If enough people decided to "abuse" it, it doesn't matter how short it was. But to answer your question, yes and no. It was UK only, but a few users mentioned that they did in fact manage to buy it from another country just by googling a proper UK address + zip code.
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Because the amount of users on this, at that specific time (in the UK or knew how to change it through Amazon) willing to buy multiple copies of it AND not sell instead to make a profit, has to be pretty small.
I was there almost the second it got posted here, I managed to get one but it had already been patched when I tried to get the second. If you look through the comments you can see the same with others. Idk, I just think bundling an AAA game for such a thing isn't worth it, plus it lost me some cv. ; -;
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Just check archive to see this. There were few GAs for JC3, but people started to spam them ~ 2 weeks ago when game got priceglitch.
Plus if someone pays full price for the game they don't care about CV - they either have enought money to buy AAA games for $60 in public GAs or they give them to their friends via SG. People who cares about their CV most of the time buy games at -85% discounts and then complains that they lost CV due adding something on bundlelist.
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"people could save them and use later for events or just to farm cv without raising suspicion."
While this is true, often times what I notice is people who abuse CV usually aren't very smart about it. lol
They don't know how SG works and post the games asap thinking if they post them quickly, then no one will notice.
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Or sell their copies for $30 USD and buy 20 indiegala bundles on happy hour drop 240 gifts and get 5x the CV you can with an unbundled JC3.
Who's exploiting who?
It's all dumb. If JC3 was bundled junk they wouldn't get 10k entries in their GAs and GameGuru packs would get more than 30 entries.
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And now say goodbye to any giveaways with these games. -_-
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if only i knew about this i wouldve bought those games :(
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well... bye bye just cause 3 and dirt rally too :}
we will surely gonna miss you as much as wolfenstein and alien isolation.
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If you give away games you gain Contributor Value commonly refered to as CV which gives you entry to more exclusive giveaways. If a game is not listed on the Bundle list (= has never appeared in a regular bundle or been discounted over ~ 95%) it will give you the full Steam Store price in CV. Games on the Bundle list only give 15 % of their store price as CV.
So if a AAA game gets added to the list there are fewer GAs for that game because it's less efficient to gain Levels.
If you want to know more about Contributor Levels you can check out this thread and the Bundle list.
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What annoys me is that over time, these games will inevitably drop in price to below the ~95% threshold but will remain on the bundle list.
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About time they did something about it, the amount of JC3 giveaways was too damn high
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Too bad, at least there was a chance to win those game. Honestly I prefer to have more giveaways for these games rather than worry about CV.
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(F1 racing game was also bundled.)
Well shit, this sucks.
I honestly barely ever saw them being given away too during the glitch. I don't think anyone actually was even able to take advantage of this CV wise?
Now means going to be even less JC3 giveaways. Oh well, guess gotta just hope for the JC3 GOTY edition or whatever. lol
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Yup, this is bad, worse than few users getting extra levels.
Even if they are giving hot AAA from a glitch, it's still incredibly generous.
Direct2Drive had -$30 coupon (was supposed to be 30%) on monday, so in theory we could add everything less then $32 to bundle list just in case :P
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Well, users, we learned valuable lesson: never give away good games bought for full price or with very low discount as it can be bundled any time. SG actually behaving like some kind of common government now: created for people by people some time ago, but now telling people what to do and how to live against their will. Thank to "wonderful" bundling system users now got no chance to win these games and lots more, like Elite: Dangerous, as no one will give games bought for a lot of money to get only 15% of recognition for it.
tl;dr: "Good job", SG, thank for "caring" about actual users.
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While I can understand the frustration, SG tells people nothing of that sort. People are free to give bundle games, system does not prevent that. Anyone can buy Just Cause 3 and gift it. You get less value for it, true, but if maximizing CV is the primary motivator, there are better options for it.
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Yeah, yeah, of course no one prevents you from gifting bundled games. But will anyone? Very unlikely, and everyone knows that, there are almost no AAA bundled games giveaways on SG after they were bundled. CV system exists, so people in fact care about it and it is normal. Maximizing CV could be not primary motivator, but people still want to see it growth as higher level is the way to even more giveaways with even more chances to win, so it is normal to want it. Let's face the truth - almost no one wants to buy massively wishlisted AAA game for 60$, knowing that you'll get only 9$ of "recognition" for it, that's another fact.
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Majority of the giveaways in the site seem to include bundled games. So I consider quite many are willing to give bundled items. I agree that bundling a high cost game is likely to reduce the number of its giveaways, though.
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Don't pick my words out of the context: we're talking about AAA games, bundled without proper reason (small regional price bug). In this case number of this game's giveaways drops even lower then it was before bundling (and before bundling it was low).
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I already stated that I agree with you regarding AAAs. But you are incorrect that people won't give them. Most of the high cost games are given either in private or group giveaways anyway. Bundling them likely drops the count even there but the generous people give what they give without regard for CV. I have seen this enough many times to vouch for it. We could argue whether the reason for bundling is just or not but it does not really matter. Neither of us will change it.
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Most of the high cost games are given either in private or group giveaways anyway.
Well, you may be right here, I'm not able to check as most giveaway groups require ROW gifts, and I'm stuck to RU/CIS lock, so that may be the reason why our points of view are different. And yes, giveaways won't disappear completely (also I've never seen Elite: Dangerous GAs), but they amount will drop to really low.
Anyway, thanks for conversation :)
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Great so no JC3 giveaways I can leech when I come back in June... ;__;
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Why, how? :(Comment has been collapsed.