The point was to avoid devolving the threads into flame wars. Based on our demographics, I doubt there are many people on this site who would take offense with this anyways :P
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". I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Give me five bees for a quarter," you'd say."
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I must share then:
Also "I'm cold and there are wolves after me!" is probably one of my favorite simpsons lines, even out of context.
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You should've been on the Onion AV Club forums a couple years ago. Glorious times indeed. Thanks to disqus though now every mouth-breather who worships whatever the newest tv trend is thinks their opinion is equal. I miss the days when it was obscure '70s punk-band references, literary jibes and dick jokes. Now it's all just dick jokes.
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"My story begins in nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say dickety because the Kaiser had stolen our word twenty. I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles. (the children laugh) What are you cackling at, fatty? Too much pie, that's your problem! Now, I'd like to digress from my prepared remarks to discuss how I invented the terlet..."
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We haved a site demographic that measures support of same-sec marriage?
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No, I mean mostly young, many people not from the US where it's already commonplace, etc.
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Yeah, but given this political matter is "Hey, we just made it so that equality is stronger in our country, at the detriment of nobody!" I would hardly consider it controversial. We still have yet to hear of a sound moral or legal objection to opposing gay marriage, and it is entirely up to dissenters / debaters whether they descend into flame territory \:3/
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Just to be clear I wasn't citing the old FAQ to tell the OP he shouldn't have opened this thread ._. I was just trying to telling him it was in the old one which is why that other guy thought it was in the FAQ but he himself couldn't find it... thus the confusion.
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Oh yeah. I get that. Most political things are generally advised to be held off for another place, given they can be the source of arguments, but given the exact nature of this political issue, it's hard to find controversy. While a bit overstated, it's kind of like not posting about a court ruling that black people shouldn't be lynched, for fear that some people would be argumentative about it, y'know? There are some political subjects that are pretty clean cut as simple outright progress.
I appreciate what you were trying to do, but this is a pretty big issue to some people, and a subject that is hard to really stir opposition for without tripping over all the other more common-sense rules for not being hateful and such.
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This one always cracks me up. :)
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Key & Peele are great. Also, that second picture is what I think everytime. At some point it becomes a kind of obsession. It all starts with 'Ew. I've never done that before. Why do you do that? Nevermind. I don't care. But really, why do you play Hide and Seek with other men??? I don't care though. Just saying.'
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real future
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Twitch put in a new emote on right away
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Yes, let's make a day when heterosexuals can feel like their sexuality is normal, and in no way makes them a freak.
Eh, you know what? Let's give 'em a full year devoted to it.
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Heterosexual pride +100500
The best comment in the thread!
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Well you said it, and works in both ways. haha funny, haha, i'm so alone.
And for the record this is how i see people.
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Aren't those called Neo-Nazi parades?
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I disagree. You have to remember it was actually a ferocious public battle for things like women's suffrage or the civil rights act. Then they pass, they're in for decades and only good things happen from them, no bad whatsoever, and now how much of an utter fool would you appear to argue to repeal them? The same thing will happen with this.
Now if my country Australia could join the 21st Century too, that'd be wonderful.
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it will affect officialist people, those who do/follow whatever their religion/politics tell them it's ok. also people that love to follow social acceptance behavior.
it won't change the mind of who really thinks this is wrong, though. but i think they are a minority.
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You're right, I was referring to those kind of prejudices. My mom's family is christian and they see homosexuality as a sin, and my dad's family is catholic and very conservative... Hopefully these laws help, but IMHO people will still discriminate and judge what other people do with their lives... I guess its somewhat part of human behavior to mind other people's business =(
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And what about all the discrimination against pet rocks!? I can't legally be with the love of my life just because it's an inanimate object. :<
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I saw the previews. The court said TED was property in the beginning of the movie. If TED wins his case will he also be considered a consenting adult? I say Free TED!!!
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Sure. We Christians are commanded to speak the truth in love, to love the person not the act, and to study the Scriptures so that we know them well, so when we have something to speak out about, we're knowledgeable and do it tempered with love. I never condone violence, hate crimes and murder, no matter who you are or how your lifestyle is (assuming you're not in trouble by breaking the law, in which case the law has the final say), those things (violence, hate crimes, murder) make me sick. And this is where all the haters and religious zealots (the ones that give Christianity a bad name) lose, because they fail to show love. As for our country, I believe the United States as a whole is heading for destruction on a level with how Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D., so yes I will continue to pray for this country.
