They don't do good deal if it's about charity. That's not the point anyway.
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Considering the usual bundles they give it far more expensive. That is why it's not a good deal.
Check the Humble Bundle - Yogscast's Dwarven Dairy Drive Bundle. Same price but imo they gave better games that time.
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I don't buy them at all because i can't afford them. I don't have an income and i only buy some 1$ tier bundle. Also i only bought Counter-Strike and nothing else for myself.
Considering you still don't see the point i will explain it to you... GA creator stated it's a bad bundle (last line of the original post). I stated they are not trying to make good deal because it's a charity (my first post). Then you came and didn't understand a thing (all your posts).
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you've claimed that they (i assume Humble bundle) don't do good deals if it's about charity, but humble bundle trying not to get profit from deal (at least they claim about it), so what kind of deal for them if they won't get profit?
and if they won't get any profit from this bundle is it good deal for humble too?
in case of this bundle you are making donation in first case and then you get games... if you can make good deals that is about charity then do it... cause it is easy to tell that others don't do good deals ^^
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I've edited to avoid confusion. I've say "bad deal for us" because all these game were already bundled, but also "good deal for the MSF", because it's a great charity organisation. I've never said "it's a bad bundle".
It's a good bundle if you don't have at least, half of these games.
Otherwise, the $25 should be given directly through the MSF site, or in the SGDQ site to help them reach the maximum possible, for the strech goal when there is a donation incentive for a specific game, for the hype, or any other reason which can motivate you to donate.
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No, I'm dead serious, the bundle is shit, and i'm not judging each game, because most of them are good, but the fact that the price is too high, and that every single game there was bundled makes me think HB is running out of ideas
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Yeah, it's bad timing given the huge sales flying around at the moment and considering a few of these have been in previous bundles. The asking price of $25 will probably push away a lot of potential buyers. For things like this, I imagine the addition of unique extras would be perfect, even if it was something small like an extra skin, an extra level, a reskinned/remixed mode with some switched sounds and textures, an unlock, anything. They could contact willing developers and in exchange for a token (yet interesting) little extra, they can be added to the bundle. It'd help push the value up and draw interest.
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Three, Humble Indie Bundle V in June 2012, Humble Double Fine Bundle in May 2013 and Humble Weekly Sale featuring Double Fine in Feburary 2014.
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But psychonauts is a really good game. I already used HB but bought a steam gift copy for myself instead.
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The amount of nonsense that spews out of peoples mouths amaze me. They must not have been around PC gaming 10+ years ago where we had to actually go to a store, buy the game full price, and then come back home to be able to play it. So ungrateful.
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"Bad deal for us (even more with the current Steam sale)"
Actually, it's a better deal than the current sale prices of those games. At the current price they all add up to $38.50. Granted some of those will go on higher sales during the sale, but it'll even out to be about the same. Though with the Humble Bundle you're giving to charity.
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If someone doesn't have these games yes, but all these game were already bundled. I should not add a personal opinion in the OP to avoid any confusion, this bundle is pretty good, even more when it's for a really usefull charity organisation like this one. I edit.
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I think they just don't want to do a big, popular bundle while Summer Sale is on. On the other hand, by giving it all to charity, they can maintain roughly the same amount of money that goes to charity. 20 % goes to charity if you don't adjust the slides - probably they want just to compensate the pobbile low selling bundle by giving it all to charity - (in this way only 20% of sales, yet still the same amount of charity).
Anyways, why do even care? It will be a great bundle with good content? oooh yes. Do I own the games I want, and I don't want the other half of the bundle? .... oooh yes.
Time to move on, go back checking steam for new deals. There is no reason to cry, rage, blame, flame humblebundle. Just check it, say "meh", "sad" , "I'll check back in a week, better have something good, you dirty little bastard, you!" or anything.
It usually feels like people just like flaming about humblebundle because it's a trend now - and finally they can find people who are agreeing with them.
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Pretty much. This is one of those rare times when that "entitlement" word could be used accurately.
People have gotten so used to getting jaw-dropping bundles with mostly games they don't own that are of a high quality AND can be bought for as little as $1... that the moment they stop being given this kind of godly treatment they fly into an indignant precious-princess rage. Before Humble, multi-buy packs would rarely go below 50% of each unit's price (combined), and never feature free soundtracks and DRM-free options or sourcecode availability. They're quick to forget that Humble literally triggered the golden age of 'bundle culture' we're swimming in now, and managed to do so while also giving to charity. How can anyone possibly be genuinely angry at that?
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Are you sure it's from Humble?
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Why so (relatively) expensive if it's all for charity? That just reduces sales significantly, which results in reduced donations. Machine for Pigs is the only one of these that seems like a big draw for the (relatively, again) big price, and the game itself is less expensive than that, so if someone wants it, he can just buy it alone somewhere else (also it's 75% off in the current Summer Sale). Everything else there is pretty bundle-y, though most of those are good games, from what I understand. Maybe the price will change, though, once the bundle is officially released.
Note: I certainly think these games are worth $25, really more than $25, but since Humble has put out much better deals before, it makes this one feel expensive, and my biggest concern is no one will buy it, as the only real incentive is the charity aspect, which most people don't care about (most people don't donate to charity, no judgments, just fact).
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It's a combination of resellers, devs giving away their games for no personal profit, and a big charity event being a draw to the people who are interested in it. The resellers are bad enough whenever they buy up 100 bundles at $1 and pawn them off piecemeal for a year down the line, but the developers aren't making anything off of this bundle. They're giving away their games for charity, and they're not going to stand back and watch people sell them for profit later on. The $25 minimum cuts down on all of that abuse. Also, the people who donate to AGDQ donate a lot. It's not uncommon for someone to donate $20 5 or 10 different times.
