If someone makes a fake giveaway and I call it "Fake" in the comment section, I get suspended.

Will I get suspended for saying a regifted game is "regifted" in the comment section?

And if not, why not?

Just curious. Not looking for a fight or a change of rules.

9 years ago*

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Because checking for regifts is easy to prove. Calls of 'Fake' aren't always right. Private inventories and key sites alone prevent that.

9 years ago

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how to check if its regifting?

9 years ago

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Easy. You check if they won a copy of the game, and then check if they redeemed it on their steam profile. If they haven't redeemed it, they're likely taking the gift they got and just shipping it off again

9 years ago

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Won the game, but not activated it, and made a giveaway for the same game - it'seasy to notice.

9 years ago

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But one can still call out a regift wrongly, therefore it should be subject to the same treatment.

Anything potentially breaking any rules = let support decide, no matter how easy it is to prove. That's how I roll anyway.

9 years ago

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It's not a matter of demonstrable or not.

9 years ago

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Strictly said the winners of AR-K still have almost a week to activate their gift. Until then yelling "REGIFT!" is based on gut feelings and is not that very different from calling out in general.
Posting a reminder about the rules may not hurt, though.

9 years ago

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I guess no matter if its true..its calling out. But best way is to report regifters to support..but they are busy, dont expect an answer until new year xD

9 years ago

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why do you even feel the urge to comment? there's "Report" button. Click it and move on =)

9 years ago

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report button + report user for regifting with SG plus then hope moderators actually follow the rules they made and suspend these people

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If you truly feel like it is breaking the rules either way then report them and see what support decides. It is really up to them anyways.

9 years ago

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Someone called out a giveaway I recently won for being fake, didn't make it fake though.

9 years ago

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Mods explained me their definition of their concept of calling outÂŪ as shouting publicly that an individual broke the rules. So doing for fake or regift is the same basing on their explanation. Anyways that part of rules NEEDS a much better definition.
There's a problem on the judges part, because sometimes is hard to define if the user is calling out or just reminding the rules, as where you asked initially.

9 years ago

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What about calling out for regifting a fake giveaway?

9 years ago

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And for what reason do you want to risk it? There's no need to cause trouble.

9 years ago

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