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Then you totally missed the point I was writing about in the first place, no offense. Remember that just because someone speaks out about something it doesn't mean they're a zealot or any form of hater, it's all in the intent and how it's presented.
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I think he's referring to the last sentence you wrote. I, though not Christian, was with you until that last statement. The doomsday stuff is a little too much. For once in your life, try viewing the glass as half full.
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I know that seemed sudden to bring up, but it's too complex to bring up all the steps mentioned in the book The Harbinger (or the documentary film adaptation, The Isaiah 9:10 Prophecy) detailing how many things done going back to 9/11, mirror what happened before Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D. and how many wicked things going on in our country mirror what was going on in Sodom and Gomorrah. I can understand you not wanting to go along with doomsday talk, and I'm not talking about the whole world, just potentially our country; and recognizing what He may be trying to warn us about is very important, doomsday or not, wouldn't you agree?
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+1 Even i'm not from USA, i will pray for your country to. Cause other than this same sex marriage, i read many fucked up true story that make me thing that USA is really like you said "Heading Toward Destruction" or better "All World Heading to The End of World". I remember one story of my religion prophet Nuh (Noah) that one of the list before God make earth flood by water is same sex relationship. So i rewrite what i said, I Pray for This World.
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As a straight, Canadian female, congratulations America! It's about time this happened. :-) I hope you all have happy unions (Or if not unions...Or even if) lives, and everything you could dream of!
PS; To all the anti-homosexual Americans out there claiming they are moving to Canada... Guess what? Homosexual marriage has been fully legal here since 2005 - and accepted in various provinces much, much longer :P
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Yeah, my friend sent me this link: People Who Are Going To Be Very Disappointed When They Get To Canada
Stupid bigoted people:)
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Yay, freedom!
Call me when I can marry my computer and be plankton incarnate.
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Congratulations on something that really shouldn't be an issue! I personally don't give a damn about your sexual preference, so don't go bringing it up to me cause it doesn't matter~ Let people marry who they want (Though don't go forcing religions to marry said people if it is against their practice, as that is discrimination against religious freedom and right, and just as bad as discrimination against homo/bisexuals), it's not harming or killing any living being.
Now hopefully people can stop making a big deal out of it soon, as with all other forms of discrimination, the more you keep talking about it after it's been handled legally, the longer it will exist. Morgan Freeman says it so wonderfully! (not the full thing, but you get the idea)
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Being legal doesn't mean that there won't still be bigotry, though. And sticking our heads in the sand will not help matters at all. o__o
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And what does constantly shoving it in everyone's face do? Someone somwhere is always gunna be prejudice against it, and glorification of homosexuality isn't going to fix that. I'm not saying bury our heads in the sand, I'm saying don't make it out as a huge thing for the next 100+ years. If hate on the illegal level comes up, then courts will deal with it, but trolls irl should he treated as those online, ignored. I know its alit to ask of people, but the more you put something like this on center stage, the longer it'll take humanity to fully accept it.
You can't cure the world of discrimination and bigotry, I'm sorry, and putting it on center stage only makes matters worse as you feed their fire. Arses will be arses, and there's nothing you can do about it. So if you think homosexuality is a normal thing and should be treated as normal, go about your lives as if it is, and don't go parading your rainbow banners, as it shouldn't matter. Heterosexuals dong go parading a banner for being straight, so why should homosexuals? we're all equal as humans, and that's all that matters. Homosexuality isnt harming a living organism, it only reduces the average reproduction rate of a species.
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To put everything I said with greater simplicity for those who don't like reading xD
Person A: "Hello, I'm homosexual."
Me: "great, do you want a cookie for that or something?"
that's the point I'm at when people feel it's needed for them to announce their sexuality :/
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Well, what you're seeing right now is : "Yay! We can finally marry and be given equal consideration that other married couples are!", not "YAY WE'RE GAY". To put this in perspective, imagine your own sexuality was a factor in how you were treated whenever it was discovered, not just by people with loud 'opinions', but by the authorities and the certain rights you were 'allowed' to have. Finally being able to have equality on those rights, on things as stupid as being able to visit your partner in hospital when they were ill, is something to be happy about.
