messed up AND get addicted to gaming are bad.
Simple equation:
ALREADY BAD PERSON + Addicted to gaming = BAD = Might become serial killer, etc
NORMAL AWESOME PERSON + Addicted to gaming = Good addict = Endless possibilities for growth.
Blame the individual. Not the system they went into. You think the people who made a difference in human history/entertainment/etc, those directors/producers/writers/revolutionists, are normalfags like you? NO. They were/are addicted to their own field of joy and they got to a point where they made something out of it. Same goes for gaming. You ever ask what the creative director of Assassin's Creed was addicted to and the reason why they got into gaming? Because they are addicted to it. FML. I already started explaining. You know what. I don't care. I'm done. You win. You and your life are awesome. Have a good and prosperous one.
*I'm not even gonna read your response because I am afraid it will just be full of more normalfag ignorance again and I will be forced to respond. So again, you win. FML.
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"So I won't bother to explain anymore." - followed by half a book of endless explanations.
I'm sorry, I'm not that kind of person who wants to start a war or fight with words, but look how many people here are trying to disturb me, because of MY opinions. They should respect them too. I don't want to tell anyone how they should life their life, it just makes ME sad (I'm not saying anyones life is sad) bc they might miss something in life that they will regret when they are old. It's not so easy to climb up a mountain when your 80s-something-self is sitting in a wheelchair :(
I hope you read this comment even if you said you won't, because this is my apologize to you and all the others and I stop here for now. PS: girls are more emotional than boys, so pleeease everyone don't destroy my joy and fun I have with gaming, I have only come across a small percentage of nice people so far (my trades excluded, most of them were nice but it doesn't count) :(
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I was borderline trolling at the beginning anyway so I'm sorry, I guess I was just frustrated with all the comments and took it out on you. zeroxxx for example, is the type of person I truly hate. Not you. <3
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I'd like to see you playing cs:go in offline mode (not that I play it, but a lot people do).
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but you realize that cs:go is a multiplayer game. and that there are many more multiplayer games out there. and people might want to play them, actually...
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he may have used csgo as an example, but you answered in general for any games before that...
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you should try harder. trying to sell csgo as a singleplayer game is stupid, nothing more.
why do i even... don't feed...
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ok, i will explain it really slowly, so even you should understand: it is a multiplayer game with the option to practise versus bots. that means it is a multiplayer game. that means if you can't play it online, you can't play it as it is intended to be played. as 99% of the players usually play it. so, did you get it now? guess not.
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that doesn't change the fact that basically everybody wants to play it only online.
sigh... some people...
ok, now it's your turn again! come one, let's do this over and over and over and over and over again! woohoo!
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And that is not for you to decide. People do whatever they want with their time.
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Why do you currently live in a country/culture in which you have no interest and just sit there playing video games? It sounds like you SHOULD emigrate! ;)
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I'm not a hardcore gamer, I have many hobbies and several engagements besides games :) I'm even attending a weekly event of Couchsurfers in my town, so I'm talking to a lot of peeps with different cultures and background stories all the time :)) Maybe you live in a big city or something, but I explored my surroundings during my adolescence (now I'm 21) and there's not much I haven't seen :p
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i heard a couple of people say they notified Steam Support when they moved to another country and they changed their region without a hassle. all games playable but apparently you do lose a bit of your Steam Wallet if you have any due to conversion fees
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It doesn't always work so smoothly, largely depending on your origin and destination country and their regional restrictions. Some people have had games no longer work and Steam only offered to remove them from their library so they could be re-purchased at the destination. For MOST games this hasn't been an issue though, yet.
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To start with - I'm not from Russia. And, I would doubt that russia is so "great", at least in current state.
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I wouldn't say charging more or less to people for the some content seems all that fair either
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Well, if everyone in the world was compensated at exactly the same rate for their labor (some would consider this fair) I might agree with you. :D
As it is though, that's just a fundamental of the global economy.
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You should go starve to death in Africa too. Then I'd call it fair. <3
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Fair? How is it "fair" to lose access to a Library full of games you legitimately purchased just because you used to live in a different country? And how exactly does the fact that some people from the other side of the globe can buy games for a little less than you can affects you so much that you think it's not "fair"? Ever heard of purchasing power parity?
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Then the entirety of your posts is trash, as, judging by your profile, you're a trader as well. As a matter of fact, it only shows that you're "happy" that some regions are having their games locked, leaving more room for you to make a profit.
