Hi SG, we just rolled out an update to the way blacklists work, and I wanted to create a quick announcement to explain the difference. Previously, if you blacklisted a user, they would not be able to enter your giveaways, or see them on the homepage. Now, there is one addition: If you blacklist a user, you will also not be able to enter their giveaways, or see them on the homepage.

There are two reasons for the change...

  1. It's more fair to giveaway creators, and it prevents users from quietly blacklisting a giveaway creator, while continuing to enter their giveaways.
  2. It will encourage users to put more thought into their reason for blacklisting another user, and it should discourage blacklisting over minor grievances.

This might leave you wondering, is there anything preventing you from unblacklisting a user, entering their giveaways, and then blacklisting them again? Yes. When unblacklisting a user, there is a delay between one second and one day week until you once again see their giveaways on the homepage, and have access to entering them. If you try to directly open their giveaways sooner, you will see an error, such as "You do not have permission to view this giveaway for another 35 minutes, since you previously blacklisted the giveaway creator.". The length of the delay is proportional to the amount of time you had the user blacklisted (i.e. if you blacklisted a user for 5 hours, you'll need to wait 5 hours after unblacklisting the user), up to the maximum of one day week.

7 years ago*

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Neat update!
This would reduce the blacklist threatening for a whole lot I think.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Thanks for update !

7 years ago

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Very nice.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the great change =)

7 years ago

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What's next: two-way whitelists!?!

jk Good job cg but it should be 1 week max not 1 day ;D

7 years ago

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Or two-ways suspensions? 😁

7 years ago

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shudders THE HORROR!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Good news as always, nice addition!

7 years ago

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A fair change! I would like to make one suggestion, being that users who blacklisted me can still see my giveaways, if I have them whitelisted. Hope that can be made possible.

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7 years ago

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See and enter, I hope you mean.

7 years ago

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Yes, just like before -- but this time I control it by having put them on my whitelist myself. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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A couple of questions:

  1. What message would a user see when they try to enter an invite-only GA of a user they blacklisted?
  2. Does this change also apply in situations where a user blacklists a user who whitelisted them?
7 years ago

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1 the same
2 yes

7 years ago

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Ok, this is good to know. Time to remove a couple of users from my whitelist who I know I've been blacklisted by. There's simply no chance for them to win my GAs now, even if I'm ok that they win (and I am).

7 years ago

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It's super easy to just test your question 1. I just tested it on you and:

You do not have permission to view this giveaway, since you have blacklisted the giveaway creator.
You do not have permission to view this giveaway for another 8 seconds, since you previously blacklisted the giveaway creator.

7 years ago

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Finally, been wanting this for a long time. Great news.

7 years ago

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Most welcome change. Nice!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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I like this change but think the Minimum amount of time should be equal to the maximum amount of time a Giveaway can run.
In other words, 4 weeks before you see new giveaways from that user after you unblacklist someone.

Without a change this drastic people will still be able to unblacklist someone, wait 24 hours, and then enter a giveaway before blacklisting them again.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

7 years ago

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nice change, a good opportunity for a new start... clearing my BL now (except for one nazi GA troller...)

7 years ago

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This a great idea and should be applied to government taxation as well.

7 years ago

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You, I like you.

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7 years ago

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"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato

7 years ago

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Nice! I can finally empty my blacklist!

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7 years ago

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That's a nice idea. I wonder if it will fill back up with the names of people who've blacklisted you.

7 years ago

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I don't need that anymore. As long as they can't enter my GAs because they bl'd me, I don't care.

7 years ago

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I wish whitelisting worked the same way but I'm also glad it does not.
People could whitelist you just to take advantage of giveaways you're running for your whitelisted people.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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I already know you whitelisted me, I have you tagged. :P

That is an interesting idea. I really wish we could see a list of everyone who whitelisted or blacklisted us.

7 years ago

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I really wish we could see a list of everyone who whitelisted or blacklisted us.

Seeing whitelists sounds great, at least in theory (I wouldn't be surprised if someone would want to make drama out of being whitelisted - like, "hey you whitelisted me, I whitelisted you, you unwhitelisted me, you little fuck"). .
Blacklists - that's one big drama kettle waiting to burst, so better to hide it.