The suppression of 'unpopular' sexuality can create a certain uncomfortable omnipresent pressure over the years, so that when things are finally equalised, of course people are going to want to celebrate. Even in the lack of this recent development, people who find themselves subject to pressures to suppress / hide various parts of their identity will tend towards needing occasional release. Think of it like this : After a long, hard week at work, people often want to relax or celebrate a little on the weekend to let off the steam. There is a similar effect with pressures of a more personal nature.
It's all fine to suggest that other people's sexuality gets 'shoved in your face', but you also need to consider how much the derogatory, obnoxious or intimidating anti-homosexual opinions are 'shoved into peoples faces'. Western cultures by and large have come to passively ignore small infractions of prejudice, because it's not worth confronting idiots about their behaviour, hell it even gets seen as impolite to tell someone they're being uncool when they... lets say randomly bitch to a friend about a 'nigger' or a 'faggot' on public transport, perhaps because it's not too frequently heard. Why then is it considered so irksome in comparison to 'tolerate' someone discussing their sexuality or celebrating their various little moments of relaxation? I would wager simply because it is unfamiliar.
I don't think anyone is under the illusion that this recent ruling will eliminate discrimination on the subject, but having the governing authorities recognise them as equal in eyes of the law is a massive step that should have been taken long ago. It's one worth celebrating.
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I get that you're celebrating the legality of it happening now, but that's not my concern. My concern is that people will continue to celebrate it and treat themselves as separate from the rest of the human race because of it, which last I checked, they wanted equality, not to be seen as separate. I don't care if you're homosexual so stop wearing it on your sleeve as if it we're some banner and act as an equal to the rest of us.
When people start complaining about those "faggots and niggers" on the subway, I generally reply, "So because of their colour, something they didn't choose, and their sexual preference, you can officially determine their personality and what kind of person they are?" If they reply yes, I can officially call them an idiot and I go let them think whatever they will as they are no longer of concern to me.
Trust me, I am not imply that this will eliminate hateful discrimination. Cause complexities in many things that will need to be sorted out as they arise (ie. religions who do not believe in homosexuality being forced to oversee marriages of that nature, that is a big no no that destroys religious freedom), that's for sure, but not eliminate the discrimination. Humans can be a vicious species that will hound on anyone that's slightly different from them in some way, but those people are the kind that need to be ignored overall, and only given attention if they cause major problems that drift into the illegal areas.
Overall, celebrate that legally homosexuality is no longer looked on in a hateful way, but don't go rubbing it in in years to come.
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How does continuing to celebrate it equal treating themselves separate from the rest of the entire human race, exactly?
As for the 'stop wearing it on your sleeve' thing? No. Sorry. It just doesn't work like that. When a group is suppressed for long enough, the identity of the group tends to become something of an issue. That slight dehumanisation, when suffered over a long enough time, becomes more of a thing they feel compelled to stand for. Now that they're finally able to marry without governmental interference, it doesn't magically give people the right to tell them how they should or shouldn't express themselves. Like it or not, but the pressure to hide it away combined with the hostile responses even the most passive homosexual person can get, it combines in a way that they feel compelled to deliberately exercise such expression. If there is enough prejudice even where there is no legal merit, then people often respond to that by making a point of passively standing against it. It's a principal. Provided a person isn't disrupting the peace or going out of their way to disturb or harass others, it's nobody else's business.
I just fail to see how being hyped about closing the equality gap is a warning sign of 'years' of 'rubbing it in'. I'm sorry but if there was a long-standing law that stopped me from being treated equally based on some facet of my denomination, I wouldn't care about whether or not my opponents felt like I was 'rubbing it in' when I celebrated, given their viewpoint would literally be an opinion that was causing me to live in some regard as a second-class citizen.
I really don't see where you're coming from. :P
I mean, sure, moderation in all things, but the people behind the suppression of an entire denomination of citizens can just suck it up and deal with it. They had endless years of getting what they wanted with no rational or moral reason that held up to scrutiny, so they can just suck it, TBH. :P
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Why should they feel the need to proclaim it? If they're trily equal and want equality, they shouldn't feel the need to go parading around like it separates them, as that is very hypocritical to theur desire for equality.