At any rate, it's been a long time since I last traded on a semi-regular basis - games here are more expensive than ever, in addition to the activation lock that was implemented months ago and severely inhibited cross-region trading. So much so, that a play-lock is completely overkill.
I wouldn't be bothered at all if this only affected gifts (believe it or not, I make money outside of Steam, in the real world), but the moment it affects my personal Library, that becomes a problem.
So by all means, do elaborate, instead of dismissing rebuttals to your petty little attitude by throwing ad hominem left and right.
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Stupid argument.
I am a dota trader. See my gametime in dota 2?
Besides, if regions are all locked, I am affected too. That simple logic you don't even understand?
I was saying fair, because of the locks. That puts me on 'rightful' side since you disagreed. Simply put, I was against my own profit.
Arguing with you who can't even comprehend that is wasting my time.
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"I'm a Dota trader"
Are you only that, now? There are some games listed with prices in your profile. And a ton of gifts in your inventory. I'm sure business will explode for you now that certain regions have restrictions. No wonder you're so giddy about this draconian new policy.
As for not being able to comprehend you, there's very little to comprehend from your posts, there's no logic whatsoever to what you're saying. Completely disjointed stuff.
The only "argument" you have used in this entire thread is that people who eventually move to other countries should be able to play in offline mode. Thus you display total lack of knowledge of how Steam works (play-lock games can't even be downloaded), and ignore the fact that several games are multiplayer-only.
I think it's high time you tuck tail and admit you were too eager to be "FIRST!!!" on the thread and ended up only saying nonsensical things.
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What fair means to you in this situation?!
Prices are different in every region and some have really high prices.
So they would trade gifts from cheaper regions to overcome that.
Deciding your economic status and generalizing the price for the whole region like that is not fair.
So yeah, there was a "fair" way to a "fair" price.
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The one starting the problem here was RU price, which was significantly lower than other regions.
The one deciding it was fair was not the customers. Has it ever been fair for people in EU? They have to pay with 1 USD = 1 EURO and with TAX even on lower income EU countries.
There was never a fair price to begin with.
But I know everyone paying 50 USD for single game e.g Tomb Raider will be fair. Everyone has to pay the same price, that's what I call ok.
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Damn, they're really cracking down on them traders
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Yeah, I can see where Valve is coming from, trying to stop people from getting games for super cheap. But at the same time, what happens when someone goes on vacation (like you said) and wants to play their games?!
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You are misunderstanding one thing, there are RU games, that have different ID than the ROW counterpart, and there are games that have the same ID as ROW games, but with new restriction still will be playable only in these regions, so if Valve support can change something, they can just lift that restriction and you will be able to play these games with ROW ID in the country you are moving in.
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Is this retroactive? I don't think so, I have a lot RU games and didn't happen for now.
Are any case that happen something like this? I don't listen to anyone. I suposse we just need to wait a little to see what Valve's do and happens in puntual cases like vacations and moving to another country.
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I'm curious if cracked game downloads raise because of this. If the Company doesnt want to serve the customers right they most likely wont pay for the game or wait until its on sale. I'm also curious if anybody thought of doing a petition somewhere about this let lord gaben know that he fucked up :D
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Yeah well....this puts the other drm services in a better light now......nobody of them do region lock like steam n stuff so im quite disappointed but everybody knew this is going to happen. I guess I just wont support singleplayer games in the future
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Shit. I just moved and after reading this will probably not convert my Store to the new country.
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you forget that ppl travel not only to tourist-focused places, to lie on the beach, to visit museums etc.
Just a few examples:
People travel for business. You go to different country just to meet with your business partners, sign a contract etc. Very often you will be travelling to the same country to the same city to meet with the same ppl - 1st, 2nd time - sure - you want to tour the city etc. 10th time you don't care anymore - just want to relax in hotel before flying back home, you take your laptop to play something and BANG - you're in different region, none of your games work.
There are many student-exchange programs, like ERASMUS - students that normally live in one country, go to study in another for 5-1`0 months. Same issue as above - first few days/weeks you may tour, meet new ppl, but after 2-3 months in same city you'd actually may wish to be able to play some of your games every now and then... but guess what - you can't.