7 years ago

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I know what you are trying to say but I don't think I can agree with you completely. Sooner or later you will stumble upon someone who BL you. As long as they create invite only GA or participate in some events. My BL consists of 1 hard leecher, 2 regifters and 5 people who BL me. Thing is that it's still all in blacklisters hands, he decide when and why to add you and remove himself from your BL.
Now your point is right, no name should be given, but at last some kind of notification and option for you would do it. E.g. "Member 4342 added you to his blacklist do you want to add him back or member 234 has removed you from his blacklist. Do you want to restore friendship." Something like that :)

7 years ago

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There's already enough drama and people annoying other people for various reasons, even taking their aggression (or however to call it?) out of SG into Steam Chat etc.
Opening the keg of "you were blacklisted by X" could take it to another level.
Doing it anonymously already happens - you can check your stats every day and see if you received new BL.

Member 4342 added you to his blacklist do you want to add him back

Well, with new system this thing is done automatically :)

"member 234 has removed you from his blacklist. Do you want to restore friendship"

This could be somewhat useful, especially for "revenge BL" that some people do.

7 years ago

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Yea I know, but reading some comments (not just in this post), some people don't want to add anyone in there BL. That's why its "do you want to add him back" and it's connect with removing from BL. What is missing is time (hour,days,months) spent in there BL.
I know i would remove people who add and remove me within a month, but i wouldn't remove some kid who added me because some steam group and now he emptying it. I really don't need those kinds of people.

7 years ago

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Why empty it?

7 years ago

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They won't be able to enter my GAs anyway. I couldn't care less.

7 years ago

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oh you only BL people who have BL you?

7 years ago

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I only bl'd people for 2 reasons: the reason you said above and when support fails to address a situation. Like when I feel that people are rude, leak GAs, abuse power, etc, but support can't or won't do anything I give them some bl time. Mostly from a week to a month or two, depending on what I think is fair. I don't bl for life. I don't believe in punishment for eternity, just some poetic justice. xD Some of them had "served" their time or were close to it anyway, so I ended it faster.
But anyway, since I only had a few people and most of them bl'd me, I don't need to leave them there, since they won't be able to join my GAs after this update anyway.

7 years ago*

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You're assuming the people you have blacklisted have blacklisted you back. Which is not always the case :)

7 years ago

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If you'll see his answer, he mostly keep people blacklisted for as long as they blacklist him.

7 years ago

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I see it, thanks PsyKo. :)

7 years ago

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I also keep people there for a week up to a month, as punishment for things like being rude and stuff like that, especially when support fails to address the situation. Poetic justice, I'd say. xD
edit: I just noticed that you're using a punisher avatar, while I'm talking about making justice with my own hands. lol. xD

7 years ago*

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I know, which is why I used "mostly" :D
And then, maybe it's just me, but isn't word "keep" suggest something more... longer/permanent?

7 years ago

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Well, I'm not good with semantics and english is not my first language, so you might be right, idk. In my mind, at least, when I say keep, it's for a period of time. I don't believe in punishment for eternity. As long as a person has "served" the bl time I consider fair, they're rehabilitated in my eyes.

7 years ago

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Well, I'm not good with semantics and english is not my first language

No worries, me neither (for both).
Doesn't really matter, just have more fun. And good day/night.

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7 years ago

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You too! ;)

7 years ago

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I know. Only 90% were for the two-way reason. See the comment above.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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So what happens if I remove someone from my blacklist, am I also removed from theirs?

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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You're removed from their implicit two-way blacklist, but if you're on their regular blacklist there won't be any change.

7 years ago

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Awesome feature! A lot of blacklists are going to be emptying out today I bet XD. Nice to see a very well-requested feature added. Shows you all definitely listen.

Not mine though. The 47 that are on mine have earned their spots until I get a "block" button that more adequately suits where I want to put them. None of them give anything special away and neither do I, so it's a win-win.

7 years ago

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Mine was emptied out entirely, as was LastM's. We just need someone to make a topic and a poll asking people if they plan on clearing their blacklist due to this new change.