Every time I see someone proclaim their homo, I ask myself "and what does that change? Was it really necessary to say it? Should I go out and proclaim my race, sexuality, religion, and nationality?" Maybe I'm alone in finding it as trying to separate yourself from everyone else, that's just how I see it. If its something that doesn't dictate who you are as a person, its not something you need to shout on the rooftops, and yes, I see a shiz ton of people shouting it on social media, and when I reply saying I'm hetro, I'm immediately called homophobic! I dare say, in their fear if rejection, many of them have become discriminatory. But maybe this is an isolated incident, and those people whom I've told "I don't give a damn, it doesn't change you as a person", are just an extreme minority that I've been so unlucky to find.
If you feel you have equality and aren't being discriminated, you shouldn't feel the need to go telling the world these inconsequential details unless asked or relevant. I don't go proclaiming it unless its relevant or asked of me, because it doesn't matter and doesn't change who I am.
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"If you feel you have equality and aren't being discriminated, you shouldn't feel the need to go telling the world these inconsequential details unless asked or relevant."
Yes, and we're now one step closer to having gay people counted as equal. You're right that being gay should be a complete non-issue, but it will be an issue for as long as they suffer oppression and discrimination. This news is as much about a victory over hateful lunatics as it is about gay people finally being able to join straight people in something that shouldn't affect those lunatics anyway.
Remember how as late as the 80s and 90s there was a massive surge in female equal rights awareness? It brought the two genders a lot closer together - such ridiculous tropes as "that's right, a GIRL wants to join the football team!!!" broke down a lot of barriers. Obviously we're still nowhere near completely bridging the male/female equality divide, as most females in media (and, sadly, often in real life) are defined by their gender instead of their personality (yikes, that recent Supergirl pilot... every female gets multiple lines about how they are female), and the pay inequality is still horrendous (thank you leaked Sony emails for showing that you're a sexist company - but almost certainly the same as most multinationals), but we're probably halfway down that road, and by 2050 we might actually have gender equality, even though we've had it theoretically in law for decades.
True LGBT equality is still only beginning to be established in law, and so expecting it to be established in culture overnight is a complete fantasy on your part, IMO. It's still a legitimately consequential detail as long as there are government officials attacking and denouncing that way of life and insisting that it is sub-human. For example:
"Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee told conservatives on Saturday that the supreme court tried to “unwrite the laws of nature and the laws of nature’s God” when it legalised gay marriage across the nation on Friday."
Give it 20 years, and it will be as unimportant an aspect of one's character as gender is today. Give it 50 years, and the prejudices may have finally died out and people will truly be equal.
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Ya, probably >~< but it still bugs the hell outta me that people have to put it all on a pedestal, especially when I'm attacked on both sides for saying I don't give a damn.
My personal views on it all are, I may not agree with it, but its not harming me or anyone else, so do what you like and I wont see you differently.
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They feel the need to proclaim it, because for the longest time, they have been expected to hide it. As I said, it's the principal. This isn't something that came about from an issue only months old, but many years. It's not like people are literally pausing to chant "I'M GAY I'M GAY I'M GAY" through a megaphone in the middle of a street, they're simply being unafraid to discuss the subject. After a victory for equality such as this last one, they tend to want to celebrate. Again, this is far from indicating that homosexuals are randomly going to start shoving it in peoples faces for years to come, as you strangely claimed to be worried about. I still see no basis for this, and would like to hear where this is coming from.
Your comparison about proclaiming other aspects/denominations don't hold up, unless those details were preventing you from equal consideration under law. If you were, say, a Pastafarian, and for all previous generations since the founding of your country, being a Pastafarian meant that you couldn't use public toilets or wear the colour blue, the overturning of the law might make you want to wear blue and go indulge in a celebratory deuce in an unhygienic public pooper. Declaring yourself as a Pastafarian wouldn't mean you're trying to elevate yourself above others nor separate yourself from them, and would be more an exercise in getting familiar with not having to go to pains to hide it so much.
Also, the situation that a person is randomly 'declaring' these things alters the contexts heavily, and you haven't really told us what situations you're referring to. I find it hard to imagine that you regularly encounter someone just stood in a populated area randomly saying "I'm gay!" to every passer by, heh. Context is vital here, though you did mention social media, which explains your opinion (that I find to be rather distorted). NEVER take things said or done on social media to represent reality nor any crowd they claim to belong to. Social media is a typically toxic medium where all discrimination and political battles stack up like a horrible cesspit of memetic behaviour, +1ism, circlejerking, disconcern with fact-checking and hugboxes. They tend to breed the worst kinds of behaviour and drag in otherwise rational people with a slow gravity (see video link later). If you use behaviour on social media as a measuring stick for everyone of a denomination, imagine exactly what it would say about you if they did the same in return? As you may imagine, that's a very inaccurate and unfair judgement to make (unless the group in question is based solely or primarily out of social media).
