I know, but I can't do anything original. :P
As for well done... fan fiction.
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As long as it has a linear arc of over 500 words (i.e. you can go in a straight, coherent line of connections without looping or having to restart), and you can prove it is your original content, that would work; I would prefer the text, just to have a word count, but if it meets the criteria, I'll allow it.
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Well I can write, but I need a specific topic...so if there isn't a set one, please assign me something :)
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The last days alive for a person stuck in a wrecked space ship. :P
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I can do that...I'll see if anyone else(specifically Zed) has any suggestions before I start.
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Thanks a lot for an interesting contest! :-) (sent/shared something I'd just finished)
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I won't enter the contest, i dont think i have the enought english level, i will enter the giveaways thoght, thanks!
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Mhhhh i'll see what i can do, mainly for the heck of it.
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Well, an early entry I guess: clicky
If someone can help me make a clicky, that'd be great.
Also, I'd be busy soon, so I don't know if I would be able to accept the prize if I'm lucky enough (I won't be). If I can't be contacted, then just give it to the next guy. He's bound to be awesome.
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That's actually really good. You've got some great ideas here. Only big problem I see is that you could use some editing. Such a gamer's short story, makes me wanna think twice about slaughtering the nameless enemy hordes that populate every fighting-oriented game.
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If you write good stuff, regardless of grammar, I'll like it. Honestly, as long as it's not physically painful, I don't mind too much. A few misused words or clauses aren't that bad; I probably have fairly atrocious grammar at times myself.
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you should tell people if they get to keep the rights to their own work. As a writer and a person with many people with friends who write: technically you are paying people for their work. Please, for others, say that all rights will remain with the author and that you will, in no way, use the submissions to profit and/or reproduce for your or any other person's gain but the author.
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At least 500 words per entry to qualify. No length limit, but the distinction between short and long for this contest is 3000 words.
Question: what do the short/long categories... mean? You don't mention anything else about them. Are they judged separately? Do two prizes go to short and two to long?
I have a short story I'll submit to this, it was mostly done already but I'm going to polish it up a bit. Just curious on what you meant with the short/long distinction before I do. Thanks for the interesting giveaway-thing!
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I mentioned it briefly; the limit is one entry, but you can submit one work of each category for two chances. Some people write much better above or below certain lengths, so I wanted to encourage people to have the opportunity to write whichever feels comfortable to them. I suppose, to be fair, I should reward long works more, but I'll think about it. No one will get less than I promised above, but depending on finances I might do a bonus prize for a longer work. Over 3000 words is a lot of work, but some people need that much length to tell a good story, and if it's good, it's worth telling.
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I loved the idea for this contest. I enjoy writing and always look for more opportunities to do so. What I wrote here turned into more of an emotional story than a thriller. I can do both, and more, but my mood today was more emotional. Hope you enjoy. Wrote it all today. I wanted to add more content and improve, but left it how it is. If anyone has any other writing opportunities please let me know.
Also, I added pictures to the writing. It brings a special feeling to the writing.(I've never really done that before, but why not?) They are just google images for private use, I don't take responsibility for them.
If you have any feedback, please let me know below! I appreciate it.
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I should've have just sent you an excerpt/chapter from a book I've been working on. That is about 20x better than this work and a lot more fighting etc.
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ok, I might send in something pertaining to discursive writing
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Would a horror story be eligible? I wrote a graphic retelling of goldilocks and the 3 bears but have a supernatural bits towards it. I use like 3 beds and the bears but its quite the chilling story.
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I just sent you the document on your email address
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I could do that, unfortunately for you, I'm too lazy.
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I'm sponsoring a writing contest for the Steam Gifts community. I will be the judge (so expect my biases), and the contest will close Friday, January 31st. The rules for the contest are:
At least 500 words per entry to qualify. No length limit, but the distinction between short and long for this contest is 3000 words.
One entry per person. You may submit one shorter work and one longer work if you want twice the chances to win, but unless it's good, don't expect anything.
There will be four prizes. The first prize is 10 Zedbucks, where I will buy you up to ten USD in one transaction from any gaming webstore that accepts Paypal and send you the steam codes/gifts. Please allow time for delivery, and you can hold on to this for up to a month (EDIT: March 5th, sorry about my slowness in processing the results) in case something you want goes on sale. Please remember that I live in the US, so region locks may complicate things, and that I will only buy you digital games, no hard copies and nothing but games (and maybe ebooks, if you beg hard enough.)
Second, third, and fourth place get 5 Zedbucks, which translates to one BTA bundle, or $5 in a single transaction; see above.
Everyone, whether or not you enter the contest, can enter the giveaways below.
I will be looking for good grammar and spelling, and also that you don't just copy paste someone else's work. In addition, try not to just summarize or copy someone else's story. While your work can be referential, parody, etc., I value some degree of original work and thought.
The restrictions: English language. I don't have high enough reading comprehension in any other language to weigh those entries properly, and Google Translate would not be your friend in the grammar category. No erotica; adult elements are fine, but if your work is just smut, I'm not interested. Preferably no fan-fiction, though if it's done well, I guess I'll consider it. You may use works that you've written before, but remember to format them properly. For the sake of keeping the thread clean, I will not judge submissions that are simply posted in as text to the thread.
How to submit: Make a clickable link to a Google Document, which is viewable with the link, or share the document with me using the address "squirezed@gmail.com". You can do this whenever you want, but remember that I will be judging the works based on how they are over the weekend after January 31st.
Have fun, and get writing.
Edit: This is not to get rights to your works. There are no contracts, you keep your work, I'm just interested in seeing it. I don't want to publish it (though I will contact the winners about links here if they do not post public links) or make money from it, and all rights will remain with the author. Thanks to schalart, for pointing this out. That said, your submissions should still be your original works which you own distribution rights for. Legalese is hard, so unless you are the original author of an otherwise unpublished work, please do not submit the work.
Edit 2: I've narrowed the entries down to four. Look for a Steam friend request so I can ask you about permissions to share your stories. If not, that's fine, but I'd like to contact you to confirm.
Edit 3: Now announcing the winners! I've selected one first place winner, and then three secondary winners, because all of the submissions were excellent and I have no clue how to compare them fairly.
First Place: chuckie001, with N O T R U S T
Other Winners (in alphabetical order)
dymoblade, with The Hero's Slaughter
linminhtoo, with an essay titled The Internet
sujansh, with Room 334
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