Short-time emigration. It's common thing in countries with low wages to emigrate to richer western country for few months, work there, save money and then come back to your country and invest it into buying car, home etc. You leave your family, work your ass off, don't want to spend too much on going to clubs, tourism etc, so you can save as much as you can before going back, so you just want to use your free time somehow, without spending much. Hey! I can play my video games after work! Only you cannot.
Some jobs, for example let's say CISCO specialist - require you to travel a lot to clients - you go to location A, spend there a few weeks/months on implementation of security, then go to client B. You are switching your locations all the time , you never live in the same city/country for more than few months. So what? Every time you go to another country for another contract, you should rebuy all your games?
That's just a few examples - there are many more, as there are countless of ways person life may turn. Generalization like "you live in country A, if you go to B, just tour it and don't waste your time on games" is small-minded, as it will not apply to all people. It may apply to you, but you cannot require everyone to live by your standards.
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This is what I'm facing due to my work !
Thanks Zelghadis for saying what I wanted in the best possible way!
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Or you can redeem it and play it offline?
How the fuck is this fair, so lets say I have a games library, obtained directly from steam store from my country. And I decide to make a change in my life and move to another country, do I have to re-purchase all my fucking games!? this is even worst than ubisoft DRMs shit, I plan to move to another country once i finish my university this can not be i hope i am mistaken
I hope I am overreacting and this is not like a retro-active lock, seems like i will not buy anymore games until i move then just to be sure.
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I mean I dont care if they want to stop resellers but why you are going to fuck with your costumers like this?
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Well if you look at Steam prices during sales, even € prices are a big way better than the price of console games, the price of physical PC games, price of tons of online stores, etc Even with the € price which is most expensive, is still a lot cheaper, most of the times, buying games from Steam.
So new ppl who only get into Steam will see everything as cheap anyways. So Valve is not really fucking up their customers.
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I understand your point man, I will be angry if i live in like Australia and see all those games very cheap in other countries. But like I say, what about all those steam costumers that want to move to another country? hell what if you are going to vacations and you want to play the games that you paid for? thats what I mean.
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Please don't feed the zeroxxx troll, he's just spouting garbage to amuse himself. I'm with the majority of people here, I actually work overseas and move often, so this will basically keep me from buying more games on Steam if it keeps me from playing games in different regions.
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Welcome to a world where unregulated, greedy corporations dictate rules.
American businesses spend 1.8 TRILLION dollars every year just to comply with regulations.
That's 15% of all the wealth being created by the country going to waste with overwhelmingly unnecessary red tape.
The size of regulatory legislation is around 200 THOUSAND pages, and that is federal regulations alone.
If anything, the fair assessment would be: "Welcome to a world where state regulation of the economy is so overwhelmingly large and stifling that the only reason people won't revolt is the even larger mind-boggling efficiency with which markets create wealth nowadays."
Furthermore, this socialist/statist argument is so shallow anyone with an ounce of common sense can see through it: in a free economy, all transactions are voluntary, and any business or individual being greedy cannot negatively affect me, or anyone, at all; only themselves, by putting them out of business.
If the Starbucks down the street sells way overpriced coffee, this cannot impact me in any way, as I will only pay their price if I prefer to have a cup of coffee rather than X bucks at the moment of the transaction.
If people happen to continue giving their money to Starbucks--or any other business--voluntarily, year after year; this is because they are in fact providing what people at large regard as a good deal.
No matter what I, in my totalitarian arrogance, think about hispter coffee and its lack of value, people know what is best for them.
In a free economy, businesses that succeed are those that provide the best value for their products, as judged by the people with their wallets by continually bringing their money to them and voluntarily trading, year after year.
If I open a pizza place and charge 200 bucks for the pizza and it's just regular cheap shoddy pizza, I will readily go out of business. Greed would be no good to me.
Any business that charges more for its products than what people at large are willing pay is doomed.
No amount of wealth makes them any more powerful in a free economy. (Ooh, I had better buy this iPad, those guys have billions of dollars!)
Greed does not pay, at all, in a free economy.
Being capable, dedicated, obstinate, knowing what people want and GIVING IT TO THEM, is what makes you rich in a free economy.
http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/03/red-tape-rising-regulation-in-the-obama-era (this is 2009, mind you; things much worse now!)
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The problem with your argument is that there are millions of places to get coffee or pizza. When it comes to cable tv, internet, mobile, and gaming the choices become much much narrower (at least in the U.S.). Monopolies contradict the idea of a free economy because if there is no alternative business for you to turn to then practically speaking you are not free to choose. Furthermore when our government officials are underhandedly working with and bought off by corporations to form or maintain monopolies or give other legislative advantages to special interest groups or businesses, it is no longer a free economy.