And I'm pretty sure this doesn't change their random experiences with outspoken, obnoxious individuals whose personal opinions on sexuality get randomly dropped on them. Being able to marry means another leap towards equality under law has been made, but it doesn't change the attitudes and behaviour towards it on a cultural level. There is still plenty of work to be done there.
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Maybe Politicians can finally move on from gay marriage being a talking point when it really shouldn't have been. Who cares who gets married but instead of concentrating on the numerous problems and corruption this country has they like to ignore that and scapegoat things like abortion and gay marriage. But who am I kidding the politicians will still try to fight this and continue talking about it for years to come just to move attention away from the real dangers ahead like they always have done even when the decision has already been passed.
What about the the crippling debt, the massive oil spills happening on our coasts destroying native wild life and industries, the vast political corruption(you know they sure won't talk about this), the fact that corporations pretty much own congress now, or the fact that jobs are leaving our country in droves trying to get in on that cheap slave labor. But hey even if we're poor, hungry and run by a corrupt police state we'll all get to be married in the future. I wish you guys the best.
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Certain politicians will always leverage whatever unimportant stuff they can if it means they can secure more votes. If the other candidates have no stance on gay marriage, then saying they're against it creates more appeal for the less civilised / more overbearingly religious / etc. Let's not forget the lengths they want to try frame a certain candidate as 'not american', or a certain news outlet running a mini-story on a fist-bump by a certain black candidate as a 'terrorist hand gesture'. I'm sure they'll find some other stand-in subjects to use, but you just know we're going to lose out on that one too :P
The welfare of entire slews of the citizenship is simply a poker chip to some of these people.
This is why I try to stay away from politics, because that shit's depressing, heh~
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Shout out to the people of U S of A. Major respect \m/
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Was watching the news on my break at work and I pretty much laughed out loud. Now, stop jumping to conclusions. I don't care either way (although equal rights no matter who or what you are is of course important) because it doesn't affect me at all but I immedietally thought about the 'outrage' that would 'spread' throughout the US.
EDIT: Also, yeah, that threat of blacklisting is pure hypocrisy.
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Sadly the old right-wing farts of the CDU/CSU in Germany are still against it. They still seem to consider marriage a sacred thing for different genders only, probably still too much under the influence of the catholic church (and their conservative voters).
Hopefully the BGH (or EU courts) willl decide one day that any such restrictions are unconstitutional.
I don't consider myself an LGBT supporter (too lazy to demo) but I don't like seeing people's freedoms being restricted just because they're different from what's considered the norm.
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I don't demo either, not for a long time, I just support it in the sense that I'll talk about it if asked. I dislike "online activism" usually, and only posted this because it was passed and had nothing to do with me(unless you count signing petitions in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage, which I don't because petitions are usually pointless:P).
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Ach die CDU hat doch nicht nur daran ihren Anteil, dass Deutschland teilweise ein Drittweltland ist. Zum brechen schlechte Infrastruktur (Daten, Straßen), mobile Daten kosten knapp das zehnfache wie in manch anderen EU-Ländern, gleichgeschlechtliche Hochzeit immer noch verboten, dass in manchen Bundesländern Läden nur bis 8 offen haben und vor allem: Zensur!
Zum kotzen! Und trotzdem gibt's immer wieder Idioten die sie wählen.
Sorry, I didn't want to phrase all that in english, it's not so important anyway for foreigners :)
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Ich sag nur "Oettinger"
So, genug aber. Will Dir nicht das Wochenende vermiesen ;-)
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It certainly took long enough. Living in one of the holdout states has been kind of depressing, especially knowing couples who want to get married or were married in another state but their marriage isn't recognized. It was a great feeling when my social networks went full rainbow with the news.
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I live in Arkansas which passed it a few months ago...for a weekend. That was crazy. At least it wasn't Mississippi (or Alabama?) that passed it then repealed and absolved the marriages that took place. The ones in Arkansas were still honored.
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I follow a blogger in Mississippi (Godless in Dixie), and I can't say I'd want to live there. It's rather strange here in Ohio to have friends that are over the top happy AND acquaintances who are convinced it is a sign of end times. The worst are the inbetweeners who have been against marriage (and that's what I'm calling it) the whole time but are getting the rainbows out. Ohio is where Obergefell is from.
