I've never tried my hand at fiction really. I write factual crap for work all the time, so it might be worth dabbling.
What sort of writing style guides would you use for grammar? AP? Oxford?
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I wouldn't worry too much about following a specific guideline; rather, as long as it's not jarring (i.e. broken sentences, misused words, improper word forms) it should be fine. You don't have to write fiction, either. You can write in any form you want.
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Ooh, this is pretty cool. How many people entered last time?
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I like to write in my free time and I think I am fairly good. Quick question though, I know you said there is no limit, but how much is too much? I have been writing a story for fun and it is at about 4,000 words right now. I may add a choppy ending soon if there it is too much, but how far would you advise to stop at?
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Awesome! Thinking about submitting 1 other entries in the mean time. Likely, the longer one won't reach 10k though.
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I'm in, I love writing short stories. I'm working on it right now! :D
[EDIT]Done, posting it in a few minutes.
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My entry:
Alan and the Infinity Portal.
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I don't know if OP will accept it because he specified google doc in the post D:
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Heh, I tried creating a Google Doc, but I couldn't set it as a read only... :P
But sorry about this, I'll post a Google doc.
[EDIT] Done.
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Ooooh, yes! I want in on this. I'll start working on something now! :D
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the prizes are steam gifts right ? "If your place of residence doesn't let you win contests, tough. Not my responsibility to guarantee that you won't get in trouble. "
if it is , i think i'll maybe try my luck , i wrote few stuff here and there but they were just to have fun with friends :D , they said i write good so idk , might give it a shot
thanx for the chance anyway :)
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The prizes are not yet determined. Might be bundles, could be Steam gifts. Depends on both my finances, how many submissions there are and how many winners I select based off of bundles, and finally sales/bundles/etc. when the contest ends. Basically, this is just a disclaimer that, if you want something and I get it, then it doesn't work because of region lock, I don't have to help troubleshoot.
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I entered a short piece (shared with the email provided above), just about 500 words long. I might enter a longer piece as well. Depends if I can finish it before the deadline or not. ^^"
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Awesome, I missed the first one by several hours. I should have enough time this time around to come up with something off the wall :)
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alright, my first short story ever I present, The Elementals
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[Clicky]-(https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fPqPrWH3FlRH9AqoEdleqALD6OGzNWWogDWXA7CZcZM/edit#) without the hyphen.
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Email sent. The file is from my freshman English class and the assignment was having to write formula fiction. (Basically a romance novel) Completely made up all of it.
For confirmation here is the link:
I do not know how to make a link that is clickable (like a clicky).
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Zed: Since you moved the deadline I made another submission, shared with the provided email, just like the first one. It's not that great (in my opinion anyway), but at least it's a story of a decent length as opposed to the smaller entry.
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I'm sponsoring a writing contest for the Steam Gifts community. I will be the judge (so expect my biases), and the contest will close Friday, <s>April 25th</s> May 9. The rules for the contest are:
At least 500 words per entry to qualify. No length limit, but the distinction between short and long for this contest is 3000 words. There is no particular genre requirement.
One entry per person. You may submit one shorter work and one longer work if you want twice the chances to win, but unless it's good, don't expect anything.
I will be looking for good grammar and spelling, and also that you don't just copy paste someone else's work. In addition, try not to just summarize or copy someone else's story. While your work can be referential, parody, etc., I value some degree of original work and thought.
The restrictions:
English language. I don't have high enough reading comprehension in any other language to weigh those entries properly, and Google Translate would not be your friend in the grammar category.
No erotica; adult elements are fine, but if your work is just smut, I'm not interested.
Preferably no fan-fiction, though if it's done well, I guess I'll consider it.
You may use works that you've written before, but remember to format them properly. For the sake of keeping the thread clean, I will not judge submissions that are simply posted in as text to the thread.
How to submit:
Make a clickable link to a Google Document, which is viewable with the link, or share the document with me using the address "squirezed@gmail.com". You can do this whenever you want, but remember that I will be judging the works based on how they are over the weekend following April 25th or shortly later.
This is not to get rights to your works so I can republish them. There are no contracts, you keep your work, I'm just interested in seeing it. I don't want to publish it (though I will contact the winners about links here if they do not post public links) or make money from it, and all rights will remain with the author. Thanks to schalart, for pointing this out. That said, your submissions should still be your original works which you own distribution rights for. Legalese is hard, so unless you are the original author of an otherwise unpublished work, please do not submit the work. If your place of residence doesn't let you win contests, tough. Not my responsibility to guarantee that you won't get in trouble. I live in the US, and I will not circumvent region locks to get you your prizes should you win.
Feel free to contact me at the email address above or via Steam message or any other arcane way you devise to contact me for clarification. I will try to respond to questions posted in this thread.
I will give away at least three prizes, to be decided/announced based on participation and people's requests. They are likely to be similar in size to the prizes from the previous contest, but perhaps a bit more numerous.
Link to previous contest: Writing Contest
Winners have been contacted, and those without usernames provided will be contacted shortly via email.
Winners (in progress):
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