You have no energy,
you need to rest for
23 hours and 59 minutes
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Yeah that decision might be questionable for sure, I understand. I just wanted the Game not to be completed too quickly, because it takes some time to make a new scenario, and I don't want the delay between the Games to be too long. It will be most likely shortened in the future.
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Here's the comment I was going to post:
If you run out of energy, you will have to wait 24 hours after which your energy will be replenished and you will be able to continue your journey.
Let me know when you've worked out something less aggravating, demanding, and unfun-
episodic content is all the rage these days, I hear :P
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The resting time will indeed be shorter in the future, if I get a team of creative people who'll help me with making up stories and such stuff, so the Games (or episodes, if you would like to call them that way :) ) will be released on a constant frequent basis :) I also plan to release a Scenario Editor in the near future so that everyone could become involved in "creative developing process". At the moment I do everything myself and there will probably be a noticeable delay between the Games, so I made that 24 hours resting time limit to make that delay between Games a bit shorter. Not sure if it is the best idea, but it is as it is for now.
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Shorter is even more of a problem.
The issue is that unless your game- the actual game- is fantastic, you're asking us to put a massive amount of involvement and investment and simple 'just remembering the game regularly' for low return.
We don't all have reliable schedules and tons of free time or good memory.
Energy-based systems require you to set your schedule to the developer's framework, and are just a commonly disliked approach to games because they're so inefficient in most implementations.
I want to be able to play when I have time, play as much as I can, or as little as I'm able, with my circumstances in mind.
I don't want to have to base my schedule around a game- heck, it'd have to be a pretty amazing game, or a creative interpretation of the energy dynamic, to even get me to take a look.
And yours doesn't suggest either, thus far.
My point is, if you don't want people rushing through content, release the content in smaller bites- thus allowing people who don't have the free time or circumstances to check in regularly, to catch up when they're able.
Energy just penalizes certain sets of users, and discourages them from playing.
Of course, if there are other restrictions in play, then that requires a different approach-
Like, obviously, if it's a 'first to finish' affair, then episodic content favors whomever completes the last episode first.
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I see your point. Thanks for your opinion! There is a limit to the number of winners (currently set to 50, but I might expand it depending on how many people will play), after reaching this limit the Game will end. And there are some great non-bundle games as a prize for those winners. Getting an awesome chance to win great games might be enough of a motivation for many people to spend 2 minutes a day in Game.
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Well, if it's 2 minutes a day, at 24 hour reset, that's not entirely demanding.
I might try it, under that framework :)
But yeah, I get nearly no free time in a day, and I've terrible memory, trying to check on something once a day is hard enough, nevermind multiple times a day at set intervals.
You could offer me the entire moon as a possible prize, and that still wouldn't mean I'd be ABLE to log-
and here's the real issue, missing a single day and losing out on any real chance to win, after a few days of reliable playing, is really, really frustrating.
That's more my point :)
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I see your point and it makes much sense! Though treasures can be found anywhere, and sometimes they might actually be more valuable than the main treasure itself :) So winning is not really necessary to get a prize. Well, you can say, that some effort has to be put in order to get highest chances to win (like remembering the time or setting an alarm clock, etc.). Yeah, not being physically able to log in might be an issue, but again, you don't have to reach the end to win something.
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Please ignore the harsh-toned phrasing below, that's just my blunt phrasing, it's not intended in any way to be offensive!
But if you're curious on my take of the game itself:
It's far too much of a graphic and orientation mess for me to want to play, now, regardless. :X
Was unpleasant to look at, and counter-intuitive to the genre; and trying to discern facing with that sort of UI is just too unpleasant.
(Also had some weird loading delays, but didn't seem to interrupt things like dodging traps)
Nothing you could offer'd make me want to play it, as is :'P
The framework looks well built, though, so in time it might be worth a fresh look from me :)
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Thanks for your opinion! Any criticism is appreciated! There is no game in the world that everyone would love, everyone has his/her own tastes. Some people hate Monopoly because it is too slow and takes long time to play. Others love it. I know that I have to do some more work on the design. The project has just been released, it's a new born baby, and it has a long way to grow :)
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Just, either add a compass or don't shift the facing, that's my major complaint, other than aesthetics :)
Even if your goal IS to make it more maze-like, the UI just makes it far more difficult to intuit the direction yourself, especially with checking intractables being a two-step process (which is something that would have been good to know from the start, actually :P)..
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Aw, checking things consumes points D:
Found a healing item and a sword for now, I'll continue tomorrow.
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Are all the deaths 100% guaranteed? I sort of assumed there would be a fight or something.
