Long time no see, SteamGifts people! It's Squire Zed again, crawling out of the basement and wandering away from the unhealthily addicting glow of Final Fantasy XIV to host another writing contest! Yay! Now for the details!

I will be the judge (so expect my biases), and the contest will close Friday, September 27. While in the past I have offered prizes, I cannot guarantee that I can do so this time. While I would like to give prizes, that entirely depends on my financial state in two or three weeks when I judge the contest and announce the winners. If there are prizes, expect them to be similar to those for previous contests. What I can guarantee is that first, second, and runners up will be announced, and I can offer feedback on your work if you request it.

The rules for the contest are:

At least 500 words per entry to qualify. No length limit, but the distinction between short and long for this contest is 3000 words.

There is no particular genre requirement.

One entry per person. You may submit one shorter work and one longer work if you want twice the chances to win, but unless it's good, don't expect anything.

I will be looking for good grammar and spelling, and also that you don't just copy paste someone else's work. In addition, try not to just summarize or copy someone else's story. While your work can be referential, parody, etc., I value some degree of original work and thought.

The restrictions:
English language. I don't have high enough reading comprehension in any other language to weigh those entries properly, and Google Translate would not be your friend in the grammar category.

No erotica; adult elements are fine, but if your work is just smut, I'm not interested.

Preferably no fan-fiction, though if it's done well, I guess I'll consider it.

You may use works that you've written before, but remember to format them properly. For the sake of keeping the thread clean, I will not judge submissions that are simply posted in as text to the thread. The only exception is that I will not allow submissions that were in prior writing contests that I hosted.

If you submit a work, you may ask me for a game that has been in a bundle that has steam keys; if I have a key, I will give it to you once you have completed the work. Your work must meet all of the above criteria, but there is no quality requirement. A list of my spare Humble Bundle games can be found here, but feel free to inquire about other sites/bundles, as I have purchased many bundles and have many spare games stashed around: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3. If for some reason the key does not work, I will provide you with another choice; however, I am not responsible if Humble Bundle is wrong.

How to submit:

Make a clickable link to a Google Document, which is accessible with the link, or share the document with me using the address "squirezed@gmail.com". You can do this whenever you want, but remember that I will be judging the works based on how they are over the weekend following September 27th or shortly later.

This is not to get rights to your works so I can republish them. There are no contracts, you keep your work, I'm just interested in seeing it. I don't want to publish it (though I will contact the winners about links here if they do not post public links) or make money from it, and all rights will remain with the author. Thanks to schalart, for pointing this out. That said, your submissions should still be your original works which you own distribution rights for. Legalese is hard, so unless you are the original author of an otherwise unpublished work, please do not submit the work. Remember that posting your work publicly online can make some publishers refuse to publish your work. In case I actually muster up some prizes: If your place of residence doesn't let you win contests, tough. Not my responsibility to guarantee that you won't get in trouble. I live in the US, and I will not circumvent region locks to get you your prizes should you win.

Feel free to contact me at the email address above or via Steam message or any other arcane way you devise to contact me for clarification. I will try to respond to questions posted in this thread.

Link to previous contests: Writing Contest Number One; Writing Contest Number Two


10 years ago*

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Nice, i have been working in some ideas over the year, will see wich one to post.

10 years ago

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Ok, wrote up my story :D clicky Hope you enjoy reading it. :)
btw I'm an amateur at writing so sorry :/

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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haha woops... thought I use feline enough times :s

10 years ago

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I had already been writing some. At first it was for a competition for newbie writers, but I missed the deadline, so I figured that I might as well continue on writing it. Anyway here is a chapter!

10 years ago

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Your keyword density consists of a lot of proper nouns and adjectives. We talked about this, I feel you could add a few jump-scares at the very least or any elements of thrill or interest to liven it up a little bit more.

10 years ago

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Okay. Thanks for the feedback.
Now if you wouldn't mind, I'll just hang my head in shame.

10 years ago

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That's definitely not the point of my feedback. My feedback is to give you an unfair advantage you can use to leech Squire. I'll even delete it if you want me to!

10 years ago

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Nah it's okay. The very reason I began writing was just because I'm so hyped up on reading books, I tried to write one. It's just one of those "I might be good at this rather than what I had been doing all this while" kind of deal people sometimes face.

Anyway, don't delete the feedback. I love the truth, as hurtful as it is.
I won't be editing or changing my entry also.
I'd never been good at verbal storytelling, thus you can relate to why my writings are a bunch of mess. hah!

Thanks for the chance. Cheers to you and Squire.

10 years ago

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Yesss, love these! I'll get to work tomorrow. :D

10 years ago

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Bumping. :)

10 years ago

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show us whatcha' got 007!

10 years ago

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Bump for 2,113 words so far, and counting. This is getting longer than I expected...

10 years ago

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Just a reminder; if you enter, you can get a steam key just for entering!

10 years ago

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Forget it I'll just email you...

10 years ago

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Email received.

10 years ago

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Cool! Be Expecting A Story From Me In Your E-Mail Squire Zed!!!

10 years ago

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Hello everyone!

I looked through almost all the entries, there are a few great ones, but everyone's managed to put something good together, congratulations!

I did drop suggestions wherever possible, just to get everyone somewhere in the tone of the contest. Let's face it, at the end of the day, its about who leeches the maximum monetary winnings from Squire.

Good luck to everyone participating so far, looking forward to more entries!



10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I'm a bit confused here. Are you a "judge", along with SquireZed?

10 years ago

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A self-proclaimed one, in the sense that I offer feedback during the initial stages. However, the actual results will be based entirely on Squire's opinion. However, I will try to influence and manipulate him even then.