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"Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam..."
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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
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Why not leave that short of things let the people decide in a election? Also why politicians doesn't say before they got elected that they are on favor of Homosexual marriage? Why they hide it? Nothing personal i'm just asking....
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Well, the majority certainly isn't publicly in favour of it. Group mentality. It's dangerous.
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But look to the skies boys look to the skies! God is Watching you! 0_0
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...Are... You being serious? I think I'd rather shine my ass in "God's" face than listen to someone bumble on about religious stuff that isn't relevant to me in anyway. No, conversion is not applicable to me so I will believe what I believe.
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Yeah good look with that, believe or nor believe is your decision my friend, USA say "In God we trust" when they approve this short of thing? Noo they say: "In my a** we trust."
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Approve of...? You're joking, right? Religion already has a big enough pedestal in the world and not a good one either. What the hell does ass have to do with this anyways? You might as well have said "in my dick we trust. Get it? Because homosexuality. LOLOLOL"
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Hate to break it to you but..."Where can you have sex in the medieval village?
Medieval homes and communities often lacked privacy, and it might have been difficult for a couple to find a place they could be intimate. Ruth Mazo Karras notes that “the church, safe, dry, and deserted for much of the day, might have been the equivalent of the back seat of a car.”"
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A government that no longer listens to it's people and overrides states rights is more dangerous. How do you like the banker bailouts, open borders, Obamacare and now the TPP?
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This is soo sad the world is lost man! :c, I think i'll will back to the church...
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I wasn't even saying I agree with it. It's just a fact. The government will always try to satisfy the majority rather than the minority and in this case, the public opinion has always been 'homosexuality is bad and unnatural' even though, y'know... It's not.
This decision is effectively going against any kind of expectation the average person would expect but at the same time it's a great thing for anyone who likes to laugh at the ignorant 'majority' that just happens to only be a 'majority' because they get the spotlight.
Am I the type of person to blame it on lesser issues? I suppose. Religion? Sure! The Roman Catholic Church was literally the devil in disguise when it was relevant and, let's face it, it's historical evidence of how religion caused much suffering and horrible hypocrisy.
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I understand your point, but never let few people destroys your faith, GOD Never fails, people do.
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Considering "God" supposedly created humans, that sentence is hypocrisy. Maybe "God" should atone for his mistakes, huh?
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Can we please stick to the topic of the thread and not go off into a tangent about religion?
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Actually and sadly when you out of this world you will see, but at that moment it will be too late to go back. :' ( Some people believe that they can do wherever they want without any consequence. This is soo sad really.
Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
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People can have a moral compass without being hobbled by dogma.
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You speak as if you have died, came back to life, and know something we don't. Your belief is no more valid than anyone elses.
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You really have a very good point, I'm not out of this world yet. But I know when I'm out of this world I want to go to heaven, And sadly if I don't repent my self and do the things right i'll will go to that place (hell) like everyone else. And I know is very hard, do the right thing, When the world offers you so many things. But I know that only GOD is that 1 can help me reach it :' (
Good byee people this is my last comment of this discussion.
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So what you are really saying is you live a life of fear. You only believe in god for fear of being wrong.
Edit: If everyone thought this way, terrorists would rule the world.
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without catholic church repressing scientific researches through middle ages because it was contrary to some fantasy novel called Bible (and yeah! Earth is flat!) our knowledge nowadays would be hundred of years ahead. Western countries just came to their senses, gave a finger to catholic church and thus we got enlightment age. The reason Middle East is so behind is that their religgion opress their development to this very day, like catholic church was for 500 years. In their essence christians are the same as muslims and all other religions - they try to stop humanity's development, simply ecause it's stands contrary to their beliefs.
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the Bible is no geography book and does not claim to be one. Again, I'm no advocate of the Catholic Church but it was actually them who first started public schools and universities. Without monasteries collecting scriptures in their libraries most of the ancient knowledge would have been lost during the age of the huns and other brutes terrorizing Europe for centuries. Scholasticism even demands to study, question and reflect - that thinking still fuels universities nowadays.
Furthermore, many of the proponents (even atheists like Voltaire) of the Age of Enlightenment attended Catholic schools. No Catholic schools = no knowledge = no Age of Englightenment.
You do not have to love certain religions but I strongly advise you to read up on that matter - unbiased - and get your facts straight.