This is a very cool idea. I really look forward to being able to make our own. Will there be much customization? I don't think I would like to use Energy for example.
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No, deaths (at least in this Game) are never 100% guaranteed, the chance of surviving is almost always much higher. The Scenario Editor (in the beta stage) will probably be released quite soon. You will be able to customize almost everything, including amount of energy and resting time. Your scenario - your rules.
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Pretty exciting! But i found the navigation a bit confusing, clicking check and then see "Go foward" changing to "Go right" and such.
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Since your accounts needs to be 180 days old, and its seems that you can die easily, why not just get rid of the energy system and let people play till they beat it or die, assuming that if you die on current game, the account gets tagged as dead for that game, i know that people that will die pretty fast will probably ignore future games but in the other hand i think the energy system will have the same effect anyway. Gratz on the idea btw.
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I don't want to get rid of the energy system at least for the reason that people with faster internet might get an advantage over the guys with slow internet. There is a limit of winners for each scenario, after reaching it the Game will end. So energy system actually brings some balance, though I do understand that the current limit might be frustrating. Chances of dying are, in fact, quite low (though it depends for sure, e.g. if you'll try to attack a monster with your bare hands, you'll be quite likely to die).
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Interesting project ! But i am dead.. killed by an arrow... I don't know what to do now. I suppose i have to wait 24h before try again. I hope you'll get to your goal. But it's a little frustrating :p
Btw i've joined the group and i'll keep in touch to see the next upgrades ;)
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Here it is :)
Ill update the topic with a link to it.
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Suggestion: Make the points per day instead 24h. In that way people can play any moment of the day instead 24h later
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I like it, but have to wait a day to refill energy is just too long. :(
will keep playing tomorrow :)
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Hello SteamGifters! All of us like playing games, and all of us like winning games. So, how about playing a game and winning games while playing?
I am excited to introduce Game of sWords - a text Adventure/Quest where you can explore dungeons (or other locations), complete quests, solve puzzles, find useful items, avoid deadly traps and fight dangerous monsters while searching for treasures (SteamGifts giveaways links) on your way and trying to reach the end to find the Main Treasure (a set of great non-bundle giveaways)! Each Game (of sWords) will usually have a unique scenario and a limited number of winners, so the chances will always be great.
Game of sWords is currently in a testing stage, so there might be some bugs or other problems during the Game, and I would be glad if you reported them if you experience any :)
Current Game
In the current (testing) scenario, you start the Game in the dungeon and you have to find the treasure chest. You have 7 energy points at start, which you can use to either move in any available direction or check a wall or other obstacle near you (you might find a useful item or a treasure anywhere). If you run out of energy, you will have to wait until 00:00 UTC when your energy will be replenished and you will be able to continue your journey. Resting time and number of energy will differ depending on the scenario (current one is quite short). It will usually take a few days to complete a journey (well, if you won't die during your first day :) ).
The information in the top left corner will tell you your current coordinates, direction and the amount of energy you have.
Current Game doesn't have any special story or wide variety of events or items. It also doesn't have too many "treasures" at the moment. It was made to show you the basic concept of the project as well as test the server load.
Your support is invaluable!
I hope you will enjoy it and support the project, because its future depends on you! Please join the Steam Group to get all the news and notifications about new Games and features, as well as share your ideas and suggestions to help the development.
By the way, there is a Bonus Giveaway for everyone who joins the group! :)
If you are a creative person who can make up an interesting story for the future Game, feel free to add me on Steam and share it with me. It doesn't have to be set in a fantasy dungeon :) It can be a sci-fi or horror adventure, or any other kind.
Future plans
In the near future, everyone will be able to create his/her own adventure with unique story, events, rules, etc. using the special Scenario Editor. If all goes well, it will become a unique platform, another creative way to make giveaways for SteamGifts (like itstoohard or so called "trains" :) ).
The project will be constantly developed: new items, event types and even game modes will be added gradually. The Games (of sWords) will be held once in a while, probably every couple of weeks, it depends on how much free time and support I will have :)
Time to start the adventure!
You will be asked to log in through Steam to join the Game. The login process goes through the official website (always make sure the address is correct!) using Steam API and it is not possible to collect any personal data like your address, age, login or password with it unless such data is made public by you, so the process is absolutely safe.
The giveaways have no level restrictions, and you don't need to meet any special requirements to start playing, so everyone is invited!
P.S. I have no idea how many people will take part in the Game and whether the current server will handle it, so if any loading problems appear, I'll try to upgrade it as soon as possible ;P
Join the official group
Start playing now!
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