Steam is virtually a monopoly. No other pc platform has anywhere near the number of games that Steam does. Most people won't even buy a game unless it's on Steam. Uplay is a joke. Desura doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Origin is looking up but it still pales in comparison to Steam when it comes to games and it's also owned by EA, the guys who would make Valve look like boy scouts if they ever got to be as huge as Steam.
So to imply that we can just drop Steam altogether if we're not satisified when there's not much of an alternative is really wishful thinking. It'd be like telling all the people who hate their ISPs and have no alternative broadband options to just go without internet. It ain't realistic.
If you think greed doesn't pay in America, think again. It's been paying pretty well for many companies.
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and because of some stupid fucks you know, you are happy that all of us are more and more restricted on steam now? you and your "friends" are not the only people in the world...
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I wonder what ppl who win region restricted gifts here will think now, because technically they can add the game to library, but not play it, and since lots of ppl don't ask questions, they'll just add region restricted games to their account and mark as received, instead of asking on the forums at least about what to do.
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Practically everyone knows they should not be, I wasn't saying anything about that, I just say that some ppl won't care or won't know and will make region restricted giveaways anyways, and the ones who will win it may not correctly deal with a situation like that.
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I practically don't trade for Steam gifts nowadays, because giving keys becomes expensive, but if you get a RU tagged game and they decide to retro lock it, this means bye bye your game, I saw ppl getting Dying Light RU, Witcher 3 RU, etc. very risky.
I don't remember having any RU tagged games, because if I got games from Russian traders then I got ROW games, no things like Borderlands 2 RU or Naruto RU, etc, I always avoided this.
But you should not worry about ROW games that you got from Russian traders in the past, there won't be any restriction on them, it only applies to newly bought games. And about games like Torchlight 2 RU if there wasn't any restriction for years of "where be able to play it", it's unlikely the will put any.
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This change has nothing to do with RU tagged games, region tagged games are another story and most of the times get retrolock if publisher/dev decides to do it, for old games like Torchlight 2, very unlikely that gonna happen, for new games like The Witcher 3 or Dying Light, better not risking.
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That is actually pretty interesting ...
(Insert cat gif here)
Really tho , i know few guys who sell region locked games for a living ... like literally ... that will be bad news for them for sure.
Tho the whole region lock sh1t that Volvo put is pretty bullsh1t if you ask me ...
i h8 how they convert 1$ to 1Eu ... even in EU2 Regions ... when i live with like 300$ a month ( if not less ) and they ask me 30Eu for a game ... thats kinda ridiculous to say the least ...
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"i h8 how they convert 1$ to 1Eu ... even in EU2 Regions ... when i live with like 300$ a month ( if not less ) and they ask me 30Eu for a game ... thats kinda ridiculous to say the least ..."
i've seen this a couple of times here already but never understood the point...so because you happen to live in a country with lower average salary than others all things should be cheaper in your country? im not talking about food or other things required to live
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then they should change the whole eu1 and eu2 system and make prices for each country individually..because the average salary/wage whatever you call it differs so much even in the same eu1 or eu2 system whatever
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This is not new, the notice window may be new. I have been "out of my region" for years and have seen this behavior in the Steam client before. Your games that are not of your current region (based upon current IP) won't even appear in your library.
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this is new. before that, you could activate a game with VPN and play anywhere (as long as it didn't have a hard region lock with onlyallowrunincountries tag). now you can't do that anymore. now every russian/brazilian/whatever game will have play-lock.
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That is exactly what this is. "onlyallowrunincountries tag" is just the default behavior now then, and perhaps not optional.
As per my original post, I for the past few years could in fact NOT activate a game from the wrong region and then be able to play it in my current one without VPN on. The error has been exactly the same as show in the picture labeled "update from reddit" in OP.
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well, then you tried it with region locked games. there were only a few games (mostly AAA titles, and not all of them) that had the onlyallowrunincountries tag. every other game was playable without problems. now, as you said correctly, onlyallowrunincountries is the standard behaviour for all cheap countries.
for me this doesn't change too much, since i am not willing to use VPN all the time and risk my account anyway. so for me trading is half-way dead since december. and i am also still pretty pissed about it since december. ;)
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Gabe Newell is literally worse than Adolf Hitler now. I paid good pocket change and broke the ToS, I should be able to do whatever I want with my Russian bought games! We should boycott Steam. #gamergate
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Picked up a few new Blurays today, but if you insist.
