Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes bundled 6 times
Deponia Bundled 7 times
The Whispered World Special Edition bundled 2 times
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav bundled 2 times
A New Beginning - Final Cut bundled 5 times
The Night of the Rabbit bundled 2 times
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout 2 times
Chaos on Deponia not bundled
Goodbye Deponia not bundled
Memoria not bundled
So the majority of them have been bundled already, also could have sworn the other 2 Deponia games were bundled too.
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Even if you bought the game before it was bundled, if you gave it away after it was added to the bundle list you don't get full points for it.
And it also doesn't matter if you bought it on steam or indigala or bundle stars or any other website. It would be impossible for the site to know that when you gave the bundle that it was actually from your steam inventory. For example, if I made a giveaway for it and had it sitting in my inventory, but instead gave all individual keys for the games to the winner that I got for far cheaper then the single bundle in my inventory, steamgifts doesn't know the difference. It can't tell the difference. It will see the games in the library match up with what was in the bundle, so it thinks the steam bundle was given.
Now do that a dozen times and you get full price for the bundles but in reality you only spent pennies for the games.
Just live with it, and keep giving away games and keep getting that warm feeling in your heart. And if you think this has not happened before well got news for ya, it has. Retroactive adding will continue to happen. I gave away Serious Sam 3 BFE Gold and it was retroactively added to the bundle list because it hit 96% off before I had bought it at 90% off which I had not known about. I was miffed about it, but said oh well and kept on giving away stuff both bundled and unbundled.
I knew stuff like that could happen. If having stuff retroactively added to the bundle list or having a bundle on steam added to the bundle list because the majority of the games have been bundled is too much for you to handle, maybe giving away stuff is not for you.
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Probably because almost every game in it is bundled, so it got added to the list to avoid people exploiting this by buying the 2 non bundled games and getting bundle keys for the others
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I thought they did it only if all games were in a bundle?
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I thought too, but it looks like it's not the case.
Maybe if the total of the lowest historical prices for the non bundled games in the package is equivalent to a 95% or more discount on the whole package, it is considered bundled ?
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Yes, everyone is affected but you still get at least 9$ more CV than what you paid for depending on your region. And the 95% rule isn't really set in stone anywhere (as it's not mentioned anywhere in the FAQ/guideline and so on - it's just something that people know). If people try to constantly screw the system with a certain game, it will be added to the list eventually - it's just as simple as that. Until russian CV is differentiated from the rest, you can probably expect this to happen occasionally. If Daedalic games can't be given away anymore for a ludicrous amount of CV, I'm sure something else will be found eventually.
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There are games that haven't been bundled in there, so of course that is not the case. I already linked this just a bit lower on this page. It's the exact same scenario, exact same complaints as when Silent Hill Homecoming got added to the list. The only difference is that this time it was due to the discount on the russian store, not on a brazillian one.
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Ah right, I forgot the converted price on other stores was used too
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No, I'm well aware of that. Clearly we have different views, so I'm not gonna bother arguing, but I would just recommend you to buy the games for yourself instead of "investing in levels", if that's all you're trying to do. You'll end up spending less money and buy the games you actually want, instead of hoping you'd win something good with hundreds/thousands of entries.
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I'm not the owner of the site, but without region giveaways there was tons of issues about region locks from winners and people who can't create giveaways because the live in these regions, so it was introduced to make site better.
But thing is that $100 pack at 90% offer cost 4.85€ in Russia, in Europe you spend that money normally to buy a game an get $20 CV, in Russia you get 5x times more, fair? nope, and it's not like people are poor in Russia, nope they're not, even in Latin America has higher prices and people have much less salary there. And even with Russian or other CIS countries typical salary comparing to typical European salary is not the same spending 4,85€ into this pack than spending 16€ like it cost here.
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There is one person who adds to the bundle list, so it takes time because they are doing it in their spare time. Everyone who works on this site does it in their spare time. It can take a while to get a new game thats in a bundle added to the bundle list because of the above fact.
And you shouldn't be giving away to get CV, you should be giving away games because it makes you feel good. If you are not going to be giving away games for a while because your CV dropped, thats just sad and I'm sure many will add you to their blacklists just because you said that so could be a while before you actually win anything either.
Also take into consideration that over time prices of steam games drop and the site uses the current price of the game, not what it was when it was put up for a giveaway.
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That site updates once per day.
My bad, it actually updates 4 times a day now. Haven't checked it in some time, sorry.
Cached Bundle list auto-updates itself every 6 hours starting at 3:00AM GMT (3am, 9am, 3pm, 9pm).
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That doesn't mean that everything gets added to the bundle list as soon as it's bundled, though :)
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It's been added to the bundle list. Whoever gave away the bundle after that date will only receive 15% of the store value (so 24$ worth of CV)
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So wait.. why is Daedalic Armageddon Bundle on the bundles list now? I'm reading two possible reasons:
Anyone know for sure? Would like to know for future reference :-)
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What about people who didn't buy it from a Russian store?
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Then why the fuck it was added to the bundle list only in the end of July instead of end of April?..
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It's now the third time for a longer period that that pack is 90 % off. I guess this leads to the already above mentioned CV-farming with CIS copies that can be obtained cheaply. Apparently only now it has become a problem.
I understand it's a problem that somehow must be handled. And the staff (or maybe only one person) decided to put it on the bundle-list was the right course of action. In that case it is absolutely understandable that it is applied retroactively.
It should be fair for all - everybody who bought the pack that cheap should get the same CV.
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It should be fair for all
So when will they retroactively add price-bugged games into "bundle" list?
Dark souls, Valiant hearts, GTAV, Resident evil 4/5/6 pack, Playsim bundle and even more games I missed?
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Why not make a RU only bundle list now that everything is region locked and we can give away locked games? Brazilian and SEA ones too if you need to.
When we could give away non locked games bought for these prices it made sense to bundle all giveaways of such games or bundles, but now there is no way to buy ROW copies at that kind of price why bundle the ROW ones too?
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Please explain further. I don't understand why we'd need regional CV for my suggestion to be possible.
Edit:: The way I see it working is that if you select a region-locked giveaway and the game was over 95% off in that region you get bundled giveaway. If you select worldwide or if the game wasn't more than 95% off in the region you select you'd get full CV.
Picking the option where the giveaway is for everyone when your game was really locked, hoping that the winner was from your region so you could get full CV would be a possible exploit so maybe that's where you see it falling down? I guess people claiming to have made a mistakwhen selecting the region multiple times would soon out themselves as CV exploiters who could be dealt with.
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And I was about to celebrate lvl 7 in few raffles from now.
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I do it for both, but it's really frustrating when you spend money on something hoping that it will level you up and it doesn't. And on top of that, the winner doesn't even thank you for the gift.
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That's correct
But sometimes a game is only added to the list some time after it is bundled, and giveaways that were created between the bundled date and the actual date the game was added to the list retroactively lose CV
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but now 90% of the people would rather give it to the dog's steam account rather that give it away like every other good game that has commited the crime of beeing bundled.
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I have been level 5 for a bit. I logged on today and I am now level 4. When I go to Check my CV it says I am still level 5. How long does it take for that site to update? (One of my giveaways is now considered bundled on steam gifts but is not marked on that that site)
*edit It has now updated
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