10 years ago

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That... Sounds like pretty much a giveaway thread/event hijack? :P

10 years ago

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He's on my friends list, and loves exploiting me...

10 years ago

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After three days of typing, the last words typed at three in the morning last night, containing 4,513 words (25,034 characters)...
I present you...


Short description (Don't read if you want to avoid spoilers!):
Nathan lives in the underground city of Subsector, built under the Metropolis, The City of The Gods. He was born and raised in the Subsector and has never seen the surface, just as every residents of the Subsector. Their duty is to keep the power, water, mechanisms and heat going for the Metropolis. With his tutor, protector and friend Barrett, he works in the engine/mechanical district of the Subsector. One day, the power goes out, leading to the visit of The Ignatius...

I do not think that I ever typed such a long story before. I'm crazy for doing this to myself, and I almost melted my brain with all that thinking.
I suck at writing. :P
Anyways, this is just for fun, so yeah. Critics are welcome, but do keep in mind my rather nonexistent writing skills. :D

10 years ago

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You never revealed to the public the third winner's document in the second writing contest.

10 years ago

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That is because I am lazy and didn't check my other email for months after announcing winners, and closed the thread without thinking about the repercussions. So, uh, I can't change it now.

10 years ago

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you could post it here?

10 years ago

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I don't think I ever got a link from the author, and because of my legal statement I can't just republish it.

10 years ago

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Assuming you've contacted him to give him the prize,perhaps you could contact him again and ask for permission?

10 years ago

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I've written some fan fiction (if you can call it that) for the Quiet American by Graham Greene. Is that sort of thing allowed? :P

10 years ago

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Yes. The problem I have with fan fiction is not the genre, it's that it tends to be in a style I don't like (shipping, etc.). One of my favorite stories was "fan fiction", but was done well (it was a Shadowrun story with a cool concept, technically vague on whether or not it's fan fiction because tabletop game, but whatever). If the story works well, it's fine.

10 years ago

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Heh, I'm not sure if the "story" as such is any good, but I'd like to think it's somewhat entertaining. :P Though you'd probably have to read the Quiet American to really understand any of it beyond a surface understanding.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Here is your keyword density. I only had time to glance through your piece once. The plot looked solid, I liked the narration perspective but you may want to touch up the capitalization and grammar.
The word count is 502, there is a lot of scope for plot expansion but the entry qualifies as valid.

Great work on your first try!



10 years ago

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After putting a lot of effort and time I came up with this. This is my first time writing something like this so don't be mad on me if its not good. Thanks for the chance.

10 years ago

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Here is your keyword density.. I'd suggest a few tweaks for the grammar. The plot is slightly fragile and has a fair share of plot instruments which are too convenient for comfort. Lastly, the narration is slightly monotonous and fragmented. You could use simple punctuation like commas which will provide the narration with the superfluousness that it lacks and requires. That apart, great effort and thanks for the submission!



10 years ago

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I'll try to correct my mistakes but as I said - Mi phust teim ryting #sweg

10 years ago

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"Mi phust teim ryting #sweg" The moment you said that, I started looking for my flamethrower.

10 years ago

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Am I eligible for a key ?

10 years ago

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I guess so, but you shouldn't completely be in it for a key :P try to enjoy it :)

10 years ago

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What if he enjoys keys? :)

10 years ago

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I do too, but was just saying he should be in it for both, enjoy writing and get a key possibly. :) so that's not a problem. :D

10 years ago

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I enjoyed it. But it was a pain in the ass (or mind).

10 years ago

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Exactly. haha. I would have got stumped if I didn't already have this idea in my head (it still turned out meh but whatever :P)

10 years ago

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Yes, just let me know what you want.

10 years ago

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Deadline is in less than a week! Hurry up and get those submissions in. If you've sent in a submission, and you didn't get a key and you want one, shoot me an email with the key you want. First come first serve, so hurry up!

10 years ago

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My "The Quiet American Fan Fiction Trilogy". Feedback is appreciated, enjoy. ;)

10 years ago

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Here's your keyword density. Having a very 'superficial' (read as 'non-existant') knowledge of The Quiet American (and lacking the time to expand the knowledge), I would not be able to provide contextual feedback for the piece. However, I did observe the instant change of the tone of narration from the second chapter onward. While it did have an initial shock value, it was more of a drudge in comparison to the mild narration of most of the piece. Maybe I can't gauge the humor behind it.
Additionally, I like the use of anachronisms in your piece but somehow, they appear not very well integrated with the setting.
Lastly, when your
your character referred to the epilogue in his speech, the story lost it's element of fictional realism. Even in fiction, you need to have rules which keep it real in its own dimension.

Thanks for your submission and happy leeching!



10 years ago

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Three days left!

10 years ago

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I mailed you for the key Squire. Check your e mails :D

10 years ago

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One day left, be sure to enter if you want to! Don't forget you can get a Steam key from the list (or others if you ask) just for entering!

10 years ago

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Just discovered this thread today. Awesome idea!

10 years ago

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Deadline is dead!

10 years ago

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Winners are out in no particular order!
'Father' by (entsha)
'Subsector' by (jbondguy007)
Capture the Flag by (AvidWriter).

Congratulations to the winners!

10 years ago

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As Faded mentioned below, winners are out! This means prizes, especially since I was such an awful terrible not-judging-the-contest sub-human.

Everyone who entered can claim another key, first come first serve.

The three winners (Entsha, Jbondguy007, and AvidWriter) can get five keys each! That's an amazing offer! CALL NOW TO- oh, wait.
New, updated, harder to read lists of Humble Bundle keys. Same as last time, other bundle keys are available, ask with the bundle and requested key and I'll see if I can hook you up.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by SquireZed.