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Same for me

10 years ago

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happened to AirBuccaneers as well, I lost my points even tho I gave it away 1 yr ago when it wasn't free to play. :)

10 years ago

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That's because it's free to play, it's not a bug. This is a bug, the game is $15 in the Steam store.

10 years ago

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it wasn't free to play when I gave it away, and I think that the points stay then? bc the price of the day when it was given away counts? might be wrong but that's how I understood it. /edit: its ftp since end of last year and before sg2 I still had the points :)

10 years ago

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Afaik Price history is not stored by SG so if game goes f2p or gets a reduction in price, contributor value goes down

10 years ago

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Whatever the current price is is what your CV is. I've lost CV that way too, though never had a game go F2P on me.

10 years ago

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another example (Sleeping Dogs)

10 years ago

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Can't see that one

10 years ago

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Can't see it either, apparently I've been blacklisted.

10 years ago

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By the way, thanks for putting the game back on the list, cg!

10 years ago

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Ditto. And this game does not seem to be free on Steam...

10 years ago

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It's happening for me with batman arkham origins, i gave it like 5 months or more before it was bundled-

10 years ago

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If a game is put on the bundle list, and you gave it away prior to that, you get the full current value as CV

10 years ago

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I did the math, and the batman origins at 0P doesn't add to my CV, therefore im missing "Gift Sent" value towards next level o:

10 years ago

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game is not even on the create a giveaway list o:

10 years ago

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k now it is, but still my old GA is at 0P.

10 years ago

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Arkham Origins was bundled? :o

10 years ago

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yeah, around xmas i think, they made a batman franchise pack, contained city goty, asylum goty, origins, and dlcs.

altho it didn't include blackgate game so it wasn't really a "franchise" bundle.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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The price is wrong in the database. As soon as it's updated, your CV should be back to normal.

10 years ago

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Add Stronghold 3 Gold to the current list of "bugged to 0 value" games.

Edit: also Kingdom Wars (previously named Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars I think) and Football Manager 2014

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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The ones I found:
Metro last light (the one removed from steam so not the redux)
The Ship
Penumbra Black Plague Gold Edition

10 years ago

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Add War of the Roses and Blur to this list. Each should be 20P

10 years ago

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War of the roses is f2p, I think you're referring to the Kingmaker DLC which to my understanding is kinda like a premium version.

10 years ago

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No I mean the base game. I gave it before it went f2p, and it included Kingmaker - it was $20 in the store at that time, same as just the DLC is now. It's value was fixed at $20 on SG1 long after the game went f2p, but that data seem to have been lost on the transition.

10 years ago

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Oh I never knew they did that, to my understanding staff has always refused to do that to avoid having to do that for each game that has a price drop, guess that doesn't go for games that went f2p then.

10 years ago

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Games that are on store and have a price were handled automatically, by the system. Games that got removed/went f2p(or semi-f2p in case of WotR) had last know price added into the database, so you wouldn't lose CV for because of it.

10 years ago

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We had the manual prices for games that went f2p later. For some reason the api reports quite a few games as free, even ones that aren't/have never been free. These will be adjusted sooner or later.

P.S.: I saw your other thread and wanted to say that your initial thread got closed because there is a ticket category for adding games, which should be used instead of the forum. I posted in the thread before closing it, so you are aware. Apologies if I wasn't clear enough.

10 years ago

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Ahh that explains it, haven't slept all night myself so my sleepy mind went straight to "we're still kinda beta testing now that everyone is on SG so I guess I should create a thread to collect missing games in" without even thinking of creating a ticket, I was already wondering if i might have misunderstood why we have that sub forum or that i've missed some posts asking users not to do that so thanks for the clarification.

Regarding the games that get marked as f2p, I do know that a couple paid games use a f2p model to allow people to play MP without owning the same content which might be what's causing these games to show up as being f2p.
Take Company Of Heroes 2 for example, despite it's price of $40 the game itself is considered free, if you buy it you get another entry under DLC called "standard game" and when you disable it all you can install the game but all assets are locked, this also causes a lot of people to not be able to purchase the game from the store (only as a gift) despite not owning it just the demo or some dlc.

10 years ago

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I understand that but on this case it happens on random games too (see Batman™: Arkham Origins). It might be just a mistake on their store pages.

10 years ago

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I've assorted the games mentioned in this topic and others like it into a support ticket, with assorted last know values, so they could be manually added more easily. Hope this helps.

10 years ago

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Pretty sure the values are still in the db and the titles can be found by checking which has the tag on but has a price. The problem isn't only adjusting the ones we find but to find a solution so this doesn't keep happening, too.

10 years ago

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Sure, a non manual-labor solution would be preferable. But until then, can someone (re)input the game values, pretty please? :3 It's not much of a difference if you're level 6+, but these situations can bump a person down a level or two, if they're on lvl 2-5.

10 years ago

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Saira (before it went F2P) also lost its value.

10 years ago

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Deadbreed® (0P) also lost its value, I sent him before he became F2P

10 years ago

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ProtoGalaxy also lost original value. Before it went f2p it was 10p (9.99$) and now all finished giveaways are credited with 0$.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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planetary annihilation had 0 points too, don't know if it's fixed already no active GA now :)

10 years ago

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Yup, it's back to 30P

10 years ago

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Battlefield 2 complete had $0 now
I gave away this gift 5 months ago and this is how it looks in my profile

View attached image.
10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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so is this ever going to be fixed? almost 2 weeks.

10 years ago

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^ This

Waiting to get back my points for BF2 Complete Gift :F ...

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Akash.