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while not a georaphic book nor scientific book it was surely used to counter scientific researches and discoveries. Most famously Galileo trial, but there's been countless other examples and there are up to this very day. Refusal of evolution theory, blocking astronomical research of Copernicus, blocking anatomy research (Tertulian), pope Boniface VIII prohibiting scientific autopsy, Vesalius sentenced to death by Inquisition for his medical research, Edward Janner, precusros of vaccinations, got himself in troubles as well, generally blocking disease, especially epidemiology research in middle ages - because it was divine punishment, in nowadays opposing renatal research, stem cels and cloning research, genetic research - i could go on and on. You asked me to get facts straight - so here you have some straight facts, about your catholic church supporting scientific growth...
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Without monasteries collecting scriptures in their libraries most of the ancient knowledge would have been lost during the age of the huns and other brutes terrorizing Europe for centuries.
Um, are you serious? It is mainly due to religious zeal that so many ancient texts have been lost to the ages. A significant portion of our primary sources for the ancient Mediterranean, for instance, have only survived because the texts that weren't destroyed were actually written over by religious scholars and modern forensics have revealed what is underneath. People like Diego de Landa are singly responsible for the literary destruction of an entire culture in the name of the Christian God. Countless tomes of unimaginable knowledge have been suppressed, burned, and absolutely obliterated by western religious ideals in both the old and new world alike.
Since you mention it, the Age of Enlightenment was literally birthed out of the spurning of this religious yoke and looking beyond Catholicism's totalitarian control. How do you think Europe was in the dark ages to begin with?
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Part of me has never stopped being angry about what happened to the New World empires after the invasion. I was astonished to learn of what happened, when I was a kid. This was back in the days when people still pretended like Columbus was some noble hero, instead of some brutal sociopath.
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LOL it is you who have no knowledge of history. The Middle East was far more advanced than the rest of the world (except for Asia, especially China, but I digress) in the fields of mathematics, medicine, and most of the sciences. In fact one of Darwin's scientific forefathers was an Arabic writer (Al-Jahiz, look him up).
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you can lol at yourself, I'm a history teacher and teach history on University level, so I think I know history pretty well. You probably mean the fact that during the Migration Period most of Europe's knowledge was lost - whereas the Arabs collected Jewish and Christian knowledge in their Bayt al-Hikma, a huge library, to put it in simple words. During the Crusades exchange happened and for European scholars lost Greek knowlege was found again. So your point is???
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ANYBODY could have 'pushed the educational revolution' as the Church did. I don't have a lack of historical knowledge, I just have an alarming acknowledgement of it. Religion isn't all rainbows and happy parties. It's a hypocritical train of bullshit.
Hell, as Khazadson said, a lot of the realistically important technology came from Asia / Middle East.
EDIT: Also, yeah, it's common knowledge that the Church wasn't a big 'pusher' on science. Galileo for example.
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Also, the fact that you would try and humiliate me for not advancing my historical knowledge to university-post-secondary, even though it's optional and so the "I teach at a university level so I'm better than you!" is pretty childish and irrelevant, just shows that you're more a show-off than somebody who actually wants to teach others in the whole 'pursuit of knowledge' mentality. Maybe I misunderstood you and if so, fair enough, but the lack of historical knowledge that wasn't focused on in the educational curriculum of history courses in the school that I had went to isn't 'alarming'. It's just 'different', especially since the course I had taken was a 1-year World History course so it's not like we only studied Rome / European history.
I obviously don't and will not know everything but what you just stated is something that I could have came to the conclusion of easily, I just didn't say it. My comment was vague but only because I didn't have to say more. The Church itself didn't even offer education to everyone but ignoring that, the church was FAR from perfect. It wasn't horrible either, as long as you played 'good' and followed along.
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Sigh... :/
I could go on, but why bother?
Fyi, i was raised a catholic, and even though i am agnostic, i respect everyone's right to their own faith, just as long as people perceive it as their own personal choice and don't try to shove it down anyone's throat as the ONE TRUTH ABOVE ALL!
What i have little to no respect for, is bigotry in any shape or form, Mr. I-Am-A-History-College-Teacher-On-The-Internet.
