I haven't had any trouble with LA Noire on my i5 with a GTX650 on Windows 7. Sounds like you've got some funky hardware setup there.
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Overclock it ourself. I do it as needed with my GPU on my laptop.
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there is also plenty of overCLOCKing to be done without touching the voltage, in fact a lot of the time you can lower the voltage than what came with stock (even when overclocked!)
a few milivolts change is not going to reduce the lifespan anywhere close to what 90 degrees is going to do, so yes it's quite irrelevant since the companies put reference volts a little higher than they have to be *per chip, since each chip is slightly varied
intel even puts out specifications of max safe voltages that will not harm the lifespan of the chip... these numbers are a lot of times quite higher than what a regular air-cooled overclocker will be capable of being able to sustain
EDIT: my 4870x2 died from only 5 years of use & i'm pretty sure it was merely the vram on gpu1 that failed... it was during limbo of all games (not demanding), it wasnt overclocked or anything, it was purely from temperatures due to the limitations of its reference design
meanwhile the q9550 overclocked to 3.6ghz (from 2.8) is doing just fine for 7 years
have another athlon-xp-M at 2.4ghz (from 1.6) that is probably going past 10 years (it's used, from someone else that has ran it even higher)
i may be lucky with my 570m in my laptop, it can go from 525mhz to 725mhz without a voltage increase, yes that's like 22fps to 30fps, it really helped make bfhardline beta playable
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Yeah, I can actually overclock my CPU by almost a full GHz without even touching the voltage, funny enough. Can raise it from 3.5GHz to 4.3GHz and it runs stable and all which is kind of nice. I have liquid cooling too so heat isn't a problem for me.
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Actually, different CPUs of the same design differ in quality, due to flaws introduced in the manufacturing process. This is partly why there are multiple different CPU models based off of exactly the same design. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_binning
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I don't think it has anything to do with the lifespan of the chip. Some laptop manufacturers do that to stretch out battery time.
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Good call I do think a over clock would not do much good for your fps and would be a waste and would shorten the life of the CPU and in turn the life of your laptop.
Though the boost in speed i would say has to do with less over head and less resources that OS uses that may have helped in the boost of your cpu,or maybe your OS was cluttered enough that it was slowing down your pc.
DirecX 12 still needs games built to use the new API tech,though games can be re-written to do it,i doubt many will but i am sure some more popular tittles might get the new treatment.I think this fall will see some games using all of DirectX 12 i am hoping Fallout 4 is one of them,but who knows.
I think it just time for you to save for another laptop or maybe switch to a pc,though i must assume since you have a laptop it is for a purpose.
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Wow, I somehow overlooked that you did write that it was a laptop in there. Reading is fundamental. Sorry. :)
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I'm positive your cpu should shug through fine. But your gpu seems seriously underrated. I don't have the sheet at hand but a GT 635M sounds like it is not even based on a desktop class GK104, not even on a GK106 but likely just on GK107 ... get in close and check if its a mxm module or a pre soldered one. Think about selling your laptop and getting a used but better one. I recently did and it did litterally wonders and i'm very tight on budget. Main point to watch is the gpu, the cpu is much easier to replace if its the bottleneck which i doubt is in your case. Thought about getting a desktop? You can (over)clock stuff much more easily and its right... the U models of i5 / i7 are of very low thermal budget and hence low clocked. You can't expect of a 15-25w model to perform like a desktop champ.
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Didn't have any trouble playing LA Noire either. My laptop is I5 with 4GB and windows 7. I can run GTA V; Ryse: Son of Rome; Alien: Isolation; Hitman: Absolution; The Evil Within and every other game I own on Steam. Don't know what's happening with your laptop. Seems weird that you can't run LA Noire.
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I have nothing to report, but I'm glad you asked. I too am anxious to hear as I'm building a system and need to decide what OS to install on it for a start.
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Thank you for the suggestion. It's a good idea. But I actually have a way to get the OS cheaply. I get a good deal through an academic institution. I don't know what 10 will cost me, but I can get an 8 license for $15, and I imagine the price will be similar. God bless my university.