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Watch out, you might cut yourself on that edge brah.
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Ain't bait mate, I'm a gamer and this is how I really feel.
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Ugh, why Steam, just why are you being so cruel D:.
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Not all countries are region restricted now. As far as I know, only CIS, Asian and South American countries have been region restricted.
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Other countries that still using US $ as their Steam store curency.
That is not true, for CIS region (Belarus, Ukraine etc) use US$ and get the restrictions.
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I'm not sure if I understand this correctly.
Let's say Borat from Kazakhstan bought all his games directly from steam. Then he decides to move to the US for his new job.
Does he have to rebuy his steam library from US Steam Store to play them in the US?
On the other hand, Cletus from US had to go to Kazakhstan for a new job. He won't have to rebuy the games he bought from US Steam Store to play them from Kazakhstan right?
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No. He just needs to show steam a pic of him chilling with the American warlord; George H.W. Bush.
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Borat - yup, rebuy. I moved to UK for a year to study, Steam changed my account to pounds without asking, I moved back, now I have pound/euro account that displays prices in euros, demands payment in pounds, and locks up the moment I try to buy anything. Steam support refused to help since "I move too much" (once every 14 months is too much? what?) and I literally had to create alt account to just buy games where I lived for 30 years :|
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wow, this is really fucked up. i really wonder why cases like this never show up on any websites/magazines. valve obviously isn't interested in treating their customers any better than they do now. the only way to get them to not do shit like this, is to hurt their image significantly. but no matter how many bad stories like this i read in forums, i never read them on websites that actually matter.
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Steam used to allow region change because there have been people moving overseas to work or study. Seems they've taken a few steps back again.
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Nope, steam support only can remove region locked subscriptions. And you need to buy them again.
And there is no way to change store region to US\EU. So... There is no new giveaways from me on all sites.
Hello, Daniel.
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
We are currently unable to assist you in your preferred language. In the meantime, we will continue to support you in English.
Your Steam account's currency is correct. We will be unable to change it.
Prices in the Steam Store are set on a region by region basis. The price and currency displayed are the set prices for those games and items based on your location.
Steam is always working to implement as many local currencies and payment methods as possible.
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Glad they finally added in the VPN/proxy notice. It's not the end of all cross-region trading though. Fortunately Germany and AU can still trade for uncensored versions.
Maybe now people will get the idea of DRM-Free and places like GOG better. It's hard for some to view Steam as DRM until it starts blocking you out of content/features.
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Seeing they already dragged a lot of companies into pointless scam attempt both on hardware (steam boxes and their abysmal sales last year) and software (steam os, what do you mean people need drivers?) side driving prices up for 99% of steam customers that have zero need or want for either, well...
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Are you so naive that you think Valve can be pressured into anything? Why would they even need to be pressured? Gaben loves the $$$. People really need to get over this "Gaben/Valve is our friend" bullshit. they're a corporation, all they do is for money, if there's a way to make more money they will use it. Hence the crackdown on trading with the region locks.
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Do tell, any other digital distribution platforms around as large or larger than Steam that DONT also offer Steam keys? Trying to force Valve to do anything would equal shooting yourself in the foot in terms of sales. The sad truth is most people simply like as many of their games as possible in the same place, so for many games, if it's not on steam, a good chunk of customers will be lost. The only games that can arguably escape this issue, are games from large already established franchises and even then there will probably still be people who won't buy simply because it's not on Steam so there's still a loss of sales..Again why would you even think Valve would be against this move and need to be pressured into it? You think they don't want more money? :)
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It goes both ways. On the other hand, there are resellers, traders and the end users who would not hesitate to exploit the market in order to make profit or save a few dollars. Blame the real culprits.
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So what does that have to do with what i said? All i said was that this is Valve's way of raising profits and there was no pressure required from "the big bad publishers" that people like to blame all the time. It also does not change the fact that they're increasing their profit by taking traders out of the picture. we can argue all day about how people exploited the system, to which i'd reply that Valve is also at fault because they set unfair prices for certain regions which only encouraged people to seek out traders even more.