Because yes, everyone with actual arguments and factual knowledge always feels the need to pull ranks to back it up, because facts alone don't cut it, or didn't you learn that particular world history lesson? :/
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If a state says "We're going to treat our citizens inequally with no rational or moral reason" then the state NEEDS to be overruled. To not enforce certain rights and equalities is a dangerous idea. Unless of course you'd be cool with states randomly regressing to treating women or blacks as second class citizens. I mean, if it was state law, it'd all be cool, right? :P
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If you read a specific other comment of mine, you'd see that I imply they're only considered a majority because they're the voiced majority. I have no doubts that in this day and age, the majority has shifted quite a bit.
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Civil rights you say, how about putting on jail a parent because they don't want a teacher on school obligates his kid homosexual stuffs? That's civils rights for you??
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k, so the guy was arrested for refusing to leave government property, A.K.A trespassing.
don't want a teacher on school obligates his kid homosexual stuffs?
what did you mean by that?
obligates his kid homosexual stuffs?
makes no sense.
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But it wasn't sexually oriented. the book were about different families. same sex parents exist along with interracial, single, poly, opposite sex, adopted and others. kids should be aware of that.
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Oh, I agree that elected representatives can turn out very poorly, but it has a much better chance for success than a direct democracy. The key thing is having a way to balance the power to prevent abuses and mechanism to enforce the balance, which is usually the part lacking when elections go horribly wrong.
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Well there is one and I live in here. Switzerland it is. So your point is not valid.
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Well, we're a representative democracy with instruments of direct democracy (you could call it semi-direct democracy). And we don't have a prime minister. There are seven ministers.
See for yourself :) ->
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i just went by Sweden's official website:
Elements of direct democracy are great. A lot of states in the U.S. have it, and its a tremendous means for ensuring people have a voice. My own state even has a process so that people can put issues directly on the ballot, without having to be added by the legislature. Its been a very effective way to circumvent government gridlock and let people's opinions be directly known.
But the only reason it truly works is because the federal layer of government acts as a balance.
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To answer your question. Ever time except twice when it has come up for vote (including in CA) the traditional marriage definition won. Every other state that had it :legal" was like this a act of Judicial Activism.
That being said; if you are not hurting anyone; People should be able to pursue happiness.
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But in a couple of states and Puerto Rico for example, Homosexual marriage wan't legal. Now it does.
"That being said; if you are not hurting anyone; People should be able to pursue happiness."
You are right! +1
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Finally...! That did take a while though. First step towards a saner country.
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According to studies, marriage is the primary cause of divorces.
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I have no problem with gay marriage, what does bother me is "Anyone who hates on this will be instantly blacklisted". Sounds like something straight out of North Korea. You have no right to speak unless you agree with what I say. If your opinion isn't the same as my opinion, keep your mouth closed or you will be banished forever. What is the world coming too?
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Blacklisting ain't that bad. the dude just doesn't want to associate with people who don't support gay marriage. you have a right to speak, you'll just be blacklisted by him. i fail to see how that compares to the atrocities committed by the government of North Korea.
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Disagreement doesn't equal hate. You can disagree respectfully and maturely.
Hate is for the lazy.
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What constitutes as hate and disagreement is solely up to the person perceiving said disagreement/hate.
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Only if the person perceiving has trouble understanding the very concepts of each.
Disagreement: I don't like kale because it tastes bitter to me, and I've never found any way it's been prepared that I can actually taste it and not want to spit it out right away. If you like kale, that's cool. I just choose not to eat it. Enjoy.
Hate: Kale is from Satan, and it's wrong. If you eat kale, you're from Satan, too, and you are less of a human being. Anyone that eats kale and enjoys it shouldn't be able to shop in the produce section of any supermarket because it's against my beliefs, and it shouldn't ever be sold in supermarkets again because I don't agree with it.
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Trouble understanding the concepts happens quite often. I believe it's already happened within this thread.
Also, your "Hate" example is a little extreme. (Kale clearly comes from lesser demons, not Satan himself.)
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Not sure why you are asking me. I didn't say anything about hating marriage.
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I was sort of surprised not to see any threads about this already but as a straight male ally, congratulations to all the people in the USA who are now able to legally
tie that ball-and-chain around their anklebe with the person they love. Yeah, that.If people intend to spread hate then they will probably end up blacklisted.
Apparently I need to clarify this for some people. Dissenting opinions do not equate hate, I meant inflammatory or derogatory posts. I think I've only blacklisted one person so far, although some of you may already be on my list. (Written about 3 hours after I originally posted this.)
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