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No sir! I'm a graduate student. They pay me a stipend and mostly wave tuition. (The pay won't make me rich, but it's still a pretty sweet deal.)
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I'm sorry, man. I'd be happy to help you out. But they only give out one copy per student.
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You can always buy a new copy of windows 7 or 8.1 and upgrade it to 10 that would be a cheaper router then buying it retail,that is if you do not have an OS to upgrade.
Just keep in mind that the free upgrade is tied to hardware so any changes may effect activation,any hardware like motherboard,not a hard drive or add on card.If you do happen to have an issue and need to swap a motherboard you may have to contact Microsoft to get it activated though not sure how man times they will do this,the nice thing about the upgrade is it is tied to your Microsoft account so no many remembering keys.
With a full retail copy you should be able to activate it on another computer just as long as you deactivate it on the current one it is being used on.
Windows 10 should be fine in most cases so far i have had little issues with running windows and the few games i have that may have issues have already had patches.Just check your hardware to make sure everything will work like if you have a wireless card and what not.
You can also go to Microsoft and download the Windows 10 OS using media creation,and do a full install without a key to give it a test run before jumping all in that is what i did.
I hope this helps,either way even if you bought like i said a windows 7 or 8.1 to upgrade it would still be cheaper then the 120 retail price,but i mentioned the down side.
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Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it.
I actually have an in to get the OS cheaply. I get a good deal through an academic institution. I don't know what 10 will cost me, but I can get an 8 license for $15, and I imagine the price will be similar.
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i only tried it Windows 10 on a small netbook i have, that strugled to play even things like the binding of issac, or terraria, and... stills strugles to play those xd, but the netbook itself feels a bit faster, not a lot, no miracles here.
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With the exception of some sound issues with tera Online, so far so good on all games.
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I agree do share what is buggy? i have had no crashes no blue screens,no issues running it.
Due share all the bugs you have found,i think your just saying it based on what your reading and not using it,just a guess on that but still lol
Also if your saying this based on a few bugs,then move on because no new OS is ever going to be bug free not even the mighty Penguin can out smart bugs.
Bugs are part of how things work,it the degree of the bugs and amount that decides how good something is,not saying it buggy just because it has a few bugs,i think your just bias because you do not like Microsoft.
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Since the introduction of WDDM 2 drivers apparently using less driver overhead, it seems to have freed up some CPU ressources. This should mean that CPU bottlenecked games will see a performance increase (compared to W 8.1. If you went from 7, it should be an overall increase in every aspect).
I think I have a performance increase in Watch Dogs, during day time, with no rain, where my CPU is the bottleneck. When night time and/or rain comes, the GPU becomes the bottleneck and no difference is to be seen. Or maybe it's just placebo, but I doubt it.
I have an i7 4790k and an Asus 290.
Windows 10 is essentially windows 8.2 with a revamped UI and a few upgrades. Edge is good in speed, but very limited in functionality. Cortana doesn't exist outside of the US and DX12 is not really released yet, afaik. Windows 10 itself has very few bugs (but there are some) and very little issue with hardware and software compatability, so I would not worry, if your win 10 app says no compatability issues.
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in certain scenarios you can even get a pretty big boost of up to 18%, depending on game and graphics card. if i recall correctly, if you have a R390 (or a similar AMD card) and play project cars, you can get an increase in fps like this.
EDIT: found the benchmark. it's a german site, but just look at the graphs: http://www.computerbase.de/2015-07/windows-10-spieler-test-amd-nvidia-geschwindigkeit/2/
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Disagree with you there - DX12 is in windows 10 - It HAS been released - It's your video card drivers that are not yet updated to use it properly - unless you are running a DX12 native card - these are basically any of the cards released for sale in the last 5 months - eg AMD R9 300 series.
I personally noted an almost 80% increase in performance with ARK - Survival Evolved, and have pretty much doubled the framerate on games such as Banished and Borderlands 2.