7 years ago

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Yeah I saw. Multiple reasons for blacklist though. You have persons like me that use it as a "block" function even though it isn't one. And you have those that just blacklist those that blacklist them. The latter are very likely to empty their lists now. But then you also have those ones that blacklist because of ratios. I wonder what they'll do now.

7 years ago

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I used to blacklist due to ratios. The people I blacklisted had poor ratios with their last giveaway being over 2 years ago.

I'm honestly not sure what I'll do now.

7 years ago

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Me either :-( I also blacklist trolls and people that can't be bothered to say thank you when they win from me. I really wouldn't want to enter any GA's made by these people - so guess I will do nothing :-)

7 years ago

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"people that can't be bothered to say thank you when they win from me."

I hope I don't win from you then =P. I'm very bad at that. I don't even say "You're welcome" when someone wins one of mine and says "Thanks" most of the time. You may want to preemptively blacklist me XD

7 years ago

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Not until you win and fail to say thanks :-p Seriously, I am great believer in the thought that manners are what separates us from total barbarism. And it's what mother's do - teach their children. Dunno - just my personal thing.

7 years ago

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What would change? If they're not making GAs anyway, you're not missing anything. I intend to keep such accounts blacklisted.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Mine started out when I made a tech thread way back a few years ago a bunch of persons started attacking me for having AMD parts instead of Nvidia/Intel. And it evolved over time to fill with trolls, persons that verbally attacked others on the forums over petty disagreements, and those that prove incapable of making a single post without insulting someone. Just toxic folks in general are what fill mine. So I can't really afford to empty mine. I'm only on 46 blacklists so there's at least one person who hasn't counter blacklisted me. =P

7 years ago

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Most of the folks on mine are high level users that only give to their small groups while still entering public give aways.

They won't be coming off, since they have essentially blacklisted everyone but their tiny groups but in a different manner.

I see that as full hypocrisy... "I'll only give to these 54 members, but I'll take from everyone"

7 years ago

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Well, primary stated reason is "to be more fair". Filters on public CV/region locks will follow shortly, I expect nothing less... /s

7 years ago

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Interesting perspective. In that case you also don't lose because you can't enter their giveaways anyway. I personally wouldn't blacklist them, but I see why you did. And I sort of agree with it.

7 years ago

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If you could send me a pastebin with their names that'd be great. I hate hypocrites.

7 years ago

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You could all those level 7–10s who have 70%+ region-locked giveaways and 80%+ ROW wins as well with this logic. =)

7 years ago

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No, sometimes Region Locks can't be helped. RU + CIS Keys in particular.
Plus with the recent Steam Gifting changes we're going to see a lot more Region Locked giveaways.

7 years ago

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I agree with what Koitenshin is saying here, I never hold region locks specifically against someone. It isn't their fault for the most part, and I'm never sure if some even have access to RoW keys from bundles.

Choosing to only give to that 54 member group but figuring you should be able to enter everything is assholery. (if that's a word :P )

7 years ago

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Ok I'll probably send it in some format that is less than useful but let me make sure everyone's still being bad/obnoxious

FYI there are a few others on there too not JUST those types, there are also some terrible ratio folks and a couple other things, like one that was caught uploading gog games to torrent that is a frequent forum user and maybe a few folks that won something from me and never even said thanks.

7 years ago

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See, that's just deplorable. I realize GOG has no DRM but if people want more games that have no DRM, don't pirate them.

7 years ago

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Thank you. :D

7 years ago

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when are we gonna be able to see people who blacklisted u so u can blacklist them back <3

7 years ago

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Why would you need that anymore?

7 years ago

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just for fun

7 years ago

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Never. Drama's too big on SG to give such a cheap way to incite it more.

7 years ago

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finally ...
i remember that cakeday giveaway i made where a 3rd of the winners had me blacklisted >.>

May be time to finally go and fix my own blacklist tho...

7 years ago

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With an update like this perhaps there needs to be an easier way to clear your blacklist, or run a poll asking users if the BL database needs to be wiped after a change this massive.

7 years ago

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Why would the BL database need to be wiped after this minor change? Everyone in my blacklist is there for a reason, and none of them were there because of revenge blacklisting.

7 years ago

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Awesome change, now I can empty my blacklist completely :)

7 years ago

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Nice idea !!
Thank you for the recent work

7 years ago

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