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Because you are antagonizing Valve as if they just decided to screw the users for no reason other than profit. I am not interested in arguing about how or why people exploit the system, all that matters is there are people who did, and others are to pay.
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Just because Valve more or less has a monopoly, doesn't mean they're not under pressure. Their profits will drop when the monopoly breaks.
Other publishers (Ubi, EA, Trion) are coming up with their own distribution channels, other distributors are coming up with their one-stop-client (GoG). And I'm wondering why ActiBlizzard haven't moved the CoD series over to Battle.NET yet. That's stuff that wouldn't happen if thsoe publishers agreed to Valve's policies all the time.
And those are a potential threat to the monopoly, where the way to maintain a monopoly is to stamp out such threats at the earliest opportunity.
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Coming up with their own platforms? U(can't)play and Origin have been around for many years. Origin is doing well i guess but only because it's actually a decent platform and it's given out a LOT of new games trying to draw in customers, but it only sells EA games so it will always draw only a limited crowd and there are still many EA games being sold on Steam and i think that most people only buy games that are Origin only on it anyway. I for one just don't buy EA games anymore if i can't have them on steam, i dislike having to deal with a second platform just for a couple of games. ActiBlizzard have not moved CoD off Steam because they're not stupid and understand the financial downside in doing so, Battlenet is a platform for Blizzard's games, not Activision games anyway. Ubisoft will never move it's game off Steam because they know people hate their platform and they will never manage to change that opinion. Trion's Glyph sells what exactly? It's just a glorified downloader for it's F2P games, which are still on Steam anyway. Yes, GOG Galaxy might actually put a dent in Valve's profits as, besides the great selection of old games it will also offer many, in some cases very popular, new games, but it remains to be seen exactly how big it will become over time,
And again i will return to the point i was trying to make above, there would have been no need to pressure Valve into anything, This move makes them MORE MONEY, why would they not want to make it? It kills off most of the trading, coupled with the previous changes so it only increases their profits.
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It's all part of the sanctions against Putin. He's a big time gamer, I think I've played Day of Defeat with him a few times.
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I moved from Hungary (EU2) country to the UK around 7-8 months ago. I took my Steam account with EU2 bought games (like Skyrim, it even says it when I check it on my account) and asked Steam support to change my currency to GBP. They gladly did as soon as I provided a certificate from my Uni. that I indeed live and study in the UK now.
No removed/restricted games here, everything is playable and Steam Support was fast and helpful with changing regions.
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Ya you just moved from one RoW region to another so I doubt there would be a big fuss. This is more of a problem for folks who moved from SEA/CIS/SA to another region.
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It shouldnt be. Customers have an agreement with valve with their previous purchase. And this one isn't included in the agreement. If they change it, a lawsuit is in order. Yeah one guy suing valve won't mean much to them. but a million people, it's gonna kill valve.
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erm, it actually happened in the past you know? That they retroactively changed region restrictions for preorders just before or just after launch - There's been many cases like this, for example COD Ghost, Rome 2, South Park and probably many more I now forgot about ;p
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You a victim of this? Never had any experience with such. And if I do, I would have explored my options. You should too.
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You know what would happen if you went to court after Valve with that issue?
"Your account broke TOS, so we closed it, here's your 10 TF2 keys you traded for that game, of course they are on your closed account"... And after long battle they would agree to give you offline access to your games...
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You're thinking small buddy. Think big. Like I said, explore your options. Taking legal actions doesn't necessarily translate to getting access to my games. That's a very small picture. Figure it out!
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You're with the steam account again. You're thinking really small. And Russian economy? It's global scale. Not just a particular region. Try again.
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Actually it's all games. Every single one on the store. Doesn't matter if the SUB is ROW or not. if it's bought on one of the cheaper regions, it will be both locked on activation and at a run-time level.
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I believe us Canadians have the best prices atm (+10% U.S. price where the currency is 1$ US = ~1.28$ CAD atm), so you can always ask a Canuck on your friend's list to buy your games if you are looking for cheap RoW.
Those who are in region locked countries, I feel your pain and best of luck. Hopefully Valve will see the error of their ways but considering their track record, I doubt it.
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Yup, Canada is for sure the best price for all unrestricted gifts!
It's no Russian prices but a discount's a discount :)
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Well, a friend just show me this
Looks like now every game will be regional locked not even to activate but to play also
Update from reddit: http://i.imgur.com/fSPEqfT.jpg
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