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DXdiag does show up DX12, just not in the feature level yet, so you might be right. Not that it matters, as nothing uses DX12 except certain synthetic benchmarks.
All AMD GCN cards will support DX12, but gcn 1.0 (7000 series and refreshes) are not full feature so to speak.
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Your are correct mostly - there is not a lot out there yet deigned to utilise DX12, Except ARK, which is still in development, and a few diagnostics, but even with many DX11 native cards there should be a slight increase in performance in many games - DX12 uses the same commands/structure, but with more streamlined .dll's, which has given a minor boost to processing by the GPU's - thereby increasing framerate (Or so I have been led to believe - M$ hasn't always been know to give the whole truth :P).
What I can say for certain, is that if you have a DX12 native card, (Anything released in the last 6 months or so), then you should notice a massive performance boost.
I went out and got myself an AMD R9 380X about 2 weeks ago, the day they were released in AU. Under 8.1 I saw an increase of about 50% from my old R9 270 - which I thought was fantastic. But it would not run ARK on epic - only 24fps at max rez - after installation of 10, I run a comfortable 45 - 50 fps. Though I am now kicking myself - apparently the developers of Ark went into partnership with NVidia and are only concentrating on optimizing the game for NVidia cards with only basic optimization for AMD chips.
If I had known that, I would have bought an NVidia card. I've shied away from them ever since my last system - 2x 8600GT's in SLI - because frankly my brothers single AMD card 7000 series - out performed in every game. Bastard.
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That is sadly the BS NVidia pulls. Pays of devs to be exclusive to them, and use the proprietary GameWorks libraries, that is super shit for AMD. I'm glad you chose the underdog, as they have the best drivers at the moment, and doesn't do underhanded business like NVidia. I don't usually like wccftech,, but credit is given where it's due, and their GameWorks article is quite good:
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Thanks for the article, it pretty much confirms what we already knew but with empirical data.
Due to nVidia's underhanded tactics with PhysX and GameWorks, and their paying off devs for exclusives on Android, I'm actively avoiding anything from them.
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Thx for that article - was very insightful. I no longer regret buying my card - I think it's worth missing out on a few FPS to show my opinion against a company trying to create a monopoly.
AMD can still handle the graphics, so it's no real loss - but the fact they allow their source code to be public as opposed to NVidia's Licenced secrets, makes them the better of the two IMO.
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In fact Cortana is also available in for example Germany.
The sad part is that you can't use Cortana in a different language than your system language =/. I live in Denmark and there is no Cortana in sight for me. It would be nice if I could talk German with Cortana on a Danish system =[.
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But all I play is solitaire... just kidding. I have noticed some improvements, though nothing drastic. I did have a few hitches with drivers right on the update, but a clean removal and letting Windows Update take care of it worked, surprisingly (though I did manually have to remove the drivers using a tool).
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same thing happend for me...except i was getting around 30 fps in win 7 for sleeping dogs difinitive edition,
after i installed win 10 and run the game in it i had almost 47 fps with the same settings as win 7!
it would be pretty cool if this optimization goes on as far as the windows updates are going :D
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game doesn't have a 30fps lock...my win7 also was service pack 1 with most of the updates...
i don't think so...i'm playing bo2 with all settings to high/veryhigh and multisampling setting to CSAAx16!
i'm getting 60fps stable!of course i locked fps to 60 otherwise it goes to 90 and keeps changing...
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about the same fps in saints row 3, but controller is no longer working correctly :/
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I was a little skeptical about it, but once I upgraded my gaming rig from W7 to W10, I've to admit that I noticed a good raise on the performance.
An example: the horrible ported Batman: Arkham Knight, that kept crashing after 2m of play, with big, very big, problem of FPS, now is working decently(still a trash game, on the technical side, if you think about how it should be, but at least now I'm able to play it!).
For now, I tried the following games, without meeting any problems(instead, I noticed an overall improvement):
-Batman Arkham Knight
-Digger Online
-Team Fortress 2
-Tap Heroes
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How do you increase tf2 performance? It should already be running near perfectly haha.
