I sent someone Borderlands GOTY steam key from humble bundle, and person claims that it's region locked. My region is PL / EU, person is EU and says he can't activate it. I already sent ticket to humble bundle, anything else I could do?

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Yup some would say it's immoral even ;)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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why u promoting piracy? :O

6 years ago

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I am not. I just sent someone a key and he can't activate it, but he is same region as me.

6 years ago

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emmm, i told this not to u ÂŊ \\ (ツ) / ÂŊ

6 years ago

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Talk about piracy aside, that wouldn't be Borderlands GOTY edition, only the base game. And I don't remember if the DLC method still works...

6 years ago

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Several Gearbox/2K games have separate Russian versions. Depending on who their distributor was for Borderlands in Russia and the licensing in place it may be that what you actually received was a Russian key rather than an EU one.

6 years ago

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How could this happen?

6 years ago

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Because not all companies use the same regions as Steam typically uses. Bethesda for example use RHCP and EMEA rather than the more common EU/RU-CIS split.If either 2K or their distibutor used similar regions it could be that Poland and Russia are considered part of the same region and as such would get the same "Russian" keys rather than EU/WW keys.

I'm not sure if that is what's happened but if it is there's nothing that Humble will be able to do about it as all authorised retailers will have been provided with those same keys. In future make sure you generate a gift link from Humble rather than a key as generating the link will actually tell you any region restrictions in place on that item.

6 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by SirChrisSwan.