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Your post answers some questions, and it makes sense, but all of that just seems to result in a loss of charity potential, in my mind. So far, about 600 bundles have been sold (for the $25 and over tier), and the total sales are about $14,000. I guess 14K is a good number since it's been on sale for only a few hours, but based on Guacamelee! being limited to 25,000 copies, it sounds like they expected this one to fare better (sales will only slow down from here, right?).
This is all mindless speculation, though, as I find the relatively high price point to be interesting.
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I think with these high priced bundles they're more focused on rewarding people who give generously. Both of the $25 bundles they've done now have been for events that people give a lot of money towards. They also get better games donated by the devs if the minimum is high. When the Yogscast $25 charity bundle happened, new games were added throughout the event and there were some nice games in there, I remember Rust specifically. The devs of Rust were willing to give away their brand new hot game for free because they knew it was going to a good cause and they knew people weren't going to be able to BTA for $5 and sell their game for a profit for months afterward.
I think that there are going to be pretty steady sales for most of the event, that's what happened with the Yogscast one. These aren't really bundles for normal bundle buyers, they're more of rewards for the people who normally watch these streams and donate already.
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The games are :
That's why it isn't worth it that much.
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Yes? I agree? I'm not sure if you were trying to argue or just underscoring my point, but thank you very much for collecting all that information into one place. It clarifies my jumbled thoughts that I attempted to communicate.
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Well... :
Amnesia: a machine for pigs (4.99$) + Gunpoint (2.49$) + Noitu (1.49$) + Bleed (1.69$) + Electonic Super Joy (0.79$) + Guacamelee! Gold Edition (3.74$) + Psychonauts (1.99$) + Dustforce (4.99$) + The Basement Collection (0.99$) + Giana sister: rise of the owlverlord 0.94$ = 24,10$
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I don't think he's trying to complain so much as showing how this isn't really much of a "deal." Humble's usual M.O. is to bundle games at ridiculously low cost compared to buying them separately elsewhere, and this breaks that spectacularly. I think that's why it bothers people. Any decent person supports charity at least philosophically, if not with his/her pocketbook.
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the its for charity isnt a reason to buy a bundle its a bonus for me, i want oxfam or whoever to get 25$ ill walk down to one of their shops and hand it over to them or go to their website and donate, bundles are for good deals and the charity aspect is a bonus to me, yes this bundles 100% to charity but most arent and that colours it for me
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I can't help but LOL at this shit. HIB must be getting high on some strong shit.
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I saw MSF, i thought it was "Microsoft Foundation". :P
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"Guacamelee! Gold Edition "Only 25 000 copies available""
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I for one, think that this bundle is interesting. I know key resellers have been quite a problem for a while, with the situation becoming worse as time went on, hopefully this will make it less profitable for them. While I get that it is harder to fork over more for a larger bundle, as there is a bigger chance that it has something you already have, I feel that this devalues indie games less. I know quite a few people that normally wait for many indie games to have a large discount or go in a bundle, as it is quite common for that to happen.
As this goes on and becomes the norm, we get used to such treatment, even feel entitled to it. Gaming isn't exactly a cheap hobby, and HB helps offset some of the costs of it, but I think putting more emphasis on the cost rather than the content of the game is the wrong way to go. They say the customer is always right, but most customers are human, and thus prone to their emotions. Rather than feel entitlement, we should remember that these bundles don't exist just to load up our steam libraries, but also to increase exposure to indie developers as well as lend a helping hand to charities.
Just kind of what I think on the case, it has been on my mind for a while, I also can't help but feel entitled to cheap games, but more focus on price should shift more to the game itself. Just solely concentrating on the price itself makes me think that we forget why we do this in the first place: so that we can play games.
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Absolutely, well said. The current bundle situation just leads to a lot of people waiting for indies to go into a bundle, and that makes it so that a lot of indie devs aren't making enough money to live on and have to put their games in a bundle. It's a self perpetuating cycle. Humble Bundle honestly isn't that bad for indie devaluation, because they tend to pick a lot of great games that have already made a lot of money for their bundles. Indie Gala and Groupees are the worst when it comes to this, because they both offer 3 or 4 different bundles with 5+ brand new games for $1 every single week.
I'm honestly part of the problem as well. Look at my account, I have 400 games and only a handful of them that I play on a regular basis. Hell, half of my games haven't even been touched. I've bought indies in the past that I thought looked interesting only to have them get in a bundle before I could even play them, so I tend not to buy many anymore. My attitude and the attitudes of a lot of bundle buyers is going to lead to the crash of indie gaming, and I don't know if we can even stop it at this point.
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Steam has 75 million users.Do you really think Indie Gala and Groupees with 3-10k sold bundles do something bad?How many of these buyers will buy a new unknown indie game in the first place?1%,2%?These bundles is like a big giveaway from the developers to promote their games with a small income for them.It's a good move for a small new developer imo.
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They do something bad because they've made it so some people expect to pay 10 cents a key for a brand new indie game. They cannibalize sales because they make it easy for resellers to sell copies of the game months after the bundle ends. They've made it so that new devs have no way to make money other than selling their game for nothing, because now people expect indies to be bundled.
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ok i guess you didn't really read what i wrote.How many bundle buyers exist outside humble bundle you believe?Maximum 25-30k.These buyers are about 1/3000 of steam users...
All weekly bundles from indiegala and groupees are not so cheap as you say and sales are low too.And rarely resellers buy these bundles.In your post you said about the weekly bundles.Did you mean maybe the main bundles of indiegala and Groupees?But Developers said that even humblebundle doesn't affect negative their sales and you blame small sites with low sales?
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$25, everything goes to the MSF foundation (Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders)
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