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I'm actualy using a Sapphire Nitro R9 390: http://www.sapphiretech.com/productdetial.asp?pid=C436E37C-8A09-48B6-9F2B-F4AF86E377B6&lang=eng
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Cool card man. This comment pushed me off the cliff on whether I should upgrade or not. Turns out, my laptop's upgrade isn't even supported yet lol ("we're rolling it out in waves"). I have an 860m, unfortunately I only get 'DirectX 11.5" support. I'm jelly you get to utilize it fully!
Edit: 860m is supported!! holy crap!! :D
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Not sure about W10 with they keylogger they added.
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Are you afraid they will see all the porn your looking at?
Are you sure you really know all about that so called keylogger or did you just read it some place and think the worse?
What is he going to do with that info even if he did use it?sell it ?? yeah i am sure he is so strapped for cash.Also that was only for the preview edition and so on,to help with fixing bugs and such,and you where told about it,so not like it was just hidden in there it was part of the EULA.
Before you try posting things like that maybe you should do your home work on what it was used for and how.
Do not want to use Windows 10,that is fine,but next time just say you do not like it,instead of saying it has a keylogger without even knowing the full on facts.
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keylogger thing was\is only in insider.
edit: also you can remove it.
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Windows 10 really improves performance in all my games. It's very hard not to notice since everything runs fast and smooth. Even my potato laptop felt the performance boost and it even improves the texture rendering of my GPU. It's hard to explain so just look for yourself:
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I just finished the upgrade 30mins ago, the 1st thing i did was launch Dark souls 2 and performace is the same, if not, better.
EDIT: HUGE improvement on RE:Revelations 2, before the upgrade my game was a stutter fest for 2mins everytime i loaded a new area, now, the game starts at 60fps and stays at 60.
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Depends on what your meaning by faster,as for me the file transfer are faster and the boot up is a bit faster,also everything else seems to run faster due to less over head and less resources the OS uses.
The fact is it is a faster OS then previous ones,but like anything millage will very,Just the same as 2 people can have the same pc with same hardware and drivers and everything and still report different speeds in gaming and so on.
I am just saying i notice speed and gains in things i do and use with this OS nothing huge but sure beats being the same,i wonder if i will see a bit of a boost in GTA V since it will have a bit more free ram and cpu.
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there are actually performance boosts due to WDDM 2.0, even with the same graphics driver version.
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this is a german site, but look at the graphs: http://www.computerbase.de/2015-07/windows-10-spieler-test-amd-nvidia-geschwindigkeit/2/
it depends a lot on your system and the game. but in some cases you get quite a boost.
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I just reserved a copy. Does anyone know how long I have to wait now?
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You don't actually have to wait, you can download it manually versus waiting and install it right away: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10
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Just installed Windows 10... I kinda miss the xbox kind tiles... But gaming has some improvement, not alot but my gta 5 runs smoother
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Well, Witcher 3 and GTA V are way better. (I had Win 7 PRO)
Can't complain, win 10 is exactly what I expected from Win 8
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It works perfectly fine, but there isn't any noticeable differences until games using dx12 come out
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I'm playing on an mid-range tier laptop (Intel Core i5 UV, 8 GB of RAM, Nvidia GT635M). L.A. Noire was struggling really badly in this specs, because the game is CPU bound and my underclocked CPU couldn't help it. The framerate in average was 6-27 FPS and it slowdowns like hell I couldn't even tell when my character is running or not. So I turned down the game.
I installed Win 10 just yesterday and testing the game again out of curiosity, to my surprise now it runs at fully playable FPS with 15-30 in average. I noticed a few frameskips where the point the game could lag, maybe it's the new optimization in DirectX API? Either way it helps a lot to make the game more playable.
For anyone else who tried Windows 10 for gaming, how's the experience so far? Does it get more better or worse? I'm gonna test for more games, but some of my friends reportedly been noticing significant performance boost in games.
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